Wednesday, February 1, 2017


That day zombie.



I don't know that worth question and answer session and all right we asked you on facebook to leave a bunch of questions and in the comments on YouTube and snapchat everywhere and we are here now to answer some of these questions some meat.

What is the first question well the first question is from katie show show show.

Facial but short piece Kate what is your favorite meal to cook for your family and why it definitely has to be talking as I love talking talking buns yeah yeah shell and you.

Yeah i think a little bit of cheese and lettuce and that i'm only so fun and flavorful yeah and I get to eat like 20 of those are my favorite yeah but we've done a Q&A before so i'll make sure i include them here or in the description.

Just in case making roberts in asks where did you get the amazing ideas for your funny vines I think we just get them from experiences at home it's you yeah I'm great at by again you're gonna shower and then this show for you want to get my God we're all together in the shower right you are in the shower and I'm like going to my room and I hear from you okay and then and then I'm gonna be like I'm pretty sure he's just thinking about like I i come up with a lot of ideas in the shower.

For some reason the new years ok so the New Year's video treat you guys have seen it that actually came up in the shower I was in the shower I thought you want that would be an awesome idea it's like both of them actually a lot of like the relationship videos that we make mommy comes up with this question is from Gemma orchard greetings from australia australia are I have a question for you if you could live anywhere in the world where would you live.

Oh I think they would have to be a lot of Sun anywhere with a beach really but yeah someone like Laura Laura or yeah hawaii yeah turks and caicos if i were to move.

I'd like to be like I like there to be like like bees but like not a lot of bugs.

I got any place that has no insects.

That's his dream no insects and lots of snow so we basically been full of course Santa Barbara because they have a lot of cool amusement parks there and it's like very.

It is like a very nice weather it's like when doing a little more there's no or something and enough even have snow but I don't know but Santa Santa Barbara sounds nice.

Sounds expensive I'm going in the middle from the back end of equal.

What does your daughter and son want to be when they grow older love you guys so much thanks for all the last I was heinous and bird bird.

Oh what do you know what do you want to be when you're wrong I heard you want to be when you grow up her.

Oh I wanted me to spirits and you can't be a bird when they grow up they have plenty of your pilot.

Ok so mr. monk you want to be a purchase monkey.

No okay I mean a reasonable I'm gonna have you seen her or and one of those people that your shoulders likes cutting my boy man this game is great sorry my lap and we sure as we have two parents that exercise is over at your own row.

So what's up Jack got Birdman here.

I want to be a singer or those people at the airports like the border security guards Oh John nice that's pretty awesome because you really have me.

What do you want to be when you grow up mami and everything I'm never going to help either no no that's the kind of mindset that you have to have not to take life too serious have fun be a big kid take your responsibilities pay your bills your bills being added half my life why yeah that's le Loup if you could be an animal what would it be and why.

We kind of know what mr. monkey wants to be either want to be a flying squirrel.

Oh yes cheetah because and it has sharp teeth and sharp lines and runs fast so it has a lot of adaptations just in case of prey just one likes me go.

Carrot wow what animal do you want to be.

I'm being equal.

To protect anybody to watch you would be about all protective eagle and I would be a presidential dog that's what I will be sunny or bolt we can go and he.

Yeah asked how do you all stay so positive as a family especially when there are so many negative people out there whenever like someone hates on me or does supply that I just go and I turn around and I walk away and I don't think about it like for the rest of my life nice see so they don't matter the biggest piece of staying positive for me is enjoying all the small things like waking up in the morning and seeing the sunlight.

You know just a cup of coffee a hug a kiss.

Little things and not worrying about the small things but enjoying the small things so there's a lot of like little pieces of the world that can get you upset and a lot of those things don't matter what I learned in yoga is that hate actually comes from jealousy jealousy is actually rooted in the person who's jealous having low self esteem and self dough so when someone hates on you or is jealous of you it is because they themselves don't feel good about themselves and so you are portraying something.

That triggers something and not that they don't have and so that's why I seeing things or doing things but especially on the internet they want to do what you do and they can it doesn't work for them and they wish they were like you are they wish they could do the things that you do.

Being a family that just has fun and spreads positive vibes and then for someone to be upset about that.

It's very easy to to have that keyboard confidence and it just doesn't matter they don't matter and we just laugh it off keyboard courage keyboard courage.

So there's this like that that probably showing me and um and then he said when somebody hates on you.

This is what you do well show it right now yeah just to check out 321.

Maybe are you got any man that was awesome I like that one you guys go have fun and we're going to answer some of the more serious question so I'm gonna I'm gonna do a little magical clapping see the works three two one that work will have to see an editing Catherine idol asks is it appropriate to fight in front of your kids.

I say new it's not appropriate this is now again this is my opinion.

