Wednesday, February 15, 2017

ALERT,ALERT Michael Flynn Resigns as Media Sharks Smell Blood in the Water

So many news hours devoted to something to a non-story.
And yet here we find ourselves michael Flynn resigning.
His post in the Trump white house amid scandal scathing scandal that he committed an act of sedition no no violated the logan act now now discussed classified or or sensitive information with the Russian ambassador note know what so what did he do nothing truthfully if we want to be honest about nothing he didn't do anything.
He's guilty of no crime is that worst he only needs guilty of you can even call it that is lying to the vice president which in and of itself is not a crime.
It's just a that's something that if you did it you did it maybe you gotta be fired for it but you wouldn't believe the media outreach you watching the news today anyway welcome back everybody this is the jason staples and program broadcasting once again from the random walk studios deep in the heart of america with me back today is aaron i am back.
Did you miss me I did it wasn't the same show without you don't do but just I didn't I didn't have my money and no more flying solo.
It was said that the show was not what it could have been because you weren't here but he's back today well rested and what.
No I'm back no well rested might be a stretch on the back.
Well that's fair enough then let me I'm gonna break down this michael Flynn story for you because nobody is it's not that they're they're lying to you it's just nobody is really discussing the fact you would expect the media to be discussing the facts of this case and what happened in its totality so that you had a really clear picture of what happened and of course they are not their choosing to sensationalize it to make it into make it sound like something that it isn't and I want to clear it up for you guys so you understand so michael Flynn I was the former director of national intelligence he ended up being picked by the White House for was a dairy that know what's what positions until well else dammit i've got it right in the highlight of course I did highlighted and now I'm having a brain freeze on the phone what position he actually filled national security adviser thank you and so the National Security Advisor role and he but as the as the election comes to a close and they would merit and I'm sorry and trumpets up winning the election there in this transitionary period between Oh late November into January when he's inaugurated now during this time there's a lot of change over that's happening.
One of the things you remember the media talking about was how trunk Oh wasn't getting all of his cabinet appointees very quickly they immediately jumped on him about the fact that he had a philote only filled a third of his cabinet only announced the third of them and what we gonna do how could he hit the ground running at the he wasn't able to get all of these cabinet positions still they immediately tried to make this administration into somewhat of a of a hodgepodge of people who didn't really know what they were doing because they were political outsiders well one of the things that Flynn was doing during that time from about december to january was he was in conversations with the Russian ambassador.
Now i would imagine this was part of a natural a natural transition where he was trying to shore up his relationships with some of these foreign diplomats and folks that he knew now he knew the Russian ambassador from back when he was the head of the the National Intelligence Group and so it's not as though they didn't have a prior relationship they might have even been friends although i don't know if they were friends or not but they definitely had several conversations that we don't know how many conversations they had we don't know how long those conversations were we don't even know particularly what was discussed inside of those but you can understand that there would be a natural transition there and you would expect someone in his position to be reaching out to these foreign counterparts in order to try and make sure lines of communications are open so you can as the media says hit the ground running.
Once your inaugurated now during at some point during those conversations.
There was some concern that Flynn might have disclosed information that was inappropriate and so the FBI as part of a broader investigation as to into Russian hacking and spying and that cutting ended up looking at the transcripts from his conversations with with the Russian ambassador and in Honda was a january i have it here on january2014 new york post reported that the FBI had reviewed intercept phone calls between the National Security Advisor michael Flynn and the Russian ambassador to the US and had found no evidence of any wrongdoing so the question of whether or not michael Flynn did anything wrong completely off the tape.
Some folks have talked about sedition which is frankly absurd i'm not even going to get into this edition issue but they also talked about the logan act now what is the logan act with the logan act is an act that's what dates back to 1799 that essentially says you can't interfere with with the diplomacy being done by the administration so they had an incident in 1799 or someone kind of got the middle of a of a of a back-and-forth between the government and in a foreign diplomat and this made some people mad so they passed the logan act now Logan has never been tried in court and frankly during a period of transition like the one we had between november late november and january is a period of time in which michael Flynn would be expected to be making these kinds of phone calls and connections to the logan Act doesn't apply here either and then.
