Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Anarchy Moment 0115 – Raped By Jerry Sandusky, Feminists and The State.

It is I'd the great one himself sick libertarian society see why in ally be as a C dot com.
On the interweb Cian IBS I see s I can't spell.
Hi good morning.
A cuppa coffee in my hand but its not working.
Great yet had a very productive day yesterday got a lot done as a.
Really fuckin like and even though it's.
Ten o'clock still tired normally have been up for hours but I went to bed at one in the morning or some shit.
Magaalada step dancers story worth.
You .co.in.
Libe ESO si on the Twitterverse also if you wanna follow me on the two rivers.
Email address got docs go backwards got see why in hell I bsa C dot com.
Fearsome CLS ology following up on Jerry Sandusky.
In the previous ideas previous addition.
The stating the obvious yeah it is 21.
If you're listen to podcast right now the one right before this.
Stating the obvious they talk about the book.
Game over Bice Jerry Sandusky is written.
Who is copyrighted back in 2012 in it happened before his trial says I said it millions obviously we didn't know the outcome of the trial.
So i sat down I did some quote-unquote research otherwise known as typing something into Google and believing the first thing that comes back.
And here's what I got about Jerry from Google so it must be true.
It has to be true it's on the internet it's on Google before we talk about Jerry is why I don't go on the internet because I stumble across thanks I'm reading this story here.
At CBS News.
Yeah about Jerry.
Poor jerry is not going to get his four thousand nine hundred dollar-a-month pension back that's terrible and when we say Jerry of course Jerry will see now I'm getting ahead of myself fuck it see Jerry does it need the pension because Jerry a convicted pedophile a convicted child molester a man who sucked the decks 10-year-old boys.
In his basement Jerry does it need.
Dollar-a-month pension because you see shari is in the SCI green.
Supermax prison where all up his living expenses are being paid for.
By EU the taxpayer.
For the rest of his life he's was sentenced.
To sixty years minimum 30 before parole.
Which means he'll be what eighty ninety-something before he's even actor.
Be Eve ever in year even eligible for parole so likely he will just die in prison so i saw this on my what the hell is a Supermax.
Prison apparently a supermax prison.
Is a stand-alone unit to a private facility designed for violent were disrupted inmates its long-term once transferred to a supermax prison people tend to stay there for years are definitely.
Powerful administration Supermax administrators and guards have ample authority to punish and manage inmates with out outside review.
Or prisoner grievance systems solitary confinement.
Supermax prisons rely heavily on ends intensive and Hong term which is used to isolate and punish prisoners else well as protected them from themselves.
And each other how the government is there to protect you from.
You are.
Or cell communication with outsiders is minimal.
No activities few opportunities are provided for recreation education substance abuse programs or other activities generally considered healthy and rehabilitative at other prisons.
So Jerry a man who.
Gives blowjob 13-year-old boys has been put into this supermax prison where he's in solitary confinement and has no activities.
And where the guards and the administrators.
Are sexually free to do anything they want to him.
And you're paying for all this can let me emphasize play said in the previous edition of stating the obvious.
Who in an in america capitalist society.
Everyone would be a pedofile now that that's what you status say right because remember if we do if we didn't have the government everybody run down the street they.
Rate people and kill people and burn down houses and suck two dicks a 10-year-old boy sites everyone would do that there be just no control wrong in a narco Kappa society Jerry Sandusky would be dead because the first time somebody caught him fucking 18 year old boy.
In the shower they would have pulled out their cell phone shot 10-15 seconds video footage of Jerry fucking the little boy so they had evidence.
And then they were pulled out their gun because in an Arco Kappa society.
Everybody would carry a side arm you would be normally would be like.
Fucking wearing shoes when you got dressed you would put on your fucking side arm and then they'd pull out their site arm and they would shoot Jerry in jerry would be dead and there would be no need for supermax prisons that are funded by the state.
And I mean loss at the supermax prison so the guards in the administrators can just do whatever they want.
To the prisoners with no outside review what kinda fucking scumbag human beings.
Do you think that kind of job a tracks I guarantee you that people who work at the supermax are absolute fucking.
Scum I guarantee you these people are.
Filth up to fucking shit %uh the earth these people I promise you.
Are the scum that you scrape of up to bottom side whale shit who.
What kind of person once that job.
And what sort of society pays them to do that 0 society just like the one we're in right now.
Soap or jerry is it going to be yet his four thousand nine hundred dollar-a-month salary not that he needs it.
Because ho love his needs for the rest of his life.
Are going to be paid for by the taxpayers.
Jerry is now a word at the state he can live out the rest of his life.
