Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Hey everyone watch the movie .

Natural born pranksters with me and the guys live in your city watch the movie with us hangout questions and answers photos are much more check out the link in the description for details I hope to see you there oh I supposed to wear a gray shirt to the rock.

I got that fixes better life it is a little practice.

Looks good let me know what you guys thought about it in the comments below so you want to know how to prank.

Today we have magic of rahat with us into and he's in the show's 10 awesome pranks by using magic alright so basically this match prank all you need to do is get a shirt that is stained you know you're going to go around like a home and have this like really that stain on my shirt luckily I know magic watch just like that I got a brand new shirt off.

How did you do that well gonna get onto that right now what you gonna do is kind of roll it up just like that and you have taken put it over your neck just like that you're gonna put your jacket back on.

Basically I like his ass gets hidden that's it you know and then so why did you close the door do you need to have a high or was that you do need a little bit of cover because without the without you know hiding and doing the trick.

This is how it actually looks like that doesn't look magical metal is that where you going to turn your back to them and do it you can kind of do it and this is how that looks oh yeah that's way better you like it like that more than later let us know in the comments below do you like the door cover or do you like him just turning around.

Did you tell right away and watching the magic trick on camera it's much different than actually being in person and experience yeah i think it in person and realize you get trick brigands if you're on camera you're going to spine haha totally I mean that's the thing like but you don't imagine how can we do magic.

I get best magic the right life right depth yet and one little tip of because I don't really have the undershirt as a p neck if you were a v-neck this will be better hidden because this kind of gives it away ok if you were a v-neck this will be better with a little practice i'm sure you can figure out how to trick and through your friends and family all right for this magic Frank give me a favor.

Choose one banana like picking one out.

Yeah it doesn't matter just not okay . pick up.

All right ok cool now place it between your hands.

Ok yes yep one other been Hannah all right here we go watch already.


It's getting a little warm like between hit a little bit perfect that's that's where it's it's working.

They don't warm up there that's weird isn't it yeah.

Do me a favor on peel the banana ok whoa how did you do that look at that did how did you do that if you look at any other banana.

There's no other financial like that and i just picked I honestly just picked a random rental and yeah and you can choose.

Ok so then what's the trick alright so make the reveal tell us how to do that so basically the hell did you do that we simple.

What you're gonna need is a set of bananas you're gonna get a pen.

All right this is the method this is pretty cool to poke a hole and just gonna work it back and forth just like that ok and that's the last one ok we do that to all the banana no just want to.

How do you know which was going to pit the banana on your on my far right.

You it's closer to you ok so you're more likely to issues that and i have a sticker on it that kind of influence your decision.

Really is that won't happen so I didn't think anything like that I just picked the first banana not a thing is like you know you chose the house perfect you know that worked in my favor and I was like okay what happens if i take different and so here is the out for that.

So let's say you chose Stefan and ok which is not the gimmick banana right perfect ok so what I'll do is ok you any less on the hunt.

Ok so that's not the banana that you know you wanted.

I want to sound like okay you know what hell yeah man ok now i'm going to do something crazy with this banana.

Ok I'm going to have you hold on to that by now.

Oh you guys have been out of the end of them yeah okay everything is then you'll take that banana cut it.

Yeah and you give me the banana that you already picked only sells two options you have a safety and the one that's in addition choice where you manipulate me and picking the one that you want me to select if I don't select yep you'll take it from me and then you will pick out the one everything is like the wording is very important in this because I never mentioned like choose one banana.

That's the one we're going to use I just like to come by now yeah you know be very natural nonviolent emulating exactly and we just right when I was like I will break in play.

So this magic prank involves people thinking that your double joint and who here do this with me.

Put both hands out ok now cross them together.

All right now turn them and interlock them and make sure that thumbs are pointing down ok so here we go watch do the same thing as I do.

Ready 123 I can do that happy camp trip tried you will learn how the way out of that.

Well let's look let's teach them all right all right here we go so again do that this is how it's done.

Basically put your hands out ok criss-cross them and a fifth turn them in turlock them now here is where the magic happens okay when I'm like up and make sure thumbs are pointing down oh this is your eyes switch so instead of my arm being on top now it's on the bottom.

Ok so it kind of looks similar you know yeah and i'm not even paying attention.

Exactly and all you have to do twist for this prank rahat to show us how to levitate this is one of always wanted to do tell me how I guess ok dude that is awesome.

The net good did I get high that's awesome.

How do you do that I've always wanted to know how to do that for you really want to learn but I want to do that because that's like I've seen it so many times I want to teach us do you want it's probably stupid you too so this is how it looks from the front.

Basically it's just that you just on my god chuckles that's a yes.

Now saying that it's all about the angle it's all about the angle you have you don't want anybody standing in front of you because at that point yeah it's not going to work but if they're directly behind you at cut almost like a 45 degree so I don't see your own child exactly this is gonna look like pure man wall.

Yeah it's awesome and you can you actually do this through a lot of people like I've done this to like 45 people just can't always get what i seen as exactly what think it's like if you step a little bit further back.

This is going to look really good to them because the thing is you just have to play around with their angles and once you do that.

Boom yeah they ask what you did you just keep walking and just kept going.

Whoo-ha whoo-ha it work yeah you can see her for sure did it feel like it was real who's all soon no no not one you in a little too high huh that look good.

Okay so - so much fun you can do that so easy.

I'm excited to see this next prank because i have no idea what to expect.

Right right watch you know I don't like the orange tic tacs I went to 7-11 the other day they ran out of the white ones here is a simple solution to that wash.

Just like that oh that is awesome.

How did you miss your hand up your family all them up how do you do that you want to learn how did you guys know how he did it.

