Wednesday, February 1, 2017





Wait what hit them sure you guys back up shake shake.

Kelly hi your weight on my partners.

Oh God reigns our brane hole could.

So what ok step on me that money no no okay you guys back up you stay away from little kid he's gonna keep your back she shake it off shake it out shake its fine.

Please I know these guys hit you put they taught you were an intruder they were just protecting us but so do your friends.

Yeah hit me over the head with a baseball but what this is jerry and there's Jimmy over there and Tom's out there.

These guys are nice guys there three brothers they grew up on a fireman.

They made it out put not the rest of their family so they've been going from building to building in the city and that's where they found me because I scraped the building when the zombie surrounded me but I was on my own and they know my dad they know of the Kings don't see if they said they protect the princess so.

Hey there good friends so confusing what even happened you and me were together and then all of a sudden when the zombie detector like you just want to wait two different way yeah i think i went to left and you went to the right and I got stuck in a room and I didn't know if you were alive and then these guys said there was an intruder and we didn't know what he can't be too careful shaky these guys on the people I've met people in the city and they're not nice people we have to be so careful.

Oh well then we should put the fires out because not only will attract people with some bees are attracted to light you guys come on it's still decorative ok ok ok ok well well well but what I did not go to the kitty did you ready water.

Okay there we go hey user out okay and well let me introduce you to the guys okay with me well done that means ok what's his name Jerry introduced at Jerry so this is shaky they fly you hit over.

Well let you didn't hit my head but the intruder and hello there I'm sorry but we couldn't take the chance we've seen what people are capable of now so weak he says that as well what's going on people must be really mean yeah well now that everyone is like is trying to escape the zombies they're just they're going crazy dirt they're attacking people they're stealing their supplies their weapons because it's a survival of the fittest know when people are stealing everyone else's weapons and it's crazy don't these guys are nice guys they don't do that he's gonna put you hit me over the head and he took on my gear.

Oh ok let's go over this is that Jimmy yeah you didn't have a bone to pick with you no hard feelings but he we touch you with a danger to us in danger.

I put my weapons down i said i was looking for my friends they even that little Kelly she did you step through getting at now I didn't be at the beginning because I didn't know if I could trust them but then I told him that around so they obviously didn't realize oh I suppose the g but you're quite the same with that baseball bat that's really smart.

Ok levels he told ya he took your supplies and put them in here shaking oh well okay great this is good this is good stuff okay let me get it out okay you got it all gosh you got a lot of filler but wherever that give us the Point C we didn't use your supplies we didn't steal them or anything these guys are really really nice.

That is good i would have thought of this stuff will be gone.

No no and and let me introduce you to tom ok.

We went away and we should come Tom's over here.

Ok hello top whatever shaky what are you doing over here hey good to see Jimmy didn't kill you.

I'm keeping carried on the stairs stairs.

Yeah well basically we've cleared out floor by floor I'm we're on the top floor of this building it's pretty cute butt out there are a lot of zombies downstairs I think.

Well I wouldn't be here any yeah well it has a shape is all there must be a few of them down there little kid.

You guys have so much light and your torches and so quick that we're gonna have to put all this going to stop because if people see this like they're just going to get attracted to it like I did and then all of a sudden you can have a bigger group come in here and kill these guys yeah we'll check you out and he told him to put the lights on they don't usually do it but I was trying to attract you to this building so you know where I was but they didn't know what you look like I probably should explain that you are a shark I don't want to make it more clear but my mistake anyway I'm we need to find scuba steve Joey hasn't come to this building no we husband i'm doing ok there's still about missing I don't know what is going on they left together to go get supplies and then we got attack Oh terrible ok so if that I think we should just get out there with you think yeah I think it's the best bet I know that you are great are fighting zombies so let's go down oh baby stupid get your crossbow out make sure it's loaded ok oh shut up by accident sorry oh great which you reload it ok reloaded yeah ok ok so just be super careful little girl Cady I don't know what is down here the cookie antics let's have a game but.

Look at so it huh zombies we're gonna have to be super coil ok if you see what don't scream - oh just kill him ok ok anyone over here wait didn't you okay I'm gonna get him oh no you know up to grow out.

I gotta go ok I gotta oh gosh okay i'm gonna get my act 2010 dad when we could choke a beautiful.

Ok we have to check the rest is for because obviously not safe to get an instrument huh - Ricky look what oh you're gonna get it get it get it from you okay yeah I'm okay that was scary the few to me in here so many is that so proud of us three of them was three orders going right the door.

