Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Amy's Land Of Love! Ep 95 The Bowling Alley! Amy Lee33

Hey guys this is a melee 33 and welcome back to another episode inside of a mealies land of love i'm joined by back today hey Burt how's it going what are you looking at is very quickly monster on the roof.

I can't see anything up there but he's saying that there's something I need to check out so why do we gonna have a little look-see and see that is a kind of months up there maybe he's just looking at the clouds and seeing if you can make pictures with the clouds or maybe there is but why go you know welcome here I've got rid of you once not going again and I print something forgot if you the last time why are you here you're bad lady why you hit my house.

No no no good even if you can't come up no because there's offensive no you can't get me this time crazy which maybe you do.

She's right though we need to take her out that I need to eat some food and let me just eat nom nom nom nom nom nom I need to take up but somehow we need to get rid of her.

What if you don't think she's going in my house owner on a scale of one half a heart haha i need to just recover I just need to stay here don't like the way to my house and then she scares you okay i need to put some armor on and and and I i need to think this through I need to get rid of her once and fruit every time i do and she parishes she just comes back business talking that which right to fit some armor on and-and-and-and-and ok up I'm scared right okay there's some crafting table kk to the crafting table ok get snagged no computer i can't like there's a witch around here.

Ok that's not armor Amy that's are many silly goose girl right let's get some some leggings and then and then just get a hat and then and then we're gonna take her out children that's what we're gonna do we're gonna get her and she's not gonna win and I'm gonna win because i have Katniss.

And I have my special sword and yeah we've got this kids ok we're going to do this I just I just need to just just brace myself just relax of I've got this okay right okay okay let's do this is take that workshop can only go upstairs and and and go out the door and I'm gonna get a kid's gonna do it I'm glad she's back she's never even ready like the witch lady but I gotta do this I gotta protect my family ok where are you going to see huh what do you want from me.

Why are you even here ok how to get out of here totally forgotten i'm going to get this way.

Ok cantonese this mean honey we've got this we're going to take her out ok we're going to do this maybe we could maybe we could trap her that could be a really good idea what if we drop her here.

Yeah now you can't get out of this witch lady I'm gonna keep you in there and now if you're in here.

Did I can keep my eye on you and then you're going to be stuck there's nothing you can do that yeah I'm gonna just leave her there she can't do anything to me now she can't even get through this gap can you miss witch lady can you get me you can't get to me how loves her account maybe I can have a chat with her later and maybe we can be friends and maybe baby lotion needs is a huggle maybe that's what's wrong with a witch lady she hasn't had many huggles in her life maybe I can give her hug will come and check on up on her bit later and you can have bad make sure he doesn't do any special stuff and get out of that room and I'm gonna go check out where birth there is well where do you think you doing stairs where are you be going to be sprayed you think she's downstairs in the block museum read that seems to be a favorite place for all the columns to hang out in that's up there how's it going my darling how are you today you are looking absolutely fabulous and glamorous and look at your eyes they're shaving like medically beasts I think she might have been spotted like I think she spotted some kind of monster as well I'm really these googlies and these iron golems to it i don't know it's happening it's like I was given to you can buy monsters I don't even know what if that is what that sign was all about you remember a few episodes and I've had a secret room and he said something like so as episode hundreds me the truth will soon become clear what if it's something to do google ease and witches and things oh not that just sounds really terrifying ok let's get a social donkey and say hello to the kitty cats because we do have a lot of simplicity today we need to start finishing up with the bowling alley and start making the arcade on the top level and I had some other ideas and it's gonna be pretty super fun certainly doesn't matter i'll see you later mittens goodbye ok mrs. crazy swear I look at all this message me this previous meetings he say from the mystery of how delayed donkeys and of course my two-second and comment to how are you doing on this wonderful saturday darling say that your head is in the wall saying that the mummy sailor sailor sailor look at mommy shayla commercial alright he could like stay guy city G's brianna love you guys.

Because you're back hello what are you doing hi darling you jumping are you paying your respects to check i missed jak he was a good magma cube i do you love him he was lovely anyway I'm gonna have to get all of today's episode we do have velocity intense i wish you could come with me but I'm afraid about taking out there you're going to go to so much mischief and I'm never gonna find you again you're gonna run away a good wild and crazy that's what mitten studs anyway would you like your breakfast today how about a nice fishy for second and of course a nice fishy for comment there you go my darling so who would like some Stacy I didn't even cheesy this I did I i was a good maybe they gave beaver they gay lexy little maximus over there we have of course rainia we have Mars said he had some we can have a little extra bit there and of course NOLA and not forgetting little luna down here hello precious how are you doing today's adventure i think the last episode i think we had that boomer and I think we've heard sailor Lexi recently and I don't have had Mars recently some go ahead and take Mars with us coming of us returns their businesses are just clean this build-up but hands darling just just be a good snake going to make a big good boy good boy i'm going to check on your brothers and see what they're up to hopefully they are in their fetching being good for you space and there they are hello mr. frost.