Without a concern for paying income taxes.
Or obeying laws and regulations or where his money's going to come from because.
He will now be completely provided for.
By the taxpayers Conolly as to do.
Is sickness or sell all by himself and think about his fund memories of sucking teen year old cock.
Boy Pats justice in that justice I bet all those kids.
Well they're Muslim or adults now I but at all those men who are abused by Jerry Sandusky I bet they feel so complete now I bet.
Everything is he'll think that they're OK.
They're fine with it a dick and is now go on with their lives it's no big deal justice has been served.
Everything has been fixed all these people who were all these men who were sexually abused by juries instead ski are now helping to pay the taxes.
That keep him alive I it's so wonderful.
To see in a criminal justice system in its.
Glory its wonder you.
Apparently the.
State Employees Retirement System issued a 122 page opinion on their decision to deny Jerry his pension.
22 pages.
To explain why you're not going to give a child molester his pension what can possibly be in 100 22.
Pages it you can sum up why he should not get his pension in one sentence he socked the Cox a 10-year-old boy weighs in his basement.
Period done.
100 20.
To you page opinion explaining why they're not going to give a pedophile child molester four thousand nine hundred dollars a month there.
You see the intelligence and morality.
Penn State now of course as I said Jerry doesn't need this money but you know who does his money his retirement money his wife who is conveniently named.
Dodi is it that so cute names dodi.
Islet cells so fifties his wife Dottie would be in line to continue collecting 50 percent his pension benefits upon his death quote.
All I can say at this point is we're looking forward to litigating.
The reefer cation up this pension in court that's the next step in the process.
We've exhausted our.
Administrative remedies and now will be filing papers within the next 30 days.
In court unquote said somebody named Benjamin who is only send his keys attorney Chuck Benjamin getting so chuck Benjamin this fucking scumbag.
Who is representing a man who sacked that dick.
10-year-old boys in his basement this fucking scumbag.
Lawyer piece of shit who should be exterminated.
Who should be done who were what Hitler did to the Jews is what should be done to lawyers who represent pedophiles he should be exterminate did this fucking scumbag piece of shit who should be exterminated.
Is now going to go to court in order to get.
These retirement benefits for dodi the woman.
Who had no knowledge absolutely no idea.
Then fuckin now she had no clue that her husband was.
In the basement with 10-year-old boys.
Sucking their dicks.
She had no knowledge at this she did not have a clue.
Not one fuckin clue and god damn it.
We're gonna go to the court system we're going to spend taxpayer money.
We're gonna suck up resources we're going to get that motherfucking pension for this woman who had no idea that her husband.
Was in the basement with 10 year old ways making them suck his dick she had no idea.
Completely fucking clueless what her husband was doing in the basement for.
Years years and years that she never wants fuckin went down there.
Had no idea but I got I'm a mother fuckin scumbag lawyer and I am gonna make sure this sick fucking woman who should be exterminated just like Jerry Sandusky should be their DNA needs to be removed from the fucking gene pool the at children their children should be hunted down and killed also.
To get all this fucking DNA out up the mother fuckin jean-paul the hearing examiner Michael bangs you.
Michael bangs.
Had said that the retirement system it.
Improperly applied the forfeiture law to send is key for his crimes he committed as retiree.
What what kind of college would continue to pay money to somebody who sucks the decks a 10-year-old boys in their basement what does this say about Penn State.
Witnesses say about.
The state again Penn State say fucking.
Government school it's a fucking Pennsylvania State School these are.
Easy government employees this is get do you people who look to the government to tell you right from wrong.
Good from bad moral from immoral you people should also be I mean seriously if you needed external force.
And this is a thing that ultimately unites.
The left wing atheist state the IST and the right between Christians.
Right all the view in the in and need in external force to tell you right from wrong for the State vs.
It's the state its ok Obama Obama tells you right from wrong for the Christians it's got theirs is invisible man he lives in the sky.
And he tells us what's right what's wrong if you seriously can't figure out.
Sucking dicks have 10-year-old boys is wrong without God were Obama telling you that then.
G use word I'm using a lot today you should be.
Exterminated there should be concentration camps and you should be put into them and then you should be killed and in your body should be thrown into a mass grave it's not that except of course the problem is that.
Putting people in concentration camps and exterminating them is wrong.
It's the I can figure this out you can't Hitler bill concentration camps.
And thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of people.
Work at those camps and supported those camps and ran those camps had no clue what they were doing was wrong because well the government said its okay here in the United States.
Concentration camps but japanese people in them thousands and thousands and thousands of people.
Worked at those camps and supported those camps in Randers camps in.
