Sunday, February 12, 2017

Prayer Cindy Trimm Living Life on Purpose Dr Cindy Trimm 2016

Welcome to might show a serious question to axe you and I want you to really think about it have you ever felt powerless does it seem like you've lost control of your life or like-for-like may be spiraling out of orbit or maybe it feels like everyone else around you is successful or prosperous but it just hasn't happened to you yet well I want you to discover how to get the most out of every single day of your life I want you to regain that competent and control that you once had and I want you to be able to squeeze every drop of the light if we single out every second every single moment I want you to know what it feels like to get up out of bed every single morning excited and energized and ready to take on the whole where are you by thats ok calmed down a little bit how am I gonna do that how am I gonna shake off that powerless fueling a promise you right here you will have victory over this when you get an understanding of your true purpose hope this is that a hit in the head of greatness and when you know your purpose your light will finally come right into focus listen I woke up this morning.
Excited in fact I wake up every single day exercise because I know my head like have direction and I know where I'm going away and today yes what I'm here to help you find your own purpose and we're going to do it together so are you ready let's get started.
It was created with the purpose purpose is the wise something exists it is done I use on debt like the French would say it Ecclesiastes three and one says to everything there is a season and a purpose for everything under the heading at Brit thing that exists in the universe was created to Philip purpose your I see your feet walk your lungs breathe your teeth trees produce proof plans photos synthesize the carbon monoxide that we breathe out and converted into oxygen that we later briefed in so Clark this is the one I bet big why are you being alive and when you find your why the when the white that takes care of themselves when you discover your purpose you will act decisively you will accomplish your goals you gonna be able to feel alive you gonna make quite wise choices you've gotta know what to say no to knowing what to say no to give you the ability to say yes what you should say yes to and you want to say yes to the right thing so what we talked about purpose it is actually one of the most important conversations we can ever had so many people are living life based on someone else's purpose why would you want to be a refrigerator if God has called you be a blender and don't even think about being a blender if God has called you to be a microwave and you should not even wanna be a microwave if you're close to be a washing machine in order to feel i'm glad you need to live life on purpose in order to feel successful in order for you to gain prosperity in order for you to overcome obstacles to discover your purpose now in the book of Genesis it talks to us about purpose nothing can begin unless God is at the beginning.
Prosperity starts with God success starts with God too and so let's say that when we discovered God then we are on the right track to real late discovering our purpose so when God created mankind heat purpose-built man in the Garden of Eden to fulfill its purpose Eden comes from this this Hebrew word which means pleasure a spot when we are living on purpose and what we are moving in the right direction and what we are postured in the right place everything becomes a pleasure spot like becomes more pleasurable relationships become more pleasurable.
Becomes more pleasurable it is not a drudgery or if you are living life on purpose it pleasurable and soul discovering your purpose well removed that drudgery from your work there was a problem that purpose what this is what God said Adam I want you to name the animals Adam did not have to go to school to become a wordsmith or to become a zoologist or to become a mathematician his purpose came into focus because it was a package deal I tell you that gets to wear their the abilities where they had the capacity what they're for him then name the animals now it got dropped you in the midst of an environment that required problem solving most of us were probably playing listen I gotta find someone who I gotta find something outside of me in order for me to solve this problem but when you understand that purpose is something that God has done positive on the inside of all of us you will no longer reach on the outside you will begin to reach on the inside this is the secret and discovering your purpose this will help you to storm out every obstacle to overcome every challenge associated with every problem now this is interesting because when I deal with the whole subject of purpose.
People get mixed up with destiny and so I want to distinguish the two purpose is why you were born Destiny is where you're going where you added up so far this this particular series were focusing solely on purpose now this is where you're going to begin to find the keys to discover your purpose right here right now today.
Adam could face in the challenge that he was confronted with in spite of the fact that he did not have education why because he was purpose-built do something specific God was within because sean is for us who can be against us there is no such thing as a hopeless situation when you live life on purpose every singles circumstances can be changed for the better so here's what I wanted her to stay tuned because I'm going to be right back to give you some more principles of PAL to discover your purpose I'll be right back.
Join dr. Cindy Trimm for these next live appearances came to my mind.
Talk about it in terms of sign post and there were twelve disciples I want to give you that will help you and point you to ward realizing your purpose and I'm going to post these samples in by way of questions and there are 12 questions question number one north side post number one.
