Wednesday, February 1, 2017




Today i am doing the Color Run it's like a run that you do because it.

I don't know.


Because a five-play and it along the way they throw different colors i used to buy the end you're like well you look like a human crayon.

Well I'm excited I always wanted to do this.

Only yesterday about that you like go so good and i just registered.

I got up early i'm tired and i'm wearing a belt.

Perfect i never thought i would do that I'm like really embarrassed to wear but it's so convenient because I mean all my camera gear I got to go pro and I got this.

Hammering out dents and all I see a bunch of other people with small bags I don't go ahead my pack and a model for right now I got to turn on.

You know.

I never wear a headband all right it's about to start we're at the start.

I hope I get a hold of color I wouldn't say by the heads are going to be in crayon like that again bro.

It's not walk too fat people are gonna singer right here and they have liked to see any color on banana.

I want to play by the edges why thank you how the one riding inside a box.


I don't have to go outside but I can be done there from the car yeah.

Lock them.

And everybody likes people OH I just never followed.

Now i have room.

What's up we have five yeah nice meeting you have fun I so I went back I completely lost my cousin she's probably like way ahead of me and stop for a second.

To get the bubbles.

And I lost art I see the color has are about to watch the college.

We gotta put the camera away I don't want to put it like that right now but that's good that's good.

We're going to have boxes of like colored powder and they're just throwing at you.

Oh my god i can't hear hear going further in there coming up to the next color yellow.

How much color can get all of that would be a rainbow become a nun.

Oh my god you guys should see the camera right out just covered with dust.

I tried my best not to get it messed up but anyway they ran out of blue my favorite color i was looking forward to being a smurf today.

Oh my god i don't know i love working at that blue and he rolled around I thought we were rolling around on the ground I didn't have that we do have together hold it with you you guys are such a good job hopper kinda not going to be able to go to do well.

You have colour me in the colour they aren't you.

I was gone for the home stretch at the finish line now good baby.


Hear hear.


When I.

One minute.

Well that's a wrap it's over it was a lot of fun fun.

I had a great time and it was a hard time going through this again.

I thought the Color Run was like wet but it's just powder yeah so.

It's all right guys all my mouth all my ears we have to take charge.

They get it.

How do we find watching the water like yet another pretty shower pretty mean by the last and we gotta tow found even lined up.

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