Sunday, February 12, 2017

[NEW] ThFiv :"SNL" Returns Tomorro-Trump To Deliver Remarks SooAt Campai...

Any Sanders in the primaries were waiting for that will take some of that the Republican nominee has been working the counter attacks from all fronts this week is a lot of powerful enemies looking to take him down the Clintons the mainstream media even the UN that body's official news service actually put out a tweet calling on millions of Americans abroad not to vote for Trump it was deleted about 20 minutes later and some sort of his excuse was being made.
Meanwhile another big newspapers decided to go after Trump this time USA Today taking a side in a presidential race for the first time in its 34 year history calling Trump unfit for the presidency he of course won't be taking that to heart.
He never trusted the media anyway well as the media design is how dishonest of these people just unbelievable.
Not all not all but a big big fat percentage remember how Trump took flak from the media for this week this week for saying he was given a defective microphone at the debate bogus what four days later the Dybbuk big Commission just today admitted it was actually true saying there were issues regarding Donald Trump's audio that affect the sound level in the debate hall so lot to unpack kg ok.
Composed we had what are you laughing together remember i talked about it you're just supposed not today you're not.
Anyway so we have USA today we have the debate we have the tweets what you want to start with any of them whatever you like.
Alright let's start with USA USA saying in the first time the 34 year history they were going to recommend not voting for somebody.
Okay well I mean look that's what this country is founded on First Amendment principles people being able to give their voice their opinion to say they want to support a candidate to say they would not like to support a candidate I'm you know so you can see this happen but then of course you see with Trump is going to hit them back and say haha and now you're going to lose subscribers so this is the way the cycle works and it's a free market and people can choose to buy to subscribe or not based on their ideology or political persuasion and maybe sometimes those things past because you may actually miss the paper that one can't stand that with you for a little.
Bit i noticed that the us's get publishing right yes sir same with the Arizona Republic the one they also said that they won't be they recommend Hillary think they went so far as to say they recommend Hillary for the first time the or Democrat any link their publishing parent company says we're against it no no I think they are they all have independent editorial board i think the key here is you have people increasingly saying you know what Trump has a chance to win and we think he's a danger to the country and so I think people are speaking from principal and you see it now across political lines people who are conservatives as well as people who are liberals saying this and the news this week has been the number of conservative editorial boards who are willing to stand up and say you know what we know that there are folks who are big Trump fans who may cancel on us or whatever but we are not going to stand by this moment in history and allow the country to fall into the hands of a demagogue now what's interesting to me is truck this morning goes on a Twitter storm and he's back into the fat fight right with the with the miss universe but I think in a way again this is Crump media strategy you know he just says you know what let's focus on this as opposed to all the scandals with his foundation that he didn't have a permit to raise money with with Cuba where he's doing business where it's illegal and nobody pays any attention will get all that stuff in the next 58 minutes on staying with the media saying with the newspapers you see Chicago Tribune fact Gary Johnson shit yeah there's every day after.
Oh that man will forget what if i came one world is like throwing away your endorsement it would be one thing sort of like USA today which is never endorsed this is unusual for them it might be if you're going to endorse Johnson you might as well just maybe just say we're not gonna have anyone to recommend especially after that but the thing for a trunk that might work in his favor in this regard so you mentioned as a the media is unpopular the UN is feckless and ridiculous in his mind right and then the Clintons are not liked so he's not trying to persuade any of those people anyway he's actually trying to beat them and one of the things you saw in Michigan a couple of hours ago where Trump is to be speaking we're gonna take it to live if you when it comes up but people stood in line for hours in the pouring rain in order to see him so he's actually I don't I wouldn't worry too much about all these things like the UN's never going to be for a Republican president they're always going to be for the Clintons the media as largely probably on the editorial page is not going to be for him so he's actually for the most part doing a lot better than you would have if you were just a regular Joe Republican idea also because remember talking about that he's the outsider candidate so that he did not getting those indoors i didn't buy those big paper see but then it is significant that.
Yeah there's history being made by some of these papers like Arizona Republic and then USA Today making that decision right Greg data points at the UN tweeted don't like eight million i think million people abroad that it would have affected if they listen to the UN but the instant they also still points out most Republicans don't really listen to answer that you like I haven't talked I'm yes that's right yeah we just mentioned that they said they were hat yeah alright but i think he should put that I think this would be a perfect fact for a trump add I mean when the UN comes out against you they don't do the same for genocide of maniacs and misogynistic homophobic jihadist so you should consider it a feather in your cap with you and it's like it's like the UN insulting you is like David do calling you a bigot.
