Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Democratic Operatives Caught Planing Terror Attack On Inauguration Day

What's my command.

People are not to get you people want prosperity and justice is more of us than there are the Psychopaths that they have neutered us and it's time for Humanity to rise.

I've got other issues i want it was done beforehand of the time to him here remote getting on plane tomorrow going to DC we have the poor ball they're all over the news saying tell us attack eyes ban eyes there in every major newspaper i can think of Time magazine isn't that the New York Times letting letting.

This is so amazing people write op-eds saying kill Donald Trump think about that.

And then uh of all places at comet ping pong pizza indicia pizzagate there's sniffling soros operatives democrats meeting look like villains out of the Warriors movie come out and play a while yes I mean you you couldn't get these dirt balls out of central casting talking about acid attack which by the way is terrorism because it will cause people to Stampede and die and then you've got people out hiring for 2500 dollars for two days work to go be soros operatives to quote shut down the inauguration and block roads barricades and burn stuff let me explain something I don't like these tactics i would use the tactic self.

I'm not saying oh I do this would get in trouble.

The point is if I called for people to burn things and have barricades to attack police i would be arrested that's not free speech that's calling for civil insurrection I have to sit here and watch the entire MSM the dinosaur media call for insurrection and called for my head and Rogers head i mean i am a kinsman or or you can say a someone who is a fellow traveler to take the left terms with Donald Trump because i get to experience the demonization i get to experience the death threats has experienced the lies the cornucopia of this information and rotten fetid trash that comes out of their stinking mall I spent my life trying to really discover the truth and tell it they spend their life in fantasy land planning I'm a Russian agent stones a Russian agent props erection agents and we can't come up with the term for looking at a big fat ugly demonic big and call Hillary much stinking peg the Russians didn't tell me he's a big demonic stinking corrupt peg see the stick and PEG she's a stinking corrupt Hillary.

And so is Nancy Pelosi what is up with all these arrogant weirdo harpies women in business suits taking they can dominate everybody and call us Russian ages and we're not going straight back to take John Lewis he got interrupted earlier only about congressman john lewis comes out says dropped during that Russian agent you didn't get elected forget the voters don't you count your not legitimately should boycott it he should be impeached process i really like to work with you more it's unfortunate that you're not helping people your own area that are having massive unemployment.

Oh my gosh she was being one I thought of civil rights.

He's racist i was in the airport this morning and yesterday and it was just newspapers everywhere Trump racist attacks Civil Rights icon on Martin Luther King Day your Russian accent your illegitimate I'd like to work with you thank all the repair razor that's funny there's not even logic and they're attached now hold on hold on PS Putin Oh be sure we have a lot of specials that are ending Thank you Thank You tootin oh ok I couldn't take my own we got about your speciality plug last hour that end this weekend a lot of come over from Christmas we cut some of the specials added some these are the bigger specials we ever offer Number One Roger stone right now.

Supernova actuality brain force by on defense 50 billion per capsule is back in by the way lots of the sold-out coming back in from my president is only a few sizes left to live for president of which Putin Putin hope Hillary the present great idea sir I'll get own about the Port Charles yes mr. Putin eyeball with Oh room and it is crazy.

We're teleprompter free c-loc everybody get orders from on top so they can imagine.

Maxine waters that Trump comes up his own ideas for Roger stone does because these are dumbass acts just like the political guy said I'm a hacker front on life.

Oh you to the new york times right now buddy they're not real people they don't have a real ideology they just take whatever lives there given and then going on TV and spew bowl is my issue films books water filters it's all the best horrible food uh great lowers for ar-15 amazing nanotech body armor it's all available infowars infowars check out the books check out the film's check out chris hedges new book unspeakable just it's all there ladies and gentlemen and you're building this operation is changing the world and by the way I love nobody ever correction when I'm wrong around here you really should remember telling well then a month ago I want you about 10,000 Roger stones new book and put on presale which which kind of course usually does great name great publisher and I'm never going to get amazon get it in forward to get whatever you want and then I learned we're not allowed to sell it will actually comes out of stuff which is five it's got to go to number one on the new york times because here's the deal stone during the breaks like I want to make this about me okay with polonium we stopped talking about what about issues like stone you're a hero that you survived you've gone through all this hell we have to make a big deal out of this.

The freaking tried to kill you if we don't make a big deal out of it none of us are safe every journalist in the world to be flocking to this guy's support you understand the crap we go three and i'm not bitching I'm just saying the bad guys are after us because we're hurting them and we're hurting bad and so Roger you say they want to get into yourself you know about yourself.

This is big you got poisoned with polonium so you couldn't testify the motive is clear they want to blame the Russians just like they did with alexander litvinenko that came out that was British intelligence you got British intelligence putting out inspect dossiers that crop has women pissing on him you know they got it is this this deranged possum gloria allred coming out with more and more Bologna more fake lawsuit to my view all these other lawsuits got dropped.

I mean this is an insane time to be alive brother and the fact is you're a wounded soldier you deserve a Purple Heart.