Ok oh gosh look they're all over here she can't go out that way look they want to smash through this door huh.

Oh no ok well they're all over there to the right and they haven't seen us yet because we were super quiet.

Maybe we should try to leave true here or no I don't think we should go out that way because it seems to be loaded with some was destroyed this side this way you seem to melt its way okay great example.

Ok keep an eye out for blue skirt and ugly girl a little girl.

Hello my name is there - okay and quick check its building daughter was working the left foot ok so quickly you can only was extremely Shh.

It looks blown up.

That means there could have been bad people here little Kelly Oh No shaky this is really not good I'm gonna go with this way ok i'll follow you you take a lead ok understand read for store their can't get it that way but it's not for you . looks pretty clear.

Ok so it is pretty clear let's get anything around these supplies and food.

No just look like it well this looks mighty deep but i'm not going down there.

The cookies are you ready to raid or no.

Oh wait look look over there it looks like there's someone in the window and its light oh I don't like this one bit little Kelly what there could be something bad to go see the light from upstairs.

I don't know I think maybe we should keep going for a few minutes because if they're bad people will know all about it what.

Is it anyway v yeah it looks like they're waving.

Well I don't know little catty this could be a trap I don't know show people what if it's cool with Stephen Curry I know I really wanted to i really want that visible everywhere to find the but the same time what if we go in there and it's the trap but we both get did it with the scriptures office on the right side oh gosh ok ok ok ok shaggy and what we have to do is just let's keep on watching ok if he is friendly and he just keeps on waving then I think it's safe but if they shoot at us or anything we gotta go we gotta run as fast as we can away from here okay well you you watch a stick Oh watch a quarter past nine I will wait a few minutes ok let's do it ok shaky i think we've waited long enough the guy doesn't seem to be shooting at us or anything but it was like flailing around in there.

I'm pretty sure he's waving and like I can you throw it to the deputy minister look at it it's not as Walker someone so we're gonna stop the brave up matter of jack up the printer and do all those things but it was shot each look at all the walkers down the street you gotta be quiet otherwise local models we've got to get across this road.

Ok ok that's you get you loaded I am noted i'm ready to go yeah oh sorry i can't read a min Judah.

It's in your butt it's in your butt shot you in the book i'm sorry.

Ok we'd stay still official there i got a couch and that really hurt.

I'm sorry thankee who oh that that's gonna leave a mark that is going to leave it there it's okay come on I'm sorry ok we have to go now because they definitely heard you screaming if you could move loadable there ok oh gosh you look well the doors open.

It's going to be okay oh wait up a lot where I don't know let the Kelly I don't like this morning I be helping us out with my axe.

Okay i'm gonna reload my crossbow ok I'll get with you a little oh yeah we're okay hold on.

Bulla have to love a girl again ok so there could be more zombies in here because we just figured out that there was one going to open the store as well thought-out need to read out a lot to rely on their lap no doubt you're gonna go back huh dead.

Ok to quickly grab the point okay okay as your interim coach in here.

Do you have anything no I don't you have one piece of bread left - okay okay so close these doors . okay well here if they open again.

Works with mr. what does the light is the bedroom light knock what we're gonna do it we're gonna break in I mean wait let's check this desert over here for it if you're in there and we're out here and get it but back up back up where is that there I got armed and dangerous oh no he's gonna have to think about when you know why don't you come back.

It's killing me.

We had each other break because I am Alive but I've had that changes are likely i need here at I heard you perhaps that you would just really took off I got I got scared I was meant to say hi I'm Aaron too dangerous.

Oh how does that make sense instead I variance in the pages look o.

We're just get out i'm here sorry as shit here.

Ok ya know Katie that's who I was looking for.

Oh oh so you made the movie no no i mean when i left me with that was quite good.

Ok no where is she yeah the real color wheel it can you what you got separated oh no how long how long ago the world there would always everything just crazy over here.

So many walkers around it it didn't read some of them look too . doing a bit.

Don't they try to them oh gosh my board early right yeah that was kind of my fault.

No but a little chilly my bad you're my best friend in the book.

I'm sorry mark maybe I should get you as well so it's even know if you get up that early is missing.

So this is a good because giving feedback to my best man is back hey sister Kelly we need to figure out where she is scuba steve you're gonna have to bring us to the last place that you wear with her and we're gonna have to hunt you down ok that sounds like a plan and let me think.

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