Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Minecraft - Little Kelly Adventures : VISITING TINY TURTLES NEW HOUSE!

Ok I think this is the way to .

Tiny turtles new house I haven't been here yet but i did deliver a gift to him.

I think it's down this road I wonder which hosted is that one looks pretty nice.

That was pretty crazy owner what that is it's like a really tall building.

What are called as a policeman at least this neighborhood is safe that's good i can know the tiny turtle safe when he's not with lizard or with me on adventures.

Oh I think this is the house ok look he's got a nice little mailbox well it's pretty big from the outside it's pretty awesome okay okay enough for playing around.

Let's have a peek in and see if we can see anything he's gonna laptop.

It's got a nice doorway there he's got some bolts of staircases up under this house looks huge it's as big as my castle but I'm i guess i should bring the door about I'm wait on tiny turtle.

Hey tiny title.

They look Kelly what are you doing here what I came to visit your new house where I like your outfit.

Thank you i think I look pretty cool it was just gonna have a chill day go around try to meet some neighbors and stuff what are you doing are you here for the day or what's up yeah I'm so free for the day I had no adventures planned so I thought I'd come and check out your new digs.

I did send you got speed but I've never actually seen him so I don't want me to check it also yeah please come in it looks huge it's just as big as a castle.

It is pretty big you know I did splash it on this one so let me give you a little turbs thank you so here's kind of like my dining room.

Oh very nice this is just a mini office i have set up for correct and homework and checking emails and stuff from your teachers give me an a okay I'm gonna make this I don't know if I got through it all ok tiny girl sorry you have to earn your a I learned I'll study had this is kind of like a little fountain feature help but in a very nice very natural and then you like my rugs.

Yeah lovely i have never seen looks like this before I had the best designer in the land could be an amazing ok what's down here then this is just kind of a big bathroom but it was like a big jacuzzi bath which are awesome jacuzzi party nice the Chilean and then this is my trophy room which i will be putting trophies in or items that I want to keep well that's very cool.

Yeah nice.

Storage idea I like it it's so nice in here.

It's cool isn't it so here's the kitchen nice and compact oh it's very cool i look you've got all your open your heart and khul you may get some carrots that's okay soup dish this is my bedroom.

This is your bedroom downstairs that's cool only a look that's so awesome on your bed is green just like you.

Yeah and my lamp and your lamp and I can see my favorite people from here is this i was for swimming ill check it out look I've got a swimming pool and I've got a basketball court around the side seams here I've got like eight games there was a pool table and darts.

This is crazy time Charlie your house is so much fun.

You get paid a lot of being a teacher ok I must look into that maybe I'll do that as a career in future bro this is your princess you've got all the money in the water.

True but i like to earn my way oh is this your basketball court this is uh huh.

Awesome it's so cool oh my god we should shoot some hoops one day.

Definitely ok but what you want to do today oh I never showed you my cinema room Jojo me to send her my love watching movies where watch movies and I also play games.

I love playing video games there's so much fun note down this way.

Follow me oh well look this house is just ridiculous it just goes on and on our own so dark in here it is dark I need to get some better lighting but isn't it good.

Yeah it's awesome oh my gosh you can watch somebody killed movies in here.

Yeah Oh imagine scary ones because it's so dark you so freaked out I need to get some good lights for that.

Ok so actually I have I think I still have some guns that I need to return to the and some ammo yeah but I need to return to the police I don't you don't you though i won't i won't am I had them because the first day I moved in here I helped catch a burger and it was a lot of bad guys.

So we have to go take them down yet ok so you need to return them well I kind of wanted to see the neighborhood anyway so i hope they like it with you alright cool well it's just around here it's not too far or really need to cut my grass soon as well we will do that when I get back.

Yes a good idea okay all right this guy was just saying that this is this neighborhood is so cool and it's safe there was a police officer just down the street from you.

Oh yeah thats Officer Larry I think he patrols the streets off Larry oh you already know everyone's name that's so nice I know if you I know Lily Officer Larry I don't know this guy but he's always out running however he's obviously super super fit yeah maybe was trained for a marathon evening maybe these babies in the Olympics what I would be so cool you should make friends with him maybe we'd get tickets you should definitely so this is the police station.

Oh so this is really cool so I need to go and give them back to go and so I'm just going to throw them over the counter here you go.

