Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Casey Anthony Interview with Detectives after Arrest

But let me get my mother and then we'll get your phone.
We will follow your journey here with water pressure apologize for what happened on the highway or not but I almost feel like I should in a sense but I don't think yeah i know for a fact that he didn't know so I don't think that it was intentional on anybody's part of it so i know that didn't look good.
Understand why don't think I got to it that I'm gonna get can throw around especially with a federal agent we're driving like that in my car if you're going through the airport's restricted airspace so you can take the helicopters and we often the cars are following us from my attorneys office or media because there's meat in the following and another man with a sword here we go for happens every day I'd like to make yourself to you know what I'll say that to your mom said to knit i set it to your brother.
Agreed upon was the back fit you extend it you know your hand to help most people have it so I was afraid that some of what i said and probably offended then because i told them that i find something that you don't want to hear i'm gonna take respect that's just people are on the same line and I know they are when I handle certain things to do here is it doesn't mean i'm gonna say exactly when you have different beliefs and somebody is hard sometimes to hear their opinion is true that doesn't mean that they don't respect your container of the fact that forward with what you think or what you feel so well to some extent it's comforting to hear you say that because it was never my intention to piss anybody in your family on and i'm not going to get a conviction I did nothing out of it gets 0 exactly you want a job you're trying to do around a few found a few that sucks both ways and angry so it is what it is where I get sideways sideways with people tends to be willing to try to get fault.
Most people see that they don't like attorneys very much.
Many family members attorneys i have no problem with the trains but I had problems with our at some point we have to set aside the rules we have to find kids and you know what Soviet that's why i told you the car you know if you tell me anything now.
Hot get up and say yeah I heard it already involved in we can't use any of it that's just the way it is all that matters to me and you know it did the another case that i was involved they lost a confession and i said i looked at the guys we worked with a decision that's not support carriage we found her found and he's going to get what is coming in that's not my job you know and and it works out in the end it works out in the end on all sides to be honest with you it may not be comfortable for everybody and I've done things that it all you got for not going to be helpful in today that just the way life is but it's not the end already and that's what we have to keep in mind something in the road.
Just a random question are there cameras and all just freaking clue never been part of the building so i know i guess would be yes we're gonna drink so no good.
Thank you very much i know our issues yeah that's what i was thinking to my mom wasn't aware that there is a camera and then I guess when she met with knowledge and forget who else in the interviews over.
Release the media and choose created you think that's something that you know you should told but you'll have to be right the law is the law yeah and I will play within the rules of all if it's a tool that's available to me that i can use later to look back on it see if I missed something or should I have done something better take advantage of it yeah exactly i would assume that this place probably has one somewhere something audio so either back there yet probably someone happy when they see my interviews with those have been relationship but they were just part of the discovery.
Yeah it'll all come out you know I guess it i have loyalty to one person every one of these cases and doesn't happen to be anybody I'm interview initially but it's not that that's not a slight on them with computer in many different positions what you're comfortable with those things always get the way you have under 800 and such are the rules that we work.
Here's my question I know this is a question with a lot of people ask the grand jury and all that sweet secret but it was released to the media right off the bat might not have even been subpoenaed and that was released so I just think a lot of it's kind of funny and the fact that they invited the media and when they were releasing the decision my mom and received a text message from social media saying they're like all suddenly make the decision we're thinking very serious there are rules.
I quite sure that one of the rules those follow was that when the decision to indict has been made that part of his public.
Yeah they can't let the night into the courtroom at that point I bet this is just my bad i don't know what the floor rules are more medical stuff familiar with that but what I bet is that it was done under shield and there were no names and no official charges probably read aloud probably just was there in the diversity case and that's it well then he was out there all day and they knew about this a week ago that was going to happen so kind of funny because these great and everything the capitalist happens or what takes place within the room is secret yeah but as far as what it actually can be.
