Tuesday, February 14, 2017

411TV Ep. 99: Kanye, Ciara, Solange, Teacher Bae in the Club, Mary J Bli...

Full of Medea halloween tops the movie box office this week so large is offered a seat at the table on Saturday Night Live ownership changes are coming to time warner again ty dolla sign always a lot of money to Uncle Sam Kanye West threatens a Grammy boycott welcome to what's the 411 your smarts for urban lifestyle and entertainment news I'm Tracy Sabol mclean and i'm Jasmine Lee yeah so this week's book takes off all about the money and the domestic weekend movie box office numbers are in and tyler perry's book a madea halloween kicked but Perry's film levels a knockout punch that Tom Cruise action flick jack reacher never go back it took number one boo with an estimated twenty seven point six million dollars and its first three days versus Jack reaches estimated twenty three million in case you're wondering who was actually not the highest-grossing opening weekend film for Tyler Perry to others it better 2009 Madea Goes to Jail with 41 million dollars and 2006 is madea's family reunion and remember that was the movie with 30 million and running out the top-5 our newcomer we job origin of evil with 14 million the accountant with 14 million everyone talking about that the accountant no I don't know about it yeah I you should see Birth of a Nation First Lord and the tree with a 2.3 million it Kevin Hart what now dropped to number eight with 4.1 million dollars ok so all about the Monday Mamas money so it's about to be somebody else money going on because AT&T is going to acquire time locate not to more time work right so just think about this so this deal is going to be structured really I guess complex right now so they get him our bank loans from all these different places bank of america is going to give them are 40 billion dollars are JPMorgan Chase is given 25 billion dollar and then some you know private investors I'm gonna give another 40 billion dollars to get this done but i'm thinking this has to be so they can come for netflix right you yeah join those two companies because that's the no one's really watching TV like that right children because I totally get it.
Go ahead do you think I don't think we'll do a bad for us because my prices Michael stuff not gonna let you know what I don't think so because Netflix all those companies were at the table first.
So what's gonna happen they it can't be a situation where you know the last person to the tables look like I'm put all that well the last person to the table is gonna like jump the prices because you already been getting netflix for this seven ninety-nine a month or whatever it is I don't think so you can so it's just like think about how how we had come home phones everyone had a home phone and then you just did not need them anymore and so what they what do they do this all bundled together will give you three packages NY right so what happens is this the consumer and it's not like Netflix just got here they've been doing it for a long time so like my page american dollar like mega mega mega company but they have to but they have to merge the first part because you have to think about it like this all those employees they have overhead out the old wazoo so what's going to happen either they merge or die right man it doesn't take on it makes sense so according to CMG ty dolla sign a spawn behind his taxes and has been missing out from 2011 2013 and 2014 modeling in 180 thousand dollars well holla Jones is Alan dollar that's your honey it's all about too smart ok so bright apologize my father chicago-area up-and-coming hip-hop artist posted a message to download his mixtape on Wendy's I'm outdoor billboard mhm and Wendy's like Oh little entrepreneur look at yours if you buy them a great win this thing I really something more don't want your enormous ship really lowered they go find a boy my car's what about you now right so you can.
Shut up son that's right ok on rumors are swirling that Sierra and russell williams are expecting a baby all baby folks are common technical solution based on the loose fitting clothing thats Sarah was wearing while in New York City and from the post a single place on Instagram so did you see the latest photos of Jackson yes we know she's bringing oh yeah that's a black girlfriend pounded on it I mean she doesn't snap back like Kim Kardashian lift but you're in charge and always says that she gets big sheets things yeah that's what she does she was she wasn't 50 before.
Come on Janet we wouldn't let you snap or we got like just get the surgery exactly she can do that's not back with the surgery snap that's what know when we come back we're going to be bringing you what's poppin so keep a lot i knew dad teaches all kinds of stuff we use this one he alternates my decision-making ever and he's even teaching me how to drive my car bumpers you don't have to be perfect to be a perfect parent thousands of kids in foster care able to keep just as you are welcome back to what's the 411 now have you heard about mary j blige and can do Isaac's in their pending divorce.
Yes ma'am you are right go Kendu Isaac's has been asking for a hundred and twenty-nine thousand dollars a month it's found support from mary j blige and so the whole of the internet came for his edges.
Really yes because many women are saying he needs to man up and move on I mean all right okay I'm against it because you think it was maybe maybe we can talk about this is what they said they said this is the reason why women marry should marry down and why successful women need to wash your money closely marry in their tax bracket what do you ladies think I already know where you're going with this only good take it away.
They're not in wait where are they the ones they're in our tax bracket mass exodus like the bottle somebody black and don't date black women is so ridiculous right right so there's that so then in our tax brackets like where are they.
What you told me this today audience to check for you are you single how's mama and Mary Jane flashes tax raise your hand you're paying taxes right.