It's actually works in your favor by the way I got us this complaining about the media he got Donald Trump got two billion dollars of free media in this election he bragged about having never did to get TV ads because he had us he had cable news cable news took care of it and the media loves in the media wants him to be President because it's good for their ratings may not be great for the country but boy you can make a lot of money off this unpredictability lastly the microphone thing is a bunch of baloney because he even said the first 30 minutes of the debate with the best 30 minutes and i agreed he was a beauty with he was excellent when there's a malfunction maybe the malfunction should have been the entire debate them at the mic was bad you could've won the debate know that I died was in that debate all and it was but he said it perfectly at home right now no question it went out equally is it the same volume to the TV public but in there I.
Was it wasn't what we can do you want you and that could not listen could be a bit throw you off your game a little bit but that was the best party that was when he was on his game it was really only about five or seven mins i think they can was great during with all right let's do this is why i mentioned Trump fired off a lot of tweets this morning regarding his feud with Miss Universe she's got a lot of pushback this afternoon he put out another tweet to hit back he says quote for those few people knocking me for tweeting at three o'clock in the morning at least you know i'll be there awake to answer the call and that's a clever response referring to clinton's mystery a.m. call from a gauzy so one.
Well i-i-i don't know what to say I mean it's like wow you think that the guy made a mistake by getting into this i think we've all said and I think even you that he fell into a trap that she set him up Hillary Clinton when she had miss universe in the audience and celeste the whole settlement well I don't think Lester Holt had an exam study what i said okay i know i thought okay but I mean we agree something that looks like Hilary Clinton really like put a trap there and said go ahead step right in the hole Donald Trump and he stepped in a hole then afterwards even if people were debating how he done during the debate he he went off on this with about women who are really a difficult group for him as voters anyway and now he continues I minutes to me i don't understand but it seems like he can't control and too doesn't he sleep Eric three o'clock don't hate on people that down the least I like an something that had something to do with anyone ever tweeted anything that they were happy about a three o'clock in the morning after midnight it's like the Chris Rock line about everything if you're going to the ATM at 1am it's for bad thing just no good no good tweet at first but this goes back to the fact we mention all of his enemies the media the UN USA Today and all this his biggest enemy is himself if he just gets out of the way of himself you know Hilary set this thing up they have the ads ready to have the conference called a new through the psych ops that they had done that this is what this is what was going to set them off and it did and it's like I said before he has a weight problem he just can't wait it out if he just ignored this stuff it would have been great but he can.
It's just twitter is a safety zone and you and if you really like Trump you should enable him to do is its biggest supporters should be telling him lay off when they had for quite a while I don't know maybe last night he snuck into wherever they were hiding like a backup phone background can put the phones and laptops in a box and login like that John Podesta the Clinton campaign chairman he said I'm often up that time either the same age that I'm often up that time at night but as well for other reasons don't pick up the phone you have to go mkg maybe they ordered one of those are Hillary Clinton special blackberries he got one off ebay he's hiding it.
Alright um maybe very very good perhaps all right let's do this let's see if Trump is he still has an approach the podium if he does really bring this really still there is very be well look at that is really really not some imaginary things will do this and will hopefully we get back mr. Trump will be at the podium will take a listen next Hillary Clinton's actively trying to connect with millennial voters will it work and later its Facebook friday post your questions for us now on facebook / 25 fnc boot be right back the nation's largest generation nearly 90 million are now voting age but will they turn out on election day and for whom there is concern particularly by Democrats about the Millennial vote third-party candidates Johnson Stein are losing ground with the youth as the election nears you'll learn on the podcast what I have asked chris stirewalt explains that all whole thing and the Clinton team enlisted help from Bernie Sanders this week and put out this new millennial friendly ad titled squad goals all right they just introduced Trump and so we're going to get back to that second can I ask you quickly one do you think that one of the reasons hilary has having a hard time with Millennials is that Bernie Sanders spoke so harshly about her for so many months and was so popular with them so it's hard for them to turn around on that you know I thought Bernie didn't speak harshly better but it was that Bernie Sanders was speaking to the issue that really burns with Millennials which is big business Wall Street occupywallstreet that kind of theme and he really pumped into that into the debt the student that those are issues that drive them Hillary Clinton's been late to the game.