Course the FBI asking questions about whether or not he revealed anything classified or anything that he shouldn't have been talking about with the Russians found no evidence of that either so there's absolutely no evidence of any wrongdoing at all here so what is everybody in such a tizzy about.
Well it actually has to do with what he told the vice president because when asked about it whether he had talked about sanctions with Russia he initially said no.
Any ended up telling the vice president no I didn't talk about sanctions with Russia that wasn't an a topic that we discussed in our phone calls and then the vice-president went out on television and said no I had talked with the michael Flynn and he said that he didn't talk about sanctions and I have every confidence in him well turns out they have the transcripts because the FBI have been doing this internal investigation and so the Justice Department ended up notifying the white house they said hey we just want to make you aware of something that when michael Flynn says he didn't talk about sanctions he actually did and here's the part in this transcript where he talked about sanctions now there was no discussion of the no promises made no you know there's a quid pro quo or anything like that.
Nothing to give you any indication that anything that any wrongdoing happens but what he told the vice president was not true.
And so the I'm sorry as the car the Justice Department can't get all these agents so many agencies the Justice Department lets the White House know you may have an issues and the White House says okay thanks and they don't do anything about it for a month or so now the White House says that it was going through all kinds of internal investigations and stuff like that i don't believe that for a minute but carry with me here follow me here for a little bit of all the story gets even better.
So then you have most recently the media hops on board and says well hey wait a minute we we've got an issue here with the Flint telling us one thing and telling the vice-president one thing and now these FBI report telling us another.
And so what's right did he talk to about sanctions or not.
And then Flynn comes back out as well I can't really be sure i don't remember maybe I did maybe I didn't know initially said I don't know if I did and then yesterday Flynn ended up resigning.
Under an admission that yes under the video basically had overwhelming evidence that yes he did in some way topic to talk about sanctions although we haven't seen what exactly that means we just know that the word sanctions came up in some conversation he had with the Russian government and so you ask the basket couple of questions here these are the things that come to mind.
If Flynn didn't do anything wrong engaged in normal conversations with the Russian government during the transition area period in which he would be expected to be in conversation with and if the FBI look at this and they found that in no conversation was there any wrongdoing of any kind and we knew this all the way back in help late January a few day within a few days after the president was inaugurated then why on earth would he lie to the vice president about.
Well you have to assume you're assuming it was a lie.
And not just simply an omission I I admit that I'm drawing here on on speculation but I'm being forced to speculate because of all the garbage that we're seeing in the news today but it doesn't make any sense if you haven't done anything wrong why would you lie about it was coming yeah we talked about it he asked me about it I told him it would be something we talk about later on down the road there's no crime he didn't do anything wrong while I the vice president about it not for a minute.
His resignation cock Carolyn Carol and critic Carolina Christians better lighting Caroline Conway having a conversation with matt lauer on his show this morning asking questions and you can see how now the melee and Conway Kellyanne thank you.
She has a the media now smells blood in the one so there now waiting they got him pictures are like okay if if the Justice Department notified you a month ago and Kellyanne you said that the that Flynn had the president support and had his confidence and in the day later he resigned what changes were you out of the loop and and why'd you wait a month to do this and now all these questions and and Kellyanne doesn't know what to do and she doesn't know how to answer the questions and so she's just she's playing the media game but you can see listen to matt lauer Matt Lauer's the morning show guy on good morning america he's the guy who's doing cooking tips and toys for halloween candy and that kind of garbage he's not he's not a journalist.
And yet you look at the disdain that he has.
For Conway when he asked the question go for it last month of Justice Department warned the White House that general Flynn had misled them and that as a result he was vulnerable to blackmail and at that moment he still had the complete trust of the president that I'm telling you what the president has said which is that he's accepted general for education and he wishes and well and that we're moving on.
There's only three candidates very strong candidates that will be considered for a permanent position here obviously general Keith Kellogg is the acting national security adviser starting today and the president is moving forward if you're starting to make me think that perhaps general Kelly was not freelancing during that call when he talked about our hinted I'm sorry general and that that he wasn't freelancing during that call that in fact he may have been making that call on behalf of the administration or the incoming administration would that be accurate.
