Wednesday, February 15, 2017

2/13/17 | House Intel CHMN To Neil: General Flynn Should Not Have To Ste...

All right indeed God Shepherd welcome everybody audiogo and they're putting the finishing touches on who will be completing the economic team for the president's states with talk that by the end of the day Stephen Newton will officially be the Treasury secretary United States and he would complete a picture that could be very bullish for the markets he of course part of the team that will be shepherding gigantic tax cuts we are told and that was enough attaboy the markets today once again and of course this has been the phenomenon ever since.
Donald Trump himself has said that the markets can look forward to a phenomenal tax plan and ever since we're to that first got out of course the markets have never looked back.
Keep in mind i had Kevin Brady the man who runs the house ways and means committee were all things tax-related start and he was talking up a plan that would cut all the no race we have seven of them 23 drastically cut corporate taxes at twenty percent across the board no matter who you're with you're looking at something that is going to change the way tax policy is conducted in this country the likes of which we've not really seen you think about it since 1986 that's we began that comprehensive and for the markets that much wind at their backs all three major market averages i'm including the dial the S&P 500 and then adds a call and records today we should also say before we get to our first guest here but the banking sector was the most void of any of these major averages that sector seems to be thought of as the most tax advantageous in this new environment here and it has been everyone running fast and furious with buy orders convinced that this is real and going to happen very very soon member of that house ways and means committee was very shortly out of that independent journal reviews are anemic like you know Aaron when we look at that there's it's always back to the high expectation game and markets and get out of themselves but it's organic better those sleeping tax cuts look the better the markets look at the board i see they look or that they could be stumbling on the less robots are the markets getting ahead of them.
Cells when you when you see this kind of reaction to what you're here and going out of that building behind it well i would point out that Donald Trump and his team are much more bullish on what they can accomplish than even Congress has suggested now Sean Spicer the White House press secretary just last week that it could be two or three weeks before they put out this big corporate tax reform the likes of which we haven't seen in almost 30 years but that didn't a congress by surprise remember they are working on this Obamacare repeal and replace and the best-laid plans on that has been offended that was supposed to happen immediately and that's going to take that much longer than they thought so we may very well see this big reveal in 2-3 weeks but it's going to take a much longer time to get anything through you know you mentioned something interesting there aren't you always do and what is this idea that the White House might have a more robust plan than those in Congress or Republicans in Congress feel is realistic.
You did say that i right in saying that that seems to be divided you're getting so obviously they have to reconcile that we're going to stand going well as you mentioned Kevin bring him that he wanted to get the tax rate to twenty percent Donald Trump said during the campaign he wanted to get into fifteen percent now we've heard from a number of Republicans that they can't get it below 25 percent but that number we're going to be we're going to be Congress haggle over that for months you can be sure there's no way that Donald Trump is going to get it down to fifteen percent but he's a businessman he's a negotiator he's a dealmaker we've obviously going to start with the best thing that he can hope for and move up from there alright thank you very much like in the middle of our talk about socks do I should point out that we have to be 500 abroad aggregate of stock now has a market cap at 20 trillion dollars that has never been the case before also with those advances since the election this tear our has obviously affected your 401k it's affected your pension not even if you are not directly invested in the market yourself the spillover effect is real and usually if your boss has a smile on his face or her face it's probably because of the wind right now at the markets back here now whether that's getting too far too fast something always of California Republican congressman Devon unit remember.
Course of that crucial House Ways and Means Committee you're very good at you great to be here now alright i talked to Tara Kevin Brady was very optimistic that aggressive sweeping comprehensive tax reform package is in the works that you guys are largely I don't want to misquote answer on the same page when it comes to making sure that big but is it doable and then whatever it is that the kind of thing that's going to be combined together corporate reform individual rate changes would even so while most people weren't paying attention last year.
