Wednesday, February 15, 2017

CORRECT VIEWS1/20/15 Ukraine Fuku,Ticket Scam,Population Facts,Papa Gun,...

Greetings Arun's.
Several soul the air and you're welcome to the correct use crip the game and 0.
Morning for them media speaks of a college.
You for tuning today it's gonna be kind of fun.
Be present know the news stories fit together like sometimes everything that I run a report on tour olive you just fit into this wonderful wonderful by law and now this isn't gonna be one other.
News jumping all over today but this is what I found to be the most relevant.
And that is exactly why I hope any you tune in.
Already racked the leak at major ukrainian nuclear plant the report is from our TA radioactivity.
Has been detected at Ukraine's example row hi nuclear power plant the largest in Europe by it says.
The media report quote citing the country's emergency services Ukrainian officials have denied the report life.
Is published what it claims is a lorry to report by the State Emergency Service.
Crazy which did not I is an earlier assessment by the players authorities.
Irradiation at the facility is equal to the natural background radiation.
An incident on Sunday RT is trying to verify the report Ukrainian authorities have denied the Russian media report that a radioactive leak had taken place.
Paint word reported I'm gonna go on and those in the regular listeners no I don't just like reading a report there's a certain number faster are spelled out here row.
And I wanna make sure you get all that before i comment the plant works normally there have been no.
Incidence an energy ministry official told the news agency no official comment on whether the leaked documents are thick dick has been provided to documents released by life news appear to show that the plant officials put.
Deliberately misleading information on their website the documents both addressed to the head.
Their regional emergency services state radiation levels at the plant on Sunday and Monday were 16 per eight times higher.
The legally permitted nor so they're either going to raise the rates over its a few magical however they need the number to be that automatically whether these.
Even know Chris Busby Lauren Ray Allen caller cock cover blanche they are warning against that sort of thing.
And of course you know reduced to spell that are they could do that.
And they kirdar lie about how high it is or.
They K and find other ways of making it.
Acceptable like bearing Italian about page d.
Your newspaper it says by Monday is the levels had slightly increased growing from 16.32 sixty eight times higher 16 pray times higher excuse me and unit six were still doubt the report said contradicting the plan statements problem fixed plant was operating normally well there's two things you can take away from that as well.
One is awesome anytime anything isn't true.
You get right away for instance lot say I told you.
That I'll Obama had repealed the Second Amendment.
Immediately there would be everybody from the Obama administration.
Are saying you know there it's a fake report that's not sure we did.
Retail second Obama did kill second-amendment the right way she court but he did.
Well if there was nothing going on here.
Then they would simply say there's nothing going on here second of all whenever you see things start shutting down nuclear power plants then you are automatically know there's some kind of a problem unless it's routine maintenance that was already pre schedule in advance.
And for those of you that know anything at all about nuclear technology.
You do know that it needs to be prepared rain.
It says on Sunday 1 reactor at the plant was automatically shut down after.
Glitch becoming the second hole operations in recent weeks the reactor was running at forty percent nominal power the plants official website said: adding that radiation facility.
Being at 8.2 microgram your I carried our microarray georgians an hour I have heard it measured in at No long time is usually seaver.
Millisieverts wrath these days this is the error was later and now.
Ste to have been a corrected and the troubled unit power walk six was plucked backend.
Network on November 28 it says unit 3 was switched off for almost a week.
The shutdown which was reportedly caused by a short circuit was made public five days later when Ukrainian Prime Minister.
Arson the sorry York revealed it during the first meeting his new cabinet this season no other reason.
Why no matter where you go with it no matter what you do nuclear is bad if you're in Iraq it's bad because your religion the primary religion k get along with anybody else including other factions over time religion.
You have an issue with earthquakes there I'll iran is going to experience a massively higher.
Great there's been many many scientific studies that have pointed to this being unfortunately a likely reality are.
In japan you've got earthquakes in california governor breaks a rush I the ukraine their fightback.
For the US's entity you is that I guess what.