Did you like that I say I thought that sounded upbeat and fun i would love to be in the meeting where all the walks discuss how to make something look hip quick cuts brass graphics no-good be in the middle you have no BS which is Bernie Sanders the key insult the pandering to young people is that you have to expect them to be dumb you expecting them to prefer hip celebrities over actual issues that's what they look for celebrities and squad goals that sounds like a painful exercise I didn't like that title I didn't really understand that I think we're gonna have a bump in just a second but I'm Johnson line and then percent their number had been good they're dropping but we do have Donald Trump now we're going to save that for right after he speaks thank you it is so great to be back in Michigan.
I state i've come to know and love during this campaign you know we won Michigan and that was a great big fat beautiful victory you know that right and I've been talking about Michigan for a long time we can't let them take your car industry out for your industry out of you state any longer not gonna happen i'm going to fight so hard for all of you and I'm going to bring back the jobs that have been stripped away from you and from our country in 39 days 39 days can you imagine this started off we're a long ways away and some people didn't give us a good chance they said mr. Trump the other day one of the biggest people in that business the very dishonest press prism they said mr. Trump when you started off you have to tell me the truth did you really think you'd be here I said what the hell do you think I'm doing this for right.
Now we expected to be him and we're all here together it's a movement and believe me we're all here together we're going to take our country back we're going to win the state of Michigan we're going to win the white house and it's going to be an awfully good november eight that evening is going to be a celebration.
We're going to take on the special interests the lobbyists and the powerful politicians that have stolen your jobs through theft and in competence they've stolen your wealth.
They've taken your middle class we're going to take on the arrogant corrupt corporate media that have enabled the global theft of American prosperity that's that has left behind crumbling schools roads bridges and a totally depleted military we have the greatest people in the world in our military we're going to rebuild our military this is when we need.
It's time by the way to rebuild Detroit we're going to rebuild the truck it's time to rebuild Michigan and we're not letting them take your jobs out of Michigan any longer.
And it's time to rebuild the united states of america we're going to do it our country is going to be greater than ever before.
We're going to be the smart country again.
Hillary Clinton has made a living raking in donations from special interests that have raided our factories and rip the jobs right out of Michigan and every other state that's how she gets rich by taking your jobs and your money away from you and away from your state that's why Hillary Clinton if she ever got the chance would 100-percent approve the trans-pacific partnership the deal she lied about the other night when I said she called it the gold standard she said no guess what she called it the gold standard and Lester Holt didn't correct her I wonder why.
The trans-pacific partnership will economically devastated Michigan New Hampshire North Carolina pennsylvania wisconsin and so many other states all across this country it will be devastating also for Ohio Hillary Clinton's donors want the TPP and their wish will be her command that's what it is the special interests pay her for speeches and she's not a good speaker not a good speaker him they pay a lot of money you know we have thousands of people here today there are thousands and thousands of people outside trying to get in that was not even listening to Donald Trump knees right people stood in the rain for hours thousands of them to get in there to see that rally we're going to bring it back to the five right after this break this election has certainly been intense we could all use some laughs right around now and of course we saw kimberly guilfoyle let us in that earlier but next we're going to Saturday Night Live do the trick because tomorrow when it returns for season 42 it's got a surprise new castmember playing Trump we're going to tell you who next and Facebook friday still to come.
Don't go away districts from is the real-life inspiration for iron then who am i I'm his publicist joy pepperoni no I'm not Donald Trump in disguise the new york city subway is the best way to get around.
The old now you're laughing I love it sometimes happens to me yeah Saturday Night Live knows how to lampoon presidential races and a lot of fans are anxiously awaiting the show's return tomorrow for season 42 the talents of Kate McKinnon will reprise her role as Hillary Clinton but trunk guess what he's not going to be played by Darrell Hammond anymore that's cancelled ready for this Alec Baldwin will be sporting his best Trump impersonation this season Greg does this please you I see a little cat like smile on your face I I thought that I thought that hand was great as Trump and i think i am sure outboard only good but Trump is really his best impersonators is such an iconic figure that only he could be him you don't need impersonators but SNL will claim to hit both sides so study show this to go after Trump but then we'll go after Hillary but the content is different trouble be seen as some kind of evil diabolical clown and Hillary will be seen as some kind of benign robotic nerd who knows all the facts so they say they'll be balanced but you'll know who.