House Republicans were busy drafting a blueprint everyone thought that Hillary Clinton was going to become the president of people thought for sure the Republicans were going to lose control the Senate and we actually have been working not only last year on a blueprint that we've actually go back eight years looking at all different ways on how to do tax reform and i would say actually that this you talked about the 1986 Reform Act Neil this is actually bigger than the 86 reformat this is actually fundamentally changing the code it's creating spareness across the system so we're actually doing away with all the confusing rules accrual accounting cash accounting we're going to cash flow system if the system that every American will be able to understand and if Donald Trump is in fact going to make America great again he's going to do it with the blueprint that we put out last year with the Republican House of Representatives so is it your blueprint congressman that's leading the way in other words he like what you guys to crafting and pretty much what's that.
Yeah we like we like that the Donald Trump president Trump during the campaign went big and he challenged us to get to fifteen percent and really what we're doing it coming in at twenty percent the difference is that is that what Donald Trump wanted to do was to keep the income tax as is and we're actually fundamentally doing away with the income tax and put in the different cash flow system one that actually Americans can understand and as we continue to breathe the Trump administration there slowly realizing that that in fact this is probably the only way to do tax reform because if you look at some of the proposals that were out there in the past it's really tough not to drive a big hole in that in the deficit which is I think what the anchor was saying a little just a few minutes ago.
It's tough to get that rate below 25 percent in fact it's probably tough to get below thirty percent right and so the only way to do it is through this fundamental reform that chairman Brady has laid out for us.
Another option is to get the money or at least to take four part of this if you're in that camp that you have to pay for tax cuts are you can use dynamic accounting and see what happens on the road is that you'd have a border Adjustment Act something like that or is that going to be part of this mix yeah absolutely but it's not necessarily pay for people are mischaracterizing that so so what this is because we're going to a consumption system it wouldn't be fair for up to two tax businesses here in America but not packed businesses that are overseas that are sending products into this country so everyone's going to get taxed the same everything that we produce in this country whether it's produced here or brought in have to get charged st. act if not you're subsidizing import and so it's just the way the system works is not necessarily a paper so we are looking at dynamic scoring this will be this will be a pro-growth bill and and it will balance the budget potential is the role of Stephen Newton will play the incoming Treasury secretary assuming he confirmed in the Senate today because he had raised eyebrows by saying that the tax cut for the upper income would be subject to that thirty-three percent rate from 39.6 and now actually higher when you add in the Obamacare surcharges and the rest that it would be competent you know offset by limiting the introductions etc it's fair to say that the upper income then despite what looks like a big drop in their tax rate will end up paying roughly the same intact well it all depends on whether or not they want to invest so if people are willing to make capital investment into the economy to create jobs and increase wage growth than their tax rate will be lower if you if you are going to make investments then likely there won't be much of a trade-off i think most people the top will be about the same but before and you have to wipe out all their deduction.
Good to address what would be six or seven percent aggregate dropped in there right now because unlike before people can make investments into whether they're to grow their business and as long as they're investing they won't owe tax on that on that money so today don't get me started on the highest rate right so it depends on whether or not they're in business a lot of people will want to be in business so we take all business activity and we and we move into this new system real quickly through your also in the Intelligence Committee you're well aware of the controversy around national security adviser Michael plan do you think he should step down.
No i don't i have i have great confidence in my clan he's probably the best intelligence offers officer of his generation and you know he's being attacked maliciously by the press which is which is not uncommon in this town and I think what general foot is realizing that is that being a general is much different than being in politics and he just got to go to work his way through it you know he's just now getting his team on board and he had an unprecedented number of leaks over the last few weeks including leaks that have come from the conversation as a player and as a community and within minutes the committee you don't think you should step.
No I do times or so thank you very very much appreciate it thanks no thanks for having where the White House be a little ball is still doubling down on voter fraud claims are saying that it could number into the millions and they often quote a Kansas secretary of state of name is kris kobach we thought we'd go right to the source.
