Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Vacuum Ion Chamber Tests For EPG Part 1 Of 2

What's up everybody soul in the .
Live show or soon to be and I'm going to.
Just take all this footage probably just posted all and they're not really added anything out and enough I B 23 parts may be so watching all enjoy singer what's up everybody live show.
This is during the live show yes is always live shows going on Brett broadcasting early on a body having a good time got about you twenty-five years the lower than sometimes but no problem I'll care.
II bombed everybody last time so my apologies but I N P oh that's so.
There'll be days like that my mama said are anyway so here's what I've done this is not a condenser unit.
Our area dehumidifier I guess and.
Basically it's just the apart compressor.
And vacuum on one side and pumps on the other side so I'm trying to pull a vacuum on my chamber year and what I've done is taken my pressure gauge and not turned it okay so originally this would be down here so hero would be here and then up around her 60 PS of well 1 I've done is just turned it and I said it.
30 ample in a vacuum appalling this backwards this may only go so for them quit I don't know but it only dropped about cool it holding.
Now the other thing that is my original cap.
It looks like this when I designed for pressure never even considered back you.
And so what I had to do I had to go get another.
Couple of cats put another hole in their.
And I glued on some clear tops so that I can see inside this chamber now unfortunately when I believe this on here I use this the.
Loctite quick setup oxy work really well.
Are so far the only problem that I had was when i said im on here i am til to just a little poussiere outside in actually slid off so Michael Liu slid over.
See if they are stopping a care way too much about it sell this one actually has a little really tiny hole we can actually see clear.
But it's a clear window you can see in there that's all really really matters to right now I'm at 100 call this -10 pS I really don't have a vacuum gauge at the moment I will have to get one of those.
And so let's hook up but soak up some electricity this topic and will bleed off and more vacuum it will see what they see a difference.
In RR and.
Yeah so what am I looking to do for this.
Before I start this process I'm actually looking.
But to not have oxidation going on I do not want oxidation in my chamber I made a video that I got it reupload it may even be before this one but what I want to do is get or the oxidation whenever you.
Breakdown Iron Dragon iron ions doesn't do a whole lot because you're not actually.
A you producing a toxic gases in all sorts of other stuff that happens in the chemical process but I want just.
The an eye on it so that's why do is get rid of the air there be no oxidation.
So they'll in Johannesburg down to the material within the system and then you can release this vacuum through your PPG with.
Once they are gone input I nizar on and put back into the PG that's the idea let's move on okay.
Cell appears on Monday I'm a sec you guys down and so you can see what's going on here.
Try to keep the camera far enough away to where the crazy spark gap wat explode again.
The vacuum that I am poland it's just.
Under you merely using this case is a temporary problem-solver and just gonna give me a clue what I'm doing million work right.
Whatever Perrigo other you of chamber.
Let me see if I can get a good show I don't think them but not to miss Calif waves going on here because this well.
Going over.
Can see it sparking beyond right there was burning stuff of fact there.
Right there goes that's not normal on wages big giant yeah are.
So we definitely under a vacuum how much are without a vacuum just see what happens my right so here is without.
The much else came away this is without its its alright it's like a huge too big nipples.
And the.
Systems exists.
So let's set up a little test here and see what happens I just got this temporarily sitting sideways.
Me change writer mike press wrong I'm attorney are gone and then I'm gonna plug the compressor on let's see change they're just trying to pressure on.
So it looks like we went down million.
Money lol Maxell you mean made for you I'm sorry think him.
Yes I want everybody to on this haggard me.
Who'll I actually getting free money that.
A lot still there I'm actually getting a plasma affect which is actually what I want to but I'm actually getting a plasma affect I'll show you on the good cam here on the live show people actually getting a nice plasma affect.
I know I'm gonna do is just leave.
At a carbon arc this so everyone knows.
I think what I'm gonna do is leave a vacuum on it and see if we can get in even.
Even better a.
To see it keeps up you know ages moon.
Actually Lisa just sit here watch it.
It is it is going down on Nov 8 gauge you know I don't have a real vacuum gauge.
Can't tell.
Nonetheless the that's pretty cool know what I need to do is a jealous chamber up with a hard on.
Hold back see we get a nice neon that inside.
To do a high.
Not really change impassable last.
Well finally getting some successful results.
You can see it in a nice plasma old.
Effect going on.
Again I'm using AC here so let's let us in DC.
Two halves Paul.
Hey so air we are back I am I got ABC supply.
10,000 votes the same 1 I've been using and we've got hooked up to this chamber.
And I put a different cap on here what it is I made to these and the one has a small hole just a case of mcphail but I got the bigger hole at least a little bit better now 11 English only is the DC now right now what happens is that when you turn it on nothing happens.
And that is because I actually had the gaps it four-part and so far apart.
That don't actually see it are until the back yes hold down enough to wear that.
Doing right now I've got the DC voltage.
On gonna go ahead well rest area sister are.
Watching it now we're at the they were just now getting the 8 nato my age.
Old and now you can see in our King.
And ok is pretty cool actually the way it looks I'm going at this little bit closer here now the more than you we pull the faster arcs disc.
This supplier's capacitors and so it arcs whenever that discharges that capacity just us but when I want color surely it'll hold.
Focusing on the floor ft we need to focus on the inside next if it'll work there we go that kind of focusing.
Space by lower show is the are Kinnaird is actually throwing off little bitty chard a stuffed.
And those little buddy shards a stuffed.
As discharging scanned obviously one size -1 side %ah then there'd.
So you're getting you know you're getting your resolved which is less clear than that but all year slalom gonna do is hook up some a flyback transformer.
And I don't know why did this for private transformers know so they were DC.
And the you know that's gonna be helpful for a little bit more amperage.
Hopefully and we can get more going on here than just that little bit the arc so most other DC output because that's weighing a.
Screen works in a monitor actually have electrons being projected.
Being pulled towards that positive potential and they continue on hit the pastor and that's what you see so kinda cool so we're going to get that out hook it up to half its I got it is so.
The more I let this sit old the lesson lesson last back human get inked.
And the brighter and the brighter and brighter the arc is getting it's so bright you guys can conduct.
This camera warning and pick it up here i learning the lessons but.
I'm basically it's actually becoming a.
Dairy in my eyes when I see it becoming a very nice.
Plasma ish looking you can see the hard.
Going across a bit and then you can see right around the art even think nice.
The world with you guys complete to let their it got this really nice looking to build going on but you can see where Lord.
I get their old.
Oh okay guys so it's a little messy but flyback transformer going on here.
I got a note the I'm having looking to them to get the right now.
But depending on.
Our course frequency.
Thank all this.
One spot.
I and it can and will play on this game pending on.
Pay a penny on the frequency an the duty cycling is a really cool with that.
Hit Israel kinda.
New year.
Rotating in a circle.
Turn to see that it is nice pleasant plasma think going on.
The vacuum is on.
Believe this rain actually you can see the carbon.
Still corner.
I think what's happening here as I got more amperage.
Kinda cool to know.
Usually see that up for you.
Putting the.
Alright to now what I wanna do texan are gone and there's he would get a plasma.

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