Mommy's opinion you're not out there we're not child therapists to college where we are still learning his parents and but for our family.

No I don't think it's your kids I think that there are different ways to resolve conflict to teach kids about conflict resolution but sometimes adult problems and adults issues.

Ah should be left away from the kids.

Can you imagine the President the Vice President fighting and arguing in front of the US or top level people in a company fighting and from the employees it would scare me as an employee it would scare me as a person and I'd start questioning the business.

I'd be worried and.

And I wouldn't be able to fix their problems that they're fighting about.

So I see that in our.

Relationship if we ever have any problems or any conflicts we try to resolve them away from the kids they can't help it they're not be able to fix it I am totally against parents fighting in front of the children.

Yes we need to teach them conflict resolution and that is done with words with talking to each other.

Speaking to each other communication openness is what we need to teach our children I don't like it when parents fight in front of the kids because it does scare them and they have no control over our little problems.

So yes it is a fact that couples argue.

Yes it is in fact you know what else is the fact that i didn't even know until I had a baby is that they remove a placenta from you.

Like that's a fact that subtract - I didn't know until I had my own children.

So you know what your kids are going to be okay if they get married.

Not knowing that couples argue well that makes it like that that dance you have that analogy and now you brought it back it's all right.

Placenta how is this working how does this go with the whole event bad because i needed to add all to not knowing that they will remove a placenta after you have a baby you know i didn't know that till I had a baby yeah so for kids no they don't need to see the fighting because that is their whole entire world we are their world they are terrified just thought of us dying so we are there everything we are their protection their love their guidance their food their resources their their love their snuggles and when they see that shaking i think it freaks them out obviously goes to when I was a kid when my parents used to fight you know I used to really hurt me and affect me very badly and so that is why I decided to never ever do that in front of my children yeah you know what we do in front of our children we hug.

Yeah we hug we only kissed her affectionately and we show love we laugh we goof off.

That's what you should do in front of your kids keep though i would say my opinion keep the fighting away if you're gonna have an argument about something a lot of times.

Couples fight over money responsibilities should know about relationships.

Kids should know about responsibilities kids should know about money and money management for sure but very specific issues with a couple there's no need to think about bringing the money man Sarah deck asks how long have you been together as a couple we answer this in a previous cume we've been married for 13 years and we were dating for I think what a year.

I got a rate I got a right we were dating for a year and what's funny is because we met in a in a club a lot of people around us didn't think it was gonna last because you would introduce me to your friends yeah all guys used to have a lot of male friends.

Hmm and cool and you guys are cool with you guys so much it but they are haters man yeah when I got my friend they were like she had so many guys in the friend zone it was ridiculous.

She had it was like the lineup act like at the cars ride at Disneyland my neck like that the red zone like a crowd of friends on dudes.

So when I came in and I was like introduce for the first time to all her friends on friends and I was the guy who got because I'm not a friend zone guy i will meet you.

And if I love if I like you and I want a relationship with you I want to be straight up I don't want to.

Your friend but you lied about your age when I do bad okay for the record I did not lie about my age my life I place I was nervous she was beautiful and she said how old are you and I at the time I said 25 but I actually wasn't 25 i was 24.

Now you're 23 oh yeah I was 23 and i said i was 24 and what happened was I said the wrong number.

And I didn't want to look like a goof say like it can you imagine how old are you 24.

No wait i'm twenty how you like oh my god we just met you said you do right.

You're such a goo so I didn't say anything for like a day and a half and this is our next date it was our next date for our first date I guess it's not like i have to tell you the truth I'm something I'm like oh my gosh we just met.

Are you kidding if you have a if you have a girlfriend are you married I I you serious are you for real girls like I didn't tell you what i'm not 24 I'm 23 so I went.

What can I was a goof anyway so it didn't matter if I told her like an hour in or a day after meeting her.

I'm like okay that's all right but you called me she called me back because he was younger than that's why puppy is younger than me yes I am younger than mama be my two year only by two years and among be brain wines is like 20 years older than me good you know this might be sufficient.

Can you help me with my homework as you're smarter than fuck are that's what she said.

Oh that's really matter which you are smarter than me that's for sure.

You're very intelligent I'm intelligent look I'm not very smart sometimes not all right thing and try.

Thank You mission make you you got the ambition to be busy stocking last box is close to more surprise would.

Oh when.

Track days on people can be yeah when I money.

Oh ok go ahead and get down so hey there's some work down some words we just cannot say take it down and 18 years you got one of your kids that you put 18 way to you at all man we're just ruining old soft muck off and on and she was supposed to bike to your shorty title which and money.

She went to the doctor got lipo with your body aa Jose Jose a cordon says it hard for you to go places and be a family with so many knowing who you are it's not a problem because we're a positive happy.

Goofy family it's nice to meet everybody it's nice to see everybody smile.