Kris Kobach his next we know for a fact you have massive numbers of non-citizens registered to vote in this country nobody disputes that and many many highly qualified people like Kris Kobach the Kansas secretary of state had looked deeply into this issue and it confirmed it to be true and that put together evidence and I suggest you invite Kris Kobach onto your show and he can walk you through some of the evidence of our more for you in greater detail alright you heard that White House adviser Steve Miller saying why don't you just talk to Kansas secretary of state Kris Kobach about that about voter fraud about how widespread it is we did just that.
Unbox business number earlier today there's different kinds of voter fraud in the kind that Miller was talking about with people who are registered in more than one state and they cast double votes or they are registered in their living in Massachusetts but they go and vote in new hampshire so Kansas has been the host for the past decade of something called the interstate cross-check and it's a 38 consortium where we try to keep our holder rolls clean by comparing to see if people are registered in more than one state and about 3 million people are registered in more than one state but get this meal most of those people it's no crime to be registered in more than one state but it is a crime if you actually try to vote in two states and every year thousands of people do vote in murray million not knowing and well-known probably not three million but you can get to larger numbers if you start talking about non-citizen voting but you really think so that it actually goes into the millions that when I think widespread so I think all right now we're talking into the millions that could materially affect the results so if you're looking at the the problem of non-citizens voting we have a lot of evidence there two in Kansas because we're litigating over our proof of citizenship requirement we have an expertise analyzed voter rolls and think of many as 18,000 non-citizens could be on the roles and many of them voting but there was like I think there's a lead-out let's take those 18,000 to the voting you said many of them voting how many of those they can doubt yeah well I suspect that the participation rate among non-citizens probably well below the normal participation rate so it's probably you know in the range of ten to twenty percent i think but here's the point was going to get to there was a study done of the 2008 presidential election and found at 11.3 percent of aliens living in the United States said that they voted in that election not just registered but voted and if you compare that 11.3 percent to the number of aliens in the country today which is about 29 million you got legal and illegal today verified the number doesn't have.
Something that's one thing where people to say that is another thing to quantify that and where I tried to kill that that is a projection but if you took that projection and applied it to the numbers today you'd be talking about in excessive to actually an excessive three million alien building but to actually nail it down into that a state by state level that's the job of the secretary of state so for example we have presented evidence in this court case 415 individuals we have identified on our voter rolls and that's just the tip of the expert because there's nothing on the bottle that says this guy's an alien you just have name date of birth address you know what I think secretary didn't know you but you're trying to get to have this irritating trying to be honest about it try to track what you can but when I hear someone complain about widespread voter fraud and I hear that indicates that the president saying that millions of illegal voted or millions who shouldn't voted voted and that materially changed the popular vote results.
Why how could he make a statement like that do you really believe that and i'm buying I know how we elect our president of the electoral vote people can whine and complain about the popular all they want.
We can't be very differently based on the popular about it just seems to me that the president went that the notion that he lost the popular vote and its trying to say that that was a sham because the popular vote was rigged as well it just sounds kooky doesn't well we do know that there's a very large number weekend it'll be impossible to ever know the exact number is of nonsense it's not millions but i think it probably was.
You don't really have a million if you take the whole country I i think it's an accessible only to take the entire country for sure but you know the other thing that what the president is talking about now he was on the popular vote another way I mean that all let's say with million whoo-hoo-hoo different identities are in the outcome of the popular vote well you'd have to then assume that the vast majority of them voted for Clinton not exactly what I ended with the video from I don't know about the statistical gods of that are crazy well and so we can't know but it is certainly possible and the other thing the lighting you believe it i don't think you believe it i think you're very smart what you doing I think you find the whole thing too incredible to believe they're certainly cases like you found and then cited duplicate voting it's the big problem with people who are registered in multiple states vote uh but there's a lot of people to your point to vote in you know in one state to the other not both right but but remember this meal if it's a close election like it wasn't in Hampshire where trouble off by twenty-seven hundred votes if you have just a few thousand that's enough to swing a state in a close election and I just went the other way around at her clothes that went to trump like not sure exactly okay it could go the other way but expecting a hitter so you don't get that bird Hillary Clinton in some states where the vote might have been very different if we were to scrutinize it again.
