Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Attack on General Micheal Flynn NSA North Carolina plans to overturn HB2

All the way home i'll be war well weather outside is frightful it's 27 degrees.
Good morning i'm your host BKP fyn North George's good morning from the office nor George's only live online morning show got the santa train running right there we have christmas gifts we have our Christmas mug we've got my dog likes me the best we know the truth on that the little the little dog.
I make a joke all the time said the dog likes me the best but the reality is I spilled the most I i had i spilled the most on my shirt so you got my baseball can go anywhere without what baseball was just kept all of my fyn cup and tupelo t you know what I can't wait for friday good friday we're going to be up at the vault this will be our last last live broadcast be your at the vault downtown blue ridge and then as soon as i'm done over the ball I go over and say hello to my friends and a tuple OT and Carla always sets up something nice and warm on these cold days i have my spark i have my gilmer chamber Apple yummers Apple capital of Georgia Gilbert chamber it did have Eminem's we always blame that on George around here and then the bill or rights don't forget that the bill of rights I have the humidor everything stacked on the humidor.
Okay we got the whole list welcome to winner first day of winter shortest day of the year and what does that mean if it's the shortest day of the year that means there's less amount of time that you have to deal with liberal left whack-jobs ok call now as i am going through everything here you have my picture ready okay i want to show you the humidor is looking pretty good folks for the christmas season show them show them what they've won ok can you zoom in one that now on that a little bit can you bring that in.
I want you to see out there folks I've got two cigars go over to the charity humidity level is right there where it needs to be going down and get something going down there I've got the nice cedar blocks go down a little more nice cedar blocks there there in place over there okay that's good zoom out the cigar boxes starting the humidor is looking good.
Thank you very much but don't forget 405 LJ 3054 oh no cheap cigars I no cheek no cheap cigars I know how that sounds it must really come across like really you have the nerve to say that absolutely have the nerve to say that i could buy my own damn cheap cigars so many some good look at the Box you don't want to bring the box down right do you want to be the one responsible for you put something in the box.
Send something worthy of putting in the box is that wrong cold huh it's not wrong also does not wrong way to go there okay Obama is off playing golf we got a lot to do quick Carly's gonna be here in 830 we're going to obama is off playing golf so Trump says hey Trump said he's having to say I got this so while you you go play golf ok now you are listening to all the accounts there's there's you're seeing some news on this and this is what I'm going to focus on in just a minute okay I'm gonna go through my list here you're seeing some news on this hb2 what is HP to we're going to talk about that in a minute but that being said well Obama's playing golf I guess he's preparing for Christmas won't say it but you sure as hell goes and celebrates it on our dime all right and there's an attack on Christmas attack on Christianity whether you want to accept it or not trucks running into Christmas villages you know Christianity is on a full blow blown attack we've got the guy the Turkish how Obama sleeps and I say this every day.
But we've got the the Ambassador from Russia to Turkey has been assassinated that we watch this.
You know it's not about 20 years ago we don't see this stuff now we're watching us watching a man standing podium and a guy unload what six or seven shots right now is back he falls over now this is my bad joke of the day let's get it out of the way for clock is not joke i know it's serious so you know but you're going to get angry at me get angry at me now so we can hopefully get over it before the show's over you know the did you see the new ambassador from Russia to Turkey and he's sitting there this morning guy comes in he says well what's on the calendar this morning well sir first on your calendar we're having breakfast with the Ambassador you know where we're having the Prime Minister turkey okay that's great and then next will be going to the art gallery art gallery.
Hell no i'm not going to art gallery was that on the schedule well you know the last guy went through our gallery didn't actually finish the presentation is that backhoe kind of bad why didn't finish the presentation I mean it was cut short alright so now you're mad at me and you got time to get over it ok up how Obama if you don't know if you're new to show I apologize of how Obama sleeps at night with Aleppo and the aleppo in the Arab Spring that him and Valerie Jarrett and you know that all the gang created over there i I've asked myself this morning let me get through some more my notes of rural America is ready to make a America great again we're not waiting on California or New York it's not going to have we are not waiting on california new york uh it's it's a let me say this all right up you already have the articles ok you got the articles out there now I don't know I I don't make light of suicide so to settle down settle down i don't make light of that I don't make suicide jokes.