There's an agenda this is an agenda-driven show there you got data what do you think the Republicans never farewell and the general election and I went on Saturday night life they just don't Trump I i agree it sees he's funny as when he's being himself and can be little self-deprecating when it goes like on Fallon show it's like it's very funny i do wonder who is going to play alicia machado that is that yes get that they didn't plan to have and it will be highly anticipated and I think it's fraught with a lot of politically incorrect.
Yes and is it gonna make the situation I don't know better I know nurse we don't know bowling you've been waiting for the moment for them to do the five on there oh my god.
Not that.
Never has to go over there are Alan King out baldwin do as good of a trumpet Fallon I think he's got probably the best out there I know maybe maybe we'll don't forget something else though Trump goes on certain that live a lot he's been hosting his host of that show quite a bit over the years as well so maybe they want maybe we'll be fair maybe might just take equal shots of both of them was that oh I my choir was showing I'm trying to get a robot prior to becoming an exposé that is so much behind her ear telling you what to stay there are you making the next time you're making hand signals to walk might like what like what the night that's why that's right ok so i don't know what do you think it's a good call i think alec baldwin he has no problem kind of getting in people's faces and getting after I think it's gonna be like a cathartic role for so apparently Tina Fey recommended Alec Baldwin for this role and I just don't see it because I thought there had the kind of made yes face and and his gestures I someone interested to see what comes of it but I must say in terms of the criticism at this table your favorite phrase for me I you know what I think that they should be very direct and I think lambaste Trump I think he's in some sense opens himself to this at every turn okay yeah easy father but Hillary's come on well but no it's a loss equivalency morning Alan equivalence between like what newspapers recently have been criticized because they're now calling Trump outright liar.
They say this new york times Prince liar right like Hillary's I don't lie don't know anything that's the way i was going to run the equivalency I think there's some people on the Republican side to say well you know they both have their problems you know Hilary and her email one you know and i think there's no equivalency one political ways their lives it's like here's prompt and here is Hillary here's what I think that's true that you could actually make a pretty fun thing have a james comey character like talking about Hillary's lies on the FBI investigation the emails and that way everybody audience and alec baldwin knows what it's like to put out a tweet.
Yeah let's get ridiculed so in some ways he might be a little bit more closer to it then I'll Hammond i'm a guy like shit is a good idea yes you know for them to go back on as themselves have Hillary appear have.
Before the election yesterday now probably not because I i ate how much time do you have left yeah we yeah it did you get a nice i say yeah Beth think I'm not going i'm counting and I would not do it if I were the Republican I think Hillary Clinton would probably be fine but I just feel like the conservative always ends up with the short end of the stick at this point in the election which conservative i suggested a risky I think it's amazing I I think he can yeah I think member we need the hotline blame ya nice job but I'd like to see him especially if they have my suitcase McKinnon we won't be Hillary on the same show that it was a pod you remember when he was mad and interact member when he wasn't got well the story goes that he was very frustrated when President Obama was making fun of him at the white house correspondents dinner and it i just feel like if Trump but he needs to stay in the game in terms of focusing on Hillary taking time off to prepare to be on Saturday Night Live and the risk of that when the election is this close I just wouldn't take that risk of fiber those know that previous segment got cut short we're talking about Millennials and her need to do more with the Millennials I don't think it's the case that he is going to do better with millions the question is whether they get excited a bedroom so he can keep her daddy Night Live actually could help her but but Trump has a lot of Millennials that were that probably don't watch Saturday Night Live.
Nobody likes TV anymore ya don't say that Dana this is our life hi I don't get a mortgage cheese the five we are recession-proof stay right there because facebook friday hard-hitting news segment up next yes Facebook friday we have to your questions okay Kendall you're up first this is from sandra s what posters were on your wall when you were 12 0 12 years old was probably get one kiss poster wow really edgy edgy you know that yeah I'm and also i had like I know like Shaun Cassidy yummy.
You know you have to huh I three older sisters right at every Cassidy yeah almost like oh I like Christian Slater well there you go.
Poor man's Jack Nicholson hey want to know that you can sing frank sinatra he's saying it to me one time oh good for you personally yeah that's pretty amazing one has awesome thanks.
You know I don't remember having poster so much i sometimes I would like cut silly things out of the paper right like I fact i thought other day somebody was celebrating willie mays catch you know you had in the program's and I think I had something like that you know stowed away on the side there for a while but I'm not betting you're not a poster guy who you have any pets no I had a turtle at one point you have to put that on your wall no I was told later that they're very dangerous they have all kinds of this yeah like box turtle literally that's not very government should only one erica and already this I should have been your mom what kind of psychological issues back going on there my probably like most guys 12 years old Charlie's Angels from Air Force and Air Force against iconic rights Ramos yep yeah I resigned soon i left for signing ok.