Collected Japanese people a player in those camps they had what they were doing was wrong ball because.
The government said its okay you the fuck is wrong with you people 0 way your stupid at your picture fucking status I know what's wrong with you it was rhetorical question don't answer SanDisk E.
08 hang on said diseases that the banner Penn State Employees do not work for the state government but our.
Eligible to participate in the state pension system.
Interesting so he's in actually not was not a state employee but he gets to participate in the state AKA taxpayer funded and supported pension system well that's another giant letter for shit that we did ramp for a while.
Alright since this key collected 148 thousand-dollar lump-sum payment at the time he retired and a total have 900.
Thousand dollars in pension payments by September 2012 that's one million dollars folks his.
One fucking million.
Dollars after he's not working and his wife once more money what did they do with all this money.
I mean he jury did not have an expensive habit right his hobbies were not expensive basically he sucked the decks have 10-year-old boys mean there's lots of 10-year-old boys at Dick's it doesn't cost a lot of money but.
You don't really have to take a 10-year-old boy on an expensive date.
Fucking dollars and is fucking nasty.
Filthy disgusting cunt who didn't know her husband was fucking 10-year-old boys in the basement.
Wants more money 0 NE outrage about their fuck now now and Mitt Romney said that he didn't give a shit about poor people because poor people were going to vote for him which was 100 percent accurate and true I.
Have no love for Mitt Romney but everybody once in awhile says something that's correct right when he said poor people don't gonna vote for me so fuck 'em.
He was right just let me i mean people who are hard-core status are going to listen to you stating the obvious in anarchy moment.
And cult personality therefore I don't care my podcast were to fuck them.
Romney was right poor people negative over him.
Fuck the poor people that purpose here is to win an election.
Who is right about one thing in his entire fucking.
Campaign that I vaguely remember not that I paid attention to it but he was right about one thing ok.
%uh fuck alright repeat that into the ground.
As I was reading that ice on Lake to a nother article here on the CBS News.
Dot com this is fucking hilarious FDA warns against keepsake.
Culture cells will come back to Jerry Sandusky in a minute so apparently.
Women are going in and getting ultrasounds just for the fucking fun at it.
Hey croat.
I know that they are exciting but I don't think women should abuse the medical technology for their.
Entertainment purposes unquote board-certified.
OBGYN doctor rebecca ball right man said how can these women afford.
To go get alter sounds just for the fun of it.
Me if women are so oppressed and Hill down and they don't make as much money as min make another how can we afford financially to go get ultrasounds.
Just for the fun of it that's right.
Obamacare Healthcare's free now its teeth this Logis crack me the fuck.
Up man yell and review know the into the medical industry is there for the amusement of women titty enhancement plastic surgery.
Bo tox all that shit is there exactly four.
The fucking emotional fucking satisfaction.
Up women.
Moving on Jerry Sandusky what else is i cant find it here okay Jerry Sandusky's X lawyer charged with stealing five hundred thirty-five thousand dollars.
Hey so a lawyer.
Who would represent a man who is pretty clearly a pedofile stole money are you surprised hey are you.
Surprised state agency to decide how to divvy up.
Sixty million dollar fine from Cindy's key case.
So again send is key he went to trial he's guilty.
Somebody was fined £60 million dollars and now the criminal justice system.
Is going to do its thing there's a sixty million dollar fine.
And now somebody has to figure out how to divvy that money up is any them money going to go to the man that cent do skew raped lmao of course not the people send DSQ.
Raped are going to pay taxes to keep him alive in prison the people he raped are going to pay taxes to support the court system.
Where some scumbag lawyer is trying to get some filthy cunt woman named dodi.
Money from the university so that she has lotsa money in her old age say she can sit around and forget all the times that she ignored her husband in the basement raping 10-year-old boys that's what his victims are going to do his victims are going to continue to be his victims because.
Unlike in an Arco Kappa society his victims.
Which is all get together and they would beat him and kill him and they shoot him in the head and then you hang in the public square with little sign around his neck that says pedofile and anybody else in Penn State who is thinking about fucking 10-year-old boys who look at that go.
From maybe I should go home and just jack off by myself and not talked in eighteen year old boys they've course we live in a culture filled with single mothers who.
Don't have father figures for their children and so their children.
Are vulnerable to pedophilia and we end up with this.
Thank You feminism for giving us cherry said is key because remember.
Jerry Sandusky could not have done what he did.
Without the assistance that feminism if all these kids had nuclear families are I know it's so evil it's a sexist it so oppressive it's the gender binary.
Its gender roles its oppression of women you know these women who are getting culture sounds just for the fucking fun of it because they have so much fucking money well actually other people are paying for the options because yes the nuclear family just oppresses women so much.
