Sunday, February 12, 2017
You guys are doing at this party .
Unit oh my god.
Hey guys it's really affects only three and welcome to totally accurate battle simulator i'm about to become a general of an Army commanding my forces into battle i'm really pumped this because you cannot play a lot of rome total war which is similar but is probably not as accurate as this one let's jump into a new game ok I have 18 monies to build my Armada can get all these different things 50 units ok so we're going that way i'm going to start with an infantry of patterns i see what these guys do is let's get a nice little girl is all you net here we go look at that that is what we call the two squares formation.
Let's do so these are my soldiers oh my gosh they look don't be like something they like wat players but they're going in there doing this lapse but nothing but he's been surrounded poor Timmy the way we win this side we went to the flight we win.
No but oh look he's he's literally been hugged to death ok so we've got different units we can use so maybe i'll send in a wave of peasants then in the background be too far lies you don't want to mess with father never you guys have ever encountered angry farmers in your life.
Maybe if you'd ever been in a real fight you might not be so keen for another what'd you say you heard me and look at that come in the back.
Come on come on you're strong loyal he's dragging his dress all my gosh adapt it look at the two farmers with the only survivors they they fought their bowels okay now we have 800 money for this round you know what in farmers we trust look at that the rabble of farmers boom look at this they are about to be sure they are not ready for this many today on the pitch by Felix on them . look at how can you are now we've been we've been outmaneuvered we've been we were we were they like this is that what it's called and we it was a sandwich shields would make sense right let's start off so it seemed like their forces were like into kind of little lines so let's do the same over here so we can counter that there we go look at this man can we get some colleges as well have two of those in the middle after 100 to go we just have patents that just run in and just distract the enemy master plan here we doubt it's a wealth of our strategy i will go run my presents.
Oh did I just my arches i'm fairly sure just killed on my shoulders look at the show go make is leading his flow in his biting this whole lot of i'm ok i'm pretty sure my art shot my own people's eyes or she'll die really quickly the song they stick the archers out of the way of my people now let's go for extra shielding extra shielding here now let's have what we say we're going to have in fact the farmers caught up really quickly I'm going further back here we go.
This is the kind of maneuvers were looking for ideas afraid of this about them and you know I just flashes part1 spear managed from the back.
He's huge I feel like actually they should go behind the shield feel that would make sense that it's like a legitimate no this is not me trolling the facts accurate that's legit strategy ok the arches and they're gonna shoot the right people yeah it looks good how many more people do they have the knot with a spear guy he was doing a great job until he wasn't but if these guys keep up the fight for long enough marched look at the survivor Steve the shield neuron right stay if this guy distract him long enough.
Oh my god he just killed his friend wait come on come on arch manage your why do not dry run its oh my god.
Now stay stay style you might watch out watch out mr. Archer look to your lab use your eyes are now and then there was one man with the whole team relied upon and he seemed more interested in running for his life and tripping over dead bodies.
Steve let me down may have a few shields i'm doing three shield i'm doing Spears behind him bang bag and now it felt the rest with some barbarians that we go this is the one this i feel that i feel that look my squad looked ready.
Sounds like he's dropped his club what's the point of getting barbarians if they're going to drop their clubs all look they are these this site has been entirely circled the shield look at them look at the way they move is beautiful but they torture back-to-back guys yards have just been left behind don't kill the guy okay she'll guys this is where you come to life.
Barbarian look at that she got my BOB the power the power he's pushing back no this down based friends coming in don't get no and then is that is not steve steve is that you again make Steve what you don't Steve sake stop you.
You've got you've had a nightmare here I mean I believe in him you ready for the 135 135 soon as he get around this corner look friendly fire oh my god the Magic killed all my gosh Steve Steve you keep running is a gene the tactical genius he's like them kill themselves don't fall over state now is not the time I stave times 5 is your destiny what is trippin his trip this this just looks weird now that front guys look at him he's just all got a bit weird now is now they're stuck in perpetual loop now turn.
Yes fine guys know okay so this time around we're going to have a too-big front rows of shields maybe like three weeks before we have a lot of units here so two sets of four with spear men behind them and then also we just have an army of barbarians that arrived like a magnet ambush with the top and bottom only for three of the top through the bomb i like this now this could work here we go this is the plan look at the spears are already coming through we're ready to hit those groups and these barbarians look like distracted that whole little army down that we annihilated the middle this range on the spirit man the shield guy getting their backs turned all this is huge is a huge this squad that the winning the fight on this side looks . man that's his name spear man Steve shield Majesty's with what you back not do.
It was one of our he was one of our most promising soldiers ok for shield they could do that look at them look at that the gracefulness release a fly they fly over the dead bodies they push hold together that they're in its not ready.