These are the ones we had from the bad guys you today there's two and then there's all the ammo so you can put that back up thank you.

Ok cool I didn't want to keep it just in case I got in trouble no you don't make a bad impression when you just moved in no no ok we can probably take a little shortcut this way ok oh look a bit that's a huge taxi rank.

Yeah there's lots of taxis I don't know what maybe i don't know maybe a lot of people get a taxi to the airport or you're not sure really.

Oh yeah now we can see so this is kind of like a shortcut to your husband.

Yeah it is but I really really need to cut my grass I don't want the neighbors think and find messy so I think I'll go in and grab a lot more do you mind helping.

No not at all i'd love to cut your grass okay well I'll grab two then and we can put it maybe we can do some of the neighbors grass as well and they're really like oh my gosh you make such a good impression on your neighbors if you cut the grass for them because i don't know when anyone cut my grass i get sloppy.

Yeah exactly ok you wait here I'll go get them ok.

Okay look at me i got them but be careful because they're always on their special more so if you have it over the grass then it's gonna mow.

Ok ok ok ok so I'm gonna do you want to go . so if I'll do this side right here and I'll go this side so just make sure you get everywhere.

Ok already got that way here we go.

I'm so excited it's gonna look awesome when it stood so it's doing.

I was only doing the lawn at the bottom we actually have to have to break all the big bits that's okay we can do that look how nice it looks like they're neat.

It's going to look so good mr. bit.

There we go so yeah we gotta break the big tits too pushy yeah oh well okay I got some seeds and two mottos and like what's a rice.

Well this looks so good okay the neighbors are gonna be so happy if we do it.

Hey you here now ok I'll start over here and I'll beat you in the middle.

Sure i'm going to go up and down okay just be careful.

Perfect it doesn't cut the flowers either ok oh right better head and go back this way and then maybe I'll do here man oh yeah hello your job and then back here.

This is so kill my gosh everyone's lon it's gonna look like the best but what you don't get them flowers know where the best neighbors we believe what you are the best neighbor Oh what the flowers are breaking a little bit Oh No.

Ok back to back down oh no they're pumping it because they don't ok that's fine we can plant them back down after ok cool so shall we do anyone else is going.

I'm let's see if grandma Jean need some help but it was kind of remedies but she has a backyard.

She doesn't mind if I go in because I save her cookies Oh officer Larry's in here as well tonight and I on it.

Okay Alex.

Wow it's definitely need to cook okay I'm gonna go do this side I'll get the big stuff okie doke and i think i think some of these flowers are just in the wrong place we get some flower pots and put them down yeah well plant all we should go to a guidance store and get a really nice flowers.

I think she'd like that yeah definitely it well I haven't met her yet but if she's a ground that grandma's usually like flowers and she likes bacon cookies baked cookies I love cookies all I've got to make friends with her son ever we could have cookies all the type oh yeah she actually said that she's going to give me a big batch of cookies because i helped recover cookies from the burger.

Oh really yet she said she would so hopefully that will be soon and if she does then i'll let you know and we can have some ok ok let me just close to me hey grandma - yeah I'm little catty it's nice to meet you we just cut your grass but we have to go check out the rest of the neighborhood so we're gonna go - okay all right let's go this way and Kelly are you hungry yeah I'm starving was just with data all that work kind of like jumped up my appetite yeah me too a generator there's a cafe around here that I saw what we discussed nice mon let's notice forward ok ok let's do our way.

The duty to do.

Oh we got to miss the little bit over here I got it i'll do all this one over here.

Oh gosh you're so much over here oh it's a big into big area it is didn't realize this what is this is not make a little well I think so it looks like the latter like a green area.

Ok oh it's rolled out this way but there's a taxi right yeah now i'm trying to get my bearings now that I've been here a little while.

Yeah yeah i think so so your house is kind of close to everything then it is there's an airport just over there as well as hotel is a gym is the fire station is so much as a hospital amazing so McDonald's I didn't even know about this town it's so good that you found a house here i'm so glad that you're happy.

Yeah it's great I like it ok always visit anytime you want ok let's just do two are you doing all the way back there are just doing one big line and then I'll come back.

Ok but like this yeah and I meet in the middle and air perfect all right I have really hungry now with that looks so good.