And me with whitewater butter a few kids getting raped right compared to be free to move women to be single mothers to get welfare to get week to get Alan.
Money to get child support payments to you raise their children to be fucked up mean women need that freedom otherwise they're being oppressed.
And anyone who thinks that children not being raped by football coaches.
Is more important and strong independent women.
Being single mothers well you're fucked up in the head if you actually think.
Children are more important than women Kate there something fucking wrong with you women are princesses and they need to be worshipped like the goddesses they are there's a settlement sixty million dollars apparently there certainly a tremendous need says Linda.
Must resist must resist a ser like it is sixty million dollars the jews come out of the woodwork.
All fuckin back you.
Lol rosenberg sixty million dollars should make.
Alana I.
A if there was a hell I'm gonna go there.
I think this is the thing people will be outraged I just made a Jew joke.
Jerry Sandusky sucking the dick suckin year old kids.
Totally okay right not a fuckin problem.
Let's make sure his wife gets her pension gets his pension right you're totally fuckin okay with that but I'm a good Jew joke.
In you shit your pants there's certainly a tremendous needs and Linda Rosenberg.
Executive director of the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency.
Quote in the area of child sexual abuse.
I don't know if there's ever enough money to help support need unquote K you cannot Sol child sexual abuse with you stall child sexual abuse by giving children stable households.
By giving them a mother and a father who.
Provide for them and take interest in them and teach them and learn them and talk to them I mean get how to most most these women mercies mothers had no idea other kids were being fucked by a football coach how do you not know that a football coach.
Is fucking your 10-year-old child how do you not.
Know that that's it the answer's simple:.
Yourself involved stupid single mother cunt the way use all of the sexual abuse of children is by giving them mothers and fathers.
It's not that fucking hard and sixty million dollars isn't gonna do anything to fix this January 16.
Deal ended litigation to fish penn State is split up the money with twelve million dollars being retained by the University so the unit for II diana's I don't understand this and naked do any research figure doc say shit to do today which summer which involves a girl holy shit it's 1030 and but it's a is it so the university is keeping took the University.
Let jerry Cindy ski fuck teen year old boys.
And so the university's getting twelve million dollars for that are you fucking understand this with.
12 million being retained by the university and $48 million going to rosenberg's agency the University.
Let's Jerry Sandusky fucked in your old boys.
On University grounds and they get twelve million dollars for doing that.
Completely fucking baffled by I am absolutely fucking baffled but.
Again totally okay with you right I make a Jew joke in your fuckin panties are in a wide but Penn State University getting twelve million dollars for letting a football coach fuck little boys in the shower you're completely cool with that aren't you because your a fuckin status I hate you.
Should be exterminated you fuckin felt the endowment acted dictated 5 purposes for the so we can use money these are the five things we're going to accomplish with the money number one preventing child sexual abuse or helping its victims.
K you can't prevent sexual abuse have anyone children or adults with money.
Their jewish is no way to do that like right now.
Let's say right now I'm sitting here make reading this and someplace else there's a man sucking to take a 10-year-old boy I could pull out some money but that money is not going to stop that man from sucking the deck.
So as I get more minus the had a one million dollars.
In cash right here how does that previous this man from sucking that boy's dick.
It does it okay you cannot prevent.
Child sexual abuse with money now sry hoping its victims what about Jerry Sandusky's victims are they getting any money are they getting any and not that money would solve their emotional traumas were the stigma upon them or anything like that I mean there's no way.
There's no way in if that can be fixed by any external source its unfixable even pretend it's fixable.
Just shows your a fuckin moron but are the people.
The men whose dicks Jerry Sandusky sucked are they getting any of this money.
Of %uh no fuck them they were just tools the only reason the state even gave a shit about them.
Is because them testifying against Sandusky them coming forward.
Was away for rosenberg to get her forty eight million dollars that's all that did that she basically just fucking yet Jerry Sandusky raped at the kids once then the state in this rosenberg bitch rate those children again.
When they were adults second thing we're going to do this money is supporting.
Investigative teams.
Who you mean like the ones it took two years to figure out Jerry Sandusky was.
Shower even though there were multiple witnesses.
Third thing we're going to do with this money is we're going to.
Aid victim services group that worked with children.
People who liberal arts degrees you can't get real jobs who thrives on child molestation who would not have jobs if there were not single mothers raising fucked up children who are vulnerable to predators those fucking pieces of shit with their liberal arts degrees are going to get paid more money to listen.
LeDoux nothing again you see here as I said before people who go into these welfare and that fuckin.
