Sunday, February 12, 2017
Q&A Apostasy, Free Expression and Hate Speech Panel
Year marvelous the am discipline with God time questions that was in the balloon twisting.
Much will make state himself well question which is I'm to my somalian GM.
This said that there's no connection between Islam and NGN so what's her the recall let me know that I just didn't mind.
And this post doing for islamic these so but most people who designs is no connection someone who'll world well certainly I here.
So theater.
Yeah my movie yeah.
I of.
Falls on whether it's connected your own.
Buzz a.
I'm is a good question hands I must admit I did heard flash desperately asked that question only because not because it's you I.
It's one of those topics where think Elaine.
It brings up a really bad feelings I'm.
Saw notices him it's not an issue.
I I'm personally a big in somalia about 98.
OC the 99 percent and girls I will be going.
GM and I I had it done when I was a young girl.
And the reason that we use were my mind.
Parents family with a religious people and.
There are be the reason that we use where religious.
And Wii as songs as Muslims are obsessed we and virginity and keep and Hugo I'm sexually people.
So when the ways that they did for us to do this.
Is to you i'm saying is I was a girl that is different or was it young the very religiously will sit in don't cut everything off the coast of the clitoris for example I'm and ACC is late reducing a woman's desire.
So he does is at home to 0 or having sex.
And minor outside marriage or with someone else.
I'm so yes in his limbs I'll it was practice at the time hermit I'm.
In fact they are handy thats and religious people use.
Where how it was described it was basically saying.
When them to move circumcised organizations.
Then they have to have a shower certainly he talked about it as a sideline because it was the normal back then.
Women were circumcised lol society so it was something that needed Islam.
But that is loaded could be there and with Islam and the Arab culture being obsessed with the women's sexuality it was years away a how many weapons state your.
I just lawyers like pre-islamic solar.
Go rigor that reside know there's there's a lot practices that s that Arab culture had a 3some with a job love covering your face those predates Islam but Islam don't their own standards said elevated the.
Elevated it to a religious position the whole universe called phone number.
So area it's not he's okay well I.
You in most Muslim countries I I'm not sure.
Home I'm not mabel you don't get it my.
Little pry yeah also.
Mother over.
No min okay so.
That not yes I i be.
I'm not aware of Islam country where it's not.
Practice guard.
Is not passed in AZ with I know it well yes yes.
Some I in that is on his way home thing.
Finalized but the you know yeah and well I am.
Yeah you know this is what's making quick comments that yeah with.
From yet in them.
%um so just want to add that even mean to me you know being both through Hulu Mar room to the gym.
Wanna be. the London Islamist parties they.
That who is just exaggerate when he and we'll just some kinda long-lasting series Honeywell.
Women want to do it and im I'm is I now use them I'll me result he and in Tunisia in you're reacting.
Montezuma as well okay thanks next these a okay I just basically.
A just sitting there it's not really a question is.
Just we can say to you justice blackmun.
Point profoundly trying to I'm bridge the gap reach I think the speed.
Being a explosives in general because I mean it's not something it's basically a course.
Religious error there are who main.
Me you love region between the people we lost it seems is I'm just knowing if you this month some people or.
The remaining creating all and I'm.
Continue criticizing the gym and they are outspoken about it but for the other.
Star and he is just to keep quiet about it.
Is just basically it was something in the past and you're not going to offend anyone because it i think im totally is it is this game all.
Just in the previous session it has a he thought that going on i think im there should be an understanding that.
People being on one of the school.
Rules depending on their personal experiences while ratings.
If you are a person war or in nineteen eighties Iran the religion is not something personal for you.
It's something that you have to deal with all her life as a political force.
Therefore you all of course the as an of other quality of course white man you are a person who are born in nineteen eighties in your.
Region has always been a very personal matter to you it has never really wrapped in your life so you can be there Earnhardt feeling just with the past and one from.
I think there should be an understanding being the true group in order to I know bridge the gap it's being themselves in order to you know long future just this be yes this important %ah you I think.
Who all agreed that the Islamic creature them.
Very scare you but whose phone the other other religious scriptures.
And of course the someone who is very dangerous ideas are geez on apostasy upstate should be punished know there is also you look at the Old Testament.
There's the others says the your brother.
Question gold your the under the nobody should kill him the so.
People know this is Brian to these the you.
All and my question is what is your view.
All or them this the oils employees who may shouldn't the religion becomes low.
Then you miss because I really couldn't.
The kills people that there would be some month.
Well the everyone who about the Islam.
And the only only the always violence that comes bro religious teaching both certainly is a beer wounded solution.
I don't think it's possible I think that is probably more realistic.
