Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Come on Donnie the surprise day .

Is this way oh I'm so looking forward to your time for inviting me another day as well and like where we used to sit so cool around here.

Oh it's a big big surprise for me and i'll carry you were here before and we enjoyed it so much I thought why not bring you because I think you'll really like it so check this out so this is the luxury call the house and that is where we come scuba diving school with i have enough screen time between school and before we don't the dog and we had an amazing time that's so cool yeah I thought you might like it because we do do a lot of adventures and stuff so let's go down here and just take a look around the place is pretty cool to the beach here as well.

Yes it is a peach and there's a lot of people and then there's a restaurant that I've worked out for us later to see you all soon or do they have food there they do you have fish food they have loads of seafood but they don't serve up their tropical fish because they like to keep them cause they're endangered so just normal fish.

That's cool i just like some tuna maybe on a tuna soon as a good choice ok so i need to can't really remember how to find this place is quite big isn't it.

Oh yeah okay so let's go find the scuba diving instructor and we were back there.

Okay awesome okay Donnie follow me to the scuba diving instructor should be down here somewhere.

Ok where is your kind words to take moving outside your race a girl today.

Oh hey how you doing we're here to do some scuba diving I think hello Callie and welcome back to the cult diving skills this must be your boyfriend no Tommy pleased to meet you i have a few things to run through if you have a moment.

Yeah I'm dude tony i'm going to Katie's boyfriend and i can't wait to go scuba diving with her yeah we have some time to hear what you've got to say because safety comes first so what's up well we've set up these new tanks for people who are new to scuba diving and we recommend that anyone who is arriving here now should test them out so it's just make sure that your ear is working properly and you're comfortable under the water oh well thats knew they didn't have those practice times when i came here last little Johnny you can be cool with going into it i'm going to water.

Yeah it's gonna be no problem at all i hope we get to see loads of fish.

Okay Mason.

I will definitely do the practice times first great so you guys just wrap whatever gear you need and jump right in awesome ok little Donny let's grab our scuba gear.

Ok what you have to take a google offers and flippers and a wet suit.

Awesome at air time oh I took too many other things and put them back up i don't get my goggles instead.

Yeah I got them okay let me put on all my stuff.

Me too okay how do I look oh you totally cool with me how you look.

Also my god we are totally ready to go to the practice time so let's head upstairs to my think I smell them outside.

We look like a pair of fish we do we got flippers on the kind of hard to walk in.

No yeah be careful don't fall over okay we have to walk through this little waterfall or there you go.

Cool so these are the practice tanks.

Ok so we're going to go in her first story is so one and I decide and we have to go down and see if all our gear is working you ready on your side already.

Oh this is so cool looking at stake here is going on I look all your we don't even have to hold our breath it's amazing.

Is everything working okay for you I think so me too it's totally awesome i love it ok ok let's get out of here and go back down to the girl and say that everything is ok all starting to rain or the rain quick it's ok we're going to wear anyway.

Oh that's true okay let's go to track down to her and see if we're okay to go into the open water and some other dishes now let's go.

Great job you guys you really did also now you can go out into the open water and check out all the cool fish that we have in the cove.

Hope you guys have fun oh awesome ok we get to go in the open water Donnie let's go okay don't worry ok so last time I mean okay we're here we had to go down to go up under some boats waiting at the top so you can go read or got stuck oh ok I really at the top I think ok yeah side of you oh there we go to live here are some boats oh you find out oh my gosh again.

First you can see if we can go upstream oh yeah yeah I made it I made it awesome so now we can I look at all the Carl almost so beautiful here.

But that look the shacks are still you're also we get to check out some sheriff's oh well I haven't seen sharks and ages and want to see them straight away that's so cool.

Let's go to the Shaq tank sent here we go and let's start off with this one over here and you could probably do that tank doesn't have a sign on it so i guess that one's got ok that is practical.

You speak careful make sure you don't you boy - okay let's start off with one lb crush guys guys it's ok my boat didn't break ok that's gonna need your help here.

Oh yeah go up to the ladder there we have it.

Whoa these are awesome or wait I'm sick.

Nope yeah he's a bull sharks you have to kind of joke book to get out to the letter what about out there oh I can't make it out a little birdie told me to go down to get you up light em up its the middle back a little bit and think of all the way oh I made it up this time pretty scary don't think they're pretty big.

Look under like swimming at the very top of the water do you think they can spouse are you think they probably can do you want to eat us.

Oh no look at the chicken over the war particularly and sometimes he does need to thank you should be ok.

Oh gosh the poor little chicken ok well we swim over to the next time yet to pick up a girl in my room flash some ok it if we can get a little let me take it from here you go first there we go.

Ok i made an awesome ok so these look like hammerheads let me just check it out.

Yeah I know these guys have seen them before hammerhead sharks I wonder if they're all related to shaky.

I think this one looks like track he's kind of looking a little bit of a look and see ya armani message that would be sweet and cute czech czech he just has a weird mountain weird eyes and these have a weird method where do you see who's maybe this is mom and dad yeah oh my gosh you're so so cool.

