Sunday, February 12, 2017

26 Taking Gods Grace To The World

Anyway opportunity.
Comment you from.
And them.
She a few although he said week.
Number for the kid just pupil word the sea and.
It is a privilege to be a University.
Thinking earlier today you know with a long fellow brothers and sisters in.
I didn't get the same time each one of you this week but this is a.
Quite a number of others I'm in the same time and one of the many things I really appreciate about.
You know session this weekend at the time yeah he's that and there's like-minded believers that we fellowship with not I'm not I'm not ships and I'll be my shoulders with somebody that's gonna talk alternative know that no two a motive I'm you know to catch me out to do something but I saw what I.
So was a lot of people yet I'm really excited about.
Truth about women wanting to know the truth about whether making sure that goes out you know and appreciate that you know at.
You know it's not a nice atmosphere when you always with somebody that's always checking you want.
You know policing you but the issue is the truth of God's Word and I appreciate that and appreciate this conference in this ministry year so thankful to be a I did bring greetings to you already from the church.
Our church Raceway Bible Church you know Edgewater Florida and also I'm from the church gene Port Elizabeth in South Africa.
As of me specifically to be greetings and also the church's in Kenya.
Has asked me to marry to conveyed the greetings to you as well.
This evening before I get going in the special you contend with me to second Corinthians chapter five so long if you like second internship 25 but I I can you this week I.
Arrived and I'm and in of the first I realize what you know what.
I didn't bring my belt but you can see I have a belt on this evening and.
I'm you see them all now this belt is being supplied by I'm the the the local clothing supplier.
I and stores called there a cable Outfitters and Me's outfitted what that that fellows this week and I have a bell.
And I feel you know what I could really feel special with this bill.
I feel to know but he told me don't remember gives bill back to him so.
Anyway I am we appreciate you all you guys his second Corinthians chapter five my message this evening is taking God's grace.
And to the world taking God's grace to the world and my my mind that challenge has been given to me this this statement.
I'm the purpose statement given to me as a challenge to renew our commitment to personal soul winning so winning.
And local church-based evangelism.
And so what we want to do this evening's talk about.
The charge to renew our minds and to get actively involved in in in sharing the gospel with people.
And also also and I local churches.
Be the base of operations from which we operate.
As we go out to get the gospel out to people so let's just open up NSB it was SJ we start reading from second relationship the five if you will.
And other reformers 14 today into the chapter the for the love of Christ constrain at us because we those judge that if if one.
Diet for all then we're all dead and that he died for all that they Richler should not henceforth move onto themselves but on to him which died for them.
Ana Rosa gain with for henceforth no we know man of the fleshy a though we have known Christ after the flesh yet now henceforth no we him no more.
Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature all things are possible way behold all things are become new and all things are guard with reconcile.
Us to himself by Jesus Christ and a.
Given to us the Ministry up a reconciliation.
To what that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself.
Not imputing it responses on to them and have committed unto us the word of.
Now then we are ambassadors for Christ as though God beseech you by us we pray you in Christ said.
Be ye reconciled to God for he had made him to be sent for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness.
Off guard in him a min although we thank you this evening for an opportunity again to open you would you consider a few versus.
And a city you would miss gerchas we thank you as we can said you would you must understanding in all things and we thank you for the fellowship for the Saints here above all we thank you for the righteousness your righteousness that we.
You've been made us to be in in Christ and we thank you for making us accept it.
In the beloved we praise You Me thank you for these things by Christ Jesus alone.
A man I'm.
In starting off you know we know first time with the chapter two verse for God will have all going to be saved the number new God is not a numbers but I'm the the previous first indications that Scott his designs were left all men to be saved.
And come to the knowledge of the truth so it's very clear the dots desires for all men to be say how many men all and to be saved and then come to the knowledge of the.
Through so that the ones that to happen and that is obviously part of our commission that we have to do it if you wanna know what God's will for your life.
There are these you want so mean to be safe and come to the knowledge of the truth and so we get out and do that.
And and and and get on with that that is that is icing dots wall no introduction as montana the season evening.
If ever there was a group of people who know.
The gospel I'm talking about the technicalities of the gospel uno the pure gospel the gospel of and most specifically also who knows as they know the cause love on space for you to know the gospel of God's grace perfectly you also up to understand some things about guardsmen rightly divided right and so who knows not where rosa rightly dividing the word of truth.
And also who has a by Paul that they have that they believe is God's Word.
Perfect inherent preserved for english-speaking people are King James Bible when old yet to that Bible.
Are and and and.
And and a people that s all these credentials.
Would you say those people that have all those credentials are most a quipped.