The black it are you single like listen no I think that it's ridiculous ok yes he was her manager but a hundred and twenty thousand miles he's asking for five thousand dollars a month for his kids his child support for this but you did that find out of Arizona she did that it's table together when she pay now and five thousand dollars a month however and remember to it was she he was her manager so that might have been money that she's given to him as management managing her but now it's over you don't get on the ground for never find out just let me just tell me one thing and that's disgusting one thing five thousand dollars a month did you get the same message to give to his be no no listen no listen it's a HotList you're going to find the list on our website just just just give me one second you think about this think about this right if it was a woman and she soon my man for whatever because what is what he's used to his American women for 12 years and he's grown accustomed to something he needs to man up and everyone involved everyone managed before Mary Mary get a job managing somebody else the but it'sit's thinking ahead but that's exactly the point he doesn't deserve this money at all it was a woman's sure we say the same thing you do not you're not entitled to getting over I'm accustomed to this lifestyle so give me 5,000 miles away from my kids think five thousand dollars to pay for my parents.
Wait a minute they went around dollars for my dad sorry no but it wasn't signed in front of a lawyer no no don't know if they were outside in front his she was represented he didn't have a lawyer on the other side that's what it was but but is that not that binding then it is he's going to say he wasn't a savvy consumer.
And what's gonna happen is they're gonna have to meet with me negotiate that and nine times out of ten he's gonna get the stuff he has together because let me tell you that Kansas just because he's a male it's not about being a male is about fairness i'm not paying $5,000 with divorce i'm paying five thousand dollars a month in your child support where is the adults we gonna okay forget about the economy of the area so I mean you're always like you're not a divorce right and if my ex-husband get married to someone.
Guess what that's their income now their household income is X I could just take the court for child support and yes the girl that marries him will have to pay that's you when you're married that's a contract you guys are wander it's but it's over now that's my point it's also where like that works is once again so check the difference then we'll take it again.
Fine yes as long as they are together that's fine but they're getting a divorce he's not going to be eligible to get money from her forever and ever yeah alimony yes what yes what unless he gets married that's the have you been married before that swelling home oh gosh pinned down in this field taking care of his first wife that's what their goals i hope that prenup not like that up.
Come on Joe no I don't got it was actually like this buffoonery come or just got well are on the topic of divorces in Hollywood right now Hollywood longest divorce between khloe kardashian and lamar odom is almost over and all they had to do is let the lawyer sign off on the paper so what do you guys think about this I heard you got kicked up the arm the court because he said that Khloe Kardashian's smell something like-like-like back here the bag of your earring backs up there we go i was looking at our pic them because it was just acting crazy maybe you're awesome stuff it was acting crazy in the plan for my mom for Lamar doesn't surprise me if you still want some stuff yeah exactly so I don't I mean this doesn't surprise me.
It is over finally over but give me that black men Kanye West second says that if Frank Ocean doesn't get a Grammy nomination this year that he's born boycott the grammys but that makes no sense because but because I'm Frank Ocean didn't put in his filings in time so he's not eligible that was on him Kanye will take anything so that he could have some more life-like just like he's not a jay-z have that Toby what ya know but you know apparently their daughters have never had a play date before I mean some guys from down south honey but I'm something about Beyonce and that team no surprise to come on come on oh this is bullshit Northwest daddy oh my daddy is a direction eat your food is one of me happy i don't really know why he ya like it has nothing to do really anything if you boycott boycott like nobody's going to stop the grammys Connie's not the true sorry Kanye thanks to me and didn't give me an example let's go ahead and press event bringing me into thinking him on solano if you got present then Timmy and even in mean not the hip is almost 20 worked in November my friend and I motivational part of the week comes from denis hurley and Denise says people with good intentions make promises people with good character keep them put your motivational quote by what's the 411 TV facebook page and it just might get selected to be aired on TV the average text takes your eyes off the road for nearly five seconds and highway speeds.
That's enough time to travel the length of a football field stop the texts stop the wrecks welcome back to what's the 411 now we are bringing you the 411 social just tell us what's going on it we have two events in the social media worldly we can Kardashian just celebrated her birthday and Kanye West uploaded the super sentimental video on twitter it was so cute where it was like five minutes long and it was a montage of Kim growing up from when she was a little girl into this you owe me a non-romantic and still love that little girl for him so sweet and while we're on the topic of birthdays speaking about that Kanye West ex girlfriend Amber Rose actually shares the same birthday as libre i get it i just 33.
We also want to give a huge congratulations and sat out to Sierra she just became robots new global ambassador wow so she can't see you anymore about because just because Malaysia said that she was going to the future because he was a cost her money nobody was looking her something else to go i gotta see how do you think yeah and there's also been rumors going on that Sierra might be pregnant with husband yells and we're talking about then leave em so she better get going with those photo shoots but we also need a shave but we also want to give a shout-out to single mama go go for commenting on Sierra's birthday post on Instagram yes thank you and congratulations to teacher bay remember we spoke about her yeah hey extensively and we're talking about whether or not it was appropriate whether she should have Lauren what she wore to work.