You're tough until bad having on air sick as you been brother so it's just incredible so let's let's cover the waterfront of us kept breaking out more time let's get into Louis let's get into other points about will you really think behind this and what we should do about it is not going to go okay you got it with polonium and move on it's a big deal they hit you with that she could intensify your book wouldn't come out and it's a warning to trump that's the bottom line here go ahead I'll it's going to be honest with you I'm just very happy to be alive I have never been this sick in my life I've never experienced this level of illness you don't look good well save your friend and it pisses me off but it's called empathy they could do this to me they don't think doing Alex you know I I just thank God that I'm alive.

President Nixon once told me don't pray to God when it's raining if you don't pray when the Sun is out and laying in that bed drenched in sweat I inn you know out of my mind I did pray and I i'm going to be also honest they think that i may have Selma save myself because I i did take a bunch of supplements before I knew what was wrong with me.

Liver cleanse was among them your little defense product your DNA product i wanted to flush my system I drank a gallon of distilled water with liver shield HeartMate which I think flush my system I use the silver collide ille product now I have the way we weren't planning this so they're flashing at products as you say it DNA force what about the PQ does flash mitochondria out it does flush the cells so does the liver cleanse nobody should take the liver show though if you're drinking on folks your livers wide open when you do it really hard shit this is a powerful product i didn't know you're going to plug this on-air of are you serious it really helps you well now that this uh i believe they help me now we know the attitude of Western doctors some of them the unenlightened one.

Towards non-pharmaceutical substances this is one of the great problems with Western medicine liver shield makes your liver take of giant crap my dump everything else with your livers gonna get with polonium you're supposed to be talking makes perfect sense or or anything else but also it will make you very angry when you take any liver product everything comes up and in Chinese medicine it is believed that the livers where you Harbor all of your past resentment and your angers and so you'll go through an emotional rollercoaster as your system just flushes all the toxins are coming out going out to go through your three or what you're releasing exactly that one particularly bright doctor at Mount Sinai said that there is after some study and some investigation that there is some evidence that if there is fat in your system if you have a full stomach at the time that you absorb poisons that the fact can leach the poison out exactly when you will and you'll cut out i had an enormous steak two days before i was sick yes I'm are conservative i read me virtually raw i like it i'm going to keep eating it but that may also have been beneficial but let's talk about the dogs to the media and obviously is going to try to spend this or whatever or probably try to ignore it so powerful remember this huge that what does this signify whoever did this obviously it's globalist the models are all their keep on other benefits.

Why would they do this well that nobody wants me to testify before their phony congressional investigation and i would put the lie to this whole Russian canard that they are so the the deep state and the intelligence agencies are so desperate they won't drop this theme now I point out to you Alex it was a talking point for Hillary talking head before the election yesterday at the CIA director Brennan warned of Russian hacking before it happens almost gets worse it's one of your post the mi6 guy work.

With the murdered 11 eco guy that got hit with polonium i was already connecting the two holy Toledo daily mail out of the man behind the dirty dossier of Donald Trump which they admit is now fake work with the double triple agent number of the time it came out that experts believe that there was a reason for Russian to kill this guy that was done to embarrass Russia this is crazy.

Well and it look at it occurs to me that the people who created that document should be ashamed of themselves look at that guy thinks he's so freakin smart well it's double-oh-seven thinks he's so damn smart want to be taken seriously you might learn how to spell their dossier is rice with misspellings not even believe it wasn't even good for a swiping.

So the idea that that James clapper and the boys down at Langley would include this in a report to president obama and president Trump this is a vile fraud this month away i'm training by three horses low-level mid-level high-level the CIA that the whole agency hates the globalist once American be great they hate Hilary they had it all day say i was told this weeks ago this is all farmed out two subgroups PR firms and later came out grandma accurate or impose its all the fake ones even the CIA the CIA doesn't like this i think that's why the global through so much trouble their own agencies have turned against them well and it would be outrageously unfair to say that everybody who works for the central engagement at intelligence agency is in league with the globalist agenda know there are patriotic Americans at work there just as there are many many many non-political patriotic Americans work for the FBI but the leadership of these agencies are rotten to the core they are corrupt and by the way let's elaborate on this know how much you can tell the backstory a lot of I mean honestly can we discuss whether the president knows about this president leg can be i have i've not discuss the president-elect on i'm not going to burn in the way that I know you told me that a week guys you're telling look at this is it was one of his good friends being poisoned he goes your wedding and stuff been friends for 41 years you might want to tell him well I'm sure someone will tell him but frankly i'm not going to bother the president elected chime that he is thinking about the Supreme Court where he is duking it out with the intelligence agencies who are determined to take him down.

Uh you know this is this is not really about me I'm glad to be alive but this is about the anti-globalization revolution but I don't know they're checking the gloves off yeah so what's going to happen some in the mainstream media and the assholes at media matters for america and correct the record money laundering front professional liars and propagandists are going to make light of this and say it's a joke if you were thick as I was you would know it's sure you also got visited by the feds could you get into that.