To go out into the world and to make and get on with this business of but God's desire is for going to be safe to come to the knowledge of the truth now I have a question with would be find a group of people like that.
I mean in you we would go out with me find somebody like that you know where they are sitting right here.
And there's not not not is not you not the only ones by the way so don't get yourself all like and where it you know I don't get to solve all excited there's a lot of.
Us out there okay but we are the right people together get the job done right okay so my challenge is gonna be to you okay.
I don't believe that there's a person here tonight sitting here tonight.
Listening on the internet the wherever I all listening to the DVD or this other all the audio later on.
I don't believe there's a person year to Dame that does not want to see men.
And women children to come to the saving knowledge in the Lord Jesus Christ I try I believe that everyone a few wants to see people get saved.
I believe that arcane and so I I know that is that.
The question i happen and I think that I wanted to the to say to you is at.
You know.
Ask you a question is when lost did you take the time in New you don't have to stand up and give iran says anything we lost did you take the personal time.
Or I took the personal and when did we take the personal time to speak to somebody about the gospel.
All too right just a note to somebody or hand somebody just attract.
To speak to them about their personal solvation.
You know somebody loved me enough one sometime go way back in and many many many moons ago.
Am when I was 15 years old to share the Gospel.
With me and i'm glad and I appreciate that but you know I don't know the person's name I can't remember his name I can remember what he look like but I don't know his name but he must've loved me enough all up the loading of and his word enough to share the Gospel with somebody Andy share the gospel and that night when you I trust the price not on what I did.
But based on what Christ has done for me.
And I've received the gift of eternal of life.
Not based on what I do not want based on what I gave to not based on me turning away from my sanity not based on me but s praying the Senate spread but completely in up.
Up ultimately could totally on the finish up the price trusted that you know I was a Cena and I was destined for eternal damnation in hell.
But here and heard the good news of the grace of God.
That he extends to me a free gift of salvation.
And I trusted Christ that night and that moment I trust that price that moment I believe the that moment got spur the got took me and he baptized into Christ.
Sealed me I was sealed with that spirit of ron was on holiday for attention.
I'm thankful for that person we know many many people in the world that don't know what we know.
They don't know how to be saved you know you want you don't know just how many people around us really really don't know how do you say and its people around us that really have a desire to know how to be safe they they they.
They argue in their own minds about all the time I've met people like that.
And as you would you mind if I share with you show I'd like to hear I wanna know.
When you open the Scriptures diminish a woman not Wow you know they're excited about that so I want to challenge you tonight to get involved in personal evangelism.
You know I'm not saying much you know some everything that you have urged with jobless down upon a.
With a banner up and say you know you going to hell if you don't depend on that other stuff that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about getting into the script just let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.
And as it works in you you go out and share with somebody when you see there's an opportunity dog yard or apartments to make no the most def price you can preach the gospel.
To people it's always you know the thing it is a very intimidating thing.
An amendment King added a wage to go do I was in Kenya when I go to Kenya.
I have a a.m. I have an evangelism course that I do with them I share with them how to share the Gospel et cetera et cetera.
And i know i remember that remember the first time sharing with these guys how to get the last night how to speak to someone how to engage someone into conversation to europe with what the status of the solar so that you can find it easy say the not say.
And I said now of pressure just for the weekend going to the streets now.
And we're gonna just speak to people and I like.
Oh no no no no.
Well and you sure yeah I'm gonna go with you just do it and so I remember the first time we go out I said okay we're gonna go after the first our just an hour we gonna share with people talk to people and we gonna come back and report back what you.
What you get what does that but what response from the people want to hear from him the first showing by and about two hours later the first guy start writing back.
Would be all smiles on the faces and I just got over that hurdle of his opening up and start talking to people know some people don't go away just get lost the one of you that you expect that happens but there's some people that lesson and as some people have given many years and they were able to share with them and when I got over that hurdle.
They were ready to go so encourage you to get on with that.
And and to be motivated to do that okay when it comes to us to execute.
Execute this issue of going out and sharing with people about the weather but Stanley members with school.
Close friends where that's just strangers.
Sometimes them we lose focus commitment and love motivation to do so.
We scale sometimes God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love without a sound mind right and that we can do it cocaine we just was a little bit focus as a local churches to our local churches I think about a local church and when I was giving this assignment no stinking while you know et cetera et cetera its greatest harm in taking God's grace that the world and.
And about soul winning in the local base church adventurism I'm thinking wow.
My church and not not my church but our church the local church that we have.
We can do more than what we are doing.
Okay and and we should get more involved and we need to encourage our churches and I trust tonight that what's going to motivate use not me telling you to do it.
But will motivate us is the word of God as we look some scriptures and see what is God and what issues desire for us to do this week you listen to all these messages.