I make art gallery jokes but not suicide jokes but at the same time the huffington post on those people there they have to be medicated they have to have round-the-clock uh you know a psychiatrist counselors they gotta have stations and Huffington Post or wherever the corporate office is where you can go and get counseling and just share your feelings because these people are whacked out final popular vote total shows Hillary Clinton won almost 3 million more balanced the Donald Trump you know I've often said the higher levels of education learning centers the universities and colleges and the great of think tanks of the United States it's just an absolute shame that this fake news is allowed to be out there and they still don't understand what the electoral colleges and you know the founding fathers did not want you know Donald Trump to go to they did not want Donald Trump to go to Washington DC and cater to Texas California you know New York and Florida they didn't want them to do get them to do that they wanted them to have the president have some reason to govern in the country to have some reason to be inclusive you know they're they're all inclusive they like that word but inclusive of West Virginia inclusive of you know I Iowa 1010 here five there so they don't they still do not understand the electoral college and now actually geographically County wise and and they count their votes but we cannot go to a popular vote of system it can happen but anyhow that's what you see the point is they're far from finished focused far from finished I'm gonna tell you what to get ready for the first of the year.
What you're about to see it will take place on a daily basis you're probably waking up to the news of Donald Jr and eric and ivanka was good you know people were going to have coffee with the vodka and they got their picture if they donated x a charity and then and then you're going to get a hunting trip this other thing is set up i forget what it is you're going to get a hunting trip with eric and don jr or whatever and and so on and so forth gets shake their hands if you give so much and the media the the crooked fake news media out there trying to make a big deal out of this.
I did here in one place this morning on MSNBC I did hear somebody finally make a mention.
Does anybody remember the Lincoln Bedroom the Clinton sold the Lincoln Bedroom sold your white house for campaign you know you can sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom for X amount of money okay of of you know you can sleep in the you know and you know if you if you if you if you got fries with that it's like McDonald's you know if you order to the happy meal you can sleep in the extra bed like your bedroom for X amount of money and maybe bill clinton stop by all right over they caught they call that the presidential happy meal at the white house that was code word you don't like Cosmo pizza oh well bada-bing bada-boom we're on a roll already now alright well I can't help it call alright so anyhow here's what's going to happen and and write this down if you're out there.
Ok write this down there's two things I want to make sure that cover today up here's what's going to happen is they are going to attack but many of you don't read The Huffington Post and I tried not to but this story starting to go around and they look like their first major takedown okay i don't know i don't i don't say I don't know what they're going to do but it looks like they're going to focus on an individual at a time so they they're not scattered and they got a plan and they're going to make a takedown and it looks like General of Flynn is is their best focus right now of a takedown i'm going to tell you what they're there planning to do a trump national security adviser met with leader of party founded by Nazis ok alright retired lieutenant general mike flynn Donald Trump's pic to serve as the national security national security adviser ok of national security device advisor of met several weeks ago with Heinz Christian stops I don't know what the help the head of the Austria's anti-immigration Freedom Party which was found it after World War Two by former Nazis ok folks here's what's going to happen it there they're determined this is not over.
I know the Electoral College is done it's over he won what 12-time 13 times how many times you win what that Donald Trump said you're going to win I gotta take is already fulfilled a campaign promise okay i just can't just come to me he said right and all the speeches you're gonna win so much you're gonna say please dial stop we can't take it no more winning so much and i'm gonna say no folks know we're just going to keep on winning.
Well here's the thing all right Donald Trump already fulfilled the camp a paper what's he want 57 12 times already it just keeps on women it's the guy who keeps on winning ok anyhow so here's what's gonna happen so they're they're not finished ok alright maybe they took a day off it seems like it was just yesterday.
Well I'm not get sidetracked I promise but I wonder it seems like it was just yesterday remember somebody was just two days ago with 37 Patriots could save the country what you know 37 Patriots to save it save the country ok anybody out there quick shout out the bill green bill green is you know I tell you if you're in North Georgia and your libertarian you gotta know bill green and I'll tell you I'll tell you I i'm wondering in Texas who are the two people that voted who are two delegates of.