Well I have let the government know what I know I and you know there's a series of intelligent questions here did I eat or drink with any foreign nationals are strangers in the in the days and weeks before i was sick I couldn't connect the dots on that I don't know how I may have ingested poison i am thankful that i didn't ingest enough to kill me i had fevers that were problematic for 15 days that this is not a great experience and I don't recommend it for weight loss but as you can see my collars are large on the i lost i don't know seven pounds this was this was not a great experience but I am committed to busting the lies about the Russian hacking my book does that with an enormous amount of new information exactly owned by the way I welding here in the break and corrected me the are now of announcing pre-sales because they were going to allow it until the day of which is the 31st would still that we can now say pre-orders for your new book are available the book is being printed.

As we speak let's let's talk about your books on because you know it's important to get out it's got a blueprint for victory in the future it breaks down everything everyone needs to get your book this is this is a book about how Donald Trump pulled off the greatest political upset in American history this is this is a book about courage and balls and the tipping point that has finally been reached where the putrid lying alleged media like CNN the very people who let Ted Cruz attack me viciously and then would not afforded me the opportunity to respond not once not twice but three times all I'm asking for Alex elementary cairness when Ted Cruz falsely accused me of smearing him folks at CBS to their credit called sent out a crew taped a response and played both of them is attack on me in my response that's what real reporters do CNN allowed John Podesta both on the airplane on video and after the election to repeat again of a lie that I know about his hacking that I know about Russian feeding Julian Assange a lie i know no such thing yet.

CNN never afforded me despite my request an opportunity to respond in the same day part so if Anderson Cooper who I confess to thinking is quite well dressed and has been on my international best-dressed list in the past that I put out every new years if he had any journalistic integrity he was on adrenaline the left Ford Foundation CIA operative well and CNN is busted and they are going to continue to expand on that the nominal and I'm like you take over this is riveting and I don't believe I'm gonna be watching after him on experience related Roger I love Trump saying we're going to expand the press corps into a basically an arena we're going to let the real new independent media and the mainstream crapping themselves their imploding CNN's about to be sold off they admit it's a shadow of itself and there's truck going no you don't get time to respond your fake news you don't give me time to respond he's finally calling them out i mean this is the beginning of the end of these people also must tell you i have read extensively about the AT&T time warner merger um I actually think it's not necessarily a bad deal and don't think it violates the law but I wouldn't approve it in less time warner spun off CNN perhaps Artie would like to buy it maybe maybe putin will pick it up for a song.

Nobody's watching their viewers are dwindling the the hysteria of last night watching Don Lemon done what would that not thats that's the fat is not I've ever seen.

Awful awful you you'll never make the best dressed list with that near hysterical a fellow from the minority coalition for Trump did an excellent job of punching back sorry Martin Luther King the third met yesterday with trouble marked dr. king's niece announced that she voted for Trump you're not keeping black people on the plantation anymore that's why they're panicking what do you make them let you go to the show of john lewis coming out attacking Trump Trump nicely respond and they say it's because these races and there's doesn't there's a death of logic here well alex this is I think very key point congressman Louis wasn't honest-to-god hero on the edmund pettus bridge.

Yes he shed blood for the civil rights movement nothing pisses me off more than when David Brock and the we need to work for them say i am a racist i am a Nixon republican richard nixon Marshall devote to pass the 1958 Civil Rights Act the Democrats didn't have the numbers richard nixon brought us black capitalism desegregated the public schools i was marching for Rockefeller drug law reform in New York racist drug laws targeted I wanted to go over great job my friend your hero rogerstone come back to that another side of having baton rogerstone are off to DC tomorrow this is incredible script it's gonna be back love love you a job crew understand coming up Infowars has more than 15 youtube channels about 3 million subscribers our main channel has 1.85 for 4 1,000,000 energy 4,000 plus subscribers now they've been gaming the system for a long time to shut down a nationalistic or patriotic media saying we're right winger saying where extremists what doesn't matter who we are we have a right to free speech don't we as long as you don't violate the rules well as Zuckerberg has come out and said he's going to restrict conservative news like comments China does calling a fake nose and google owns youtube has announced and I've done it now two weeks ago that they're going to basically make you click the bell in your notifications will show you how to do that or you won't get all the channels that you subscribe to and you won't get the videos now what are they doing this it's more than just censoring they want you to see the videos that they feed you below and beside the videos are looking at that are corporately sponsored show they make more money they're taking the you out of YouTube sort of this information war and it's more important than ever that you promote the videos that you like the videos that you set them on to others because the answer to the attempt to shut us down and restrict free speech that's openly now happening is for us to redouble our efforts we're winning the culture war as true classical liberals that made this country great.

We're restoring the Renaissance so again if you want to get our videos so you can make your decision whether you want to see him or not.

After all that's why you subscribe YouTube had this since they started 12 years ago or whatever it was and they're fundamentally changing it so you don't get it.

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