You know I depends on which category of voter looking at people who doubled vote in more than one state actually you see it happens in both parties goes both ways I from the evidence we've seen when non-citizen vote that tends to go in the favor of Democrats but again it's you can nail that down too because you find it but I i see what about it and I know you're trying to get it infuses the entire process when we get into this debate and spend all this money about widespread voted for fraud that would have to be in the millions to change but let's say just the popular vote result we're wasting our time Riley well no I mean that's the job of the Secretary of State to try to secure the integrity of election so that what you're creating a adults right well no I actually have the power to prosecute but I know you did but you really break it went and hid the results that you would you change the result the popular vote would have got adopted not in Kansas but if you take States some of the really big States and you know by california texas in the state to have.
Large alien population you could have more than a million votes that were you know that we're not legitimate close industrial states that with Donald Trump we're going to be Hillary yes that's theoretically possible to there's no question because we don't know that one great thing about the American system is the Year vote is confidential so we don't know which person that individual voted for fraudulently I I'm not minimizing by the way that they're no hanky-panky exist in all elections this one included but it would have to be a particularly and proportions to change the results and it could have just as easily affected the vote in close industrial states that might have benefited Hillary Clinton I it just seems at a time when we have so much to focus on maybe this is not prominent among those items we shall see or you know one year ago today can you believe it one year ago today Antonin Scalia died now Neil doors which fights to win confirmation and Scalia started on Chris kalia here to weigh in on the legacy at stake next day for the rather than he is scheduled to speak with morning Scalia course you might not know that name of the wife of Antonin Scalia who died a year ago today Christopher Scalia the son of the late justice is with us as well as Michael Elliot former clerk Scalia and judge neil course how great is that two of these guys here together welcome to both of you and and Chris I know this is a hard day for you a year later but I guess what must be hardening is someone like an eel Gorsuch up for that job.
Your dad's job whoso embodies a lot of things your dad stood well it is clear that my dad had some influence on judge course fiction and that that is nice absolutely but you know beyond that I don't wanna I don't want to endorse adam i would try to see if I could get a weak moment there no no but my supply that did you hear as a former clerk to Justice Scalia as well as judge Gorsuch do you see the common themes emerging away absolutely course which was deeply influenced by Justice Scalia and I talked to judge course it's only a few weeks after he passed away he was clearly almost upset about it as those of us who were working with the Justice were both both are committed to the judicial philosophy of originalism which is the view that the Constitution meaning is what it meant when it was enacted and if you want to change what it means you have to pass the constitutional amendment you can't go to court and ask a judge to change it so I'm very optimistic that Justice Scalia's jurisprudential legacy will continue to change course when you say that Michael do you think that that that view and the fact that Neil course it's much like Chris's dad spoke out for things he strongly believed in even challenging this president questioning a so-called judge we don't know really what the real skinny is on that but that in that sense it might have actually helped him with over democratic senators who might not have envisioned supporting and what do you think well I I don't really know what he meant to convey with that with the comments that you're referring to his record is very clear that he is an independent judge me and you know he's come out and spoken against the Supreme Court precedent that he thinks it's overly differential to the president the president agencies so what we do know is that what I know from having worked for him is that he's that very much an independent minded person as Justice Scalia was and I think he'll be you know a great addition to the court.
You know Chris maybe this just shows that they're independent streak that runs in your family but you had been saying that conservative politicians who is a liberal arts education should think twice about that they're sort of like a black-and-white themes that that sides develop that in that case are wrong what did you mean by that that derision that sometimes liberal arts get might be premature.
Wouldn't give me but thanks for doing your homework there.