Noted you know against Trump one voted so I'm hearing I'm hearing one voted that one voted uh for of one voted for a was a John Kasich I think all right and the other one the other one voted for Ron Paul taken ok alright who voted for Ron Paul alright you know i get a message last night it was Bill green not trust if you don't know bill like I'm not going to start gonna but I know Bill I got more years ago not recently but I used to get more emails from bill and you know there's bills hard ron paul and and he would send me emails and you know he's analogy I thought you lived in LJ next I'm going to but I get the men i get a message and I get the article bill green voted for from Kuala texts I'm like hey I remember when when the day bill green sent me an e-mail told me he was disappointed in me remember that day so yeah so it seems like it was just yesterday here's what I want you to write down folks okay i just told you about that story on NSA Flynn looks like the attack right now because they're of the NSA of here's what's going to happen they're going to go through you have no ideal okay you had I'm talking to huffington post type of the round tables we talked to you yesterday about and this is this is the NSA ok this is why they're going after Flynn here is the exact reason they're going after Flynn if you're wondering this morning.
The NSA is seeing your having articles out there by the left you saying that the NSA is seeing alarming rates of resignations okay you're seeing the usual staff that stays onboard in a in a any Administration in an agency they're leaving an alarming rates now this is not me saying alarming rates this is the wack jobs out there okay alarming rate I told us take pay attention website onion because this is going to be down the road you have.
Pay attention it's alright so we're here in the alarming rates in the NSA all right now I told you something that they're not going to take serious and they're going to call me names all I put something up there the other day they are freaking out i got people sending me messages I've been called windbag I've been called I didn't like being called fat i'm trying why are you calling me fat.
I'm trying I'm trying the camber put 15 pounds on i mean actually called he came over here would really help ya 15 pounds all right look here uh let me get back to this and only get off track the NSA right.
I told you that they're not going to be so here's a deal you have all these agencies that are bloated Donald Trump says hey we're not going to pay four billion dollars for Air Force One hey you know what we're going to upgrade the military but where we used to get three planes for a billion i want for when a bonus playing for a billion ok that's the way this guy's going to negotiate you're going to rebuild the military advil at a with with the least amount of money that's ever been spent for the more bang for the buck we used to call it all right.
And actually that's what a bill clinton's famous pickup lines anyhow that being said here's what's going to happen you have all these agencies and these people are leaving because they're going to have to go to work now I would love for you to walk the halls you don't you ever go to DC and you look at this building NSA National to all these bills right Department of Education and it's there nine storeys tall seven stories tall I mean IRS there are our government is going on muck we read the stories about the IRS people and million-dollar apart whatever right.
It's out there you want to watch the DC Department of this my god what can they doing them you know and then it's above our pay grade because it all i'll tell you what they're doing there oh ok now i understand why they need a five-story building.
Ok with 600 people in there I now get it because you told me so that being said I've said that 15 times a day i'm moving right along here things are going well the NSA is getting ready to go to a major shake-up alright we've actually had not had national security adviser to obama doesn't care he's on the golf course he doesn't care ok he gets the briefings in the morning mmm alright okay so I know you don't like this but there were paying these these these people to put their feet on the desk tweet you know Instagram you know whatever all day long watch porn I swear to God I swear to God watch porn okay.
Hey take that one and you got a guy you ever watch office space you got a guy coming ever seen that movie office space you got a guy coming as it could you get me to TPS reports by the end of the day sure i'm serious folks so Flynn them are getting ready to kick they have to go to work so at an alarming rate you look at yourself you're going to hear the NSA is you know they're leaving an alarming rates of vacuums created of high concern even people that generally stay the people that run the copy machines that the people that make the coffee the people that don't do a damn thing are resigning left and right here's what's going to happen you don't know like you know the people on the top floor because those are the ones that are in charge but you don't know two people and you never meet the people and you're never aware of the people that are putting in resumes to work on the third floor is data entry to do data entry whatever is ok you're getting ready to because the left is going to go to a new low.