Wat my passionate about that to the first one what is that and I was thinking about all the people that were passionate about what they did one of the first people that comes to me is the Apostle Paul he was so passionate about price he not only preached about the message he wrote the vast majority of the New Testament then there is michael Jordan obviously he he was passionate about his sport dad Michael Jackson he was passionate about music I might as well go with the Michaels right Michael Douglas he was passionate about and then there's michelangelo who was about let's just why forward what about Gabby Douglas she was so passionate about her sports that she left her parents training for the Olympics now bad passes to leave everything and everybody that you know that is familiar with you to pursue something that you're passionate about what about margaret thatcher she was passionate about our country and then Oprah Winfrey she is passionate about helping others and then what about Susan Boyle she was so passionate about her dream that she dared to stand in front of individuals who almost pulled off at this stage but it turned around because she pursued her passion and then quickly and joy example that I'm going to give you is Jesus he was passionate about the world so he died for it this is an indicator your purpose is something that you would definitely be prepared to die poor in other words you will not be happy living until you folks that is passion purpose is is one of those things that is identified or you could identify through Europe as well as your ability God has been given you that purpose to do everything that you going to do not give you the ability to do it to me it just does not make sad until find your passion of bed is going to be one of the signpost how do you know what your purpose is identify your passion then you might act another question how do I identify my passion or insights this strong emotional response I.
Positively or negatively when you have passion you no longer I just gonna be in the middle of the road and you're going to find out you no longer I'm going to have time for negativity these when you have passion when you live on purpose it you're going to be able to activate the very thing that you were created to do.
Built for and that is your purpose your purpose is going to cause resources to flow to you to be available to you and that's why it's important number 12 understand this sign polls by am doing the question what am i patch in it about let's turn to number two because we promise we'll give you 2012 so let's go to number two the next question is what ignite my interest and curiosity so you're moving from past in to curiosity wat actually ignite ignite my curiosity about the Wright brothers changed how we traveled because of their curiosity they pondered and they postulated what would it be like to fly like a bird people laughed at him but they still took their thinking and they start tinkering and so I want you to add tinkering to your thinking what do you love to do what is it that you love to do and you know when we talk about it that would definitely take me to the number three what I love to do what brings you joy and pleasure when you do it he did was a pleasure spot by your pledge your spot I don't talk about it sitting at the table eating your way and I'm not talking about eating a fried chicken either i'm talking about what brings you pleasure what activates that excitement in you your purpose is directly related to what you love to do naturally the most purposeful people in the world.
Spend their time doing what they love to do Jesus to heal people and so that's what he did he get sick he even raised a day and so one of the things I found out is it's the things that you love to do steven jobs love technology monitoring absolutely love to hang out with the individual and the sick bay boat but obviously he loved music tailgates loved come pick it up in love to invent heat they all tinkered with this and tinkered with that you know just tinkering to your thinking and find out what you love to do.
Empowering people and I love to help people to discover purpose and maximize their potential that's what I absolutely love to do what do you love is it reading and writing it playing sports is at singing is it painting is that business is a telling you that talking is that cooking thing broken thing is it fixing broken people what ever you love it's directly related to your office directly related to your purpose and this brings me to the number three number three the question is what I people attract your attention I gotta write this out in law what kinds of people I tracked your attention now what kind of people are you attracted to yet what kinds of people.
Attention is it back to top tourist is it public speakers it motivation always lawyers are dancers are preachers are missionaries are scientists are musicians or think or what kind of people at wreck your attention this is so good I want to go to the number number four actually I got it raised my little smart board cuz I'm writing so much and I gotta go to number four so I could do this really click the next one number four blocks your creative juices you know you have those days when you could write and then other days it looks like hieroglyphics today by writer looks like Iraq leverage so what sparked your creative juices is it painting or preaching or designing our dueling or building or speaking or Sally if you can figure out what sparks your creative juices you're going to do yourself a favor and this these are always signpost so let us go to the next signposts and that is going to be number five number five of course I'm going to actual what what is your choice and I want you to know that is spelled with an old and not a you so I'm not asking your toys be with you but a hobby or sport this is a very important question whatever you do in your free time is a sign of you I mean oftentimes we we don't think about that but if you like to play in your free time that's an indication of your purpose if you like tinkering and doing things like that that's a sign of your purpose what do you like to do in your free time spent some time thinking about it my next question number six and this is probably one of the most important ones that I can put up on the board is what do people compliment you on and and this this is important because people differently right actually complement you on all of us have a fan base things that people love that we do and you know if if your friends are not saying you talk I don't you should go out and start a restaurant tomorrow.
Find out what people say that you're good at and you know do people compliment your writing or do people complimentary when you're singing I mean you know personally I think I can out saying the back but no one has ever signed me up for contract so that's why I was a compliment me on my talking this is an indication all of these things are indications of a wat your purpose is driving you to do i mean you know many of you have these amazing abilities and some of you are amazing abilities to sell and some you know of you can literally sell ice to an Eskimo or even better you can sell a squirrel his coat of you know the covering up it's got some of you upgrade abilities of selling the so if you can't find out what people complement yuan Shi your good speaker you're really good at cooking these are usually signposts of your purpose once again this is a sign of your personal purpose and you know we we we sometimes stumbles through light and we happened over things and people are saying to us look you're good at that and listen to what people are saying let me quickly call to give you just a few more points.