Well what I meant was that the liberal arts that is a broad general education as opposed to say vocational education have a great tradition in our country people like Thomas Jefferson for example were big proponents of liberal arts education but often we have conservative politicians criticize that type of education because they're they're basically useless they don't have enough utilitarian purpose and i actually got this this is something I learned from my father and my mother that liberal arts education are very good they're important in promoting good active well educated citizens so I I don't like being conservative politicians or liberal politicians for that matter saying that it's a waste of time or anything like that you know we have this heated.
Its your right or left kristen and your reader fall in line on the on this set of use and/or on the other side of you and never the two shall meet your father would occasionally surprise people but he would he would read it out aggressively with a deeply religious man staunch Catholic I could just see taking you and your eight brothers and sisters to church I don't know how you fit in one car maybe but I how how was that that religious view it's part of the beauty in in his thinking and even at home.
Well you know as a judge you know he wouldn't have called himself a Catholic justice he approached their lives Michael said is an original list but the rest of his life he approaches a Catholic and he was a devout one he was a great role model for my brothers and sisters and I don't frankly I don't know how he and my mother did it they got to church every week well yeah but he didn't obey every traffic law we and we still be late sometimes and not necessarily feeling well but you know I'm struggling with three kids getting getting my family to church so congratulations on your and here's the number i want to be clear i remembered all over the map grits with you'll indulge me thirty eight grandchildren 3838 is correct hopefully more on the way how did how did your dad and your mom remember everybody go down well they kinda like Tom Brady has planes on a wrist and painted pictures with all of the you are alright Michael you know we always attach a lot in these confirmation hearings and it's been quite some time obviously since Christmas dad but I and how they comport themselves under pressure.
Obviously lots gonna come up on what the court thinks of the local judge thing and what he makes of the president Trump's extreme vetting of refugees etcetera and those who come into this country but how they handle the pressure it is it's very it is very telling isn't that how does that play into this whole confirmation process well I think of course is going to handle himself very well and hearing he's already making a great impression is meeting for senators from what I understand and you know the guy who is very comfortable speaking in front of a large audiences and under pressure he was a very accomplished trial attorney before he became a judge and tried you know billion-dollar cases in front of juries so I think he used to being in front of the spotlight and we won't be able to comment on particular cases that come up well he's adjusted to kill adhere to the standards that have been set by you know the past five or six justices who have gone up for you think you can avoid the the nuclear option that I mean because he has the number of Democratic senators who seem to be impressed find that they might not have to worry about that.
Well I i don't know i can't make those kinds of predictions I think it would be a unfortunately someone have just said course caliber didn't command you know sort of widespread approval now like he did when he was that after the tenth circuit you know ten years ago gentlemen I want to thank you both Chris thank you very much you do you serve your dad well I really thank you very very much of confirmation hearings could be a lot sooner than later indications are that they want to get moving on these and passed the more alright you heard on this show just a few minutes ago that dehradun as a Republican California the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee that is not a lie i think michael plant has no reason to leave he's doing a good job keeping mod the National Security Advisor move on Karl Rove former deputy chief have multiple best-selling author what do you think that Karl about there's a pretty powerful endorsement particularly given that yesterday the president Trump's closest advisors in the White House steven miller refuse to answer that same question he said you better be asking that question the president so I thought that struck me as odd to an interview today we kind of said the same thing that I thought the reading act here or what you know I was mystified by it I'm reassured by union say he's respected chairman of the Intelligence Committee my senses he probably has access to that to those electronic intercepts that show the conversation and so if our general fund and I'd be I'd be falling out of Valentine's Day card for Germany's and put it in pop it in the mail today how much of a drag the big business I mean we always talk about distractions we always forget you know that this administration a little more than three weeks old but does the media overplayed or is this a legitimately big do I mean obviously if you're negotiating the private citizen and talking to the powers that be it could be at the very least I see but but what email well look it could be problematic and he made those phone calls we know he made those phone calls and even those phone calls he had said to the Russians look if we get elected.