It's nice to meet them you know that's all shake your hand take a picture.

You say hello to us get installed in Mary's it is awesome to say hi to everybody which is great because it makes things more real because you're on the internet and you read comments and you reply back but it's not as real until you actually meet people in person yeah it's changed it changed a lot but it's changed for the positive it's been really fun Angela get down asks this mummy and Papa be have jobs outside the home.

It's so what do you do this is what we do for a living I don't call it a job.

I can't imagine calling this a job because it's so fun we work with a lot of awesome companies and we create content on all the different platforms that we have we are very selective with the companies that we work with.

Yeah and we try to put the same amount.

Effort into those videos that we do in to this video yeah this is what we do for a living we make videos for a living make the world laughs we make the world like we don't want to put the financial burden on our viewers.

So this is how we are able to yeah this is how we making out so we pay the bill so if you are a hater against people were ya really once in a blue moon you get a comment like or don't believe you're being sponsored videos.

I can't believe you're right on your solo are you a sellout when you get promoted at work when you actually get a job when you go for interviews and interviews and you finally get the job people congratulate you so I don't know why people don't congratulate people for saying hey congratulations you worked with that company i'm so proud of you think it.

You know I want to see that you guys are still eating it up and able to buy yourself clothes yeah and toothbrushes yeah that's like that.

It's called the bills oh that's how we know our real family out there and are real friends are the ones who say guys good good job and update I think selling out the way i see it is doing a job that you hate and getting paid for it just for the money when you do something that you love and you make a lot of people laugh and have fun together with your family and you're able to support your family with that I think I think that's if that's called selling out then.

Well we need a new different cool looking at we need new definition for selling out will never ask for subscriptions or will never ask for donations donations and so that's what we do for a living.

Dane that Hogan says I love you guys who make me laugh and your videos are.

Amazing my question is how do you balance being internet famous and being a normal family we try to be as normal as possible at home outside we just see ourselves as a family that shares the same stuff that we were always sharing just to a lot more people but we're a normal family and I think that's what we don't do daily vlogs because our daily vlogs be kind of boring wake up in the morning kids go to school.

Mama go see yoga Papa answers emails maybe because it is a meetings right some ideas for videos model becomes back we have to exercise we come back together we have some lunch then came home from school yet we work a little bit.

Kids come home from school homework homework.

The kids have their extra activities that they do we have dinner together.

We got to shower we going to look just like everyone else we cuddle on the couch we watch america's funniest home videos and then we we go to sleep and we do that every single date yeah and yeah we go on some trips we go on some amazing trips and we do that and that's when we start sharing our lives with you because i think it's crazy to actually pretend that you're famous or to change because more people know who you are and I've seen that and it doesn't make any sense to me ok I'm that attitude there he goes take over we are a normal family because our intentions are different our intentions are different from other people you'll see a lot of online personalities that are really normal regular people because they they did something for a different reason.

We did it - just make people laugh and make ourselves laughing and that's it happiness family yeah what happens family shaycarl same thing.

Promotes families promotes happiness has fun wants to share his experiences like the world Casey nice that has so many amazing stories and just wants to just do amazing things and share it with everyone but i think that when people start and their initial goal is to make money and to be famous yeah you know when those are your main things that you set out to do.

That's when he gets crazy yeah it will get crazy and you will eventually fail.

Many many people have the chance to grow and to become very well known in social media but if your intentions are focused on just being famous and making as much money as possible yeah you will eventually not do well you'll eventually go away and you'll see that the ones were there for the right reasons will actually last a very long time in this world because you can do some of the people some of the time you can put all the people who are you.

I was born at that but I wasn't born last night.

This is not my first rodeo you're also a Clemens Lee asked will be a be family still live on and do great things after 10 years hmm.

After 10 years we have no idea no idea what's going to happen in 10 years I have my years or two years yeah.

So we kind of take things day might be yeah because all you have is a present.

All you have is today to yesterday's gone to war hasn't happened yet.

Yeah so we try not to foresee too much into the future yeah I can't worry about tomorrow it will take care of itself.

Worried about what you're doing today because it will help right what happens tomorrow live your bestie live your best life I always say that today was like the best day ever and i see that every single day and if you just have that attitude things things get so much better.

I don't know what we're going to do in 10 years but all I know is that we're having fun right now and oh you're going to keep having fun as much as possible I hope you guys enjoyed the Q&A I asked us more questions in the comments below and we will try to answer them as much as possible we will do a Q&A soon i hope you guys enjoy that out we can answer some of the questions that you guys had we have other q days that we've done in the past and i'll add those in the description and yeah thanks for watching guys.

Thank you thank you for all the questions that you sent him thank you so much we loved reading them.


We love you and appreciate you and thank you we love you guys I think that's it down there so you say you're somebody with my dad.

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