Great messages and and I ask you to ship to put your hands up anyone a few that has been any find this weekend encouraged by the messages you put your hand up this evening.
And so you again is one person alright great I'm.
Creatures that yes though you guys messed up okay I want guys got it defied the back there but but do any 5% inode you encouraged by the messaging cars for the fellowship and and and and you know what you was strength in the Lord and and you were.
You know your learned about got what God is doing for you through his grades.
You have something that you've learned this week that she can go out and share with somebody else.
Right and so it should be talking about you want to have this week over.
Just do what you do it this week over next week.
And so next week you don't have all the conference got but guess what you have a lot of other people you're up shows whether you can talk to.
So I hope tonight that this there's no manuscripts just that you'll be encouraged.
I'm and buy some with them cocaine first of all.
For us to get more involvement personal relate a soul winning we need to renew our minds all mines needs to be renewed and the way that I'm on general news connect to be renewed in the word up.
Truth it with me if you will to the book of Romans chap 10:12 Romans chapter 12.
Know each other problem just read the first do versus the in I'm day but there's a transformation process that's going on in our minds initially going on mines.
And Paul right off the start of its one then and and chapter 12 I beseech you.
Therefore brethren this year the believers.
That syndrome in the church to Rome my beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice.
Holy acceptable unto God which is your what is the next two words you see there reasonable service he doesn't say.
On reasonable service it is your reasonable.
Service bro got to expect and inspire these words is reasonable for God to give you because he's giving you information.
From Roman ship to wander over chapter 11 that equips you with the basics.
Up what you need to buy the fundamentals of the finished work of Christ Jesus on the cross of Calvary.
And that that is enough for you to present to price a living sacrifice.
As reasonable service to get that that it carries on as is and be not conformed to this world that means.
It is possible for these believers these president to be conformed to this world but he says be not conformed to this world.
But be he'd drawn squall now how are we gonna be transformed as well the Bible says you're by the renewing of your mind that he may prove what is that boot.
An acceptable and perfect will of God we've just learned what God's perfect will invest in with the chapter to a small a sprawling to be safe something I jump through okay.
So we want to prove what is good for both accept the will of God what we need to do we renew our minds.
And when you renew your mind in the Word of God.
Because it's a living work it's a word that's all I've it's a weathered works a massive victory.
It's work that Rio with reach us and it's the way too many dealing with darts would we are dealing with God himself and he is the one that does the transformation process not me not the preacher but God's Word and God's doing a transformation.
And be transformed renewing of your mind you understand some things about the gospel the cross.
You understand some things about your justification by faith you you know what the condemnation of man you missed and some things about.
Up but but but but you're being justified at all times first of all in all a senate come short of the glory of God they understand some things out justify you by faith an honest answer vision about your sanctification are not pictures sent you a side.
And you also a glorification then also tells you by the way well as his role in all this chapters 9 to 11.
Missus now be transformed by the renewing of your mind get on with it.
You may prove it well as a loaded dude and and and acceptable and perfect will of God this with the motivations gonna come from go with me to finally min the book a file even as the loss the a wonderful art lost was appalled order your Nana Nana and Paul's letters and funnyman isoko LaBrea Inc a loss a ever possibly come back to this page is little late this time permits.
For us to do so and file even most numbers for which is redic weekly.
Is this I thank my God making mention of the.
Always in my prayers you think Paul is lying when he said that now he wasn't uring.
Of dial-up and fight which tower has.
To Wat the Lord Jesus and two walks.
And do what All Saints that and this is I pennies praises that the communication of knife way what you believe the doctrine et cetera that the communication of my faith maybe come a factual by the ethnology.
Of every good thing which is in you.
In Christ Jesus how is finally men's.
Communication apiece play gonna become a factual.
By the egg knowledge eases the structure.
Of every good thing which is n in the mood well at.
Just a college that and when you find it in God's want to read a new study that you find out who got his major to be.
This morning I spoke to the teens about the identity that they have been priced when you have not had sight identity acknowledge what God gives us.
It picked up it then it becomes a factual.
In my the communication of my faith becomes a pic Joe because I have something to communicate.
Now you don't know who you are in Christ you don't have much to but if you have the experience and understanding of what God is my witness to be on price guess what I got a lot to shed right they can't take that away from you.
Because you know what you looking at and you see the transformation in your mind in and now because you did not reach.
Acknowledge every good thing which is even Christ Jesus new communication of your faith it becomes a factual we're gonna come back to this patch is possibly a little bit later but.
Let's go back to second Corinthians will be just we were just reading and its go through that passions a little bit there and see what Paul says they in the issue of the motivation and the renewing of our minds.
