Tuesday, February 14, 2017

America's Got Fakes

People how's your mom well i get .
Had to do this video amount well as under this be about the marika make America's Got fake well mean talent.
Where have I heard about this champ told Dad.
Lied about being I he was an Army ceremony for a.
A mob but he lied about the injury didn't get.
Stern and follow that he polished it was not here yet another shot soldier.
I he's big on our TV show drew might do just quit bullshittin she now ladies and gentlemen I'm.
I'll say this: added action video a Martian loves you too channel.
Are you too and I thought about reality shows main page yes if they're not real that faye though it's gonna be saying I'm at work.
Day shows and shows they come out with their fate enrich basically they are ever reality show that comes out there is fag America's Got Talent and America was set in line with the American Idol.
Show on a show for now how much commentary on Tuesday disc I wanna like free adult this is where you need attached to.
You pay attention about to shoot because.
I really don't every launched an awesome shall people.
How people can get sucked into Bowl XII.
Proportional dish 0 love this game all-wheel American Idol all we know America only know we know Joe Morrow or knowing he'd have a handshake haha group which you don't know nothin about these people God I was on the air always American girl.
Count him but gentle giant find out in california got a rash record.
Get arrest record and now I'm telling ya.
Mining on I i'm 1 I'm I cash a song about tomorrow.
The shot of me at a show Monday this before.
Vh1 came out with the Megan Wants a Millionaire.
Masha I'm just waiting for somebody tips-q.
I'm just wait for somebody to fuck 'em kiss my neck on a Shawnee.
Kilauea by now dad house she like a.
Don't you know at IDIQ Marchan like a lighter.
Dish this for making wash may make him on his back Michael published.
Talking I'm not issue Charm School.
Coaching now everybody heard about that whole.
Guy killed his ex-wife stars in the suitcase plan.
Dogster me do you have a cam Sep account for the fuck shocker finish.
Ya gifts are wrapped up and these reality shows not really know why who are who have gone on the show gas murderers rapists pedofile scam artists hackers.
Some so fun to show for people there the saudi she and mouse do you continue to watch I we have to use the mystery i won.
You knowing want these damn day one these days on these damn reestablish reality show saying Pat Cash.
Bushy that there's gonna be a fucker.
Days Shoal Bay that a soldier was gonna do dole.
Worst bank.
Countries ever saying ago on the ship go on wanted the show more and do some solo homer they take counsel carry singing contest reality show there is because what thank you these damn shows a rake anyway re.
Hang out hawkish you wired to your post on me or.
Calling to borrow your favorite not impose a shit is just some number you carnage isley how many folks keep calling ass on any stone.
I'm sorry mike is doubt this duo want to follow.
Want to haul this whole portion about Campana.
Dana a.
Shot why I khaki where he was so sure.
But he get kicked out like he left after my by he'd lied about kids her.
People at a book and the pitcher he posted it wasn't even here there was another.
Sojourner why would you do this shit man.
But action I just watched a little bit 2010 money I'm a and I was five behind the scenes a little bit behind the scenes were.
Gotta show day these peoples got a large just get a good damage and I should or not but %uh so you made this man why high of 30 go on ABC 20/20 they had the lower shoko big liars you go all the way to like if they show those.
The strange the No final champagne.
Segments 0 one about.
Money talking about this story else I A.
That day actually had people by or ten stories about.
All their MPs okay just to make them look.
Play it but it's like his is strong for this guy.
Cinnabon he ran call on national TV.
Polls in this psalm by it is now I.
How fucking stupid are you I'm not gonna go on america %uh on American Idol Asha I was in awe me an hour and nobody will bring.
A guy strapon we might cheer an on-duty or gonna with the KO my name is Joe.
Our police out gosh on the add had to re.
Now I'm on dish be the not know I angle do all it is Manish Gupta also known as somebody else just to make yourself look Anne and people are dumb enough to give Maine today she people are dumb give me an issue these fuckin networks dick give start the show.
These produce Shana better are not this person you make three thousand dollars mom.
And your car salesman or smack of insight on where they are funny our a game you alive so they are eager to mind about who da fuck you really are change we watch America's Got Talent family we watch America American Idol same as when you watch.
Voice for the dole Shang day thank you.
With tell of.
Armbar weird you can't really know he he I love you my IQ wanna like.
I know you love the show which go look at it people.
They've been making these people fucking lie.
Make state like a saying discount gonna be a person is gonna go on one knee shows to do some so far no that they end up cancelling every fucking reality show they re yes because they don't wanna leave through de Boer shooting a scant in there plane to you really want to shoot deer why somebody geeky it on national TV if I wanna watch this year ago.
The best score sheet.
Me song edition no I don't see why.
Rc1 the SEC East Ft saying that they never did not plan state champ take years from do you say she.
Mother fucker FCC if you got it dash aster certain she why he chose did anything about the issue.
This year right here on America's Got Talent to there should I was on pH on about the guy killed his ex-wife stabs.
In our gonna reality show wife Joan.
Ever stamping why don't you ever step in blood look.
Moshe to shoot down Isaiah a blush it now for like four months.
Or year damn well our job to start is back up plan I everything is over with mom and step in and do that why because you have the power to share I look your fire pull the plug my whatever.
Because their CC if the SEC can sit there.
And beyond MTV's back about skis showed a color schemes one-page used to being a douche some about the damn you had to show cocktail March just.
