Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Sean Spicer gives a tour of the White House briefing room

And welcome back handsome earlier today while i was at the White House the press secretary Sean Spicer he gave me a tour of the briefing room.

Take a look at this alright if i stand behind their on the show no you're not here to take a couple questions tell you what it's like any of the liberal media here uh-uh why do have an opinion so this is your total is where you come in now this room is very packed how many people are in here we have 49 seats every day they can fill them and obviously if you've seen on TV they pack they line the walls right i asked questions so they're always so friendly.

Maybe if you telling us the truth you of being designed for but it's it's it's a great part of the job that come out and deliver the message with the president's whatever happens how do you decide what you're going to choose we do that i had fun writing sometimes some reporters will come to say I've got a question of like a solution issue the taught or you're actually you know that particular reporters covering a subject or be right and you want to get that out front early but only on day 24 that we're getting you weren't gonna present you know it's funny for every hour of radio i do at least two hours of prep yeah so for every press conference I never imagined we get in early what time you get in.

I between just before seven and then start reading you know what's going on right now start picking out where we think a lot of the questions are going to come where a lot of the interested and meshing that with making sure we know what the president going to be doing that day.

Confirming that making sure what action is going to take what meetings you're gonna have you see the president most days before you come out here yes you do every day if you go far so good yes Scotland we got different you know it's it's his job my job to make sure that I know what key messages he wants the driver is there anything in particular that not of interest to him so I'm communicating effectively how do you decide who gets what seat this is offset by right now by the way of course want association was a given to this Hannah DC I don't see one we're going to mi normally do with the fact is right around like that right there front row second one in right and so each of the network sits in the front and then it goes back and it's one of the issues that helps that day can apply for see what we allow those is reporters here to apply for a daily pass over here you want to come to be part of the daily press conference we announced we announced the launch of like skype seeks the other day which is an opportunity for us to make for reporters in from around the country but they don't have the ability and I think what it does for us it was going to help the world is to bring in someone who doesn't live inside the beltway and hopefully local reporters talk radio show host who might be able to add a perspective on an issue that may not be getting covered in releasing like I've been to talk radio to my 30th year and I've never been invited well that's a change but I also known as you change the order of we did do something I would like to come to one of these you're welcome anytime you want ok I don't know Fox will give me there's now yellow John on radio tonight yeah I Roberts he was good friends all borrowers seattle i want you guys to chair squeeze it squeeze it together and it's fake see so you spend all those hours and you come out here and power of you.

How do you feel it's going so far I think it's going really well obviously we the president or something laughing today they're your little affix i think that what it's been driven by the activity and the success of the president having that's what makes the job easy to do it when he's accomplishing that is as much as he is you're able to come out and talk about it and he's got a clear vision where you want to take the country in a way in which you want to accomplish it so that makes the jobby you know what he wants to do any doing alright Sean Spicer think about another job saying the right shape.

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