Wednesday, February 1, 2017




Good morning everybody we are on our way to anna maria island.

We have been invited by the good folks at the bradenton area look at the car you guys . Reddington is up with some really really and I was like worried because i was thinkin we have so much luggage is it gonna fit in the car.

Yeah 20 20 dogs of any man have fun.

We're going kayaking today we're going to be driving a golf cart mommy has your golf cart skills math skills.

I've never been to an emery island but everybody that be told we were going to say you're gonna have such a great time.

It's so beautiful.

Well now.

Super excited and we're taking you with us.

That's our promise whatever we I have exciting things we take oh yeah.

Mommy we've been here for three minutes and I already want to live here.

That's it it's not working I station.

We made it thank you so much for driving us the most comfortable experience time we were here and we're gonna unload and weird we have a golf cart.

Well yeah we're going on her six-person golf cart nice on metal dan let's get settled i'm gonna be too difficult to get no I don't think so.

We're ready for the island wow this place is amazing thank you so much guys we got to share this with you.

This is beautiful.

This is our dependence they're down.

All i do is win we wait well some people have some hooked up golf carts man.

Yeah paradise for real paradise found we were invited by the folks at bradington to experience and maria island and I had no idea where is animal your Island sits in sarasota it's beautiful you guys are gonna love it and we're like yes of course we want to check it out this is amazing and we're only here for a little bit and I want to live here now in the words of Scarface basics a lot of nice flying be spies let me then the most beautiful house for a big trip and see what they do ya need it tomorrow tip it up yeah makes a book i would like to book this exact place and I wanted for a week at least.

Very likely work really have already read ly anna maria island is sustainable tourism yeah and we are on Pine Avenue right now which is the greenness little street in America and it's an electric cart we got our beachwear on we met some great people and we are on our way to the beach.

Through the secret passage now this here it's like powdered sugar.

But like so soft like snow miss monkeys got a miss monkey can ya the monkey is it cool to ride in the back and he said cool yeah it's cool.

Going backwards why wouldn't it be cool and guys I promise to film while we're on the golf cart a golf cart sorry I mean if you like I'll promise that I'll fail and while we're on the golf club.

She said I want miss monkey camp said ok you can have it mr. monkeys he just takes it all in like like the old-schoolers you look to see if in a car from the DNA I like your style thank you and now I think we're gonna go eat something so this is a restaurant and like a treasure troll really clean and stuff.

I've never been to a restaurant that has this.

You eat inside the store everything's for sale wow you even so the store so all these tables.

These are for sale to the dance so the tables are for sale but you can actually eat on those tables so it's not like your typical restaurant where everything is kind of the same you you eat on the furniture the candelabra over it and love it so basically you can buy anything in the store hope there is in your life how's your creme brulee french toast to you have a sandwich and a half there.

It's called a human to human and parking.

Or you can go don't even give me the thumbs for that when I was perfect.

One doesn't need any thumbs at all Jimmy and James genes and gene.

Happy b 3 & 4 so basically you know some restaurants have mints you know when you finish eating you grab a mint there you can grab a lamp when you're done night of sleep.

So this was the ana maria city jail.

Focus man so they actually like trusted people to go inside just like stay there for jail air-conditioned well nice pose so so pretty creepy inside help this is not haunted or anything with only bars on the windows prisoners were exposed to clouds of ferocious mosquitoes during their state.

No one wanted to spend more than one night in jail and the dense whole crowd quickly quieted haha for Mama p she's in jail at least it's eric under sean ho ho hahaha.

The back of the Gulf more control with a to get back to the we're ready to go kayaking now thanks to the beach bums thank you they gave us the tour now we're gonna go with rick rick is going to show us the place maybe we'll see some manatees for some dump em out to the manner of things are aware of all the dolphins on the Shelf phone on the cell phone so let's go kick it with follow you yeah okay in the golf cart ok we're here we're going to go kayaking right now but just remember that yesterday's history tomorrow's a mystery day's a gift.

Ok and if we can stand the moment will receive all just of the universe and God one of the stope honest.

So don't like that what you guys did earlier today don't worry about your dinner reservations tonight to stay in the now and will receive all the beautiful set the universe once of the stove ones.

Yeah I like that cool listen to the message then we'll meet them out there crying crying and carrying on.

A little bit of exercise never hurt anybody mr. monkey would you want to help you sometime soon.

What time what time would you like me to help you okay I'll be right back.

What an awesome experience my actions so glad you guys enjoyed by five haha yes all right arm that was amazing it was nice and easy we were doing barrel rolls or anything like that we weren't flipping around taking it easy we're just taking it easy and we learned so much off about water and birds and yeah.

Marine biology you know the meeting Ric was amazing girl systems wow so we learned a lot kayaking it was so cool okay so now we're gonna go and we're gonna go to the sandbar restaurant guy who said bar or even know where we're going yeah work remember i had no idea this doesn't look familiar ok it's just raining God wow great mother.