If you how he did this put it in the comments below that is the simplest thing in the world you just color the front that's all you do know what is that this is such an up.

This is such an easy fun probably be literally anywhere you can get some white tax because this works better with the white tic tacs and then you're going to get an orange dry erase marker.

You can't really use any other color only because it's not going to look right on behind the marching in front of the White tic tacs warrants works best.

We're going to hold it to where you use your fingers to cover one side and use your thumb in the palm to cover the other side and one little tip you want to have this kind of moving because if you have it still.

This doesn't look right yeah when I look at this was their first I could I just got there or in right.

Do you want but i want to start looking harder i was like well what's going on but yeah if you're moving it in your fast perfect.

Wow this is awesome let me know what you guys think about this prank in the comments below give this video a thumbs up if you think it's cool to watch me change the orange to White Hart this magic prank.

You're going to convince people that you have a bouncing orange watching a good balance yep.

Dried up perfect.

You have broken haha let's go perfect with can you design we have to be on it to the potato let's go to play I guess so this is how it's done.

So you're going to drop it onto your hand and what's going to happen is you're almost like you're almost like slapping it back up.

Ok so it's kinda like boom just like that but you don't want to put too much movement into that hand because that's can be kind of a giveaway but it's almost like a slight attack.

Yeah yeah magic price work best in real life on camera you can spot things that you wouldn't typically see in real life so I want to try to make this potato balance.

So you kind of like that see it so your hands damn well the stables - well booth real homemade mashed potatoes in a minute.

It that was a top man try a little harder and get hired kind of man's potatoes are tough to o.o out now.

Magic is all about angles you need to get the right angle and also practice these practices nah you can pick lighter fruits and vegetables my goodness gracious should i Keatley or something these potatoes for your hands.

To be fair for both your hands ok kind of like this.

Face me a little bit little bit towards now are you right hand or left and right and you're right handed.

Ok put your right hand down take your hand clothes into a fist I got some ashes over here ok you take a little bit of it now watch this you might feel this.

Okay watch rub it.

Just like that.

Ok your hand getting warmer again feel something you feel something right.

A little bit more the kind of disappears.

Just like that open up your hand I do how did you do that did nice well that's good at the ash right there.

Well what do you teach them guys at home how to do that okay all right.

Basically what you're going to need is you gonna put a little bit of the you actually put a lot of ashes.

Just like that ok you're going to just kind of hide that kind of your body right I'll pay attention yet and you're going to tell the person hold both your hands out what's going to happen is you're gonna come over say all you want a little bit lower.

Ah that's where it happens ok so they don't think about that no matter what went wrong on it at all.

Exactly and then I tell them are you right-handed or left-handed so you mark both my hands no just one ok I'm right hand up right in it ok put your right hand down.

Okay so it looks like you know how there's a bus that left hand then i will say your patrol can but then my lashes y'all and safety left hand up.

Now you can see you're always going to see you're always tricking the person right by making them think they have choice you're going to force that and reality you're forcing and then that she was that what you want them so you.

Right-handed or left-handed if I said left-handed then he said okay keep the left hand up drop your right in that right I said right hand is to drop the rent uh and this works better with like cigarette ashes or just you know any sort of because we just put a little piece of paper.

This doesn't really read sure that well on camera using something darker look just looks perfect yeah and another salty this is great it so this is the next magic prank.

This is a left-hander up this is how little I whoa that's so cool so this is this is the secret it's almost as though yet just stick your thumb and again magic.

You need to properly use your angles and kind of hide the fact that you need your thumb now there is one little issue you have this hole in the back up and it.

They want to examine it this is how you clean it up alright so this is where you say you come back you do the levitation boom now you just destroy the evidence.

That's awesome yeah yeah that's the way that's the way alright so this is the next magic Frank so when i'm at the restaurant.

This is how I pay for my food so I take the subject of money it doesn't look like it but this is paper is paper i consider money.

Well i'm going to actually turn it into money watch.

Okay place on the the towel in action.

Whatever the case may be take it roll it up just like that you need.

Do you know any magic words abracadabra.

Perfect just like that can actually see the turns into a ten-dollar bill Pam vanished and it's gone this requires the use of a napkin piece of paper and your build on the nomination of what you can do is kind of fold it up this is like same way that paper was yep hot dog style that's gonna be placed with kind of the flaps opening up towards you that's going to be placed underneath sand off yeah you're gonna take your piece of paper ok show you know.

Ok normal piece of paper and me thing is you don't have to use be this piece of paper you can use like up up sugar packet and then you're going to flip that switch it out yeah so basically you're going to kind of place it over the the dollar bill or the ten-dollar bill and you have a full block and you gonna flip flop is so you're gonna kind of the only kind of field of the money gonna take it.

Pinch it and going to rule everything here this is where you need to make this flap come over and that means that the house is way too much switched exactly do your photo magic gesture.

Abracadabra miss magic words that if you know any other magic words abracadabra let us know in the comments below.

Am so and just in case of how did you get the papers over the paper to disappear.

Simple all you have to do this is the cleanup drag it and show and then just drop and if you're not see that dropped well what happens really quickly man and you're dead you're in a restaurant money i'm looking at the towel I'm looking at my friend you're clean it up and i look back.

Yeah ok here's another magic Frank.

So I'm going to make tissue the spear in front of you all right be right for that yeah all right watch your hand ok so see kind of a little lower perfect i'm going to kind of couple it up ok i put your put your other hand are you are you ok i'll put that put that over and over like this ok and put it over like this right.

Open it up watch just like that either but if you want to watch more magic pranks go check out magic of rahat channel subscribe to him watch his videos let us know what you thought about our magic pranks in the comments below.

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