Now that cause less nuclear its always always always bad always going to be more clear how bout always.
Guys were gonna move on to the UK.
For those viewers that are listening in the great use stealth cameras to be installed on motorways in other words this is the way we're going to rip you off.
Why is it a rip off for one thing you can't prove he was driving my car.
You can't ticket the person that you loaned the car to without changing the law.
That's not wrong for and trust me wrong for entrust meant is separate from that.
For those tell I'll that's just one reason it should be a legal all.
The fourth amendment would be another reason I again that the UK have a fourth amendment you know why I'm gonna be dead honest I'm assuming they have something like it.
Do right now now mollering organizations that have a reacted angrily to plans for a new generation.
Style cameras that are to be rolled out on Britain's busiest motorways.
Well maybe we should put some stealth cameras inside police stations right.
If they can do it to us we can do it to them about that with movies like that pioneering digital technology will be used in an attempt to catch drivers breaking the seventeen mile an hour speed limit.
Which until recently had been ignored by speed cameras and there should be no speed cameras either I might add the plan forms part of the highway agencies expansionist smart murder raise which use a range technique.
And maximize he's in Florida traffic yes smart meter is going to make me move from the duplex but I liked living in anytime something is smart is usually an invasion are your rates.
Motoring organisations say the plan will lead to thousands drivers being handed fines and penalties points on their licence for exceeding seventy mile an hour limit critics also claim that the introduction of cameras aimed at enforcing the seventy mile an hour limit is not about road safety but about generating income through fines for courses and how do you fight it regular regular correct views listeners know exactly where I'm going.
This your fight it.
By mass rough years say that your city.
Has 5,000 people okay how many of them are driving 3,000 that's great were picked up.
Three grand this if.
2000 up those people two-thirds see where.
To got on the stack of Bibles or for you ATS where on the Darwin fish that you were all I or under any circumstance pay any fines nor renewing your license in any way shape matter for guess what the government doesn't have enough jail space.
Gour loadout you are high def not can't do it.
They will only go after the worst offenders.
And that will make this law absolutely irrelevant that is how you fight back that's the only reason I'm doing the shower middle of the night otherwise I would be downstairs arguing with my girlfriend.
Ok if you don't kid is no gallows humor friends then it's just all doom and gloom when you tune in for that your it says any new devices are gray a rather than a highly visible or yell or cameras often used around.
Roadworks raising fears that murderous may be caught off guard.
Hopefully people will be spray painting them all kinds of bright colors I suggest orange in neon yellow or because they respond role to those who are colored by.
I says studies have shown that as many as 95 percent of drivers admitted to breaking the limit on motorways.
The introduction of cameras in one stretch over and 25 in capital arm has led to almost 700 drivers receiving fines in little over two months of course was solve this throughout history is all parts of Europe our press germany is known for this.
Creating freeways that are made for this.
For driving pretty much as fast as you wish.
And then other freeways were you have to obey certain laws that is always the way it works why don't they always do it that way like in germany do it but not the US stealing your mind friends.
Stealing your mind %ah this is firm info wars dot com were all overpopulation it hold on buddy this is is actually from where %um and it's from his site but it forwards is linked said I first began to seriously look into the argument that the world faces a terrifying.
Overpopulation problem about a decade back.
When I was researching for my book he writes on the history of gene manipulation or GMR that is genetically marker modified organisms I was curious and in a strange way impressed with the intensity.
The interest rockefeller families foundation in there organizations affiliated with foundation to sponsor the study or the application of eugenics the girl story about our global population is radically different from the picture the mainstream media had lead you to believe.
Let me tell you a few facts that you might not know do you know that when I met Alex Jones I said I i understand you're very busy.
He was at a rally I i understand you're very busy what is the one day.
That if someone was brand new to this.
What is the one thing that you would encourage them to work a you know his answer was it hoops it was eugenics you wanna know when my dad was on his deathbed he was telling me about studying that he had done before he got sick.
About jacks heart was going to be taking.
