Wednesday, February 1, 2017


And then we have a great day bye remove me I was going everybody .

So mommy's birthday is coming up and we wanted to surprise her so we're going to give our family room a makeover or basically to get rid of all our old stuff the furniture something that Mommy has been dying to do for the longest time so we're gonna do it.

The monkeys tonight we're gonna go to home goods we're gonna buy a whole which i'm not an ass things we're going to do the great mama be good birthday surprise to anybody but of course this is not going to be your typical family makeover because we have to put our family spin on it so we're gonna go ahead we're going to make over the room and i'm going to show you each item that we chose and I'm going to get right into the tape face challenge the way the tape this challenge works is we are going to come up with a word of one of the items that we use for the makeover for example chair around with hair well face that's how it works you guys ready for makeover yeah.

I was crazy at the month he's putting away all the rest of the tissue paper towels on the floor that's a fancy room we got ourselves a fancy room now makes the room looks so much bigger now we've got this nice little it's like a little footstool we wanted to make it functional but we also wanted to have a scent of the ocean.

We have this with this magic ball because mom was magical and now we've kind of opened up the space and kept it really nice and we got this nice right I love rug what I did is your favorite in this room probably has the crystal the crystal ball miss monkey what is your favorite item in the room the lamp mommy loves to read my favorite thing is the couch very light and airy and we gets it back we can relax and we'll come on mr. Mike to get on the couch will keep you on this cowl and the public people is very rugged very beautiful and very sturdy just like my wife I'm gonna pick an item and you guys have to find a word that rhymes with that item and the first person that comes up with a ride wins in the other presents with tape on their face hi hello.

Oh well that's very nice oh wait it's not it's not on the table.

Yeah well label.

Mr. monkey.

Wins again oh yeah that's a nice to meet you guys there miss monkey you're losing money in this monkey come up with an item that we purchased today at home good.

Flower power it hurts so much when I do you think.

Haha Oh Mr Bond you get you a backwards boy I hate it ok full o menos ya hair is it all over your hair.

I just looking for the rule come on well that was fun this monkey is really done some damage my whole header so clearly nobody wins in this taste challenge.

Ok I think it's time to call me this monkey are you ready you know what I love my head hurt.

Happy here.

Oh mommy mommy I have a little touch up with your face I have a little surprise for you oh yeah we're having will yes it does absolutely we have a look we have a little surprise for you.

Not my hair mommy are you ready for your surprise haha alright some with me in our dinner you make me dinner i'm from the I didn't make you dinner but I got a surprise for you what do you think will be do you like it we changed everything is we got rid of everything we had I have one to change his family room for so long you're making me cry mommy.


You guys do this yes.

Crazy right we got the pillows wow this looks comfy.

Oh mommy's car mommy's teary starting up.

We don't want to make you cry oh this is days.

Oh you look somebody get this tool please.

We got a nice foot stool so we basically went to home goods today and we got everything oh my god we replaced everything couches gone with a coffee table the coffee tables also old coffee table is so perfect car , table is ready.

What do you think there's like so much more room now I couldn't stand the couch because he was so lucky that it was super bowl we figured you liked the ocean we like the ocean so we want to add a little bit of splash is a chick is an armchair.

It's a chair i call it a chair chair it's a nice relaxing chair it's a high-backed chair whoa I'm back here.

I mean what do you think I can't believe you guys.

And that was a lot of work the monkeys didn't help me at all today I did everything I help you dad the monkey is basically just yelled at me the whole time to put tape on my face monkeys you guys help your very nice thank you for helping because you are a sophisticated lady we make sure you got it beautiful because you are a beautiful lady.

And these are sturdy because you are the foundation of this family mama be.

Thank you so much thank you I love everything that you guys pick.

I don't know how the heck you guys pick such nice things and you imagine all together i got i was asking at the store I want to help me out so they helped me make some colors thank you to the people that helped my family.

Yes thinking of the HomeGoods the home gets people use all good.

Thank you for watching our crazy family mama be birthday family room makeover.

Surprise I'm gonna regret saying that thank you so much for watching I really appreciate you guys we love you so much let us know in the comments which one is your favorite item that we got here.

Who's ready for dance party in our room.

Yeah yo huh.

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