Oh my gosh it looks awesome they're going to be so happy ok i noticed Oh over there at the big seat.

OC for cafe I guess I think so let's go check it out hey so what's called I didn't bring any money did you.

Oh no we're gonna have to go back and get some oh we will ok well let's just see what they have first.

It's Karina's cafe oh nice hey guys what's up.

Don't mind us let's see what she has ok let's see much potato chicken soup.

Pizza submarine sandwich that looks so good oh my gosh i have caramel apples and double patty hamburgers and vegetable stew and strawberry pie i love strawberry pie.

It looks good doesn't it yeah and everything is pretty cheap which is awesome.

Yeah okay I'm gonna run back and get some cause you want to hear yeah i'll wait for you here here you want to take a lot more and stuff.

Oh yeah mm okay and there's tomorrow I felt.


And there's some rise you can bring this and put them all back into your garden.

Maybe I can put it in my kitchen I can use some of it oh yes ok i'll be back in just a couple of seconds.

Ok bye turtle oh no Kelly I'm here I'm here.

So awesome i was getting so hungry waiting okay okay sorry how much do you want ah I don't like scary a little bit yeah definitely because everything for him.

Super cheap here okay let me see what is is yeah okay I what are you going.

I think I'm gonna have a smooth pika I'm gonna get a submarine sandwich and I'm gonna get so this must be karina them i'll probably it all look she's a see on our apron - yeah it must be here.

Oh nice to meet you Karina Wow well I just moved in across the road so you'll probably see more of me.

It's really nice to meet you but thank you for the submarine sandwich.

Lets you wanna head out yeah yeah where we gonna go now what can we do you said that you can play the video video games in your sitting room right yeah doing all day playing video games yeah it's our day off we don't have any school let's play some video game i like it i just got the new signage to him sonic the hedgehog oh so oh my gosh I've been dying to play that game.

Ok let's take the plant is gonna be so much fun and baby is okay have you got a console and everything yeah of course oh awesome most muscle.

Shut those doors and it was down here yeah down here this way what's so Derek ok so i'll show you where I keep the consoles ok just in here ok Oh underground you can't even tell huh.

Well that's good i have sonic the hedgehog in here so oh there it is like a hedgehog here we go ok I'm just going to load it up i'm going to try it there and ok let's go ok oh I'm so excited sit down here and it's loaded up yeah.

Whoa what is this only just absolutely.

Oh I think we're in the game tiny turtle what do you mean we're in the game how could we be in the game we were just displaying it in my house if this happened to me in the locality before we were playing super mario in my house in my cinema room and we got sucked into the console and into the game.

Oh gosh this is not good no cook Sonic is over here.

Oh my gosh hey Sonic oh I don't know but what's up.

Hey guys what are you doing here well I just loaded up your game to play you're very famous by the way it's nice to meet you here and it was myself and look at me in my house and then all of a sudden we just got it got like hypnotized and we were here I don't know how it happened yeah it was crazy I i happened to me before Super Mario but it's never happened to tiny turtle.

No oh sweet well since you're here you may as well join in the race is just about to begin I'll go first then little Kelly can go then you tiny turtle I got a better idea why don't we actually race.

I want to raise the county without be so much fun i do i think i'd win.

So we go at the same time and see what happens would be awesome.

The goal is to collect as many rings as possible while making it around the course as quickly as possible.

Sounds good to me I'm ready little Kelly are you i am and ed I think I see you start putting over here let's go.

Okay okay three do you just did it.

Sorry right oh I got some sonic shoes tonight.

Oh I land on your head ok you ready yeah on your max forget the bad it's a go.

When you get the Rings me know I want them here we go.

Oh I'm collected all the rear no no.

Beating you we owe him I got a 10 raise the trip go - okay I've got to go to this way and what what's that ring box.

That's 10 as well ok oh now I want to beat you waiting oh no you passed me up.

Ok everything's gonna be okay staying back for spring box ok I got it ok oh whoa I don't think I'm gonna make it ok let's go up the ladder oh no wait we bought it.

I got updated data oh no homo what is everything okay remember meeting them.

Ohh okay watch over the spikes oh gosh Wow.

Then we can drink oh you got a good job ok you are you ready I am right the idea is something all thanks.

Notre by brings no no i wasn't about I want to go through today brings you back.