Things over you might think I'm a conspiracy theorists were guess what my dad spent most of his life.
Laughing we loved each other by we got into many heated debates she I.
He saw the eugenics first here view the wish to know I'll leave it in my comment minor address that later I don't wanna lose everyone who doesn't care I'll do you know that have work was in favor.
Eugenics do you know.
Rockefellers been in favor jack's I love that you're gonna say work at those mighty people they've been in favor of it must be for greater good why don't we then out the sickest among us and make us all healthy that's not what this is about just so you know I'm not one of those conspiracy theory P.
Bomb I am NOT against the kind of odd.
Where they call it designer babies I don't think you should be able to dictate their eye color their raid by Van Ness now but making sure your kid has no diseases.
You know when I'm in favor of that does that make me a conspiracy theorist in the other direction.
I'll but what i'm saying is these other people our leaders that are in favor of killing large.
Amounts of the population in order to be able to reach this higher belief that they believe in even if.
You don't believe in God even if you don't believe.
He and I the religion the day following it matters that they do because they're the ones that are trying to thin the herd out here.
Do you know its mathematical fact.
That if you granted the living space.
Your average New Yorker to everyone in the world they would fit comfortably into the state of Texas.
The entire plant it's true look it up.
I I'm not saying it because I came up with that I'm not smart enough to come up.
I'm letting you know what well what the truth is because this here's why.
Is in the course of my research I came across documented evidence.
That the Rockefeller Foundation not only finance much of the work.
Margaret's enduring here singer and her eugenics plant parent organization during the thirties when her Nedrow project in black Harlem.
Was trying to develop ways to eliminate the black.
Population is the right guy saying this is BS.
The same Rockefeller Foundation at the same time finance the workers'.
Various experiments by the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute during the Third Reich the porn is there are.
I you can redirect to the article for the history of eugenics I don't wanna bore you to death but here's what you need to understand.
Stay here there's a population implosion there's not enough people being born in the world now branded we have a martyr people starving in Africa be a lot of people starving in China we have bad governments and we have bad location ice and Cannon said is a comedian I understand this.
But he had a very good point some people.
No matter what their heritage is should not live where they did if you are living in siberia there's a real good chance you're gonna starve to death because it's hard to get the food to you why don't you go with the damn.
Through his I'll if you're living in Africa.
Do you realize that we could really help them a lot by moving them to differ areas are africa.
Instead of having them live where their no food that can be grown.
We have a very bad management system.
In this world we do not have too many people.
Listen to this please listen to the facts before you try to call me al.
And you're wrong it says there's only one problem with their brand strategy of convincing us that there's an overpopulation danger.
The role is facing other population ball.
But a population implosion a collapse of the human species some statistics are in order it is well established given average life spans and death that an average of 2.1 live birth.
Her women are required in order to make a.
Maintain population equilibrium a recent study it works live birth rates around the world and the results are shocking.
To solve in Germany the birth rate has sunk to 1.36 worse than the low fertility rates Spain one point for a deadly one point one.
1.4 and Western Europe as a whole or most likely shrink from $460 million to just 30 million by the end of the century the barring and barring it says dramatic reversal of the four ish.
Wonder sometimes to child policy China's population will be reduced in half.
Now let's pause I don't want China to take over the united states I'm not a communist and I think their governmental or people so let's pretend that I didn't just say any of that China is on the verge of taking over the world.
Where the you want them to or not is irrelevant I don't it's irrelevant do you realize that they took over the world and fifty years they're not gonna have enough people to maintain it it will be the you think America only lasted a couple hundred years.
With being on top for the last hundred-plus years.
This is going to be much shorter people be poor even in the US were large immigrant Hispanic population.
Is kept the birth rates higher is now facing a reduction a Pew Research Center found that the immigrant birth.
Fell from 102 per 1,000 women in 07.
287 bring a and 100000 2012 again I'm.
Almost 42 years old I don't have any kids part of that is due to a failed marriage.