We don't have the time to go through the whole passage with you know the ideal thing would be to go from this one you know that and then you say when you start was Rice's you know action would be pissed on chapter 4 on a little girl is the vector but that is something you can teach local churches and you have to go in your own personal time through but Jeff 25 us fourteen he says fall.
The loft of Christ for the love of Christ.
Con strainer us.
Because we dust judge that if if one died for all.
Then we'll all what we know all the dead right now the standard from the structures the scriptures the computer that present a bromance.
And this is now but this is no we understand some things by the love of Christ.
And when we understand the seizure beloved prize what he's done for us.
Am and address the fuses and that he died for all.
And that they would slow should not have to live under themselves but on to him that died for them and rose again so we understand it he died for us was buried in the rose again right.
When and Afghanistan to resume my god it was because the law and so what happens when we get that we had not exist everything that we have in Christ Jesus the love of Christ does what it constrains you.
And network constraints there the way the I understand it in my simplicity of my mind is to to hold together to arrest to Bri ok you pop preoccupy and forces the Afrikaans word is the wrong.
Done you know I wish I can explain to die from.
But it's just not you not gonna get you know which is so much now most people when I say summits as much more meaningful one then.
Family travel by the way Afrikaans the language you speakin happen one day if you know anyone by had but it it preoccupies to take it takes hold of you.
I didn't want to punch you now constraints you when you constrained by something you seen a one is below that maybe not a good example but a python when the constrains animal a small animal with animal gonna go to now now the subject to well that's next gonna do with them.
And so when we get this we get this understanding what at prized I first Veros going on and acknowledges the love a price constraints from straight up as a baseball.
Us at the rest us.
Really want to him that bad for us look at this forty just for the love of Christ constrain at us because we that's just that if one died for all then we're all dead and that he died for all.
That they would love should not have drove the car to themselves them and Rosa game so now we've not living on to ourselves in the mall.
But we live in two who unto Christ to what who died for us he's not saying okay guys at you know jeans diapers are looking to do things when im.
No when you get what he did for you is there a better resurrection his of constraint June guess what.
Yes vote you just him it's not a it's not a medical question you know you should do now when another freshman stranger guess what you gonna do you gonna look for him and you look up to him.
It's a natural process and that he died for all this the thing that they would love should not have a moment to themselves to run to him which died put them and Rosa gain where four hits both know we met no man off to the pleasure though we have not crossed over the place.
It now heads with no we him know mall.
The 17 therefore if any man be in Christ.
Who's that believers that ass if any man be in Christ he is a new creature.
All things are possible way be ok all things are become what we have a new identity read a new creature.
We not at all future anymore you get that was a princess all things are become new hip-hop lost part of the savings is a cyst.
On all things are off guard who hath reconcile of us that you and I believe us in the body of Christ believers.
Reconcile us to himself by Jesus Anna given to us the Ministry of saudi-ization so all things are got with reconciled us to I couldn't reconcile myself to God.
I couldn't come one day and say you know got you know there's some Sun.
Separating up some do something about this and I'm gonna get myself to you.
And we're gonna make peace through the blotter %uh not sure the blogger.
We gonna make peace on my terms what I'm gonna do you know he said I.
So you have a problem and the issue of Sun separating you from me.
And I'm gonna make a provision for your son in my son was gonna die P on across.
Feel so much 'cause was gonna die and then you guys reburied Rosa.
Again for your justification and I'm going to reconcile into the blood oh my son.
And he reconcile us to himself he brings us to himself by Jesus Christ finish book a price as is.
What is that ministry of reconciliation there was one day that I was lost this.
As a as as one of our brothers and sisters gonna to be with the Lord now.
He said I was lost like a ball in Tollcross.
That'll never who's to say that knob doesn't sound so much that I said was I don't have that playing that he ended with you now.
But I was lost.
I was dead in trespasses and sins and somebody tell me that God love me so much she gave the Sun and Anne the Sun came and got tremendous these love to what you are your self I start for me and I heard the and I trust the price that he did for me.
And that moment I got seven God reconcile between himself and everybody in the body cross the same.
That scott also boobs not just realized it was the body of into the heavens but also for the estimation of the israel and is given to us the Ministry of what.
Reconciliation now yes the Minister for this reference and reconciliations it was nineteen to what now I you know me first language Afrikaans English second language do with first thing I think about it witness but that's not what the word what means.
The with me to my understanding is it needs to know.
To know something understand some things to what.
That God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses.
Onto them Anna mother onto us to us to us the word of so what is it that been committed to us we have the ministry of reconciliation and where do we find out what the minister reconciliation is he committed us to the word of what a reconciliation gots what else about his plan of and when you and I get we can teach the world out there about got reconciling the world to himself not shooting that responses to them.