Now that's it would be in the face to conclude that remember in the end it was misleading the vice president that made a situation unsustainable which the White House knew about last month and yesterday you went on the air and said that general Flynn had the complete and full confidence the president and general friend decided that he should resign last night in the present except that resignation now first of all let's say that he wasn't free land freelancing as Lauer puts it was he was talking on behalf of the White House who cares no crime.
Not against the law again if there's what what are they upset about what is everybody angry about there are they really angry because.
Flynn lied to the vice president about what he talked to the to the Russian ambassador about.
Can I just remind you that clapper was in front of Congress and lied to Congress about his agency's spying on American citizens.
And when that came to light nobody cared like nobody even made mention of the media was vacant it was a passing story and now Flynn comes out any miss speaks or lives whatever you want to call it to the vice president and this is a huge scandal.
You see why get angry about the media and the end of the narrative that they try and push in the false information that they're concentrating on how they turn on stories and the stories yet when we find out that the FBI was illegally selling guns to people and letting them walk across the border to commit crime like nobody even cares.
When a real scandal breaks when you've got something really damning that the media ought to be all over there's nothing.
Not a single voice.
There's nowhere near the amount of outrage that you're seeing today / Flynn you wanna know how I know because we were here when that was going on we talked about that stuff and then you of course have the media out patting themselves on the back this was really the icing on the cake this is what caused me to make this a lead story if you've got this clown brian Stelter CNN correspondent or special correspondent whatever you want to call him uh paid nobody on CNN actual is actually saying that this was a win for Investigative Journalism listen to this garbage these journalists who did not about Flint they looked bad yesterday afternoon they look even worse now.
Now the footings resign about my woman for Investigative drive variants into inventory led by The Washington Post The New York Times Union end of the world if it weren't for journalists digging digging digging into this we wouldn't know about it.
Yeah you're right we wouldn't know about a non-story.
Thank the good Lord that CNN in like investigative journalists are telling us about all the non stories happening in the world today.
He thank you Brian I'm so glad you're there.
To report on things that didn't happen this time just it just irritates the life out of me and now of course they're asking what's the next question now you've got all of the Democrats that their trotting out and what did Trump know when did he know it it's a non-story nothing happened there's no illegal activity and we know as early as Friday that Trump appeared to be a completely unaware of what happened if you listen to his little clip from Air Force One here where he was talking with the with some some of the media about the flames story he appeared to not really understand or have heard about the story go ahead i don't know that i have been reported.
You're hydrated about statement look at that yeah and some people are saying well he's lying many people as possible but it doesn't fit Trump's persona Trump's not one that that that says I didn't hear about that I don't know what's going on.
He's one who tends to be yeah yeah I know all about that.
Not to worry were handling it that that tend to be his go-to response to things even when it's clear he doesn't know what he's talking about so I'm again I'm one here's the thing i'm completely speculating about this because i don't know but one of the things i do know is there have been investigation there is no crime here which means there is no controversy they're talking about Flynn potentially being susceptible to blackmail blackmail for what.
What did he do.
I am i missing something there no I'm still I'm over here scratch my head because I got to be honest I didn't really follow this story so the information that I've got on it is basically what you cover and I'm trying to understand what's the what's the real point is behind it if they were trying to prove that the Trump administration was trying to I don't know somehow mess with policy that the Obama administration was working on towards the end of his presidency or if they were trying to manipulate something like I don't understand what the what the accusation really is.
Yeah what the Republicans what Trump would try to avoid I don't know I know you don't make anything right that doesn't make any sense because when you watch the news media like what these guys upset about exactly like they're they're trying they think that they caught the administration in a bit of a lie and they know that because the same question keeps coming up with why if this is a question of his integrity and his trust.
Why didn't you fire him a month ago and the administration of course saying well we wanted to look into this and make sure that this was this was really serious and finally yesterday we realized it wasn't the president asked for his resignation to resign now all of that is pure story don't get me wrong I mean that this is what i would imagine happened.
Let me just if everybody else is speculating let me speculate a little bit too because it bothers me the story the narrative doesn't fit if Flynn really hadn't done anything wrong there's no reason to life so why the line well what if it wasn't alive.