What he's told not but while you're gonna do me a la fuck oh fuck.
But will he die come on Steve get a good here.
Oh my gosh what is fallen avenge your brother he was all the flag I don't know why yes no no this is not this is not happening you know don't if this he just killed two of your spear my brother's don't let him get that thing there yeah push it to the limit like a jumping jack the way they jump is Larry don't let him get nothing to you know I'm scared wow you fucking get here you know let's go with the two archers but well up at the top and BOM right and then we just have barbarians keep everyone distracted.
Just a reminder barbarians right down the middle and then the shields and archers will come afterwards and start destroying people this is this is the new plan.
Ok back just keep everyone distracted yes the arch as long as you don't shoot my god they're going to my guys are going to do they have accurately do they know what that is to follow me that this could this could work and Latin let this she'll manage their life and the arches do work.
Shoot man all now I don't think these are just quite understand the concept of if you hold on now if you hold on long enough ok can I do it sir.
6b 6b four what shoot properly you know what this is going to be like they seem like 300 you guys are doing at this party unit.
Oh my god you fucking idiot so how accurate ok you know the shields and Spears thing worked the shields and Spears thing 12 hours let's go for that again let's have a big barbarian for to go down the middle and just kind of Greek the enemies then let's have one arts at the top and one on the bomb that's just probably got artist with brain cells.
Okay please don't shoot my own guys are looking for the spears ago a huge my archers I'm relatively sure shooting my own guys but this the shield i look at he's the chosen one here's the wire like he's tak he's taken over that side purely on his out he's not here for me to this is doable.
Just please get a narrow for crying out loud.
Wait to hit one ok could it be could it be the greatest defense of his lifetime.
Fire why you always got one he's got one but two oh my gosh not now can be could it be could it be four again I didn't believe in the arches is no scope to level 3 okay we're down to 300 money.
Ok what to send here sending some barbarians.
I don't even know what that line up looking like sending some barbarians where some farmers behind him.
This is like your low-budget team and then let's just drop six passes the middle just a yeah to just distract here we always an army of boxes with an army of arches on the side ok so we've killed the boxes is a massacre the bloody slaughter well why are you running the rock that guy that guy down there just killed my whole team he was running ok what here we just bring it a squad of five shield and the art show up here these guys combat and the arches will be counted by the shield this is like it's not 306 so that's looking good if they want that fight everyone that right now turn guys you . your shields at the arch look at this this is beautiful.
No one of the artists some away friendly fire this is steve Beshear guy his shield became a porcupine no guys guys keep your shield up.
Wait I know this is this is nick look at that cleaning that literally like bulldozers they'll bulldoze in these arches always one more okay to be one situation guys don't fuck this up.
See they're not fuck-ups it down the field come on knocking all the flag all no no I'll a little own room.
Come on Sean Lee Kuan kill him don't hug him I don't want witnessing I guess it's so accurate that and we've done it the two Valian shield man level for money 1500 / only 50 units so I can spend 30 unit imagine it's even know what coaches are we're getting 50 of them that's all I now what approaches ok what do you guys do all the shoe arrows o.o that's incredible so we've never seen before hold the line hold the line Opie strategy is ok that was just a mess around dumb strap but it worked ok talking 50 a partner now let's just go for a wall of shield that was half spear man behind them like this have arches station right off the bomb.
I don't even know what I'm up against here i'm taking it seriously oh wait wait we're probably supposed to get like some sort of seeds weapon here what we want to gap.
I think we're gonna get a cat . to be honest i'll be in a castle holy downloads big i have a catapult is there other issues and I'm i pick a pumpkin sure that shoots overwrite all this is this is serious okay every squad with shield although friendly fire.
Friendly fire the arches a bit own now.
Catapult was not what Dolph what's going on here.
Ok now we've we've quite clearly been defeat here i'm thinking we put a cattle up capital of the top cap on the bottom now we have a bunch of shields down the middle right with a bunch of spirit man behind him and it's about the rest with barbarians yeah can drop a cat with a magic via the extra are martyr and we needed here we go this one's my car parts their life they're gonna crush okay they seem to have missed a lot of squats fighting out quite nicely in the catapult here to finish my own guys I guess for carpools wait the catapults that stuck in a sea of people can't walk up you're not being very club cannot rotate very much ok the more you know your cap holes i guess in the back I wonder I wonder if just out of curiosity why don't we try something different.
Why don't we try a ballista in the middle right that's going to shoot through those shields I don't know I feel like I'm going to friendly fire now it's probably stood up there but listen now we're just testing things right now.