You're missing all the good stuff ah the city while going to get all these was a make up for it ok you're going fast oh just and then.

And this one over here do Oh a bit oh good job good job of it oh well I don't know you're getting hold of ok then check every Big Jim.

Oh wow what are you okay you didn't make it further okay that's good I don't know or don't have to sacrifice and you have really helped respects oh I only have two you're getting all the dead ones i really need to start getting them the big 10 10 10 yeah but its secret.

Oh no it's not wait what happened I don't know but I'm gonna go to keep on getting Briggs uh huh but I got a secret so I'm over here.

We're leaving tonight all these rings OH stuck.

Oh hey look my way do we go oh I don't know what you'd hope app ok take two.

Here we go ok I think I'm in the right place.

Don't shut me so hard where are you positive - okay hello as well.

How did I get distracted ok oh yeah well okay okay i want to i went up.

Well Kenny I'm so happy take it away here you can see you out of here is a letter giving out any food for the boy oh wow oh no I definitely didn't make it.

Ok I'm get all the breaks that stop oh no did you make it I did I did I did go for this letter over here what's this - 10 x care all i got another dead awesome I think I need to get over oh I don't know how to get over there.

I what I don't know where are you I don't know I don't know ok TP up back up to me yeah ok I think I went the wrong way ok and go ah i think it's up no wait maybe not I don't know I got a little different down here out here ya go through check one yay ok check the boys are going to go through.

Oh we're not gonna make it only made it's where I was like oh dear oh ok so what there's another big fancy huh okay ready what do we have to go I think we just got to go straight across.

Ok Oh.

Whoa ok this morning said here okay thanks here oh I think we're going this here in it didn't hold him.

Okay i'm going to jump over the net shut me up so I don't I could have made it above level Oh No ok ok I'm right behind you know this.

Wow oh no didn't shoot me high enough I know what it was it ok ok oh you're getting ahead I have I am but I've got ok oh wait I'm really bad at this jumpy I'm gonna have to DVD you there is a part you can run across.

Oh yeah now how do you get if it's good.

Don't oh well okay this is such a fun my love for my guys we just got okay I'm gonna go down I'll get there is another it is another panting with the cornea and oh ok.

Oh no no okay can we make that jump.

Yes no tiny general you're getting the lead.

Oh ok I've right underneath you oh there we go now daddy don't get back here mr. I look at all these ten i leave to for you thank you but no but I'm gonna head down to break up hey get out of here so fast i got to be it.

Did that I want to win the game but you have to get around here to win.

Ok ok up up up okay i'm gonna say loop and oh here's a text book.

It's gonna be a lot of finish yeah i'm gonna get txt edit oh nice one ok so let's see how many snacks do you have I've got five stocks and then seven rings on its own oh I have first expand 30 rings are you.

Wins it was so close but I we literally there.

That's awesome okay well I so much for guess we should go back to sonic.

Yeah let's go talk to something awesome you guys were great you beat my time which means you passed the test now you get to go home.

If you guys ever want to join me again just load up the game i'll be here practicing recording recording street.

21 whoa oh my gosh where did that actually happen.

I didn't really fall asleep well what did you dream about I dream that me and you had a race with Sonny at ya and I definitely think it did happen because look I've got one of the rings oh let me see.

Ok he go I don't want you did win.

Notice also i wish we could play sonic all the time that was so much fun is this magic screen I don't what don't know I don't know what happened to me too so I guess maybe the consoles were made with a little bit of magic nice one that's so cool but I had so much fun it'll carry thanks for coming to visit oh my gosh it was like the best adventure ever i'll come visit all the time if we get to play video games.

Yes sure about a really really tired do i think i'm gonna go for a nap.

Yeah me too i'm also going to eat this pizza on the way home ooh and i'm gonna have my submarine sandwich before i go to bed okay well i'll see you soon tiny turtle.

But according ready 321 oh my gosh you guys want a day did you check out tiny turtle says it is so awesome and if you want to see more of it you can go check out tiny turtles brand new channel that's all by himself which is tied eternal adventures so if you want to see that the channel it will be down below we had so much fun we got sucked into the game console with tiny turtle one which kinda is not fun for I proud of him guys if you also want to check us out on Instagram and Twitter the links will be down below for all behind the scene pics and real-life stuff to put on till next time you guys see you again soon.

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