As we get caught wind and rain made me get.
Any system is training in our and purposefully not spending a lot of time in which each one of these verses explaining them because we know that the time for that.
But I missed when he sees now then.
Speaking to this church occurrences now then.
We the body of Christ all ambassadors for Christ all speaking about I was in the first person there we of ambassadors for Christ as the guard beseech you by us we pray your.
Tri-state be ye reconciled to get this word of reconciliation is israel's ambassador for Christ UNII.
In our commission that we have we are ambassadors.
For Christ an ambassador is quite appalling.
What according to ambassador to be an ambassador for Christ and ambassador means to represent another to speak on his behalf.
Of another or an official representative or spokesperson of up an organization other country.
Of a representation way on April a better this.
For Christ we represent the view because polls is an ex parte adverse.
We pray on price state as ambassadors for the law we not we haven't bested ship not just too impatient but I'll bet to the show up is gonna go and it's gonna be Minister and Minister a as ambassadors is to a everyman.
Ministry representation to everyman we have a world why grace Commission.
That's what we had you going to the whole 0.
And to preach everyman the word of reconciliation the fisher-price and their of that Dawson impugning their trespasses unto them.
And is committed to us that word and we need to go preach it out there.
We have a worldwide grace commission you know the 12 and I and I we is that would be great at the top 17 minutes in each stop by the time this one I'm we have the twelfth at the end of the Matthew Mark Luke and John of the Lord Jesus Christ died is restricted spends forty days for them.
Gives them a commission is that gonna go out there and what we what the weather church what we generally those people out there denomination was elected.
Knows as the Great Commission let me tell you something there's nothing wrong with that Commission it was a great commission.
But it's not our commission okay that's not our ministry that was.
Their ministry and then minister told them also going to all the wall.
To every nation but that witness to watch to specifically as before before the at at to put on hold to be.
The second coming of the Lord until the nation officials established.
In the kingdom as the priest would have got and auto-tune nation.
And establishes them until then their ministry is gonna be too every is relied in the whole das not sending up to the June then to the Gentile.
That's not the commission is the way I understand it he sending out to go into all the far wall and starting a jerusalem and bring in the get the message to Israel because they all over bring them back when they get stabbed in the kingdom then they can go out then the message the blessings gonna go to the Gentiles.
You an eye on the other hand so their ministry was.
Matthew chapter 20 was 28 says the following it says even as the Son of Man came in came not to be ministered unto but to understand gave his life a ransom for what.
For many not fall for many it was very clear when Jesus Christ game.
In in a bit introduction have looked up to one of my neck chapter one.
He says he can to save his people from their said to redeem these people.
And bring salvation to his people that was the message before.
Go out to the world ultimately the best things will go to the to the Gentiles but not gonna go untraditional is established and the king that was established in the king sits on the throne you get that you when I on the other hand.
Go with me to first time with the chapter 2.
This to me the chapter 2 in first time with each up to this fall.
This the best we talked about earlier who will evolve into be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.
Well there is one God and one mediator between God and men the man Christ Jesus.
Who gave himself around some all not many but for and some pho.
All to be testified in due time i'm italian its due time he needs to be testified test.
You guys know some so you know what I'm talking about but we need to testify him.
Noted and and and and got second assorted.
A-sixes who gave himself a ransom for all all ministries everyman we have it everyman ministry all.
All every man in this world with me diffusion Sep 23 efficient Sep 23 if you will we coming back to second Corinthians by the way a vision chef three.
And for time sake I'm not gonna read all the verses but like to stand as one but we're not gonna go in this one.
The seven says where I was made a minister according to the gift of the grace of God given to me by the picture all working on peace power.
Unto me web less than the least of all the saints this place given.
That I should preach among the Gentiles what.
Non searchable riches of Christ untraceable on fire you can find it was even got and so did great among a gentle touch such a rich is a price.
And and to make what.
All antsy what is the fellowship for the mystery which from the beginning of the will that mean heat up to a be.
In got who created all things by Jesus Christ softball says this year is to bridge on such a mortgage is a price to make all fancy what the first for the best three.
The top message to preach to the to the 22 East route for since starting the Jews love going on %uh.
To every nation that message was not since the world began Paul's message is being kept secret sensible began got he's now to be doing this on searchable riches of of of of and he says now those I need to make everyman see.
All NC well as the fellowship with the mystery in a poll that was post commission that suppose instruction to do.
Guess what you a nice ball is up at them we have that ministry soda every Mac and see what is the fellowship in the mystery did you see that that gospel is going to be different to the top message that they gonna be preaching.
We preach Jesus Christ crucified we feature his death is beryl and his resurrection of our justification.