Oh I really want to get a little bit closer Oh be careful don't get it oh man come on Kelly be careful not to save you ok welcome to a good day he'll be happy okay come on we gotta get back over to get it always the latter is a lot of people have to bring / way to help ok ok let's see oh no ok we have to break the glass on the inside to try to get every very quickly ok let me go down the bottom click on ok I'm gonna go to the bottom and break the glass they're not coming down there , just take the top ok ok Oh help me pretty again.

Don't bring it up you know sorry gonna take its ok Oh check it out a year.

Well it's so take this class did not let the shakes and Paul my gosh.

No we need to get out of here I don't think they're coming down though it's okay okay I gotta come back up over this way me too me too i hate to break this sound.

Yeah me too ok quick go go go go I think that cups too small for the Sharks to get you anything ok this time up to the doubles so dark down here it's too teeny bit scared is about the sharks here.

Oh well that was so close I can't believe that you swam down after me or have to save you oh you're so brave little don you put job what we're going to do next is go to the current over there is getting a bit dark is real.

Oh gosh okay well why don't we have a little swim around the car and have a look and then maybe I think our table at the restaurant will probably be ready.

I'm pretty hungry after all that excitement that was a bit crazy gosh this Carl is so pretty though we're going to look yeah I look all the Sun is setting it's so romantic oh yeah you get closer to you can see all the colors.

Oh it's so beautiful hope is no sharks in here I hope not I hope they couldn't break out of the tank there that's a little bit cracked i'm sure it will be fine it looks so beautiful isn't it this is so romantic.

Take ok there's no fish around oh ok let's swim up on we can probably head over to the restaurant now oh gosh it's pretty darn oh I don't know which way I'm going.

I do i'm not near the top of the field at the top don't let me see it easy okay what's up as where are you oh yeah i don't know all i could see your help so far away from to you rotate and let's move over to the restaurant it's over here but I think we have to swim up into it just sweep into the restaurant that sounds so cool yeah hey I think I see the ladder under there.

That's good open on their got to go under hold back oh yeah I'm coming up to you okay there we go.

Whew that was a close one Donnie I still can't believe you running after me or so so brave that was so scary i hope you're okay I'm great I'm great I'm great but I'm excited for this meal I can't wait to get a bit of food into me after that and it's meant to be some awesome fish food so you want to go in and talk to the mayor yeah definitely come on in hello little Kelly little Donny has requested the whole restaurant was booked for your date but I have some bad news I'm afraid this is a seafood restaurant and our fishermen didn't deliver all the fish today so we don't actually have anything for you to eat.

Oh no that's terrible news i mean we booked at the whole restaurant so we could eat some movie seafood but i'm quite a keen fisher woman I like to fish a lot so maybe we could catch the fish little Donny yeah i'm really hungry and I really want some fish and if you guys don't have any i think we can just go catch the road is that ok with you know you two are such good sports.

This fishing rods outside in the chest have fun.

Oh awesome ok little Donny let's go get a fishing rod and try catch dinner.

Ok where's order the chest over here is that them in there yeah always loved fishing rods all let's see that's done over the little.

Edge and see what fish we catch but we don't want to get the in danger tropical ones we just wanted huh.

We don't want to get any sharks leader look at the size of that Holy Mary doesn't mean or he'd be dinner for everyone who would last for ages.

Yeah on luxury car doing no not yet but this sunset so romantic oh it's so beautiful.

Oh well okay let me see I don't know oh I think I've got it is that you got the big villain oh wow let me to see oh no I lost him okay i think i think i got.

Ok let's try again let's see if we can catch some more that's why here for a few minutes ok I could have been for fish here - did you get.

Oh I got 42 I got 43 normal fishes and one a salmon I think that's a no great job you got a lot of pressure I make sure that straight away let's go inside i give it to the register of fresh mark oh yeah actually that's a good idea we can't keep them and then we can give them more efficient making way for awesome dinner oh I'm so excited I'm so hungry after all of that on the shark attack on my gosh okay there you go sir.

There's the fish that we caught there you go i'm so hungry i got me for this food.

Well the chef was so quick looking back there are look at the salmon smells so good well Donnie wants his ears feel like yeah it's absolutely gorgeous his food is so good thank you so much chef this is amazing and it's so cool that the whole restaurant is empty it's like a little private place for us just on the sunset.

Yeah and i love the water coming down the walls and the sunset oh my gosh it's just all so romantic i really enjoyed today's date yet me too i had such an amazing time this is so much fun.

Hey guys thanks for watching another awesome date with myself and it will kelly we had so much fun today scuba diving yeah it was awesome a part for me falling into the tank like a city but at least a little . he was there to rescue me see celebrate and we got to catch your own dinner it was so much fun so romantic guys if you enjoyed the video make sure to leave a like and a comment don't forget to check out with Tony channel if you're watching online if you're watching on Donnie's check out mine the links will be down below and also don't forget to check us out on instagram and twitter as well for all behind the scenes pics and real-life pixels together two guys until next time see you again soon about guys.

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