Don't worry about him Trump is going to be we be removing those sanctions that that would be enormously problematic we don't know the public won't know doesn't know today what he said but the president knows i suspect the Intelligence Committee Chairman knows obviously the intelligence community does.
He obviously did discuss the sanctions because we have nine government officials who have seen the intelligence he say that the what he said we don't really know if he said geez sorry about the sanctions but it but that's one thing but if he said sorry about those sanctions and we're going to be removing them if we get elected that's it that's a problematic statement but look we don't know the reason this is a big deal is in part because the administration's had a rocky start these are not people have been experiencing government they had a rollout of the immigration you know that was not particularly good they got in fighting the White House that's spilling out into the pages of paper and not even certainly discuss some of it is on the record i mean again Miller's comment was jaw-dropping when he when asked about it he said because I go ask the president saying that he's out of here anytime you put the onus on the president there is no not doing with t much good but let me step back and look at this because there's talk about hayrides previous isn't doing the job that you know that call for his head and then I said John Spicer always said that you know how that when the night throughout the day be just thrown at everybody is that typical or is this just particularly Bella I think this is is more than normal I mean for one thing Sean Spicer has two jobs and in this White House in any white house it's impossible to be both the press spokesman and the communications director he's yeah he's being called upon to do both is a chief of staff normally is the is the is the leader in the west wing in this West Wing the chief of staff shares responsibility with Steve band who has announced at the same time as a co-equal partner and running the west wing that's a very complicated thing to do when you got one guy in charge a very complicated thing when you got two and then we have people who are free agents wandering around the west wing a giving advice but having no operational responsibilities when I went to the White House and ecard said you're the senior advisor to the president.
You're gonna be able to walk into the Oval Office when everyone but I want you to be responsible for executing things not just advise him I don't want anybody in the West Wing whose only job is to tell the president what they think so you gotta be responsible for running from within four offices inside the White House 60 some odd people and those offices existed.
Purpose of advancing the President's agenda I think that was wise advice and then I think it's wise advice now we'll put pop/rock thank you good catching up with it you better thank you bro alright I it started out with the government wanted to extract five billion dollars by billion dollars in settlement with the former energy balls Hank Greenberg over the weekend nine million dollars 99 and greenberg is here you know I this has to be the most bizarre and protracted legal case in financial history maybe in any history former aig SEO and greenberg settling a 12-year legal case with new york state for about $19 that you might look at that and say $19 this started out of with the they're looking at a five billion dollar settlement and that it was going to be a multi-hundred dollar settlement down to 15 and out ninety dollars and all said and done and you're wondering women AIG was that huge insurance financial conglomerate I that was forced into this sort of odd position where had to fold its 10th a lot of people of the jobs of course it was rescued by the government but was any of that ever necessary we'll never know because that was then this is now former aig co-anchor Greenberg is what we call by the way to both the current New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman former New York Attorney General eliot spitzer as well as governor.
No comment no response but we do have and the center of all of this was Hank Greenberg good to see you Lucy you know how did the nine million dollar figure.
Well known as a mediator and I can find ya knows too much of back and walking in message decision.
What was the issue here that you misled in that order that accounting thankee thankee well it was two issues left side of as I think it was 97 went away and and with much of the demand they were making the two issues left they were arguing that I misled afford fledgling deal tractors never happened.
We wanted to do a deal with with january january their insurance a Warren Buffett company that getting that we wanted a portfolio of about 500 million in premium and all you need under that in 2000 call the finite reinsurance transaction 1% of risk factors ok unbeknownst to me and we ensure that same portfolio someplace else and gave us a phony deal i didn't know that killed two thousand times and left the company have to split your having talk to Warren Buffett came after me and it was relentless rather than that no structure becomes governor won't happen and processes and watching that of course.
Siren takes on this case but i'm wondering how did it go from five de andar damages than 250 million and a nine.