Every single person that works in it agency that has come on board since Donald Trump is president that gets hired if they've ever had anything in their social media that looks like a SWAT sticker if they ever had anything in social media look like a guy with a shaved head if they ever have anything anywhere an email that just reflects something that is to them anti-lgbt qrs tuv ok anything it's going to get published.
You're going to read an article one day in 2017 that's going to say our trump low level administrators snuck through slip through the vetting process and the third floor is now known at you know department of education as the you know white privilege wing.
Oh by the way I'm enjoying white privilege today and you should too if you're out there you're white and you're out there in your mail enjoy your white privilege you deserve it okay you just woke up with it take it break it break through our yard go on with it okay.
Eddie I'm telling watch watch what's happening mark my word let's get into a 20-17 you're getting ready to see a new level of aloe ok a new level 0 confirmation hearings the whole nine yards you're getting ready ok let me move on to something else is taking place today we're going to talk in a nine o'clock care about small business let me just highlight something a very quickly here small business okay i have gone to some bankers alright so some I'm not I've just gone to some backwards i just walked in Merry Christmas how are you and I asked some bankers in North Georgia if there was just a feel of optimism it after the election.
Ok is there just a feel of optimism in their customer.
In the way people are reacting coming in everything and overwhelmingly these people are telling me that there's a just a difference in optimism difference and you know people being excited about next year I'm telling you small town USA is not gonna wait for California and New York to tell us you know Hilary really got the popular vote we're moving forward.
Ok small businesses moving forward we're going to talk about that at nine o'clock we talk about some of the things that we may be doing here at fyn where small businesses concern but that being said I gotta quit doing that because i keep saying that being said and call yeah I and you're surely not you're surely quick call me Shirley yes i can fly this plane and quit calling me sure ok so you're surely not helping okay folks here it is this is another one way to marked out alright i'm doing some 2017 work here today okay I don't want to hear I don't want to hear how many state houses the Republicans have if it's worthless and I know you don't like the word worthless worthless is just total and you're going to say no they're not worthless but folks Obama in eight years has screwed up.
Normal ok now i'm going to go back because yes since uh I guess I'm about 18 years old or somewhere around there I started listening to Russian Russia's one of the few guys in the day I i give a shout out to but up start listening Russian you know I remember there was no fyn TV fetcher when Obama first got elected and.
And and he introduced us and told us this would be the new normal we heard that and Obama if you want to talk success for the left he created a new normal and that bothers me as much as about anything that they've done is these lefties creating a new normal and screwing up with the natural order of things new normal screwed up the natural order.
Ok i was very happy.
Alright not going to go down a rabbit hole but I was very happy when North Carolina asked okay i'm not trying to discriminate.
I'm not trying to mistreat I don't do that it does not happen I won't tolerate mistreating people but when north carolina passed HB to set a of Governor Mark McCurry for his neighbor when he passed HB 2 inside it in the law saying that you had to use the restroom of the gender identified on your birth certificate i could not have been happier now there's something that I also was upset with on the other side of that I was so excited that happened on this side that a login passing you had to use the restroom of the gender you identify with and then on this side I was like what the hell is wrong with us that our government has to tell us we've gone so damn crazy that we can figure out what bathroom the gato I like over here.
Thank you it's about time something is being done.
Okay and then we have taken wait a minute that's the natural order that they want to help sandy how North Carolina he lost the election North Carolina is getting ready to all right collapse.
Not the whole state but they're getting ready to because they collapse let me tell you something for don't give me your garbage of oh my god my state as a Republican governor in a Republican House on a Republican Senate don't tell me that that just takes me to know when because guess what happened to get billion-dollar stadium it doesn't matter if the Republicans up billion dollars in a stadium we've gone stadium crazy in this damn country a billion dollars and then kicking in we're going to thank the jet setters by giving them a tax-free super bowl ticket oh my God thank God the republicans are charged.
What the hell's one with us sometimes I'm sorry about that but now that I'm over that.