Oh well TJ has a new job and it's club hosting she even posted a flyer on her Instagram oh yeah you know after like you were teaching all like I feel like I know I'm proud that she's using her popularity to make much money though no no no honey i don't know i don't know how i feel about that I'm like no I like her being a teacher be a teacher bay like now you just in the club like that's not I feel like this is step down nothing wrong with the club hosted people but a lot better shoes make more money house and clothes she probably does your coins girl get your own I think he does deserve what we don't want no she can't be teaching anymore she club holds teacher bay because she's a bit shaken up teach because we will get out of three o'clock.
First tell that it's led they offered a somewhat and whatever you frequent clubs on that overtime right shoot forget your coins out we also we wanted to give a shout-out to quan underscore Henry for commenting on the teacher big poles so you guys know keep those comments coming out what's the 411 see on twitter facebook and instagram and maybe you might get shouted out on a show traditional light bulbs actually generate nine times more heat than light switch to energy saving bulbs saving energy saves you money welcome back to look for and what I know you guys are fans of the show so you are very familiar with our Beauty correspondent corner Sean given us lots of advice this past Monday yes now she has a new book giving face let me tell them all about it thank you guys so I know this is like no ordinary book like what is this book going to give people that you can't get anywhere else.
Well basically my book is a Connecticut beauty etiquette manual and it teaches you all about instruction application and techniques how to apply your makeup for the best possible occasion like in your life so every occasion that you could think of it will be something in there to tell you this is how your makeup should look like wedding makeup wedding makeup job interview job interview leading a guy's parents even when it's time to get busy you should love ya ya the version with a vixen and that's in the chapter that seduced him the clock strikes 12 is all about transitioning your makeup from day to evening and different makeup looks so there's a little bit of everything in there for everyone so how was the process of you writing this book was it laborious like now what was what did you know you like it.
Blood sweat and tears from then and finish ok right there well basically I just thought about all the things that we women want to know what we experience you know when you're going to a job interview you know how your makeup should love when you're going out on a first date to be too heavy should be you know less should it be you know when you're meeting a guy's parents or you know your partner's parents will never you know how your makeup should look to be overdone should not be overdone you know even going to a wedding in with brides you know so like I said there's you know makeup applications and makeup looks for every occasion that you can imagine in your life so you know not even with the wakeup makeup so we can make up a tight shot maybe we got we got makeup makeup makeup makeup is my signature my signature makeup application and technique that i do and basically gives you like a flush face i just woke up and Rosie kind of love do you put it on like right before he wakes up you can come with you was sleep but the flag exactly but I do get a lot of compliments and when I have makeup on because people always do your skin look flawless and you don't look like you're wearing anything and that's all about the wakeup makeup text what text me technique is just a glowing do we natural you know just got off the beach but not really like i just woke up fresh-faced look really cool and you can wear that during the day even if you run into the store like you said you know it slide out the sheets and slide back in you know what i look like it was no God neither have the night before I don't know I like taking care of your skin and stuff too because I think a lot of people like like that yeah yeah there's also in there this is also chapter in there about skincare and how to care for your skin important things like not sleeping in your makeup and you know not you know leaving lashes on for too long and things of that nature so you know you have to be careful with makeup because you know brushes and makeup artists bacteria and it can clog your skin and even with the brushes you know they tend to collect bacteria and they can also you know cause breakouts something I didn't talk about switching out the brushes and how long you should keep them because i know people you say though that mask our way I'm like that absolutely not you're a dog before there was any makeup you should you know between a six to eight months will say I was a six to 12 months you should discard it if you haven't used it.
Mascara you know i would definitely change my mascara every three months really because only because the one for you all.
Harbor harbor bacteria and that's ok you know if you if you wash your brushes regularly and let them air-dry well with your mascara brush you should wipe it off to get rid of the excess but mascara it'll start to get clumpy and i'll start to smell and it's really good to discard it.
You know after after three of three to five months i would say I smell mine you can smell it right yeah you like it and I could have.
That separation date on it when it starts to smell it's time to go even with the brushes you know brushes tend to get you know ready and you know raggedy and they become to get course and you know they lose their you know texture and they don't you know they won't make it will be applied properly if your brushes aren't you know up to par so right you have to get rid of those too but even with disabled hairbrushes you can wash some of those and you know so those have a little bit more longevity as opposed to the synthetic brushes right yeah so what you have in your book for men well I have a title called him and it's all about men's grooming which is interesting and something in there for there for the ladies also and for the men as well.