Well the the 51st was 25 million but then my judge was inflated number obviously it's quite inflated you know and natural always happens and in the 50 million remaining things that they were arguing one way they was not not sure why did you even tell the night and was just loosen well well i agree to mediation after 12 years ok and we try to get it before to mediate getting over with and the AG shoot was refused right we went to court and we were trying the case and I think they recognize that case is gonna blow up in front of funding them they're very little but it all comes back to something weird in New York this Martin akright yes prosecutors from civil fraud without showing intent to deceive so propagated to go with you and a simple accounting and accuracy that um bebe normals permanent exactly right and that is what you.
Acknowledge an accuracy into accounting areas right it wasn't counting on my part.
Jenrry withheld the information because it gives a portfolio that had been took a bullet for that you still have a defamation suit going in that's yeah and what do you hope to do their to happen pay for the defamation of character that he had been talking about publicly how much memory David Boies more than nine million that I would think so.
Ok you know that whole period when we go back to that was sort of like the epicenter that when energy was rescued 285 billion dollars you would argue that would have been totally unnecessary have you still been at the help no question about it what makes you so sure that everything wasn't gloating right now but will managing the company we had meetings every week enough financial exposure it wasn't something we did you know you had been there and get that the same enclosure what happened because the first market meltdown good and bad companies alike were being taken down we look we built a great business insurance company in history.
Ok we have the tools we have people we have the systems in fact that pause in the next Secretary of Treasury understand under oath said the same thing that that would have been found in the company.
Why didn't you settled early i mean you were not going to do that and obviously you convinced of your innocence is your now but it why not that and and most of all local people back in a bit i'm going back even 12 years ago when eliot spitzer came after most people didn't ask questions they settle settle settle you did not write back then that was long before the meltdown you don't so what will slow them down first of all he did when he threatened me he threaten the company with the criminal action what really happened here this picture i was on a conference call with security analyst when we asked me what's the regulatory environment like today I said to football is like a murder charge okay sitting in his office and his office was the exit Ernie general doing a client and one special deputies came into greenberg said to see Rihanna's point attention i said that he that he was guilty of that.
Greenberg down exeter in general then affidavit he hated yeah and United you have to really try to actually did he destroy a great cut short a great company.
It's after size that it was pension funds as best as always tons of money tons of money the company i slide out my own public 300 million dollars and market cap 180 billion ok to large insurance companies issue a national asset we operate 237 countries that was very very glad that God completely negating it could happen again it depends what you know under the neck with the wrong attorney-general absolutely what about national another president Trump is redoing that frankly yeah but also need is the only state in the United States as law and federal law only only state houses its graceful with a technicality because yes so you're not giving up this site there's still no description have you heard from his office no Wilson I don't think thank you very much on top of that type of the two almost Britain corporate stories in history.
Hi i'm gerry Willis here's what's new be prepared to spend more to visit the house of the mouth.
Disney is raising single day ticket prices at certain times of the year and setting expiration dates on other tickets to prevent overcrowding during the parks busiest time prices on some tickets rising a maximum of five dollars under the new price structure for florida theme parks understanding the details below is harder than naming all seven of snow white dwarf but here we go starting sunday value days for the magic kingdom will cause 207 dollars for adults and a hundred and one dollars for children a price increase of two bucks during regular times park visitors will pay five dollars more meat prices are unchanged parking prices are going up to forty dollars from 35 busy says new prices will allow the park operator to manage crowds better meal back to you or is getting pricey are we are waiting energy United Nations Security Council beating over on North Korea's latest ballistic missile test it was a new one in a scary one and now the UN's worried about it so you know it's got to be a big deal more to this alright this is nikki Haley first day God tests at the United Nations right moments away now for the UN security council meeting about North Korea's latest ballistic missile pet keep in mind that this isn't like any other tests we've seen out of the country of the missile potential here what it could do far more sweeping far more involved than anyone thought.
Even at the united nations were generally in the past they've given this sort of thing a pass.


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