Wednesday, February 1, 2017


For our priests and guess what .

Special guest in the building haven't seen my boy in a minute super excited by your welcome well how close you got to my place now than I said hello not that kinda nice camera is going to show on my home my heart imperfections.

Now let's go let's look man I actually in the building really happy to see my dude man look I see the comments you doesn't show me love - I saw you say someone the blood like you're gonna hit pick up a dashing and then I also like oh no - you got you got to show me something so I have to see my boy so we are you let's go to santa monica and walk around and maybe ride some bikes.

Lady you trying to have me exercise returns a whole lot man I mean I know I'm think it was very wrong I don't think i'm going to small I'm solid on and i'm going to a couple push-ups Super Grover vile keeps coming through stone rose hood I'm going to grab a bicycle right here bro and now i'm a little cat you've got to have any X abilene know what I'm due for I'm overdue.

I hope I heard there's not many bikes the left the damn we got the wet Giants left and I'm is only bad friend.

Like many to know you both design and leave a phone number and an ID please you really ride some bikes row.

I'm not letting my business , shorting number of all the different right here for your assistance from me.

Not like I don't want to we got our bikes that should be written down down.

Don't lecture look man I've been on a bike - 19 - sister this - 90 sister - it's been a minute.

All the way swag go ahead and close it off.

Don't come up on the life of a for work right now.

Follow me.

First of all time is happy all right you got me.

Quinn American we got some cool there's some roller skate dancing going on this guy is just different place.

Ha ha ha ha very good jump in oh no - we got to the end this is Venice so how you feeling you know what I feel a little hungry I'll be honest with you you know but hey we got a good workout in right now.

This is halfway road what is happening.

We got her way back I know that good i know a good restaurant are all true foods.

Ok or sugar sugar fish ok anything to do something and I'm damned if you like living with your tushy.

I'll eat anything right now we just lost about a good I don't know 10 pounds and just let's get like 20 of them joints back to put check this out when you book off sun on the air yeah.

The material now I could do that all right thank you.

Right now I can murder that should try see the one-handed joint I could do the warning like the pinky joint like you just.

I've wrote myself twice you up now you know what do you say was not get some clear your mind.

That's good.

Give her five dollars where will you go dance with her watch out this you can do it I got this.

Hardy you know that shit you know I got the process does she know how it feels like that sort of the Hunger shake your hand in there you're not good with it you go ahead of it.

Every time we were supposed to be there.

Oh but you know i'm headed to my that's right now.

Easter and he's having an easter dinner and then I don't mean it's going to be hand mashed potatoes sweet potatoes Tyga has like broccoli with cheese.

Maybe apple on.

I'm going to show you my plate and you're gonna probably laugh because I'm probably exactly right.

I was talking about what we're going to dinner the only thing I was wrong about loser that this I didn't know you're going to have any.

Doing the castro there's the sleepiness or something our very much about you i wanted to get her to join you and that's obvious dr. eighty-five world right now happy you store your angry ask you know what you are doing like creeps.

Because I gotta represent order to do so far right and i responded that i ate way too much.

Thank you like everywhere - you the right to ours you through our not two hours - I will actually drop in for tea.

Oh my could just sleep without really where we find not know you were here in irvine we have my back.

That's what we have right both of you.

When we do the honors walking around we need to get some food up in us we met like a million pieces out here that's myself first of all you have me right bank's number one number two I've been walking a lot number 23 my bad I got on the geesee sandals that's number three so I do a lot of walking number 4 i'm hungry spot.

Let's go eat I yeah just made a dash crazy show me - spot here in LA and I don't think it's a little dog.

This is hidden in my new dog you go really.

So I'm adopting this dog do you guys what you guys think - I know my name on BB and I mean I'm adopted them.

So this is the new dog for the dope fresh nation so it you still her and she does not she looks terrified right now check the acceptor but AG dead leaves you are beeps beeps beeps beeps beeps this is matthew come in peace.

Baby baby cool maybe I'm cool it's not smelly smelly smelly hit think about it may be starting school beeps its cause oh maybe it's club it's cool it's cool peeps movie its claims is cold beer which is the problem is it's got that right I'm more weeks of school beeps beeps it's cool.

Yeah she bite me channel magic we ran friends than be back home I'm doing some work on the computer right now I've got a lot of stuff to do before cranking Academy releases on Wednesday.

Do you believe it's that soon I can't believe it it's like I was waiting for this moment and it it just like it's here it's so crazy it's here already I have a lot of work to do before the launch and naylet pissing me off she's under the couch right now picking at it she's making me so angry because I can't get her out of there anyway I'm gonna get to work and then I'm gonna head to bed so I wanted to say good night you guys I love you peace on the streets on.

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