Everyman now with me Colossians step the one if you will Colossians ship the one bus 26 pretty 3 says if you continue in the faith grounded and settled and be not moved away from the hope of the which effort and which was preached to every what creature knobs member buzzes with a new creature.
So the message to every creature minute every creature yes the response to the gospel cross pricing becomes a new creature is a speech to every creature that every creature fall says in is not all it's not all without exception.
Unicef I thought every person ever could live in that time to speak to the every one of them now issue is there you speak to all without distinction it doesn't say i jus are you you gentle soda caustic do you speak to the Jew first yeah now you no distinction we can teach too.
Every creature is going to hear this message yes now I'm saying we haven't everyman ministry number with back with me to second Corinthians if you will second Corinthians top 25 and first when you again.
For Christ that's how thats of position that's what we have and that's how I roll and now ambassadors that's our job function if you will.
Now investors for prices though God procedure by us we pray you in Christ it that we're in Christ at them.
We prayin priced it be reconciled to God in Christ it in the bay Harbaugh over the place of the Lord Jesus Christ is not present here.
Is not buddies is in us when in him.
Right and who is the.
Representation and speaks on the behalf on the Lord Jesus Christ today.
We do.
Winning the state and we have a ministry to do.
And we have a managed to take with richard was speaking about imminently porn a return to the Lord Jesus Christ and we don't know how long it's gonna be we should have to get on with it and and redeem the time because we don't know how long it is.
Anymore and we now get on with it was people.
There's a lot of people out there there's a whole world lost out there that need to use the interesting investment is is now we are then a basis for prices though gotta teach about us we pray you in Christ it be reconciled to God for he that and that's got he have made him again getting a further explanation for me.
Have made he met Jesus Christ to be sent for us.
Who knew no sin.
That he might be made the that that that sorry that sorry up DAW in him wow.
You know simplistic most I'm just really is just for you have made him to be sent for us and I'm thinking about that fact that one that moment one moment in time.
I don't know who spoke about this week on a member which brother spoke about it can you imagine that.
That hour before the Lord had to go and you know he's going to be captured.
Using that darden's sweating sweatshop drop comes on his brow in the spring of possibly the cup possibly by but not my beloved I will be done what the Sun a man has gone through that moment because he's not just gonna die.
A simplistic debt he's gonna die for the scent of a Woman and got the father at that moment.
Its gonna make him to be son and confer se Q.
At that moment you may need to be sent for us who knew no sin why why that we might be made the righteousness of gardening dark when we trust the gospel when we trust the minister the we would've reconciliation together with a reconciliation the finished look a price and carry for us but the doctor yet that you.
They pay for us it was mates and brushed died for us in bed rose again the third day.
According to the Scriptures that moment I I believe got imputed to be.
Christ's righteousness that I deserve it.
Did not know that I just got as a free gift.
And its people out there that don't know that they working for their salvation.
And the beating himself up every day because I think they failing not making it and guess what they're not making and you and I as the ambassador's in Christ is to get out there with this ministry.
This with the the revelation of the mystery we need to get out of the gospel of God's grace and tell them listen you know what got started pounding out responses on to you.
Despite 307 he became sent for you so that you can be made right is all you need to do is trust Christ believe the possible price price.
It's a plastic isn't complicated we have a need to be some rushing you know senate we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
That's how we can get on with that mess ministry now you know who becomes an ambassador the one against impunity righteousness ambassador he's the one in Christ it now miss you have computerized imputed righteousness this faucet object the Sixers ones' within its workers together.
With the with new with Christ we've been working together with the mudguard beseech you also that you see if not the grace of God in vain.
Undersea for nothing then this isn't a good thing in common and brackets.
And a parenthesis then shipped over stooges for he said I avert the anatomic seven ish quoting Otis min scripted as I checked the forty-ninth white way said I have heard the in a time accepted in the day of salvation about security built now is the accepted time be all now is the day of salvation.
Way to cease operations a day of salvation stop we live in a dispensation of god's great the day the night spa spent two days at hand.
Fellowship 13 we gonna make me to get on with it.
There's an opportunity for people to get save everyday appraised for the motives as an opportunity for people to get save.
And was opportunity United job to do.
And sometimes it can be intimidated Joe goddess and cross the t's word to you and me isn't trusted to us to the the ministry of reconciliation is commissioned us with that be given us the position ambassadors is given as identity nissan has made us write just emails accepted in the beloved now in trust his word to us go with me to first Thessalonians if you will chip.
To business alone in ship to I'm.
For citizenship to.
This one says for yourself rather know your.
Entrance in a sorry for yourself rather know.
Our engines in on to you that it was not in vain.