To the the gym it was all room really than being homeless a.
All been homeless the 100 it happened.
The Europe and the with you support people who the are looking into a.m. into in it he's scriptures in the way the is it the mall the truth no as the morning being.
With the the cue I.
We looked into yeah.
Honey alright going on people into them a case that salinas.
Come up is about home this point when the land.
To their rooms i think is the broken.
Brand guilty remember I'm resistant him.
Wait no word so you know we might not care about being branded as.
Political races to talk about these issues week I didn't see get past that the people to listen you know talk to them so i'd like to ask your advice in mind how to.
20 rebounds issues with Val having.
Within brand you I recently or Isis.
Cousin to show symptoms age %uh there's no question that I anything comments about well months that.
At them up doing this at once that bind.
The humanities well humans who have South kind of you know what to organizations are among other changes.
Water and Saturdays the night this way what will be disappointed by don't do not be disappointed line.
The situation unless that as nothing leave the old boss have nothing to do with Jesus I'm they have nothing to do his use massey humane moons which is being dead black these people I'm.
I'm going to have to be mediaeval you.
You'll be all too you'll be home then the process.
Movement that is used a massey and.
You have to be mabel I wouldn't let me understand we can come from.
When I came to the UK I was not intended as.
That this time I night and at any school.
At I was told her job as a passenger include a joke about mohammed the.
Down but the line yeah what this thing is immediately he said what little of that in at release like this instrument Li Hao you.
Won't let you know I'm lo llamo yeah I found my inspiration see right there million.
Me and and millions and millions whole.
Future with a certain time society.
Where me happy Monday everyone don't be disappointed you must see this massive movement I'm US-cuban rising you with my what use mass movement known to.
Then just think too much sentences that there have been changing.
We don't do you belong to this moment this lovely.
And they're not differences in France below these movements he does not want to do the law states that when that I'm to pieces to get it baby no anyone is that these young men and people were sitting right here and someone whose line go %ah.
Go 10 minutes let me know either yeah okay yeah.
Yeah we we've got people on the panel on tonight's the questions that be historian Soriano them yeah okay.
Yeah Co.
People who couldn't help but love I'll the.
Jodie being with no India I'm just on Thursday not long the question is do not the and shoes do not kill people who need them latest /url and much I'll this.
Session is bomb Islam I think the destruction of individuals within.
Other images who did the exist in a big way.
The menu you do have a non-christian.
Movement in you session although city.
In Irish catholicism.
Do it now %ah.
Has to be very very.
Yeah you.
Maybe it's moving my in a a time however back of it got or and I'm reading everything in that way sup everything that would enable.
Also you have any time also I he's got no problem you're not going to go to.
Be and all about Islam in the then it won't be doing to him and people who don't know a leaves at him and I don't want me how is he now be the net yeah.
Sky movie mogul Yahoo only in the the them I.
Alright got no.
All yeah skin.
Come here you know I think we've got just yeah five or six minutes so.
Can you keep your contributions remarrying me because I'm deals and you that you the questions of homes %uh on them.
Poll about them.
Lady that talked about that Christians believe that a good chance you know it isn't I'm that because it means that they face.
Well-known that's at but again I should.
I'll pressure on the fact that this.
Christians use to and thank you I'm other states so the muslims shouldn't forget this fact destiny into.
I'll the lord thank you we need to I think we're.
Wrong padded the history that Christianity Islam through and starts accepting texts and the buses.
On Thanksgiving hold.
During that time is your home for Islam.
And and I generally think there is.
And it wasn't something that you know i hella.
First left out ten years ago but and subsequently have had a bit like experience.
Pounds I I studied.
Reform Judaism and I found that only experience actually because when a guy is problems through not.
Is I was able to see that in Judaism and Christianity people went through the exact same thing is just that was also going to rate now the 21st century.
I'll and the way the following are.
Think is I on the way forward i think is probably the way that with deal with Jews and Christians about is.
The on now is seen by Muslims accepted view is it is the literal word.
Along and you cannot be changed and we have to take it as as it I think it was people I was loose get to the point where they say okay well.
Maybe there is a human element into this may be OK was inspired by God but there is a human influence in this.
Then I think that there will be a wait to see the.
Doors to reform order and reinterpretation that would be really helpful and could be. see his London so I do hope Howell.
I didn't pass but definitely I think.
I'm there is help on.
Her no well even though I am so anti-islam well.
And mine this the heroes information is in these lie I don't.
Actually bind however quiet like the anti-islam people are rewarded and it's very important for those who wants to meet people mention as well the kid a.m. no we.
A.m. we kinda I 1 p.m. well to you both love you have to.