Man I'm glutamate just so gonna no Teatro shower 3lb show for a year.
A nap today years ago you have to restart a game because one cuz want to use its key is gone give him a break.
Of give them a break Emily really actually Gilani help on doing research on a people they bring out to the show's like you say you don't know who's come to a show.
Was gone capital ratios gonna come on it or whatever it could be a killer drug dealer up great biz pedofile my home this one making can actually wheel is waiting for a ban on contest and lie about him being in the army forging new year had a bomb John up Obama may I can I going off on his ass my cum all despite can actually going tell of work in my then who else if a murder in a fucking guided lot about who used to sneak onto show Pinot was smashed West Bank I Golf II.
As long it's ok long where somebody doggie key on one these damn show.
Fr still wanna watch.
And these damn show these damn now we're still gonna do the show.
Even know someone to get cured her grand.
To a part where.
Then you are slapping also funny spam and it works.
And nobody ever thought about putting me into the sheer and no money thought about well I think this should do the right thing.
And ish any form follow our re-start backup we get the power for material to proper Hill proper whenever have in our shit together and getting mine but I just don't give a cigarette my buddy show also sharm.
So much in a fucking her in a bomb March 20 should be really not due back.
Background check effort joke sit down and do background checks on comment 0 than me shows me to start on bekopc good background checks on these people before they allow them to be on show.
Because you know know who you right now.
You don't know you let no nigga you can be anybody.
Nation should an a-bomb rush I can carry.
You on my knees P begin on their to fuck.
At to do whatever they want and let them get away with it because you have a fuck contract with.
Nafta bad bank about it that is the worst thing about it and Alma put story.
And description box oh yeah can read story.
Anish for his Def and his military records on pan on America's Got Talent.
Should for GMs have how many day emotionally and.
TV history 11 ish latest to he spent here with the grenade in Afghanistan resulting in a broken back eggplant feature she claims.
Meanwhile follows he should made from the true more.
Of dodi a pair on she's crying Sean.
35 your father true with dak khana.
Tells other person.
Now like a save you.
This guy one on TV ladders ISO and I is this an outlaw and his ass is in hot water.
Man like 30 pp outages can be I well remember I'm way for someone to really do some bash on my foot down fucker just Beach.
Bachata battle a online for some fucking ago.
Do some stupid on a show I on my forehead top of like Batman just waiting for dinner I machine wash bill whitewash that happening.
So my pop off on a bachelor bachelorette.
And/or America's Got Talent our I'll.
American Idol some like a first amateur chef but Kyle I told you so what a bunch dumbass people.
As to burst and almost Satria which are some don't bother do was kiss Mansell.
70 just to get on the shaman can how many bitches.
Should thank you how was trashing he or Randy Jackson some ass.
Or Stephen Tasha my just to get on the show.
She won an apology dole shift but won the contest in God how to cook.
Just want to come out gulf gas to pay attention.
These now working to pay attention to who the fuck deal in on their shelves.
And the after one biggest these folks been on a mission from pH more really they did case you want the same another you may seem another hour flavor blue morocco love Daisy Lowe.
I Love New York Charm School any shit like their.
Should stand acid man have him I haven't.
Yeah I have me.
Because pH Honda and GB size speech while and they're lashing from have.
Ashanti years.
Like a share many should be shows needed dumas bday showed a lead on my shows because can be one to produce family member recommit killer or rapist murderer.
Pedofile 1/2 and some cum go longer Fockers just like although we didn't know mother fuckers cop background checks for a reason.
Come background checks for a reason.
Juab they should live in a bit do.
One on stages are yeah they shouldn't want bash did a background check to see if your store restroom.
Efficient always true and women left and be on the show fish store was a laugh town pope old when I woke his ass ask or talk show what hell but they didn't do it was too damned too much of a fucking Harry.
Too much of a fucking hairy now you're a dumbass should not go by.
I'll in now I E.
We really thought he was he had asked and.
I'm not real happy to carry out the TV dumbass.
For fucking reason they live in Alaska.
What you see on these reality shows man Bob Orsillo hours now the East Room.
But they don't really say oh I'm really hours in Iraq war of moli there's people taking the show's.
Are read to be last man their right to shop air story how r actors just to make you fact that these people.
Gosh issues hope you'll take a left in India.
Every last day actually write the story.
That these people hale I'm Maschine new.
If all the all these networks are telling you all we really right to stores reaction right these people stories.
Their lives in all this ya diamono.
After listen to a but believe me all our own part baby all his by Maki and im but has been told it all he doesn't have a wife he's never been married.
And how are they believe the bullshit last then that room from Steph me wrong with you something is def an hour to bicker.
However believe him a true then they have bush-era bro Britain store to take cabey's p but Sebastian.
Did it is so so stupid just be make yourself look so good make himself look so good on national TV.
I mother fucker I know people there stud.
Deal bill Feig my lazy damn this man afro.
Go by mail to a afro Jordan works.
Subscribe to my counselor chance to show January if yes some say I work at the site even calm and Orpheus posh pop video what else if you don't kiss my.
An amazing German ish Bay now I've ish real stop believin in the high.
Collier stop sucking on sang shackle bushi.


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