So that I could definitely see something like this happening plan already has a relationship with the Russian ambassador as soon as they find out that he's going to be taking over and that trumps going to be in the White House he starts making phone calls he starts linking up those connections and he has several ambassador via phone via text all these different ways.
And during one of those conversations the word of the phrase or some sentence back and forth about sanctions came up and it's something that Flynn didn't even register it in those conversations and then when he was asked about it by the vice president said no we didn't talk about it.
Not realizing you're remembering that he did.
And then he gets the report back and they say look it's right here you said it and things like ah my bad and vice-presidents like will you idiot this better blow over because otherwise it looks like you're lying to me and I can't have that in flames like all right and then they try and wait for it to blow over the way for the media to cut away from because there's no real story there other than the Vice President was missing formed by Flynn and the media just won't let it die until finally now they've got the White House caught in a circle of deception and vice president look stupid and it's all wrapped around flames comment that he didn't talk about sanctions and so finally they all get together and they're like sorry Flynn you gotta go now it is the official narrative from the White House that Flynn was not having conversations about sanctions on behalf of the administration is that it that's than their yes they're saying that Flynn was Flynn was not acting as a representative of the white house when he was contacting the Russian ambassador talking about section because if you remember towards the end of President Obama's administration they did apply new sanctions on Russia they seem to that property that was owned by the Russian government yes in the Northeast that was apparently used for spine or something like that so there was a lot of activity going on between the Obama administration in the Russians towards the end of the dirt during that transition period right so if if the Trump administration told for into contact the Russians and say hey we want you to know that there's all the stuff that's happening right now these sanctions that Obama's imposing on you don't worry about that we're going to take care of it if if that was the conversation that was going on and they were caught in a lie to say no we didn't tell fled to go have these conversations then they would be caught in that life because they're saying and he's still just alive that's what I'm saying is lighters there's no criminal activity there right but it it would be the narrative that show the Trump administration was already undermined by have that we are you have that before he have been taken control of the office well and listen don't don't don't get me wrong here i'm not saying that lives don't matter and ink but so much of this is just an it's really is a non-issue which is probably why the White House got so wrapped up in it and got all sideways with it because they really didn't see it as any big issue and and the media has made it a big issue and they tried to make it an integrity issue they tried to make it a security issue and it's none of those things.
There's no national security problem is a risk of blackmail blackmail for what and so on that face and of course you've got the right wing media saying that this is and I'm not kidding you right-wing media suggesting that it is Obama and his secret shadow government that actually orchestrated this whole thing and he has a team of l200 different locations of of his movement and he's disrupting everything that Trump is doing and he's not leaving Washington and so now everything that you're seeing is really a the the secret black government of actually black color and black government of Obama hits ya racist the the shadow government of Obama operating to undermine Travis is so stupid it's just so dumb why would you waste time with this and of course we've wasted far too much time but now you know the truth you know the truth about what's happening there's no story here this story is total fabrication and what makes me angry is that when the media has a real story.
Which is really damning where the day of people died because of government action and government negligence the media doesn't really even wouldn't want to touch it.
I guarantee fast and furious happened under a trump administration it would have been all over the news at 24-hour coverage for months until he had to resign in Nixon style shame and yet because it happened under Obama you don't even hear about it just want them.
It's too much to ask i know i just wanted to play its strength I just wanted to come in and I want them to be outraged when they ought to be outraged.
I wanted to use all of that investigative journalism they like to talk about when it really matters and to stop trying to make mountains out of molehills.
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Get yourself a great see that several people do it already the glowing reviews you can to indochino dot-com promo code staples and now we get back we're going to talk a little bit about Trump's plan for and sanctions not anxious parents excuse me.
Tariffs on goods coming into the country and what he's planning to do some folks out of that you already planning and laying the groundwork for a legal challenge to that you might wonder how can they mount the legal challenge it turns out remember the world trade organization and so they possibly could more stupidity when we return [Music].
Alright so I had a quick request to talk about a Strickland yesterday the guy who pulled his gun on the protesters and I don't have the full story there's some some news and I said yesterday and that's it unless there's something I don't know here because i'm just reading a couple of of reports about it and so there may be a piece I don't know and in that particular i've heard some people say that he was agitating the protesters and then pulled his gun out in response to their response survey you know so I don't know the whole story but i did talked yesterday about some states you have to run away and apparently organism stand your ground state where you don't have to run away and so I mean that it could be Duda the judge over reached he should have probably had a jury of his peers instead of allowing the judge to make the decision and or maybe not maybe or cancel so liberally was he was thinking the same as bet was to go with the judge.