Then you know i'm gonna make it I'm gonna make a shirt if you have a brain then yes parenting off parenting of his monkey.

Even know where we are back to normal.

There you go.

Why why mr. Monica Police are our friend mr. monkey heard the sirens and took off running to do we're going to five lady G Callen.

We are blazing in the golf cart like a good man.

Alright yo yo man come on I thought you were more gangster than that yeah I apparently he's quite the gangster.

Oh I found the sandbar guys it's on the beach.

On then.

No this is definitely the best view.

I don't care what anybody says this is the best you.

The restaurant is right here and the monkeys are already chasing each other in the sand over there.

Why are you guys find the weirdest ways to enjoy the sunset.

Are you gonna dress the county are sir.

Monkeys don't eat fish sticks that's for sure.

Thank you so much for inviting us here.

My pleasure house we've only been here for four today and we've enjoyed it so much we don't get a chance to travel too much life and for state while we don't talk about.

Ok we will get a chance to pump truffle thinking I will rephrase that on more airplanes this year then people have really enjoyed that but we don't get a chance to stay in one place for a very long time being the moment and enjoy it as much as possible be in the moment be in the moment of your model be in the movie in the moment who wasn't God's yeah okay today we're goin to the donut experiment and we're going to design our own doughnuts so i'm looking to put some bacon on my donuts that it feels amazing.

I think we can bottle this up make it to a perfume.

The whole town smells like oreo donuts and it's really nice because we got sprinkles chocolate with that the plan crackers and peanut those peanuts are working very sensitive granted.

The graham crackers.

We got coconut crackers that's like coral bits like Oriole there's the bait and fresh.

What kind of donuts Georgia we got manila and Toria Nuland bacon.


What did you order yes oh I got a powder sugar 1 and around three.

Happy kid how would one go about how come you guys are ordered like six.

Who wants to be near you to take pictures looks like nothing which ones.

Crying girls over there and we get over there you guys excited to be giving them yeah are you doing are you doing for you yeah.

He's got a big fan thank you so much you can do with your hands to his money.

Give me one anybody okay mr. monk I want to have a pc you've already eaten.


Wow bacon and vanilla this is wrong they don't really write thank you don't experiment for having us.

So basically giving us one of everything thank you so much we are the yummiest breakfast ever it was the best breakfast ever I think the monkeys had had a lot of donuts you know I think we have as you think they're done ways than one.

The fun never ends on anna maria island now we're gonna go paint sand dollars.

Have you ever painted a sand dollar before no I don't even know what a sand dollar is it I don't either but I am I feel like if they grabbed all the positive in the world and dumped it on like a separate planet they would call it anna maria we have made it to the shiny fish emporium melted down here with Rebecca at the shiny fish Emporium.

This is a dream this is a true especially from his monkey miss monkey which is our bedroom looks like he just put these in here smells like lavender smells like everything and everything for the family.

So you don't make that face don't you fill in your go she doesn't smell anything that is our matching pendant in a way to that this is not a copy back it is a copyright song so imagine paradise for a girly girl.

This is what it would look like this is about as girly girl as it gets.

We're going to paint sand dollars yes I had no I don't even know what it is and I don't be shy with sand dollars yes they shelter over there like he won gonna do the talking dance which one are you gonna make mine get meds.

You can make a mermaid and you can like you can do anything this is a stand all this is a sand dollar.

Yeah these are actual these are not like the no 1 mean them like no one made like this is not like they're now they're real life real see like I thought this was like I thought this was drywall that they like I didn't get the memo I'm officially lost the competition of having i lost i made us I made a sunset with the family on the beach and what you're supposed to actually hang it like this.

That's why you need to listen to instructions.

That's mine that's mommy's heart here's my son Ryan Chan on the water.

Step number one listen to instructions step number to get the help.

Step number three go for you put your heart and soul into your looking up and still here look like a really nice for me wow wow.

Mr. monkey that's your sand dollar oh my goodness that's amazing.

Thanks well you miss monkey sand dollar Wow.

And Mama B sunset beautiful then right-click sunrise.

We are the shiny fish Emporium we did.

Kiwi yeah.

Being here we love you and love you.

Thank you very much thank you and it smells amazing in here to therapy for your soul I wish we could stay longer yeah we will definitely be back family you guys family thank you so much for being here with us everywhere we go we will take you with us along for the ride.

If it's interesting if it's not interesting we're not going to take you because we don't want to be bored.

Thanks for watching until the next trip for the next video we love you MA thank you thank you everyone on any island only for hosting us allow we are speechless.

We have our horn yeah mommy you're peddling peddling many cheeseburgers.

I just smash me all weekend everyone up like a hundred a bike you shouldn't have to fight for example got on and tell me I don't make comments from the economy class.

Where did you come from way to go where the public mind won't be stopped with parents please big wheel keep on turning i'm working mom Bernie the rolling rolling rolling down baby.

None of the is rolling around rolling rolling when we got a really bad boo boo this trouble will she better Bear been happy family thank you.

Yeah yo.

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