Wednesday, February 1, 2017


I'm going on your word that you .

Said it's not very few you have my word it's not here to read ok guys time to go to the theme park let's go back it up back it up back it up.

You're going to go on some sick roller coaster thing you know what the day is beautiful you do this better.

I love a woman that loves bacon good morning mama be hash balls morning sleepy sleep are you doing.

Oh this is like the worst thing the music is awesome of the all mother is ready she's ready to go on some rides.

We're going to go on a ride that actually shows you the whole park first.

So this right you have to strap in because it flips you upside down.

No and it spins around so what it does is it you gotta have to get harness so it's okay you're not going to fall out and then it flips you upside down and it just shakes you like that you okay with that into you know I don't like scary on being mean to you.

Are you okay with this monkey trash talking you know I'm not to mention got to be gained by you as soon as we get to the roller coaster ride she fails us she builds yeah she's a big Baylor are you a bailar you to bail out today.

Yeah i was small it was small but now.

And now I'm not small yeah.

Lego man.

Morning from this hurts I I think this is definitely the best job in the world if not one of the best jobs in the world being a lego master builder it's a lot of fun barely Let Go you like a Lego master master and I go master master i like it I've never been called that before I like it you guys don't have anybody named Bob in this group of guys.

Hi David Bob the Builder yeah i was gonna go with that this is like a Lego builders dream.

They have every single type of Lego piece.

In here unlimited lego dudes are you ready for the roller coaster yeah.

Said it's not very often you you have my word it's not married again.

Am i a dead man my man yes you are what do you mean what is it scary owes fun it's just a first travel it's a challenge , purse Papa and we'll see who gets the high score.

Come on.


Mommy's driving.

Broken or did your selfie mummy and Papa be tied mr. monkey got 18,500 you can hold your own a working in that we were meant to be.

Forget it.

You are crazy.

All right.


We're gonna have a challenge right now it's gonna be boys against girls and we're gonna go on this tower of power and basically you have to go up and down as many times as possible six is the high score the record six is the record i will challenge you girls to a tower of power race.

You got it you got it ok Blue team what do we have for the strategy on the boys side and overhand as fast as possible how we feeling over here girls pretty rugged we're going to be as a woman is ok what's the strategy finesse strong ok hard.

Hand over hand yup.

Teamwork make the dream work solid game plans on both sides it was a close one but it looks like the boys won.

Yes my hands are killing me still competitive and you know it's funny that you don't realize how high you are up there.

I know and you're so competitive pulling on this thing and you get older you're like poppy like whoa boy.

That's down from that high great play mommy those nose good game good game good game respecting the stop sign yes he stopped.

Get out the way.

The way out.

Wanna be.

Oh I see you got something healthy you got bananas everything's awesome miss monkey still has energy but that will not be there i'm not with mikey this is like some upbeat music on the way out.

Keep the spirit idea and yeah but not Dinah.

So fun i hope you enjoyed it mama B does not want to leave she's getting carried out right now.

Mommy you really need to listen mommy wants to stay but it's just get a little crazy here mummy's nuts but they're carrying her out right now because she wants to stay we gotta go mama B we got to go yeah yo uh-huh.

Yeah yo.

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