I don't know but clearly look if you're going to if you're going to carry a gun and you're going to brandish your weapon you better make darn sure that you're ready to accept the consequences of that whether you're right or wrong it is a it's never any time you're in a shoot it is never ever ever.
A situation that has a predetermined outcome and that goes for pulling your weapon out to and last thing that you want to do let me just give you a piece of advice as a former law enforcement officer if you're ever in a situation where you have to brandish or use your gun never ever ever ever talk about it to anyone ever.
When the cops show up after people broke into your house and you slayed them like rabid dogs in your living room and the cops show up and ask you what happened you say lawyer and when they say we just need your name you say lawyer never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever talk to them ever they're not your friends.
The continent not done not this is not the dog on contracts will tell you the same thing.
Anything you say is on the record don't ever talk to anybody about this guy got done pulled his weapon out put it back in a soldier then immediately went where in front of a television camera to talk about the incident it's one of the things that they used against him in his trial it's only going to get should fear for his life first thing you did was run to a camera so they got done.
Never ever ever talk about it keep your mouth shut you have a right to remain silent you use it that the cops will even try and tell you the sneaky little tactics they use they'll even tell you listen if you don't talk to us going to make you look guilty if you didn't do anything wrong then we all should on mean seriously this looks it makes you look that by not at least sharing with us a little bit about what happened we're just trying to do our job and you're making it hard and that's a that's not gonna look good for you if this goes to trial not ignore them they're lying to you know they'll try to be friendly with him that God yet clearly you acted in self-defense you know what I would've done the same thing if I was in your shoes want you to tell me exactly what happened just tell me where ya know 20 now number one it's not gonna make you look bad when you go to trial.
It's going to make you look good because now you can have a whole record of everything that you say happened and more importantly when something like that happens your adrenaline is running you're not thinking clearly people start asking you questions immediately about what happened and even when police are involved in shootings they don't take them right back in debriefing like I'm to debrief until the next day or a week later.
Because that you need time to decompress from what happened.
And so this guy made several mistakes but the number one mistake he made was talking about it to anybody ever and so a lesson to all of you and I mean I've talked with my with my wife about it as well as you said never ever ever oh and if the cops ever show up at your house and tell you to step outside because they can hear you don't do it that's another sneaky little trick that we were taught right actually just come in for a second no not you know you can't well stand right there and they lat se can you step outside for us don't do it because they can't go into your house without a warrant but once you're outside the fair game yep so yeah just like not i can hear you find like now we need to step out here now I'm good now if we need you to come out here now.
You don't just refuse and I guess if you do you really need me to come out there you can have to get a warrant and drag me out.
Again nothing against the law with that use it to your advantage man know the law.
That like that guy who are like cop pulled me over like where you going that way west west where you going none of your business that worked out well for you didn't work out that well but but point is is like the point I'm making is you don't have to do things just because they tell you to and you've got to be very careful because everything that you say is going to be used later.
And it's always going to be used by the defense or by the prosecution depending on which side you're on to hurt you you will never ever ever come out ahead by talking so don't do it understood understood moving along now I got the feel of the World Trade Organization it turns out that the EU and other us trading partners have begun challenge the US border tax proposal Republicans in Congress are working on a a to convince the president that the back a major shake-up of us corporate tax of the corporate tax system which would include a new boarder adjustment system they would see us imports subject to attacks and export revenues exempt so this is what they're talking about applying a new tariff to all goods that come into the country and making all exports tax-exempt so of course that we know from our study of taxing vs taxation vs subsidies and anything that we tax we get less up anything that we subsidize or failed attacks we get more of.