But even that of the we have suffered before it was shameful in treated as you know that for the pie we will bolt Ina Garten speak unto you the gospel of dark with much contention.
You know the issues when he was speaking the gospel about them 17.
Easy job now it's with much but they def get the possible through because he's at sea sorry for the pitch in the boys but they got save.
They got okay this recess for our folks exultation was not up to see.
Nor upon cleanest not of God I'll but as we were.
Allowed off guard got a lot has been able to but we know that I've got to be putting trust with the gospel even so we speak not as pleasing men but dot which dryer our heart you know what God has done to us he said thruster to us he sees he sees a lot us.
And and is in a 2-2 draw just us any put us in trust.
With the gospel not that it's almost scary thing to think what almost.
It is a scary thing to think about the darkest put us in trust for the gospel.
Prop the think that I'm thankful for us.
Got inside s I'm going to trust the gospel to you can put your trust.
You get on with it do what you need to do now got as you know as you see if the prices are also walking in guess what I'm gonna enable you.
I'm gonna give you the sufficiency that you need to do so you don't have to worry about anything.
Just trust me trust my word I will do the work.
I'm thankful for that because I'll fail my wife leaves for the day.
Go to work I'm working from home and shit trust me.
To do the dishes or Nana what you mean us she puts the washing in the first one before she whispered Washington is up with your trust art.
To take the washing up in the dryer own little even have in the washing machine because it's gonna snow the just lace stays within their no problem honey.
Show love you lots go on she gets home from work higher stop by the shopping bags and everything works in there you think the washing-up I messed up.
She gives me that look man she and and maybe.
You travel on every tell you what you can do in the future when you hear her walk like this it's all OK.
When you walk like this i right get I'll suffer the consequences when I get earlier.
But he's put us in trust for the gospel first over the chapter 6 first in the chapter 6 missed many.
Well time on ok Timothy both ready to Timothy is pretty filthy with Agrawal %ah to charge them to keep the doctrine and.
And the word and because is and as a there's a there's a moving when departing from the doctrine invest and chapter one missed when it is ok to me the keep that which is committed to I trust keep it.
That means daughter that has been committed I trust avoiding profane and vain happenings in the positions of Science poses so-called which some professing a concerning the faith-based be with the SIS keeper.
Hold on to it the second image up to 20 21 responses for the which cause I also suffer these things nevertheless I am not ashamed for I know who might believe am persuaded that he is able to keep that which are committed unto him against that day.
Whole lost the fall of sound worse.
He says over the whole foster false outward.
Which dollars heard of me in faith and love which.
Is again in Christ Jesus when you acknowledge that what you have in Christ Jesus you can hold.
Off to the foremost on work because he's helping you now either but Christ liveth me I can hold on to the phone was on was that for most honored the design that God has His Word and then the doctrine is laid out for us and we can hold on we entrusted with the gospel need to hold on to that.
You see God is not entrusted to you and me the souls of man's as all you protect those souls I meant was you know I can do anything about the souls of men but what is entrusted to us is the word of His grace and up in a job that you and i have the best that is in Christ ed.
And the minister that we have is to preach the gospel got will do the job with him.
You and I just have to preach the word he says.
Nnnn it I know it's gone and I'm not even to the church I'm gonna jump a buncha stuff you just give you some verses you quickly.
But second Timothy chapter 4 second image up the fall and this one me the souls of men are dogs business.
Don't forget that I shortly before the Lord before God in the Lord Jesus Christ as well just the quick and the dead is appearing in his kingdom preach though what word be instant in season out of season and.
ANC's out a season that means that no matter what season it is what you need to do bridge the wet.
With you fearful not fearful guess what preach the word out a season be proven rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine.
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own Russia leave themselves.
Teachers having itching ears and they should turn away the is from the truth and should be turned on the fabled.
But watched all in all things endured afflictions guess what afflictions gotta calm but maybe it will come.
You make a stand for the troop you preach a pure gospel you will be afflicted guaranteed but watched on all things in due to fiction.
Do the work of an evangelist a welcome evangelist.
Make full profile I ministry that means to for photo ministry be a handful of solvation preacher.
Bridge to cross.
Are so many verses I'm just want want to just that we could just go.
Our time is up in the local church a local church needs to be a place where.
We way this is this is this is a cultivated.
And we we just preaches and ministers and and and and what was missing love just we need to encourage our people.
With this very important art of evangelism and the issue of getting that lost souls of men to hear the gospel of God's grace.
And we've cultivated this last example I'm gonna close off with us.
And I'm you know you think a person will learn through the years as you preach.
Not to have too much stuff but works every.
I don't know the other preachers you know I never get through my notes.
You know maybe I'm about a good calculator.
Of this stuff but anyway I am what we're saying what was I saying.