You know pull together the witnesses like that not also supposed to be easy it depends on how their subpoena me if you're submitting your order that's dr. his attorney so I'm not quite sure came through yeah everybody the subpoena itself is just a regular fellow Ranger alright that's public record and doesn't say what it's for it doesn't say what case it's going to just use yours to appear before the grand jury announcing that you know there's going to be a grand jury obviously my name is thrown out they knew who the grand jury for who threw your name all the media so that it was from the inside source here so that's where the all season I can tell you nice things for me what I think of people who i think it's garbage yeah i was it funny that doesn't make it any less necessary without then I'll be quite honest about the media we don't find a quarter of the kids that we think it helps the exposure has helped bring in so many tips of my daughter but at the same time when really what it creates as it creates a monster than otherwise necessary the tips are with the tips are if it was a local media only it would be much easier to work when you make it the national media then you come.
Nancy crazy where you get that tips also come from Hawaii this is really ok let me call her eyes and let me stand imagine that are a little bit that was a reason why is because the local institutions.
Let's continue to the state of Florida when people are only getting their information from the Nancy Grace's or from globe magazine people or you know stuff like that.
Are you kidding me well I could say you will not see some kind of like people are global trade with my friend as a long line then that adrenaline done i say i don't even work here you know I'm just gonna let that later why did you not go very bad right really call me on my cell phone ok this is that fullback just walking and obviously thanks for entertaining is your blood actually think that I would have done for you you know buyers phone number of topics and knowing i'm happy to sell number is number i know his office or what is that for 775 266 did you see the water.
Yeah you you want to go speak with him and give me a beautiful you want that loco to miss but you do that now once again.
Where is that we get that this is a wrapping up here he doesn't have identified myself you know what your interests.
Um and you have to sign this you want your attorney present yes through that conversation we've agreed yes because express that to me again so I for understanding before getting on the phone we discussed before but we probably sitting down together tonight speaking with law enforcement or listening to all the questions that you have and I discussing and then we go and that there's been no success with that so far and everybody so we're going we're going to open that window right now okay and hopefully we can make something happen because ultimately think we have the same interest finding your daughter 266.
Hey it's kasey kahne give me a favor and calls a or give me his cell phone number so I can call me I was a great those a 17-year career hey it's casey i'm with horrible world Edwards I never sorry I'm I'm not the Sheriff's Department if you like to come down and meet with us thank you yes.
Okay great thing.
Hello get the information for cashiers yeah but Johnny 15.
Yeah we own miserable mirandize her eyes were supported 4.2 and she stated that you've done a great job that she didn't vote and but she also said that she heard that her desperation is the same as ours you guys wanted the opportunity to speak with law enforcement face-to-face and let's if you guys are interested in doing that let's get that done with the finger-pointing ok alright sir your game up good-looking your managers working across Korea is a sandwich.
Let me get here come here to drink if it's okay with you I'm gonna take your bio is on the way.
Right i can't think yeah they all face ba.
To answer your question from that picture cut my hair was really short even start growing back out this year so yes that was mr. eyes he's at the office so we have a bit of time ok that's fine we can we went through the formalities of this make sure everything's about boredom like I said before that's what you're going to get here okay we just would request the same back and understand what your support.
Yes okay master operator compete for the job right now.
How's my dad this morning time to solve with me and got a chance to you're talking my mom I spoke to my site this morning for just a quick second for luck so this morning with Mark and really strong.
Our time is being called into to essentially provide testimony to indict you released was really struggling with that.
Yeah and that is with you actually get one last night I know he was subpoenaed and under the law you have to answer whatever questions were asked him I told him to do what to do at that point if you didn't you'd be home to contempt of court wanna see that happen so what are you saying you just have obtained you love me and you know he was struggling with the loss knife so I think probably Marshall this morning yeah I can see that with a little bit that I saw from the media from the pictures and a little bit of footage they have so much on to think we watched online a little bit.
I try to stay away from the TV as much as possible these with the internet i can scroll through read what I want then just get rid of it faster so anxious about today i have been mean this is something honestly we've been preparing for from the beginning just because of words that were directly spoken from your knowledge and also from sergeant Alan they were saying that this is what they were planning on doing from the beginning from that first day so they wrote me off in the first couple hours so that's true that was the direct words that they pretty much give to myself and even get that my parents so I'm not trying to say something derogatory towards someone but you're just talking and.