Funny story i brought it home put it on my wall my mom made me put it in the closet gonna smile.
What about you David well I don't get married at 12 this might be a little bit i might've been a little bit younger shaun cassidy of course notes and Rick Springfield yes.
Jenna i think around 12 do you remember Tiffany yes I had a poster of her you're so funny you my god yes totally with the same because i used to love Rick Springfield PD was on General Hospital also we were both bluebirds campfire girls which is also very unique we didn't go like the girl scout and also our debate team staff and I each other like waiting for you bring me in the circle whose Tiffany I planned regulator on union malls gonna go I ever known as well I had a poster of Bill O'Reilly the shirtless when he was in menudo going for about eight months even brain tanned yeah its prey to follow in menudo to yeah they're all the menudo that's how we hired everybody from a new number almost any this was in menudo you could sing.
Ok this is it will go this way this is from brooke g if you could go anywhere in the world for a week but you have to leave tonight.
Where would you go Dana I would go to what's called antigua because my friend Ingrid has a house there she's invited us a couple of times and I've never been able to go and so I would go there for a week and I.
I'm not take my found well that's cheap how's it going to spain i was in Spain about 15 years ago in an amazing country yeah we'd or Spain have been back since I've been dying but I've never been i want to go.
Excellent yeah Madrid Barcelona through and yeah I'm never been the five road trip would be like to go never again that's good my oh so gonna hit while you're like bathing and ren and i just love the beach so I just go to the beach I go to making over the beach yeah but on the other house that many stripe what now.
Not particularly after but yes i do but i think you know i was thinking the other day I'd like to go hang out in Tokyo again because I i was having a party it's it's party time that the other day someone was saying to me there's a place over here that's just the door and a stairway yesterday and they said if you go down there actually is a bunch of Japanese businessmen partying hard and shopping and I was like I've never been in there but that's the way it is and talking you can get going on like going in an alley and it's like we're one you're not supposed to go down there no that's called lace oh my god go anywhere in the world I'm okay where would I go ok here's the problem she could get me down oh that's got me down i got the Zika blues.
Oh yeah it's a condition yeah i know no health insurance covers it well I don't actually kill have sica I'm just worried about it no it's actually it's it is a worry where there are mosquitoes so you should be worried you should make sure that you wear long sleeves wherever you go you know where I would go and i said this before last time I would go to my laundromat and stay there the week I want to see if their action cleaning my shirts because I is I think they're just I really know how to show your wife a good time well you know with a little bit these days and white they said now and that's a little friend who this is my favorite question we start with you Eric Randy what are your workout routines Jim home gym jogging partners and take long great its run a lot again Ron a super librarian saturday and sunday and Trevor and two days during the week in the morning and practice five miles each time and really hit the gym very much but it was 1516 you're great you know II you're acting a little bit you want her what about you can't believe we didn't get any exercise your big box don't you yeah I kickbox but i have that unfortunate laying situation that I'm not happy about it but I ruined the case and see pictures my leg and have the legs up and they were like and I won't do that again at least you're not gonna kill ya.
He's got into any kind of combat exercises where someone invite you here but not not deny where everybody i get exercise it's off to the ground and their car defenseman the one you're really we had real on come on at gym routine.
Oh I go to the gym all the time yeah yeah and I but I like do different things and later i'm doing more and more with weights and I did typically have not got a trainer too i heard i do have occasionally use a trainer because i like the box a little bit so we're about You Dana well I try to think of something that like I surf on watchamacallit oh yes inside a lot of potato chip or what yeah something like that but I have a personal trainer and Katie oh wow everybody and I then I have a Pilates instructor and Kate didn't take my brother like Pilates I used to have everybody that's around the same time.
Pilate sounds like some kind of illness you get is a kid yeah it's like really good for your spine yeah and i was thinkin maybe yeah I know what I do i do our resistance i called body resistance training where you find a partner instead of using wait and you just press against each other usually in the park call you and let one or two in the morning you right now just a lot of pressing I like the late night early workout routine strangers I thought it was dobbs dobbs shape ahead one's got some news on his favorite football team the Washington when I know what are they.
No development.