Are part of that is due to the fact that my wife and I used no protection whatsoever for almost half a decade and never had a kid.
I am i shooting blanks or did she have no receivers in the field I don't know.
But I do know that that's one thing I should be two things: failed marriage my fault perhaps her for whatever you know divorces go.
And not having kids that could be a problem.
Food that could be a problem our diet we were very poor we were eating badly I'd.
Now and then you have the issue rare I i would like to have children and it's almost financially impossible's so there are other number things going into it.
But you can't lose sight I love the eugenics I get we don't do conspiracy theories.
Correct use we open-minded the market everything.
And a part of this has to do with Jax.
Nah love it park.
It says some might argue that overpopulation is developing role in Africa in the in Latin America even that's not true anymore.
The poor are highly for tower countries in the developing world.
In that part thanks to the Rockefellers and their love with are no longer producing as before from 1962 2009 mexico's fertility rate plunged from 7.3 birth.
For women to to prove for India is because too many people in India.
I used to as well then I read this article India's.
Dropped from six 2.5 in Brazil's birth rate fell from 6.15 to one point.
Hi even in sub-saharan Africa there's too many people were there eight.
Out says the average birth rate remains a relatively high 4.6 X fertility is falling and is projected to fall.
Below replacement levels by the 27 these.
So their role even be too many people in the most startling regions.
In other words the elite are getting exactly what they want in the court Georgia guide storms right you sit there and think the cash in.
Say transform the fox news dot com occurs telling I are not real big fans.
Papa John's Pizza which now I not our favorite pizza I pledge to either Papa John's Pizza.
Within the next month I will do and I may even put thirty seconds a video online to prove it and bore you to tears Fox News Dakar Papa John's Pizza stands by the employee who shot armed robber in self-defense Papa John's Pizza is standing by AP writers read that the pizza franchise Brighton.
News articles do that I freaking hate the pizza franchise told Fox News dot com.
Freeze day that the employee who hasn't been named.
Well not be fired from the company after firing the gun thankfully the employee was making a delivery to Decatur Georgia Sunday.
One man.
Net when they may I should say approached her vehicle forcing her to the ground at gunpoint.
According to the DeKalb County Police Department the woman who had a governor.
Pocket was able to fire at them and a row on the ground striking the alleged assailant identified as 24-year-old.
Dockwise Stevenson in the base which is ready should have got Stevenson was later found in a neighbor's yard to an arrest according to police who said the pizza delivery might have been a set up all of our.
Laura media outlets reported that a second suspect carjacked delivery woman's over 2000 Honda Accord remains rock.
Stevenson was charged with armed robbery and was being treated for gunshot wound at Grady Memorial Hospital in lanai lucky to have his life.
No I do not begrudge him his life God chooses not me the delivery woman's mother had told wsb-tv either.
Dollars worry that she may lose her job because she was carrying a firearm at work for protection while apologized for headless employees including delivery drivers bad call truck carrying firearms on the job the pizza giant said Thursday.
The woman would not be let go from the company she instead will be reassigned to another role according to the company and that's what she wanted anyway so good.
I really to Papa John's Pizza within the next month I pledge army f-bomb honest order one.
Are weeds frm if they repeal that about the drivers re: $1 a month.
For the next year after they do it friends the.
I want to invite you before I get to my last three stories to look up the worker.
Might make of Mike McLaughlin rights under the best fiction and that you will ever read arm look him up on Facebook lastly you.
Mike mcLaughlin.
And you're gonna like his poetry you're going to like his writing style.
Make sure you let it go that you did hear about it from the correct these.
Friends i three more stories to get to police chief.
Investigating Charlie have their attack.
Reportedly commits suicide I had talked about this before so we're not gonna talk about it long now.
But I will say this: we have found.
More and more evidence leading to.
This case being something that he.
Torque as and/or levy Asian I've depression.
Not something so much that he arm.
Talkin made his depression worse I report about and lash out when I wanted to do the update you can find an appraiser arm air raises dials friends that are nocturnal.