So they're going to try and increase exports and decrease imports now you can naturally understand the frustration of other European countries and people who export a lot of their goods to our country right I don't like this because it's going to put a bind on their exports it says for the u.s. to adopt the mechanism it would represent the biggest shake-up in global corporate tax system in almost a century a hundred years the World Trade Organization and trade experts warn that the u.s. makes the tax change it would lead to a major change in the global trading system at a time when most of the most influential member is tilting towards protectionism went on to say our first assessment is that it is definitely not going to be compatible with the WTO have seen your trade officer in Geneva on the side of many us trading partners there is serious doubts about whether or not it can be made WTO compatible so I have to ask the question and i am asking legitimately because I don't know why are we in the world trade organization why can't how can we have three trailers you usually don't understand because it's darren and I want to trade why do I need to be in a partnership with chart with the with Charles or Joe the intern you why do I have to go to Joe the interns organization for you and I to be involved in training well I mean how would you be protected for me harming you know if they don't i don't know i got a bunch of who knows maybe i need that kind of protection I'm just saying what's the need for the organization i can understand voluntarily wanting to be in an association that that helps to coordinate things in order to make my life easier but all you're doing is making my life more complicated and making if I want to be involved in global trade I've got it comes to that's like being in a union if I go if you want to work in this industry you got to be part of the Union well if you want to be involved in global trade you've got to be part of the WTO screw the WTO we have we have communication and trade agreements with any country we want and we can negotiate all those separately I don't have any understanding as to why we need these international bodies that we don't have any control over or any say-so with.
Why do we have people at the US why does the UN exist anything that we would want to do we can coordinate on our own we don't need a giant bureaucracy.
Sitting here in the United States designed to do nothing more than act as an impotent organization to issue directives.
By the same token I don't understand why you need an organization to organize trade trade requires no organization Darren and I want to cooperate we can if we want to compete we can if I want to jack up my tariffs on him or my prices making it difficult for him to buy for me that's my prerogative this is this doesn't require any third party to be involved in yet they do and I think it has everything to do with control these institutions want to have control and everybody goes along with it so that they can get a seat at the table and they could have a position of power on the international stage I think one of the best things that we could do would be to completely separate ourselves from every one of these get out of the UN get out of the World Trade Organization get out in NATO we are the lion and the thing is people worry about the the detriment of the you know to our own economy that's that's a joke where the biggest economy where the biggest player we can do whatever we want to do.
And the question is how much longer are we going to be the biggest player because there is going to come a time when America goes the way of Great Britain and China steps up and becomes the biggest player on the stage that is highly likely to happen so what moves are we making now when we can make them as the biggest player to say no we're not going to be part of your organization we're going to negotiate our treaties on our own or negotiate our trade deals by ourselves with the independent nations and we're going to spend our time doing that rather than being involved in paying massive amounts of money to your organization for the right to do what we can do on our own anyway I know I'm talking crazy most of these organizations in fact I can't name a single one then don't provide any value at all to us as Americans they are just simply a drain on our resources and on our time and they create layers of bureaucracy and paperwork and red tape that make it virtually impossible for certain companies or countries to do business.
And we would be far better off if we just simply cooperated with anybody who wanted to cooperate with those and we trade.
With anybody who is willing to do business with.
Is the way that the free market works and nobody seems to understand it alright so they got a problem in frisco I I'm assuming this is California right frisco independent school to frisco independent school district may now the children may now not just be cleaning their rooms but they could be sprucing up their classrooms to it turns out that that's just one of the suggestions from volunteers from volunteers trying to help the nearly 60,000 students school district deal with budget shortfalls brought on by a loss of state funding combined with voter rejection last August of a tax hike so Brisco is in a little bit of trouble they can't afford to pay for all the things that they want to pay for they've run out of other people's money.
And so now they're trying to figure out how are we gonna pay for all these things we promise to pay for in addition to having students into the trash cans to come back on janitorial staff hours recommendations include charging students up to two hundred dollars in high school to participate in athletics establishing a minimum number of students for course and consolidating courses with smaller enrollment now I know some of you guys first of all I ask let me approach it this way.
I don't like taxes i think that these guys are probably getting cash through the nose already and I think there are probably a lot better places to cut say administrator salaries say on the massive number of administrators that you have in these types of school district because that's what people don't really recognize is that teachers don't get paid all that much more than they used to.