Hey this is the first we can be dining on right behind you don't put a bathroom now mr. frost.

Mr. frost can i come in please gonna come and she said mr. frost mr. frost you're not many good i can't get it I can't move i'm stuck oh it's like I am sooo good.

Hello mr. for us hey did you modify to see simply said hello die would you guys like to come out to students missions without causing mischief it's only fair that you guys get to come out to anyway let's get down by the kids to acute my career patch and of course I hate grandfather but before I do that I do need to get a lot of mothers sad lots of glass in today's episode and so I have I have certain pieces sand is there and sad is here awesome cool say if we get some coal which should be where's all my cold okay lots of cold fabulous and let's get under that yeah well Sam right say he coming boss buddy much are you mom.

Well I thought you were involved but you know your ship that's all behind meet buddy coming to get there he implies you better shut this dog is mittens we try to get out saying is he coming it now that surprises me I'm gonna sort of got out that do it very quickly and look it's almost nighttime already good that's how long we take in Amy's land of life found that bag anyone what is that saying hello good morning or good night rather because the Sun is setting of course it does take me a long time to get around my family is already went upstairs and she's got me and stuff who's crazy ok let's get down to the cute patch and see where cuny we have added this week and the key we have added a.

Not he loves our i'm adding loves art because not enough awesome is amazing picture on my Instagram of me and one of my most favorite people in the entire universe mr. Mickey Mouse himself you can see on the screen right about now how am I was making us better look like a princess how cool i love it simmer so thank you very much loves art welcome to the key recruit patch love you muchly awesome so i'm guessing Mars the best thing to do right now will probably be to sleep because yeah we need to do some work and obviously makes it look like we're doing is outside and I'll see the creepies others are barriers and the skeletons will come and kill us so we probably should sleep so let's go to the garden of peace sad love and say hello to peace pic please pick this piece chicken hippies chicken was peace pig was Pig piece pig and fig you're looking season four I cannot even I'm not sleep in the tent tonight that's where I want to sleep so goodnight everyone goodnight miles goodnight p speak i get that case you can see bars coming hello darling.

Uh he watches over his money keeps his numba safe you a group would you see what a good boy.

Your car looks very Brown in this light doesn't look red that's the next one here and killed your mommy gomers who's a good point you're a good boy upset anyway so yeah let's get on to the bowling alley and get some work done on that and as you guys know and if you caught the last episode I have been really busy doing red stain and I didn't go too badly actually like it was my first birthstone debut and there's a couple mistakes but I managed to fix them hey gang how you doing and and it came out pretty good so I want to show you guys what I made and I do need to do the second part of the bowling alley and unmake the bed by just wanted to do you like the last little bit on camera for you guys and it's looking pretty splendid don't you think so this is the bowling alley yeah.

We have the pins here we have pressure pads on here to demonstrate Mars how it works you wanna sit down that show you the pins falling if i put you down there if you can watch mystic imagine he's a folding pool with a good keyboard boost done and your head is in the movie city Ginsburg so it's pretty cool and it requires quite a bit of red state-run I cannot run out she out CLG Mars you okay that's the most important thing and the redstone is not blowing up so know if it's nothing bad happened that was pretty good.

You just have to fix this but that's fine so yeah anyway i'm gonna show you guys a little bit of the Redstone stuff that I didn't mess up so that's what we did and it doesn't look that hard but it really was for me because I don't like what's the right thing scares me so what we need to do is do the same on this side on that said okay so let me describe me some batch word and let me smell some of this sand so you can get the glass working i'm gonna put it on the wall because of the carpet how cool is that.

And.and what am i missing 100 quid isn't it for this it apart and yeah okay and let's get some liquid down here lovelovelovelovelove set up there and then I had the the harpes labs with there and there and then I just had like a little piece of red carpet roundabout here pocket.

Awesome so the next thing I need to do is get some actual redstone like there and I need to fix out the last part of this thing because the middle works as you can see the pin will go down but these two i have not finished the last little bit of the red so so it's as simple as you can see we have redstone going to this thingy making some kind of like inverter thing because as you can see the sticky pistons are up and going on the pressure pad to make the sticky pistons go downwards usually it's the other way around so yeah that's pretty cool and I have a piece of redstone going from this block to the middle block so the middle block actually works i'll demonstrate again we so i need to do is link up some redstone from here here and here and that should make this one lakh or some and the same on this side so we go from here here and here and that should make this one work she well that's we can I don't longer like lanolin laughing and done so cool so yeah that's pretty simple anything guys is pretty awesome so now we need to do is like make this look really cute and pretty and just put the and would pull around it basically and that is the bowling alley alley complete i guess and i decided to do two in the end because this part was like it wasn't even literally could not even so i made the stairs going up to the next level up they're gonna have an arcade and I thought a really cool idea of making a like a fast-food restaurant or something or maybe like some like candy machines or something that usually see in a like bowling alleys and stuff like that so it'll be really cool so let's just get this bit down like this and hide all the Redstone case read stan is not cute not cute cats not pretty so let's go around like that upset or them and we're gonna get up here and round like this and like so so that's pretty cool i think this one is not supposed to be there those need to take this one away and we're gonna put that there.