Now let's go the bug shield down the middle much experimenting behind those marches to protect the blisters and now she's getting presents just to make it interesting.
My scalp the most well thought out plan of the day the list is why you looking at my own guys oh they're good is good this is good.
All of them fly up a lot my own people based fine it's fine oh this could be the one come on blessed to shoot again forget that beliefs to die.
There's just one guy laughs okay two guys left against three arches guys to use your brains or the blister like the police's come on artoo we've seen great arches in our time.
Not today One blessed day and to guide one blister against one guy.
The list is all the dream work and it worked ok level 6 love 16 i think this is gonna be the last one that will see what it depends how difficult or easy is this your day.
Okay guys it's time to time to do something fun the shield army is upon us those gal oh they have a smart shield army than we do but if you believe did you know that if you believe you can have a shield army that wraps around them and does great things look at this look at the flag that was totally intentional we've got around it seemed like a natural light medieval battles i swear this most apartments are we winning or not I don't really know those people flying everywhere could this be the go I somehow don't think so i think we've got more people running away for their lives when people fighting some people the actual weapons could have been good there I think.
Yeah we just got this one last guy I know what we got fuel in here there's like two guys just holding out one of his dad and the other has been is fighting the good fight.
Give him a second yeah already knows he's noticed he knew it was over is what before i'm just curious to see what happens if we do it again.
I'm just curious to see what happens here probably got great things as a lot of them have shields all your ski the noises they make is this working oh my gosh this is working because they've all they were chased off the side and now they're just getting pelted they let their guard down all now although we shot ourselves we'vewe've entirely KO your own squad maybe they've been more spaced out it would have all killed themselves and this could actually be a viable strategy do we do you get that girl to try the more spaced out just army of poachers.
Ok so this definitely looks interesting no idea what's going to happen here we go.
Poach nation I feel like they're more prone to shooting themselves right now we're going to start losing the guys in the front line here but the idea is that want now this is yeah as not gonna be great.
I don't know there's any smart way there's no there's no smart way to do what I'm doing we haven't tried chariots before ok chariot should just go in and just start tearing them up so what if i put a cherry on the top carrier the bomb the rascally go shields with spears what we're trying to all checked out to break their ranks wait I want my cherries went down but he's coming back in that was the most pressing line we obviously I think we'd add the first chariot was cool i don't know that it really kill anyone but it looked very cool and they all died so they kind of advanced from up here so I need my my shields to be up here we can put a bit forward and spearmint behind then maybe some foot man kind of up here to hopefully like sneaking behind and some arches down here just to do best of damage was induced heart maybe like a little barbarian unit values to come in late and just massive up there well let me go for let's go for let's put some random Spearman here around the spear mom with this little division here is barri it's just there's no real thinking today's just maybe we can kind of confuse them is what I was thinking is what i was thinkin those are just like in a good position so I'm gonna shoot my own guys look we've won a victory that they running behind here and save the day look at i can only two of them survived but look at this shield guys not ready he's not write songs to save them but they've been destroyed spirit animation look at this that another to the other crew are oh come on take one of those.
Okay what do we have we have two archers now that shield to be a problem come on q1 q1 q1 kill policemen what we've seen our to do great things before please again not what if I try doing something a little weird so I have actually risking work I said the chariot down the middle and then that kind of distract them have been looking where directions and then I just feel the rest of the math part with coaches have no idea how this is gonna go but we're trying to whatever that area broke that line there now look at these guys go.
Could this work yes this is looking good although is this weather friendly fire themselves to death now white looking good they're all shooting in a nice position come on you guys can do is that one shield guys caused issues be down spin around could this be at this beer or no that's where these guys are very problematic on now.
Now come on club it's a 3-1 he's got she'll be 23 be one coach Coach poached eggs like he's running slow.
He's come on his I've got we done it.
Once he's left.
Where you guys going that guys still like he's trapped he's trapped it feels like part not I know got trapped under the chair but it's so bad not got guys this this is why we can't have nice things.
This is genuinely not gonna and I've been be and by a bug nightmare i literally i just restarted fantastic.
Alright let's try and do it differently seeing the glaciers happened while i send in a chariot and then just have shields . bomb with spears behind them like this and then just a lot of barbarians in the middle very random look about chariot has it done much killed like four people was it worth the money I don't know if these guys come on the back this could be looking at once . kill him.
Look this is where the spear man coming to town all this is looking good this is looking really good.
Ok I think we outnumber them right now so it's just if my guys don't kill themselves find yet.
Oh what a day what a day can stop us with a glitch like that ok made it to level 7 we're going to leave it here for this totally accurate battle seemed like a bit of you guys enjoy one team or more levels let me know down below leave a like and see ya.
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