Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Oh cool.


Today is a fun day for the monkeys they decided to choose what kind of challenge we're going to do today and monkeys dancing around over there what was the challenge how many times you can cheat dad's head using to two hours and then challenge challenge so the monkeys basically want to shoot me in the head with a nerf gun that's going to be the the challenge for today so you basically have to shoot camera to make something that I one at a time.

The monkeys are going to try to shoot me I'm gonna go stand over there and the monkeys are going to stand over here for a little marker there and they will go oh nice nice booties are those boots what are those.

What would I don't think i'm gonna get any head shots on me their aim is terrible they're all excited about it but they're not gonna hit anything so oh the monkeys are loading up the awesome haha do not let up yeah under the orders of my orthodontist.

I'm gonna go put on a mouth guard and not not that my teeth are up my TV little Jack and they're going to fix eventually out but my order to God to said I should have a rock guard and I from our glasses and bottles so if there's any chance of the monkeys will you come close to hitting me in the head nothing's gonna happen i'm going to work a mouth guard and lockers I'm ready well I'm there's no budget and through it all that ya never know what is your whole round white miss monkey no headshot close got me in the shoulder all right mr. monkey what are you up to this I don't know why you don't need this anymore.

You know I'm gonna keep a justification.


You go around this one you can you feel I feel gross I got hit right now oh my god hit you could see it when I got bigger.

Look at that look at that guy look at that monkey you're up for one around.

Okay three yeah yeah.

His car.

I do.

Ok that's it for his funky to official head shots one for mr. monkey got me here and one from this monkey got me right between the eyes.

So cheer up mr. monkey last round.


Oh well I've got all the marbles right here.

If you get me on the head shot you win the challenge if you don't it's officially time I'm gonna have to bring my money next time and she'll have to do it.

Ok with the walking y'all it's a time.

Monkeys how do you feel I don't like find you don't like the time.

Just make sure you guys told you both got me on the official head shot you got shot in the neck Laura kickback.

I don't get that you guys did that yeah but who monkey you know I'm very fair skin so really anything that that it's me the next.

No matter how hard or how something that makes it makes a mess so it didn't hurt that much I was a little afraid I think you can have to every match on the next next job because you guys tied.

I think the only way to end this is for you guys to make sure that you don't miss.

I hope you enjoy this thanks for their young uh-huh yeah yo.

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