You have to face the big yes is not a ride.
And say it's not right and we have to move on.
We cannot say keep saying like it to miss a beat.
I'm me yeah misinterpretation it's not as if they were lost in translation or wherever know we have to say loser okay my.
You are right whatever that's wrong it's wrong to kill the the state is wrong to kill the.
Muslims it stronger the you have women in this.
In play it all these all the are omitted all in in the ground and so we have today that it in the crime but we have to move on we have to move the do who comes to these things from our division and we have to be.
Didn't move or not not lettin in with our lives because was molinar and the after cannot faces like hidden a running late.
Or shot or whatever and the this year they cannot saying I'm not Islam because they know even that it did it in the ground but they cannot sleep a bit.
Well the heart to me cuz I know that there are many people that many Muslim.
That they believe that it's wrong I'm drunk that he does to me.
The Muslim the nobody and my mother the Muslim at my mother's doesn't agree with their.
I my family doesn't agree with all the.
And we all know what's happening but they aren't important that I do believe that if they had it beat me that miss what's happening is wrong.
Then they have to stand up and say is wrong with an artillery and when we have two.
I it we have a big problem our religion and have to move on and do.
I don't mind about Greece's them and that long hallway and well I don't think that there is any.
Solution for that because any it because you don't agree with you will call you i mean BAE there is no.
Whatever is whatever other day but an anti-vietnam you we shouldn't let these I'm these worth.
Stop us from talking if your goal is now we go get one is almost a week I.
They want to sell my PA and be able.
Well been like even if they disagree with you.
They are still going to be all day long and they will do what you say it.
And they were maybe even go want theirs and look up.
All many I mean in my own personal.
I'm experience I have so many friends who are mostly but we are friends and not only got a blanket do in the beginning then we'd never spoke about religion because the goal line.
Michael well I.
Not the most friend though we get this thing out our friendship but then.
As other one is not listening they they are.
My minute they're coming okay look other people doing an elite unit 120.
Everything is it there is it or if not I will babe in they heard you were at the end and they will be a little bit in I'm.
I'll be I'll try to be very so to rate a thumb I was many people say the.
Things im ok let's buy the long let I i think that arm I'm I'm my friend talk about my I'm were in junior division different kinds of its cool I think that is moving these are the same.
And I think that's I'll they are over.
Be followed %um all she's an are people who believe in human rights and democracy.
I'm forearm.
All-state reporting islam actually I think that's other hand out some of my friends I.
Who late to you are because he will to critical his mom Julie PU Julie and you play to your mates and people who police can't do anything for him he say the IRS should through war their induces from Asian and she change.
There in this and the of change itself I think that.
Who are the me 102 arm actually home that will have your permission la the lead and beat you.
Mom so the question to you we should worry she won't not every morning you love will be reform and.
By unity is biting the hand should believe my.
I you like so many others I'll be lucky to.
I'm sorry home many school Google.
Islamic school of and I hear is blah blah um.
Busy with my I'm all about every serious situation.
Actually you have all the rogue tonight.
Trenches with Mama cheese 80s by Lior been through these operations motherhood which is of iraq and all those branches which is makes my 99 percent of all things to all those liberal and moderate and I videos well I happy minority just like its muslim and I'm.
The all those ranches doesn't find more of my time.
Just anyone who is fire you have a moslem.
And I see himself them both man and of course the Emanuel moslem 18 heavily baby now or soon you hungry i holed if you didn't.
Pray three times in a row in the day we can kill you and make barbecue.
And each you and missus in the booth I love are early here's another are so.
And I'll reformation AZ first overall to hear although it was the right to.
To to be you country in Morocco be reason enough to make the state in the nation as silly monkey Motlanthe.
In here it is the monkey Islam so you're here.
Problem if your family mo if you reserve a problem in Morocco you know I was writing to have you along.
Right so moslems are prosecution problems as well.
Like we know about the house are about so many at night he even I'm long see no they the long benches style.
Are describing people who describe themselves of my not moslems NBC problemi all islamic ranges a deal problem the tree islamic happy so theory of use laser ok what makes the moslem and moslem so you actually listening morse alarming I'm this model of the long.
And I'm actually if you say it does I have a query.
Martin brutally kill if you say that independent or you to me are not good.
You can be hell you I'm I'll let people see the are more creative mind that.
All to you in a happy way through reminded.
There's a handy to say that means there's something in a 0 clue who have nothing to be seen on the.
Its duty should be killed anything but.
Mohammed is black he should be killed this is the Mondrian long the true then well we the we have that many you need to thank you now would you be organizational alarming corporation and I'm relaxing the Batu reading a lot report are also be I I'll few pride in that I they believe that blows maybe.