First this loan business loans region is passage here in closing business internship the one.
And this one fallen so farmers and Timothy s.
Unto the Church of Thessalonians which is in God the Father and grace be unto you and peace from God our Father Lord Jesus Christ we give thanks to God always for you all making mention of you in our prayers.
Remembering without ceasing your work of play.
And labor of love and patience of hope.
In our Lord Jesus Christ in the site up guard and our Father knowing brethren Bowl up your election of God.
For our gospel came not on to you in Word.
Only but also in power any the Holy Ghost.
So you know we preach the word but guess what not actually that power and the Holy Ghost and with much assurance as she know what manner of man we would among for your sake.
And he became followers of us and of the Lord.
Having received the word in much affliction with joy of the Holy Ghost.
Sorrow that he you were what en Sol Kohls to.
Some no do all.
That will leave a message donen a.k.a fall from you you sounded out the word a blowout not only a message donen a.k.a but also in everyplace your faith that God would ease spread abroad that we need not speak anything poses you know what I got preach the gospel to guess what when you got it you got it and it's not working in your factually Jeff to do is 13 and I know you some movies got your area something the guys here that.
Give me a hard time because I quote first Thessalonians 2:13 all the time I'm not gonna mention names Charlie Mike I.
But it's a great verse and it worked perfectly in them and when I heard it.
From them sounded out the word of the Lord the site not only addresses during the pay about to got.
An effort in every place your faith in God were to spread abroad so that we need not speak anything what they themselves show up us what manner of entering in we head on to you and how you turn to go up from my oath to serve the living and true God.
When these guys got up to they were not just preaching averaging to people with was serving idols.
And must be gathered in route to the idolatry.
But they got the message that dot the word God's grace that dot the what price that for them and the and it worked in a min except the acknowledge what they had in Christ.
And they went out there and preach the word.
And these people in this area is not safe then responded to the and that's what you know I need to do we need to get it first before we get it out there and to wait for his son from heaven will be raised from the dead even Jesus.
Which delivered us from the rough to come.
I honestly don't think I did justice to the subject here with the information wanna share with you.
But I do want to encourage you information as we heard this don't just hear this week at most a few city and take notes go home and go over those who read the scriptures again go to search the Scriptures with the scene so.
Considerate get it get a ground rule in your hearts.
Acknowledge it every good thing that's thats in you in Christ Jesus acknowledged.
So the communication of your faith can become a factual people could hear the gospel encourage local ministers in your past this.
Whatever you need to do to get the message out to get it out but remember the basis for every 10 minutes should be a local church.
And from that book church sounded out that happen at this alone in a local church and they sounded out Sharif Hassan.
Should be son of a local churches that has been used individual conscience you should be shared got which overlooked.
You remember the lowest price but let's get on out there and let's make it a new commitment to give make us make sure the gospel is preached.
It is anyone you tonight is never trusted Christ.
Never heard the two sons was completely completely ultimately totally PayPal on calorie but God communities love that would commend his love people had an open display.
Love for you and while yet sinners Christ died for you for us want to trust prize first this and an efficient ship the one was 13 meaning closing years.
This evening for San want to trust Christ believe the gospel the fish up to 113.
We not gonna ask you to walk the line we're not going to ought to come out.
And not be in a play would you come up not getting Israeli Foreign altar call your stop playing the songs we parted as I.
1 I'm you see nobody asked me to sing I'm a and.
And start getting you emotionally y Papas swipe getting you in your when you sit in your the Gospel Jesus Christ died for your sins.
Bearish for your and erased your justification you know that use in a.
And you're on your way to eternal damnation you trust isolation received a gift of eternal life that moment you believe in your heart and you accept it you made it personal.
And acknowledge that that moment you get translated from death to life.
Want to do that why do you want to walk around.
You lie life is yours in Christ Jesus.
Infusion Sep 21 mister T says in home you also trusted after that he heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation that's just falls preach that in also offer that he believed he was sealed with at Holy Spirit of promise.
Which is that earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchase position that's body of Christ you and I onto the praise of these glory sealed for eternity hateful incomplete.
Just believe it your.
Believer trust place your faith and the faith price will save you give you to analyze amen father we thank you for night for your word.
What is so much but we can still study out about this but we thank you for the.
Simplicity that is in Christ for the.
Ministry that you've given us encouragement with.
Receive this week from your word from the religious preachers in the minister just the fellowship of things together.
Thank you for defying us but thank you for you would have your grace that bolts us up thank you for a blessed hope as we look for that glorious appearing of our great God and Savior the Lord Jesus Christ thank you for the work you doing in us for use on the Lord Jesus a min.
Alright well.
You come to the a.m.


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