You know whatever their to help people recover from the ditches these people are just parasites and these people want we've talked about this so many times before these people want children to be raped they want children to be abused they want children to be addicted to drugs they want women to be raped.
They want women to be battered because only do those things happening.
Do these people have jobs if there are no children being sexually abused.
And your job is to work with children who have been sexually abused.
You don't have a job anymore you're out of work so obviously you want children to be abused these people are sick fuckers they're right up there with the pedophiles and the lawyers who represent pedophiles.
And the lawyers to try to get dodi her fuckin money and just like those people.
They should also be exterminated concentration camp.
Gas them mass grave done before thing we're gonna do with well rosenberg is going to do with her forty eight million dollars which is of course ultimately.
Coming from the taxpayers rightly concerned is.
Government and it comes to the students tuitions and of course student tuitions come from government loans primarily in summer students are paying their own way.
But then again the students also taxpayers right all this money dollars forty eight thousand dollars.
All comes to the taxpayers none of this is coming from Jerry Sandusky.
Jerry Sandusky's one who suck two dicks what why does he even have.
Why is dodi trying to yet his retirement money.
All the financial resources Jerry had.
Should be going to the children Jerry fucked.
They ship taking everything he owned sold it ship they can always liquid assets all this shit.
And it should have been divvied up between the children well the adults now whose Dixie sucked.
But instead rosenberg in PSU get giant lump sums of money and that's justice.
You people are fucking sick the fourth thing we're rosenberg is gonna do it is forty million dollars is training.
On how to report were treat child abuse victims.
Because we need to train could you after 12 years public education in four years college nobody knows how to report child abuse it's such a complicated thing.
To be in their guy like the yeah what's up a boss.
So I was in the shower and I saw Jerry and he was stuck in a 10-year-old boy.
Thats so difficult unique to know how to do that is not just anybody can report child abuse.
Its so complex in the fifth thing rosenbergs gonna do it is $48 million dollar she's getting from the taxpayers.
Because football coach stuck to the deck a 10-year-old boys in his basement while his wife pretended she didn't know what was going on is it's going to be used for.
Operating child advocacy centers in other words providing jobs for people with liberal arts degrees.
Who can't get a job producing anything.
Real actual value.
Do you see.
How all this just feeds back in that state when I did my podcast stating the obvious series about the state wants women to be raped.
Do you see how Jerry Sandusky sucking these boys cocks is completely feeding into you this state is just creating more state -ism it's creating more government employees it's creating more government jobs is creating more government agencies.
It's keeping these things alive this is why.
Your the state loves crime the state last.
Rape this state loves child the state loves that shit because all that this beats back into the state.
It gives the state more and more power.
Penn State recently announced its $12 million portion at the fine money.
Will be set up will set up an endowment fund.
At its network on child protection and well-being I'll.
Again what what the fuck does that accomplish.
For the people cherry scented you notice how the victims Jerry Sandusky are just completely fuckin ignored all this is about how can we get into you this state.
Jeanine all a Human Development and Family Studies professor somebody who can't get a job in the real world.
Who directs the network expects the money to generate $400 to $500 thousand dollars a year to fund research into detecting and preventing child abuse we're gonna do.
Research about how to detect and prevent child.
Child abuse well.
When you walk into a shower and use your football coach fucking 18 year old boy.
What kind of research do you in how the again take these the researchers who can't get jobs how do you prevent child abuse oh my god sexism.
Oppression gender binary you prevent child abuse.
With nuclear families you by having the child have a mother and a father.
Who care about the child there's research needed you prevent child abuse.
By instead have protecting pedophiles and giving them large lump sums of money.
And putting them in prison to live out their life paid for by the taxpayers.
You protect children by taking pedophiles.
Out into the public square in hanging them you protect profiles.
By not allowing the.
Administrators and college to hide behind the law and say things like well we did what was legally required for us to do you protect pedophiles by not having an organization in which to janitors.
Who witness Jerry Sandusky fucking a 10-year-old boy in the shower.
Don't say anything about it because they're afraid of losing their jobs you protect children by not having a public school in which a bucking football coach can come to the school and take a child out of the classroom and of the school grounds.
With out the school saying no to him.
And without the school informing the child's parent you don't need to do.
Nobody needs to do research on this shit.
You people just have to get Obama's cock.
Out of your mouth and you have to wake the fuck up.
But no you're just so fuckin obsessed with sucking the dick Obama.
And kiss in at the GLBT KKK and smashing the gender binary in whining about how oppressed women are.
And trying to get more fuckin laws and more fucking government I'm member boys and girls every time a pedofile fucks a little boy or a little girl.


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