Rest the last two stories by was the last one of course the BB of the day and this is right before they both try.
Into the lies that is global warming what I mean by that I mean a man is not warming the planet.
I mean look up the work or more mark 10 I mean look up the worker.
Climategate dot call in all of this will be abundantly clear to you.
Global warming she added the California as get.
Gas prices but for sales tax how many every year remember jello by out front talking about hour.
What's his name Jerry Brown was the worst governor our how many are you I remember this all your.
Run by playing god save why would I be doing.
You got the UK.
Photographic speeding tickets you've got II.
Jerry Brown the worst Cooper Alice governor ever in california Oak Park movement friends are a giveaway how many have you got it.
Anybody now RHR kit Daniel the info wars dot com.
California drivers and I'll pay global warming.
Be added to the price of gasoline before sales tax forcing them to pay a tax on top ok.
Taxes and double taxation illegal I thought once is anybody from California listening to this.
Is so leave a message in my comment line I'm.
Praise the state is charging gas retailers a new.
Global warming cap-and-trade fee retailers are passing the cost to consumers.
But the consumer sales tax is calculated from the four-part price.
Which includes the cap-and-trade be the global warming GE which is variable and Kurds solo or in the future of course you know.
Well added about dime this week day and this rain at the UT San Diego said.
Then this state has to port 25 24 retail price including those other fees and taxes.
While city and county taxes that point five percent just in San Diego County.
So you're paying more for man-made global warming which isn't Halfpenny they're stealing it from.
That's what that's called call scamming you're falling for many drivers haven't noticed the increase yet due to plumbing gas prices but they were all eventually because the point 10 per gallon fee is not a set price it's determined by Kallis capping trade awful idea.
Market in which various industry's trade their permits covering specific amounts missions the total which is capped by the state so basically what gas prices go up you're going to get hosed if they don't go out soon enough though this race.
Attacks so that you still get house it says the global warming the can't go up in August Kallis legislative analyst estimate that by 2020 retail prices are likely to rise.
Between 13 cents and 20 cents a gallon because.
Cap-and-trade X rates at the analysis for Taylor one that increases could exceed 50 cents in some cases.
So they're going to Dallas you it could be up to 76 at sense if it was based in state figures it says it's intentional the cap-and-trade system was designed to raise gas prices and energy cast using artificial scarcity created through the house and man-made global warming.
And friends and that brings us to the Dundee Dundee.
Down dere the day staying with the global warming our lies here its work at now air regulators bands visible.
Chimney smoke from whence does in the Eugene area.
Chris steller create a chimney with there ever be a time the you might wanna just PR enjoy your with stow.
Would you ever like to do that I'll well great getting allowed is america the or guardian done the other day.
A wood stove owners in Eugene Springfield area have been pouring here on the fuel during the cold snap.
And air quality regulators say a buildup of pollution means that burning has to be carved a a bearing on visible chimney smoke could last through Sunday when warmer weather is expected now obviously the government would Christelle the day use their psychic mental Jenae abilities to know that there is no.
Our air filtration system in the house is that how they did that because I was under the impression that you could I'll port are air filtration merrier fireplace and you could suck up monster that I thought that was meant by fifty years ago make sure yours invisible smoke now they know that won't get down dr. the day.
Are are were planned otherwise word but that's what they want you to do she's proving a point the Eugene register-guard reports such bands may become more frequent because federal standards of practice particulate pollution have been tightened the lane region or air protection agency imposed the ban in the mountain town oakridge Wednesday in the mountains you're not allowed to use your chimney Arbonne why did why do I report on this get all their the Eugene Springfield.
Area police get all the I federal standards.
The people set federal standards for air pollution.
And complain call them out on their stupidity friends in their stupidity were and authorize them doing this show for nothing friends are listening to the correct you see I might be to Genji signing of reminding you to subscribe reminding you can share reminding you to keep your smoke invisible.
Goodnight god bless please work up the workers carport deal I can myself.
The media speaks.


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