Listen I i'm so tired at north carolina cave billion dollars now let me tell you something if you don't get the wats up guys dribble a basketball the world does not add folks get up go to work legislators who passed the North Carolina law this is from the Washington Post I want to get this in before break i got three minutes Carlina being here is probably afraid that now the cars then I don't think I'm going in there today uncertainty on the eve of North Carolina's bathroom bill to debate of this was this was written yesterday at 544 p.m. by gary d robertson and Jonathan drew and it comes Washington Post legislators who passed the North Carolina law known as the bathroom bill eight months ago head back to the capital on Wednesday to consider repealing it but there's uncertainty over exactly what lawmakers will do in part because the republican-controlled legislature has shown a willingness to go on its own way.
Despite intense of intense outside pressure to scrap the law over the past year there has been bitter fighting between Democrats and Republicans just last week Republicans convened ate a surprise legislative session to pass to laws designated.
To bring Democrat governor elect Roy Cooper's powers in check Cooper blasted outgoing Republican governor Matt Pat McCrory over the law known as house.
Hp2 during the governor's race let me get down here to what has heads as let me get down here this one part here Cooper let's see Charlotte appears to have held up to its end of the bargain see the City of Charlotte did a bill and this is what enacted the state to do there's the Charlotte Charlotte appears to have held up to its end of the bargain but the measure and acted monday note that it depends on HT h b2 being repealed in its entirety by December 31st Charlotte don't have time to go into that they wrote their own law that enacted hb2 so what they're saying is you know what Charlotte repealed they're all saying if will repeal ours under the condition the state reveals their so then you supposed to trust Charlotte not to reenact one okay because let me tell you something is going to be easier for the City of Charlotte to put their law back in place and say oh I told you so got you there then it is the state to put another one back in place the law also limit statewide protections of LGBT people it public accommodation and employment.
No no it doesn't it does not moving on uh I want to see what it says here discussions about repealing the law increased after discussion decisions increased after decisions by the NCAA and the Atlantic Coast Conference to move their championship events out of North Carolina this academic year the NBA also moved an all-star game I'm out of Charlotte why why because at the basketball game at halftime your guys wouldn't know which locker room to go in serious I mean why did you do that because your fanbase have you been to your games your fanbase are so out there they would realize what restrooms you it and go in I mean let me tell you something you go to stadium a guy can find the trough NCAA land Coast Conference move their championship Democrat Rep a gear Martin said up until there's a full repeal i'm pretty certain that we're not going to see another NBA all-star game or NCAA Tournament game in North Carolina they are meeting today in North Carolina to repeal this bill in the Republicans will cave Republicans will cave.
Sadly we had to have legislation to let people know where to go to the bathroom that is a very sad state of affairs second of the legislation they're going to repeal in North Carolina that will get massive news.
It will be said because it's due to the economic impact of the state and i told you in.
I told you in the the opening and i told you in our facebook post that you will i told you in our facebook post that you will see that North Carolina alone will end any chance at the freedom religious freedom restoration act in your state north carolina will end that nationally they will make a national statement today.
Ok so Donald truck.
I know you say Merry Christmas I appreciate that I thank you for what I'm going to tell you now The Merry Christmas it's good but we need to get we need to get normal reenacted.
In this country and normal needs to be set.
We need the old normal not the new normal.
It needs to be set up as part of make America great again.
Hey who pays double dominant nine o'clock.
Who pays for presidential libraries ok that one really bothers me a trump supporter outrage i brought this up I'm gonna do a little later i did a trump supporter why didn't the Trump supporters you know really get outraged over tiller sins appointment I want to see what would happen i want to see what what what what would take place if I actually question Donald Trump supporters folks the YouTube page has gone through the roof that all men they have called me everything under the Sun I'm asking you now politely this is politely please please whatever you do do not bury your head in the sand let's not forget the last time the Republicans had the executive office of the of House of Representatives and the Senate please let's not forget.
Well they're not the same people folks I'm just asking let's not forget let me see what else i have here and you know what we're gonna go to break Carly Ferguson's going to be in here but a drink a little more spark I know you saying I don't need any more spark but we're well on our way this morning Santa sleigh back in town.
Hey folks would take if a buzzcut could you get over there go to commercial you can do that door commercial-free yes take this commercial.


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