Wednesday, February 1, 2017


The very one still thing they had often enough in your daddy issues.

Yeah self-check 122 can I think one of the GSB some you and me female beheaded that's here smoothing is my strawberry banana smoothie that I always make oh holy hot ball of fire I put a lot of clients and bring up high and pepper is supposed to like boost metabolism so yesterday when I made them the fish and the chicken before I've been putting a lot of client not a lot a little bit of cayenne pepper yesterday and last night it will be 10 my client and then I put the pop-up paprika cayenne and it's like a spicy think it's freaking burning my throat's something also have been using my smoothies is coconut oil of the two teaspoons coconut oil in there it has been helping me is about him.

I think that's what is obviously go ahead and go straight to your liver and ok and help boost your metabolism so oh my whatever good for you why not having much honey any a nice movies and of course you know if you're using flax seed which is support healthy cholesterol same as a new some reason digestive for help you don't join you don't taste that always so I'm cheers needs one more thing that recipe that I made of 12 other so it made-it pictures with spinach and stuff like that so I sit for people to the butter i'm going to use one and a half so when people from the butter and beginning cook the chicken and then the end it's a more butter.

All I did was a little bit about the calf of a tablespoon and then the rest of the coconut well so when you don't want to use butter and coconut oil is a really good alternative to be a UT I didn't taste any other way just gets really will be I mean it's good for you other than anything up it you can really use me scenarios we have finally selling work you have to seek new episode of means we're having to leave me I'm kidding far and we're selling a nightstand.

We have one here the same one and another one in the back virtually but Cooper 20 and so excited look I put these clothes up on a Facebook you know if you have a new tag to sell things within like 20 minutes i got two people that wanted out and basically remove whatever this is my last day blah games I with that with the car have being can pay me from friends in case you know having a being a tense and leaving at their baby and me ok you can marry your sibling but you can love it forever.

That's something Wow because you gotta keep your pc want to do we could be so you know you want to come for mommy and daddy yes that's so.


Hey boy boy boy David a beat-up Korea's boom because right in the middle with all this for real its kind of us look at clothes for that you place the show palaces all-nude creating there are no girls girls girls and we can all new shoes shall populace maybe Disney Princesses something like this is all news.

Girls-girls-girls you choose a new shoes new dog makeup palette know just how it's going to see we are on our way to go bowling.

It isn't a sudden event for the grand opening of this little boy lateral and queens i believe it open-ended this fighter next I'll let you guys know I'm saying because we don't get domestic spending it.

How can i get off and get them get them into the animal haha i love bowling everything going with you don't like bowling I like it it's really stuck whatever you cannot expect your heroes here which isn't talk so what you call me you want me now on camera and I got it all on camera buddy that guy just call me the n-word ok the n-word anything idiot 30 everything stricken with you.

You called me doesn't matter it doesn't matter the females you can choose Hispanic your word.

We're going if you just keep going knowing that he had he had about but he stops right from the car people take this i'm like at and then he called me Edward.

How is that appropriate ok I'm not liable for anything i do is stay after the next four years because of the tone that this president has set the precedent that he's put forth and not stopped and he's just good old I'm not I'm not I'm not.

Don't know i don't like that [Music].

Whoa they high-five high-five feel good about yourself you babe you are worthy enough of being a terrible bowler be playing me not available and I'm not going to make it a name for the ground and your face forward like.

Going out.

Watch the little guys know their Christian over the key i'll let me I i didn't get like that you noted hehe ok yall accelerate our existence is your stitches there guys.

Yes and it's the first assumption was wrong here.

No shot anything like from the Frog enough miles on the current form provided its side of your leg you get out can be found here and you can do like towel you need my god that's business guys music on their vehicle and magic word comment below telling blows and there is much work ok that sounds a little come in the left eye.


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