But you have layers and layers of administrators now in the school districts so all that money that you're spending you keep seeing that the numbers the cost of school go up and up and up and up and yet school test scores just remain stagnant two down and you're wondering where's all this money going what's going to pay for massive layers of bureaucracy and administration and so one of the ways that you could get rid of a massive amount of waste in the public school system is to eliminate the layers of administration they're costing you all that money i just checked it Frisco Texas Frisco Texas ok thank you and now I don't know if there are looking at that as an option it doesn't appear that they are you they never the administrators never really want to cut their own jobs they're they're more than willing to charge the kids two hundred dollars to participate in sporting events rather than lose their jobs but i have no real issue that aside.
If the school is in trouble financially and if for whatever reason they had made the cuts and they just didn't have the money to do all the things they wanted to do I have no real issue with kids entering the trash cans I don't even have being responsible for cleaning their own school and giving them a sense of pride in where they go to school and and a work ethic that teaches them that hey were we're all using this facility and we're all going to work together to get personal responsibility and I'm keeping things going there's nothing nothing builds character more than scrubbing somebody else's gunk out of a toilet there's just something about that and so a lot of kids they don't ever get that opportunity.
Some of them get a lot of it but there's a whole host of kids who've never really had to work a hard day in their life and I don't see any reason with having them on their hands and knees scrubbing baseboards once a month yeah he's trying to gain the skills that can be you know about that they can apply in the free market i also don't have an issue with kids paying for extracurricular activities lot of people say wow you know the sport should be free music should be free no no nothing should be free.
It's all paid for by somebody what the important that the the school has a responsibility to teach you how to think now what to think how to think teach you the basics of reading writing and arithmetic and he's also happen to be the areas where most schools fail miserably.
What they got a football program so I have no issue either of cutting those things out and forcing your having the kids pay for those if they want to be part of what we call them extracurriculars that's right there extra their extra no reason for tax dollars to be going to pay for that kind of stuff if you want to play on the football team and you gotta rent your pads or ailment or whatever then you do that if they need new stuff you have a big drive you got the kids go out and they knock on doors and they get people to donate money you raise the money for pads and helmets and you know couple of weeks to do these drives all the times no reason to be spending taxpayer money on this stuff its extracurricular in fact you know I kind of agree with corolla on this I think that you ought to be doing a whole lot more the whole lot less amusing I mean I know music is important i get it but i think what they really ought to be doing is a lot more trade stuff in the in high school I think that you ought to have the shop classes those metal working classes the stuff that's actually going to teach kids because the vast majority can look the vast majority kids are not going to become accountants and doctors there should be a whole a whole bunch of kids that really belong in those types of art and they are our anybody who has seen someone who can really work well with a welder anybody who's seen what you can create a with wood.
The types of furniture the ornate design that they do that is an art and it is a skill that is developed over years and years and we really appreciate someone who doesn't well.
And teaching kids and giving them that option in high school as it as a chance for them to learn and grow and experience that I think is important because those are actual skills that they can use to make money in the future but anyway the article goes on to say some of the other ideas would call for the district just stop paying for professional association dues I don't know why they pay for those to begin with i evaluate whether more library aide could replace but could be replaced by volunteers and looking for a job sharing with tech support those are all good ideas.
Lastly it says here other ideas include trademarking the school's logos assume that so that they can charge money when somebody wants to use the logo what they should do is allow companies to sponsor it.
That's a good idea yeah yeah now you get the sprint logo.
Yeah school is on your school yeah you could do that but they do pay top dollar for that kind of stuff you can be like are you commercializing it I know you're getting somebody else to pay for the stuff that you're taxpayers are currently papal why would you not do that.
Mhm and Sprint's gonna spend money to advertise to put their logo everywhere haven't put it on your school's uh you know I you want to pay for the football program have sprint put their logo up there you go you're done i would you not use everyone we had the discussion about the highways you put this putting the advertising on the side of the highway highways painful.