Yeah I don't know never ending with Iran that on the screen that are you guys know it i'm a big fan of a Washington footballs team but what I'm not a fan of is its official name it begins with an r you know red skins for those you get it but I don't like saying I don't know you guys are you saying you're like I don't like things because it's a slur in the dictionary defined as a slur against native americans so I'd like to see a change i know some others who don't agree mr. bowling but soon the Supreme Court will settle the issue the schoolroom court has agreed to hear a case that will decide whether the government can't deny a trademark because it's deemed the name involved to be offensive it's a case involving an asian american rock group called by god I'm am comfortable with this one on state because you need to know this Lance so great what do you think I you know look right or wrong it's a it's a measure of the true leisure class that we can spend years talk quarreling over words in other parts of the world there are people that are terrified because there's the country's being destroyed their bombs following them not band names are not concerned about band names are concerned about bombs so I don't know.
So we're lucky to have these problems is what I'm saying I hear you but I'm saying Dana 1946 law says that the US patent Commission will can reject names that disparage people living or dead now that's the counter-argument is First Amendment says government should not penalize private speech on the reasons I kitchen this morning because i do think i like to think about issues like this i don't necessarily know how this will turn out at the Supreme Court i do note that in the washington post poll they they released in may nine out of ten native americans said they are not offended by the Redskins name and so at what point does the court overstep the opinion that the opinion of the people and those first amendment rights that it's an interesting legal case so Eric the Justice Department is that a trademark is a government benefit not a limit on private speech alright I i I'm any other campus isn't like the free market that to dictate whether or not the redskins decide to be all the redskins really changed her name because they find offensive some people find offensive and stop watching the games going to the games behind the find that the jerseys that's the best measure rather than the Supreme Court telling people what they should or shouldn't be calling so really really just like a mention another case which is the state of Texas issues licenses places license plates for special groups when the sons of the Confederate Veterans asked for a license plate with the Confederate Texas said no and the supreme court upheld Texas's refusal right okay so there's some precedent there that they can try and hang their hat on Texas style but in this case the band are members of the community that the government is trying to protect and they are seeking themselves to be able to have this name for their band so it's a little bit you know different in some aspects of it i think and then also I think that you just have to be able to say what about the comparison to that rap music what about using offensive language we have an American's either doing rap and saying and using work the bad words and then to this yet why can't these people call themselves you know that whatever name they want right by the way second in our freezer this is not a football team made up of Native Americans anyway what is true one more thing up next about the I'm talking one more thing Greg alright Greg Gutfeld show tomorrow 10pm we got Tyrus the great wrestler we got Alan Dershowitz we got Colonel Allen West oh man that tip as well that's tomorrow 10pm and out this court order alright we're going to the cat's in the bag Olympics we got fur emic pots and come on a4a mcpartlin vs catnip Johnson & Johnson's in the bag everything said well she's gonna get past a tip Johnson wait to see what happens i was oh my gosh i love those cat-like reflexes they are literally cat like oh let's move on.
Check out eight o'clock i'll be hosting around the mark cuban I could take this earlier.
Mark Cuban came on i want to ask him about his reaction to hillary clinton using his name out on the campaign trail and in the aftermath of debate else asked him why he is he actually called Donald Trump at one point the best candidate in American politics ever and now you can't stand them so that's what happened there and then this one NBA one is you know starts pretty soon right so if if his dallas mavericks take a knee during the national anthem what's he going to do is going to respond all that now also don't forget the new fox news polls are out in just a couple of minutes so we're going to discuss that as well.
I was that kid Europe all right ok so time for Kimberly's royal needs your paper it is everybody Greg especially royal cuteness alert here because Prince George and Princess Charlotte we're delighted by balloons bubbles and mini horses that great could even ride at british columbia's Government House garden party yesterday in victoria canada so people are loving this online you wanted three they join 24 other children of canadian military families to celebrate and enjoy the afternoon and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge or on a week-long tour of Canada David's up ok so we gonna do this podcast it's called Perino and star well I'll tell you what we record them on wednesday so there's a new one if you haven't listened to it yet I'm here's a little listen from yesterday Hillary Clinton shore up wobbly Democrats yeah she short is short of voters across the spectrum because she was confident she had energy she was she showed his trumpet a stamina she showed that she was a presence and she was having fun at one point when she did that little dance shimmy was not good no don't ship inside shimmy only yes exactly shimmy never ever let them see you Jimmy shimmy shimmy shimmy on the debate stage so we have our sunday show at 5pm this weekend with.


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