Which is on like many united nations with PT the pantry we want one games for Wii million moslems around would the hoodlums I'm not there is the say no.
Blaspheming is the worst form of terrorism.
Winning healing model where the Qutb.
Route all the 36 cashback is to mean you have to so I'm using all those same.
No we don't want to be part of this organization.
Here the world's leading the way 19 people on the way.
Cannot major route through Islamic.
I'll we r traditional Islamic we can say.
Of course because of money because of low is.
So I was thinking anything can I say we are truly committed for real impressed the human rights within our national I really like to see you may get the money with.
And the money from the eve of course this is why.
We cannot week i'm ok ANC any future for me.
Writer lime green mario bros actually media and I think these people really a.
How many as I'm not mean I'm problems I love resented he did not be.
Contributions any in the evening I am.
I'm well I hope there's some como Islamic Association anything yet to.
II many I would not resented in this problem with my cation cell.
Or bangladesh Prime so I period I'm I hope like to think about the only.
Behind painter freedom of expression okay.
Real expression model hot not too right.
To the base grant there was actually many special grant Union and.
In saudi arabia in Bali that may be frightened by by Victory Day and before no problem people have the right as I think maybe to to my and to see the ministry's.
Angela l do not miss any legal minds and all that everyone will reach you.
So I did the appropriate probably didn't say.
And probably I'll grant was written in the hymie.
Really do look great in allied though laws make up.
And that's all that's needed he and I and maybe not.
Oversee are actually just are likely to think that.
Sado here reviews we can only ese Mickey.
And every whose who cosby bed how truly didn't go through is many but we will know actually even the people who are %uh.
Are not on just people would be like 55.
There's a spider call it was so remote.
Table thoroughly where there is not a bill on that we believe you don't want to speak English but we just have a lot on clear is not clear if they were you and your name.
To those verses and everyone and people know about that don't know about the grant no other out we.
We all have we are really who is probably.
Live happily history for you long history.
And I certainly didn't hear the alarm is illegal we.
Only but we have four-legged sadly islamic our.
His like him he 3 whose and we go out other account for that so.
Are when we have please bring up space in a university to say everything and that the rather.
All week cultural heritage a and have a lot to say but they have families.
They have kids to be so the company's their jobs.
And got some horrible thing yeah hopeful and yeah sorry I'll number did not think so yeah I'm sorry to have to fuels so passionate.
Feel very sorry it happened to you sure that we already have time are you angry.
Mendenhall alright one to doesn't with me about the formation I think.
Whenever we speak about for the nation and it all comes back to nationhood you who interprets what and how is it literally is it.
Way to and I think the really amazing the whole is an intellectual level that supposedly people buying those who believe.
In eighties lyme disease is that this is something to be followed by.
Doesn't believe in it on believe it is land and its.
It's completely separate from the bottle that United me with so what else from a religious backgrounds and which is that everything.
Our like the political by and its 8 eight men to change the laws.
And the and the.
To promotes freedom of expression and and.
An indication that litigation either either these we define or and we've been there then you can have and say.
Environment to discuss things and telling each other the silly until arbuckle I think will we be lovers amazing get get into a debate is right and wrong it is not this is not where we define.
Our Bible is whatever you however you interpret it the whole matter.
Our motto is that we need to see this beautiful as fear for everyone.
And disobedient open league is about the net and will be called an Islamic though I think that there is no such thing as racism even more than that we don't just.
Dissimilar yes there is racism I'm a little is.
Discriminating as people and who on the basis that means they can't say you know the basic color these days abilities and and all the other things so there is racism.
But deity did do was between the two things and.
He speech and 3 freedom free speech.
Take me to get against people talking to people on as people the 30 expression is challenging goals and we don't tease me three all Hindu so I'm I think that is a great little numbers School Musical just got the win.
Conclusion our respect or four people police.
We have ever want to criticize more make fun.
Or yes what gave us all we want a not people so and big was using was between the two and I think I'll the helpless I'm campus and be always a slight.
Big you the whole race is this is this is that they used to be more easily kill.
Islam well someone who is on these long as well.
And I I am design.
Can I do I do respect people and people's right to speak out and and speak at a B&B so the EA dip in the vicinity he's Beach.
Payee against people and free was three.
On that got very heated tools the end up a tentative start Jamie didn't look the other way around yet passionate beginning but a.m. thank you very much for that and all that.
Given as a excellent speeches and Dalton and comments afterwards.
I'm but I'm realizes the pool needed you know Transocean not detainment long except to say it is still the show is yet to appear.
And silver colour and to give my nose.
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