Ok so hopefully it should all still work so if we walk down these always let me just do this little bit there we can let's see if we go around at this next thing i want to do is actually I want to and take away the little back bit here and put black war just making it like that's where the pins disappear in a real bowling alley and they go into the abyss and they go somewhere that we have no idea where they're going that's what i want to do is already i don't have an axe I don't even sounds very guys don't complain too much with you and I should you need to figure out how far.

It is from the wall because it comes out comes out one it doesn't it comes out one bit sunny to take this one away where we go this is generally slow i really should make an axe but i I just I don't want to right now I just started watching don't make me do things I didn't want to do.

I'm kidding that sounds really aggressive doesn't it sounds a bit scary and I will make an X because i need to take away be layer behind this and put the black will in it and I saw something glaze staying in this little bit just to make it more light and stuff so let's go see how it's looking on this side so it's looking pretty good so yeah if I make a very quick access because i did so there's really no like no no no excuse not to make an axe so let's go there and make an exhale or sooner go pats say next thing we need to do is get the black wall and some place then and we going key yeah make the little black pit in the sand paper potatoes my son us run free and have fun just be careful with the creepies ok be careful of the creepy ok so that's a simple obviously will take away one part of the walls need to take away the other look-a-like quickly it was about to use of it like why did we do this the whole time because i didn't want to reconnect that's fine right so if we get the black war and it's going to put this like that and that and that and that and that and that and nothing nothing nothing that cannot and does not need to be there and then we just get our glisten and again to this room is this they're perfect their guess it gives a nice little bit of light because this morning any is pretty good what do you think masses look pretty cool i think it looks real also what do you think I'm really enjoying it and you know maybe if i get some clothes then maybe I can actually start going along the top of something just give it a bit more brightness in fact that's probably a good idea we could actually get down that stay.

That's not a little quick demonstration on seeing how get this works i should have some staples ready / back and then we can go over here and we can give it a try so if we come over here and let's hope that it works go now I want to get one blunder did good on i missed it didn't go off the ice that much needed on this outcome we can do it yeah come on down and we'll try for the middle one as well got all criminy gonna get dad get up.

Good ya got to dads that's pretty cool ok so next thing I need to do now is actually like build this whole second level and that's going to take some time and what I thought it'd be really cool is having like a glass floor like maybe over the bowling alley or something like actually over the lanes or like maybe decided little bit of glass sporadically in a nice pattern or something around the place that'd be pretty cool and so yeah this is gonna take a little bit of time there's gonna be worth it and I thought of having the arcade on each side and then we could have like a fast-food restaurant in added back there and I love making your case if you guys remember in paradise have made to our case they're pretty cute before i'm not i'm good and i really like making the arcade machines and I using my imagination and making pimple machines and stuff you guys didn't catch this episode of paradise you can watch them after link right above my head and a nice pink purple go chat like dude league is Ricky I love making our case that's like a long time ago that's when I first started pretty paradise here is a very long time.

But now it's going to be fun so let me just did a bit more around here just because I want to make sure I've done nothing this episode to make me feel like I've worked for it but I don't know I I don't know this but it doesn't take some time and it's fine it's all good they're gonna get it all done and it's going to be lovely and you know what else we should be Mars I saw you know like we have the pixelated Bernero over there I think we should like a pixelated bowling pin at the front of this building i thought that would be pretty cool so that's something I might get done as well just say much things got so many things planned for this series i cannot even but we have almost run out of time but what I didn't want to i want to check on the witch and make sure she is still in her little prison and that she hasn't liked escape and because that worried me because I need to know where she is all times because she makes me nervous especially with that sign coming up saying that them the chief will soon become clear what do you think it is what if she's my mother oh my goodness what she's my mom.

That would be horrible second star wars have been like Amy I your mother and I like it down.

I don't need to be my mother please please don't have to be my mother I can't be related to a witch what if that's why she hates me I don't know there's something weird about that which lady I don't even know but I'm gonna go check up on her and make sure she's where she should be.

It's going to say you with me Mars I want you to stay right behind me Mars because that which she will good to be mean and she might attack my doggies so let's go check up and Herbert he's still watching her that ok you stay here Mars and I'm gonna go check don't remember he's gonna be safe i have Katniss nothing happened to me if I've Katniss Katniss is amazing cat this is my friend but she should be in here where she and the scaleless way hello but she got she's gone she wasn't special.

No she must have used to spell something and evaporate it was something she turned into a whiskey thing and disappeared she's got again she scares me so much love every better any episode thank you so much for watching and thank you so much she loves art for your amazing picture of me as a princess and mickey mouse.

Thank you guys again for watching i love you so much bye.

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