Pin is just basically about men and how they should care for themselves men's grooming meals beers meeting here 1,000,000 manski man you guys a beer care you know getting the wax out of the ears and you don't have anything a brow less actual signature look I'm you don't fucking nose hairs things like that it's also some things in there that many of us about women you know things that they find attractive and things that we find attractive things that we like to see a man you know in or get what they want give us why don't you out we I think all women universally universally loved a man who has a manicure have a manicure because his hands on you even holding your hand over hand around your neighborhood know what I like had a cure anybody coach exactly beach been exactly a bad your mama's boy that's the truth you know what you know he's meeting someone at night.
In there you know rough you know calluses not a job it's not right do you have Jack's bracket we just had this okay I'm just saying there's also you guys are funny there's also things in a book that I that my own personal opinion for recommendation we recommend you know product i recommend oh and also I'm things that are tacky no i didn't have the whole thing I'd ever you have to read some chapters i'm at the end of each chapter i do have some things that are that would be considered tacky for any attackers really happy.
Give us one tech want a good thing okay all the time.
One technique and I seals and well eyelashes eyelashes hotel and / or and way too long and it's time for them to go and they start clumping up on your eyes and you can see the glue separate from your land yeah it's just a mask so that's definitely something that's tacky another thing that would be tacky would be if you are with your partner and you know unless you're married and be cool like that but when you're when you're you know going out with someone or you know couple dates or whatever and you have a sleepover.
You know to take off your ad on your ponytail your wig by the bedside or going right I'll take it off but you know don't put it somewhere in your bathroom storage just don't leave about a bedside don't leave it by the bits don't take your wig off and now you take your wig off and we're going to catch you do know one thing you can curl you date wall is true I I have you know I have brothers and I talked to a lot of guys have a lot of male friends and these are some of the pet peeves that they have they don't care you know long as it looks good fine but they just don't want to see you wake up and you're like right now based is within aren't saying anything you know your ponytail on the floor I mean I don't feel guilty of it so you don't get out much faster in the morning i'm just kidding but now it's seriously I'm you know just certain things you know tampons you know things of that nature you know tuck it away leave you know your personal women hygiene when I was in wet with fresh my mother w that is how you sound oh my what that something is I've known guys complain about these issues with women and their things that we don't like that that I think you know that I feel little tacky you know so that men do so certain things that we want to see if i give us a man likes dirty sweaty socks and they smell or you know original tighty-whities that aren't so white the wind coming up with dots on it was always you never could have thailand everyone hanging down in five thank you it was bad we we just went to bed as a did they went to left but little in the lottery but it's humorous it's funny and it's for everybody and everything or banned for women and it's definitely for makeup artist and is also you know I had a lot of fun writing it and you know it you'll find humorous look at them so it's like I'm talking to it is as if I'm having a conversation with my girlfriends on my guy friend so that's how actually talk to you in the book my giving face.
Yeah it's looking for every occasion is available on amazon.com so get your copy today a new dad teaches all kinds of stuff we use this one he alternates my teaching you how to drive and that's why cause of bumpers you don't have to be perfect to be a perfect parent thousands of kids in foster care able to keep just as you are welcome back to what's the 411 now we're bringing you events that are in the pipeline Jeff so watches officially reached pop star status the singer tweeted that she's gonna be performing two songs from her album a seat at the table on Saturday Night Live November fit 900k and seven months after princess untimely death fans will be treated with two retrospective albums featuring classic material from the late purple one.
According to okayplayer a greatest hits collection titled Prince forever will be released in November 22nd fire Warner Brothers and npg records the lp will contain 40 songs 14 goodness from Prince's x.
Fans of discography between 1977 and 1996 the collection also includes a 12-page booklet containing unreleased photographs we had those patara fer sure babe.
Ritz it's really good so uh sure common the roots Jill Scott they'll be able to vote.
Busta Rhymes janelle monae key sheer and I De La Soul yolanda adams and michelle williams who all gathered together at the White House for the b.e.t cause special errand november in November additionally samuel l jackson Jesse Williams angela bassett all be special get make special guest appearances during that event which will be hosted by Regine whole life so I know that they have a real big party at the white house last week yeah let's go home by random parent when I what they were there it was not turn up if I guess gonna be another turn back around I guess the Obamas like yeah but you know name like yeah just a conventional that cutting oh well hot lovely live there i miss you too mr. president oh yeah miss him so much you know somebody miss show because that will do this is episode but what's the 411 your smarts for urban lifestyle and entertainment name until next week don't miss to much because we will be back next week.
Check out our West website www 1.com remember to hit us up on Facebook Instagram lab periscope and subscribe to our YouTube channel.
What's the 411 TV please check us out and we just mentioned you on the show i'm candi cox and on behalf of money coming clean hey Jack Blake thank you for watching what's the 411 we'll see you next week for a hundred show where it got me back 1111 1111 1111.


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