Why would you not do that the portrait ocean of america got you i guess you'd rather pay massive dollars in taxes i guess that's better she's now give you an option says huh they could charge for parking for the athletic events and increase administration admission cost of the athletic events those are a couple of things that you could do one group also recommended raising the fees for facility rentals for the variety of groups who use their campus outside the school day so a lot of times these schools will rent out their facilities after hours for a variety of other functions and they're talking about raising the the cost of them doing that and maybe they're subject to the same laws of supply and demand that everybody else is subject to so if they can raise their prices and still be competitive in terms of a place to come and hold your event they should be doing that anyway that's just good business and and those are dead those are all good ways I guess I just don't see there are so many free market solutions to fix the problems of shortfalls and to pay for the education of our children that don't involve taxing people and the reason I pulled this article out is that it turns out when faced with those shortfalls it's amazing they come up with all kinds of creative free market solutions to pay for the stuff and I wonder what would happen crazy idea i wonder what would happen if they completely got rid of all of the taxes that went to pay for school they just gave that money back to the people.
And then they had to rely on a totally free market solution to paying for the education of our children that involved a combination of.
Actual tuition costs to go to school and then all this other stuff that we talked about.
The other really great thing about this is that these are all things that people feel so you start raising the cost of showing up at sporting events you start charging somebody two hundred bucks to be on the basketball team and all of a sudden people feel it what you mean I gotta pay ten bucks to park to watch what is playful can't pay ten bucks depart this is ridiculous i'm going to get on the school board i'm gonna figure this out when it starts coming out of your pocket rather than being transparent because it was taken out of your paycheck before you ever saw it all of a sudden you become a lot more well a lot more aware of what things cost.
And you have to make decisions about what's really important to you and i love that i think that is a fantastic way to live where you know what things cost and you are a lot more aware of when your money is being wasted and what people are charging you for certain things.
Can you imagine if you had to look at every administrator salary that way and you had to actually cut a check for that maybe like I'm paying you how much to do what I don't think so these are the types of things that we need more of because this is what ultimately helps keep costs down.
Is people being aware of exactly what they're spending actually had this idea the other day of creating a phone app that sent you a text message every time the government spent a dollar of your money can you imagine how annoying that would be every two minutes to get a text message there goes the dollar there goes the dollars all sudden people start to feel that pain every two minutes man may be passively thing in the UN ami second it's let's say you've got a daily text right like this how much the government spent on your of your money today.
Yeah and also the people started to really pay attention to that and it wasn't just once a year attacks they know they have to pay attention to that I think you have a lot lot more opposition to to cut to government spending and bigger spending bills and that going I i would like to think that I think unfortunately most people look at it and like I get a refund another government's give me so they don't realize they just gave the government attacks right an interest-free loan for a year they they look at it as over the government's giving me money and I unfortunately i don't know if people would look at what and look at it that way because i don't think most people look at tax season as a headache but a lot of people are just rolling into H&R block and handed them the weather the the ones that started 1099 to w2 and the w2 and then get until you get six hundred dollars back like a great new TV yeah I don't think people really look at taxes as the as that the massive intrusion that it is and the gross violation that it is and then they fear it failed to realize just how much your government at every level not just the federal government we talked yesterday about the 556 billion dollar deficit that they ran after bringing in a record windfall of profit.
The first three months of this fiscal year.
It's not just at the federal level it's also at the local level and the state level everywhere along the line they just abused what you give them they don't respect it.
They don't respect what it took to earn it they feel that they're entitled to it and frankly I'm really fed up with it and you ought to be too these are.
Time for free market solutions that we need there's no need to increase the sales tax they're going to figure out how to pay for their school and they're going to decide really quickly what's important and what isn't there are classes that nobody's taking they just get rid of us.
If nobody's interested in home x202 guess what we don't have that class anymore.
That way we don't have a class with three people in it.
Eating up time and resources they streamline their process they get more efficient.
They learn how to do things cheaper where is the downside here every single school district in America ought to be looking at things like this instead of going directly for a tax increase.
They ought to be looking at stuff like this first how do I pass this on directly to the people who use it how do i make them feel.
The pain of spending the money rather than just simply taxing it from but most of them won't do that because most of them don't want to deal with the reality of people knowing what it costs them.
Involved in this economy and be involved in their local school anyway guys that's all the time i got for today thanks for being here a slow day these past couple of days and i apologize i don't i just feel like we just haven't had that we haven't had the momentum that we've had over the last few weeks but not to worry about it we'll jump right back into it and that be back here tomorrow until then be safe be good i'll talk to you then.
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