So that was the only time you ever made any effort to try to talk to me one and it's kind of difficult that was kind of difficult considering mr. obviously in light of everything that's going on and he's been arrested for the things makes it more difficult the sadhana talk to you that we haven't wanted to question i do have counsel and then something that you know my attorneys always been a phone call away and it shouldn't have taken it getting to this point you know three months n just as your attorney ever told you that you would like to speak to you and we agree and I together that we would all sit down together him and I you guys and you know we are selling whatever questions you happen to be made clear that we wanted to talk to you.
Obviously we can't come to you and ask you and understandably now I got to your word that if you want to talk to anybody all you gotta do is simply asked yeah well i know it goes both ways on that and I guess it would have needed to come from me i should have 12 guys come forward with it but we did over the door to law enforcement before one sergeant Alan is making a big deal single we want to talk to her when can you talk to him he's saying all the doors of it ever told us floors open maybe not to you directly but I know to sort out i was sitting there even one of the times he spoke with them so I've heard the words come out of his mouth even myself directly to other people that maybe didn't even really the message or to get a different way so i don't know i think the lack of communication is put people in opposite corners when everybody has the same goal is to find Haley do you think about.
Resolve a little different matter the result of a little differently absolutely in a lot of different aspects and that's a conversation go not only for me but for my family so I mean we all still feel is mom I know my god there's feeling as a parent know certain things about your child you can feel a connection and I still have that feeling that presence I know that she's alive whether you have a bucketload of evidence downstairs contradicts that says otherwise were all you have is speculation over or nothing at all I mean whatever it is there's still a chance with all these tips have come through i know that business know that a lot of a discredited but them and everything we had more than speculation is every tip and that's everybody follow automatically yeah that we have more speculation have a lot across with me to this point.
All i said the same thing to them but you have a set of organic hallway and i'm thinking more in the hallway stores which door are we going to go through or I guess this is in for this point and we are at this point where the final step is which stores water issues refer to the hallway hallway we're talking to understand that question i guess you can specify that at this point for what your perspectives on that you certainly can grab it yeah let's run off not going to scratch and say something smart now asking that here they were actually trying to you tonight you want to find it no don't have to draw or just sure they're properly.
She probably has one but i'm not going to be with my mom probably so i'm pretty sure you're not going to be your mom leave here I'm going to want to miss meet you there.
Misleading me at all times be off the road on the way out here that makes your car trip I told my mom to go home and have to come here.
She wanted this gene you're gonna hear eventually I was the one eventually just from his own perception to turn the flashers on I that I applaud you didn't they only want to know how to put her flashers up it was crazy right of the center part of that vehicle takedowns that was similar to one ridiculous.
Well figured I'd help her out a little bit and help whoever was behind her sleep with it is that and we're going to be a few minutes mr. by and get their water anything good facilities.
Ok thanks yeah.
He's gonna ask you a question don't say anything else on the answer okay Casey based on our conversation today and I ready that form basically just same thing I said to mr. Byers over the phone.
It's been numerous requests your request your opportunity to request for opportunity to speak with us come to resolution here that's why we brought you here so the jail correct yes ok now based on your close to calling and bring him here he's here so we're going to try to do is give you a few minutes somewhere that's not recorded no secret that told you this renders ordered I be able to approach my change play wine but first I needed you tell him in your own words if you will that you like to take the opportunity with us like you make that request the patch so it's something you want to tell him I told him the same thing we talked about before that we would entertain any questions that they have we would listen and discuss it we had something to respond respond.
Do you want to speak to me in private so we can clarify this is ok let me give a really good job being a person had been sitting for an hour.
Thank you.
We had a discussion going to suggest that with her she know ok i'll just go ahead and say for the record that she's invoking your right to counsel and at this time which is to request to go to the jail and the process and we agreed upon that for 22 in the afternoon already yes that's why we call it I don't have a problem that you have super will be really going to take you remember your you wait for me here.
Yeah boy.
Actually this.


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