Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Donald Trump Inauguration Concert Live President Donald Trump Inaugura...


Ladies and gentlemen please welcome chairman of the Presidential Inaugural committee Tom barrack good evening everyone and welcome to the 58 inauguration the president united states to welcome the 45th president United States Donald Trump's I have to tell you this is the most incredible setting and structures that i have ever seen at least those that President electrons that built but no one has started less than an inauguration is typically American event and it's the only time in the world that you have this passage of partisan power that transpires in a snap of a finger tomorrow it 1127 when the president-elect his wife and his family are sitting on the west end of them all looking at us and that power of the free world transcends with respect from the woods a great man doing his best to do a great job to the anticipation of a new president is a global leader of the world in three minutes you have reflection and you have the expectation and every president put their own fingerprints on an inauguration and this president-elect was very specific about what he wanted what he wanted was at you he wanted it to be of the people and when I say you he met the United you and set in this setting of this reflection pond that sits between three unbelievable monuments of three of our profound readers and what you see here these incredible stone beautiful incredible tributes that stand above us for the purpose of reflecting of thinking of what was it what went before them but what really stands out and you can hear the silence amongst you at the moment is the mortar not the stone not the grand not the marble it's the thousands of life it's the millions of hopes.

It's the 10,000 aspirations of all the people of all the themes that went into these great men and along the road we've had 45 men that have left their footprints and their fingerprints throughout the mortar and in the middle of this tidal basin so as you reflect on those who came before us and as you have expectations before you I would like you to pay a tribute to the courage to the statute to the strength to the commitment to the loyalty of a man who is going to lead you in his footprints to diversity to put the campaign's behind us to unite behind one man has won America he will show the rest of the world that we can argue we can fight we can debate and tomorrow the 1130 were one country and he will be the 45th President of the United States of America Donald Trump.

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much everybody and thank you Tom I'd like to congratulate our incredible entertainers tonight Toby and lee greenwood and all of the great talent it was really very special I also have to thank our incredible military challenge right here thank you stand up please you guys were great thank you.

So this journey began 18 months ago I had something to do with it but you had much more to do with it than I did from the messenger.

I'm just the messenger and we were tired and I love you believe me i love you we all got tired of seeing what was happening and we want to change but we wanted real change and I look so fall forward to tomorrow we're going to see something that is going to be so amazing so many people have poured into washington DC just started out tonight being a small little concert and then we had the idea maybe we'll do it in front of the Lincoln Memorial I don't know if it's ever been done before but if it is very seldom and the people came by the thousands and thousands and here we are tonight all the way back all the way back so it's a movement that began it's a movement that started and it's a movement like we've never seen anywhere in the world they say there's never been a movement like this and it's something very very special and we're going to unify our country and our phrase you all know it you have your wearing the Hat make America great again but we're going to make America great for all of our people everybody everybody throughout our country that includes the inner cities that includes everybody now we're going to do a special job and I can only tell you that 18 months ago we never knew a lot of people didn't know some people had a feeling a lot of people didn't give us much of a chance but we understood what was happening and that last months of the campaign when I traveled around to every place that you can imagine state after state after State speech after speech and we had 10,000 20,000 30,000 people there was never an FCC just like tonight we didn't have anybody would even come tonight this has been done before and you look it was the same way and we all know that last month of the campaign i think a lot of us knew the first week of the campaign but that last month of the campaign we knew that something special was happening and i can only tell you this default started going up up but they didn't want to give us credit because they forgot about a lot of us on the campaign i called it the forgotten man and the Forgotten woman well you're not forgotten anymore that I could tell you had forgotten anymore so I want to thank my great family my incredible life.

Milania they've been so supportive and it wasn't easy for them but they have been so supportive i want to thank you most importantly and I promise you that I will work so hard.

We're going to get it turned around we're going to bring our jobs back we're not going to let other countries take our jobs any long we're going to build up our great military we're going to build it up we're going to strengthen our borders.

We're going to do things that haven't been done for our country for many many decades it's going to change I promise you it's going to change so i'll see you tomorrow.

And I don't care frankly if it's going to be beautiful or if it's gonna rain like crazy.

Makes no difference to me Wow have a feeling it's going to be beautiful but i will see you tomorrow and I'm going to be cheering you on.

You better cheer me on but i'm going to be cheering you on because what we've done is so special all over the world they're talking about it all over the world and i love you folks and we're going to work together and we are going to make America great again and i'll add greater that ever before thank you very much enjoy the fireworks thank you everybody.

Thank you.


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