Let's quickly go through the next one the next one number seven who is your mental or you might say doctor my really don't have a mental or well if you don't have a mint or if you could choose anyone in this world to be your mentors who what that person be who do you admire the most and why and then let's jump to number eight number eight is what makes you feel i mean you know what will make you jump out of the bed in the morning what makes you feel absolutely I live I mean not only get your juices going but this is something that you could do every day even if you were in paid to do with this is something that you can absolutely do every day what is it that makes you feel alive and then let's jump to number nine number nine is water at the end of the day if you had all the money in the world what would you do if you had to choose a profession if you had to choose it you've got all the money in the world and you had to choose a profession what would you do what version would that be now working for money per se what profession what that be so glad let's go to our next one which is going to be number 10 already heard you please doctor trip let me at least number nine down there it goes what would you do if you had all the money in the world and you had to choose the profession what what that probe that shouldn't be so we're jumping from number nine this is my smart board ideas get this is where we give you a life strategy.
Ease I love the fact that you could just keep it going so what number we on I think we were on the bridge and and what what do you do you wish you could do if you were not afraid to do i mean you know you look at everybody else you're comparing yourself with everyone else and somehow you get those butterflies in your stomach you're kinda shy you're kind of intimidated by the people around you you think that that can do this better than you but I mean what would you do with you we're not afraid to do it and then number 11 which is a very very important one as we talked about a number coming down to the wire now of all the signpost number eleven what do you do naturally I mean what comes naturally to you and be very specific and please don't say I naturally go to sleep and I can actually eat we want the bigger things that purpose oriented thing what comes to you naturally what do you do naturally I mean what comes to your mind what comes to your mind that you do naturally and then number 12 what do you want people to say about your accomplishments when you die Wow one of the things that one of my mentors and of course he's dead but one of my mentors said he said.
History is going to be kind to me because I intend to write it it's never too late to discover your purpose as your god-given purpose becomes clear to you you'll discover your life becoming more focus instead of feeling lost so like you're going around in a circle you'll gain a new and better sense of direction and you're gonna be empowered to progress I don't want you to one more day slip through your fingers remember promises that hidden feed of greatness you have something amazing to offer this world and it's time for you to unlock it it's time for you to know your purpose now don't let doubt try to discourage you right now it's whispering in your ear trying to get your attention jet ignoring it may be staring something in your hard but this felt it but let's play fashion you've got that bad that it's a sign that you were meant to be something you were meant to do something something greater than what you've settled poor so join me and will pursue our purpose together now watch this if you lost control of your life unable to focus on able to even breathe do you feel your spiraling out of orbit with no direction you no longer have to live aimless are powerless anymore said dr. Cindy help you discover your true purpose and unlock the power and greatness within you you are one vote away from jail one thought away from cigarette change your thinking and make sure that it's a line would be appropriate that is a lot you should think about every single day as a best-selling author renowned teacher mentored a major global corporations and empowerment motivator to some of the most successful people in the world.
Dr. Cindy Trimm will show you how to regain control over the outside forces ruling your life and reveal the secret is stepping into a life of joy excitement and fulfillment all-boys back don't the purpose that God has for my life it's time to reignite the fires of your passion and experience a higher level of life love and lasting satisfaction when you understand and accept who you were created to be your death and they will cope with everything that you do take your post step towards workers today right walking your full potential begins with dr. cindy's electrifying CD living life on purpose as she uncovers the hidden keys to bring your life into focus and to fulfill the divine destiny you were created for dr. Cindy will lead you into transformational renewal and show you how to tap into everything you need today by putting these principles in place to work for you just developed and matured taken along a lot of.
Responsibility with my old life my own actions have really taken the driver seat of my life you'll think greater speed greater and live greater propelling you toward your ultimate god-given destiny and purpose if I would have known what I know now I would have been a lot further than what I am today and it all had to do with her pit stop going around in circles today as a part of this special offer you'll also receive the exclusive bonus CD unleash the power of prayer a strategy for achieving your divine purpose in this cutting-edge message you learn how to manifest your power and purpose right now as you bring your thinking into harmony with destiny this collection has been discounted for this exclusive offer only both the CD living life on purpose and unleash the power of prayer normally $15 each.
Are yours now with your gift of only $20 for this collection for yourself or someone you love who needs to gain direction or weaken the passion for their calling you only one thought away from success make up your mind today that you will succeed and make it less by calling now order today and let doctors cindy Hope you begin to live life on purpose.


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