Sunday, February 12, 2017

Nat Geo Wild - Crater Lions Of Ngorongoro African - National Geographic ...

In the early dawn a solitary lion crosses one of Africa's most beautiful national parks being gone girl creator of tanzania shelters some of the most spectacular natural wonders on earth over two-and-a-half million years ago a great volcanic cone erupted when the dust finally settled all that remained was a giant mole 12 miles across surrounded by a rim rising two thousand feet above the crater floor during the wet season abundant rain water flows down the walls of the crater to form lake makati where flamingos returning to feed by the thousands the water absorbed in the crater during the wet season provides an ample supply of grass which for most of the year supports a population of up to 25,000 large animals including herds of wildebeest water buffalo rhinoceros the bottoms and the abundance of grazing animals provides the staple food for carnivores of the crater jackal shita lions but of all the animals that are found here it is the line that dominates about 80 Lions live in family groups or prides of eight or more spread evenly across the crater.
From records kept over the past 20 to 30 years it is known that the number of lions of the crater has remained about the same the gestation period of the female lion is about 110 days there is no special birth season and Cubs can be born throughout the year like most cats Lions usually sleep or rest during the day for up to 21 hours they will even rest between periods of feasting on a kill.
Some will climb into trees to sleep draped over the branches to avoid insects that swarm over them on the ground others gorged with meat from the kill will roll from side to side seeking a comfortable position for the large meal bulging in their stomachs the pride is a complex social structure consisting of from $TIME to 20 or more females and their cubs the females are related to each other and usually remain together throughout their lives as they do most of the hunting.
After a meal the pride gathers grooming and touching each other and strengthening their family bonds during rest periods the Cubs stay close to their mothers or other females here in the un'goro crater water is plentiful most of the year the Lions usually drink once a day in the early morning or after a kill the male lions are not permanent members of the pride which may have from one to four adult males these may stay in the pride for as long as six years but more often lead a nomadic life traveling alone or in small groups throughout the crater when hunting the pride will either band in small groups for Rome alone in search of prey.
At times a female with newborn cubs will seek solitary shelter away from the male's no one is certain if she chooses to leave or is forced away from the close social structure of the pride of lions have few distinctive markings to assist in recognizing other members of the pride especially over long distances therefore they must approach another pride member in a direct manner without hesitation.
Should an approaching Lion of the pride seemed unsure of itself it may be attacked as if it were a stranger if a lioness is attacked several times she may become unsure of herself and eventually leave her pride in this way the pride remains relatively stable in size.
Like most young cats lion cubs spend a great deal of time playing their games of attack prepare them for the lifelong search for food please to a male and a female are about a year old the females are less temperamental than the males and show little reaction to mistaken identity so most females remain with the pride while the young males are eventually forced to leave by the time they are two-and-a-half to three-and-a-half years old young males are forced out by the mature males who take over the pride for meeting and so the pride receives an infusion of new blood from the mature males will fight for mating privileges but in time these males will be driven off by the younger breeding Lions do to increase tourism the Lions have become accustomed to vehicles and two humans filming and observing their behavior the camera crew has left the camera running while the Young Lions inspect the tires they are distracted by a shout from the cameraman who is more in fear for the safety of the tires than for his companions going don't you.
The yearlings return to their mother for comfort and grooming in a few years the mail yearling may be driven from the pride by an older male seeking to stake a claim the young male will then spend a few years wandering alone or with other young males as summer wears on the great herds of wildebeest range over the crater floor raising in the shimmering heat of the Sun the great herds are one of the main prey of the crater lions zebras are safer on the barren plain but as they move into the taller grass they are now at risk by the stocking female lions.
The model brown coat of the lioness blends perfectly with the tall grass now parched and brown in the summer sun hardly moving the great cat waits for the unwary zebra to move closer to its place of concealment.
It is not unusual for only one Lions to hunt a zebra.
Even though she may have greater success in numbers once the lioness reaches our prey the zebra will have little chance of survival.
She stocks downwind of the zebra slowly working her way closer and closer now joined by another lioness she continues to wait for the Zebras to move closer Lions do not have the speed or stamina of other great cats like the cheetah must wait patiently while their prey moves closer and then with a short sprint attempt a quick-kill now less than 50 feet from the zebra the lioness weights she is barely visible to the unsuspecting herd she begins to close in slow in the tall grass the lion has fins the zebra to the ground the rest of the pride begins to devour the still-living zebra and.
Still breathing the zebra dies in what must be terrible agony as the Great Beast scourge their stomachs filled Alliance clean each other by licking the still fresh blood from each other's muscles and coats.
After the kill the lioness joins her cubs and begins a long rest . to digest her meal.
Some miles away a second pride is preparing to hunt.
Lions like most carnivorous animals live within a well-defended territory this territory must contain a source of water and plentiful food and can encompass from 10 to 100 square miles in the heart of the territory the lioness is able to bear her cubs protected by the other members of the pride on this day a water buffalo has been killed near an access road in the crater unconcerned by passing tourists vehicles the pride runs to the fresh-kill.
The prides territory is carefully guarded by the dominant males roaring to alert trespassers the mail rushes forward following his rage to deter nomadic Lions from entering his territory.
Now safe from outsiders the pride is on the move.
Possibly searching for more game or a protected water source this pride has a large concentration of Cubs and yearlings stretched out along the access road they seem indifferent to time or distance as they slowly make their way.
Following the others.
A new dawn the pride stretches out in the high grass and rests throughout most of the day it is difficult to determine why they have decided to move from one part of their territory to another even at rest the females keep close watch over the young cubs Lions have a well-defined system of communication using body contact facial movement and sounds a lion expresses itself clearly to other members of the pride and two strangers who may try to enter its territory as spring turns to summer a flock of crowned cranes flies over a herd of zebras feeding on the open Savannah.
In the marsh chicks of the blacksmith clover search for small bugs and then seek shelter in the feathers of their parent.
Emerging from her hiding place a female and three very small Cubs set out to join the pride for the young cubs it is a long trip across the open plain camouflaged by the long grass the female usually remains in hiding until her cubs are old enough to walk lion cubs are almost helpless when born weighing from 225 pounds at birth.
They can barely crawl and do not open their eyes before one or two weeks newborn cubs have a slightly spotted coat which helps to hide them in the thick grass this color changes after three to five months.
Sensing that the smallest and weakest cub is falling behind the lioness gently carries it by the neck across a dry mud Bank while the other two cubs scurry to keep up.
Slowly making her way past the others she selects her spot.
Here she rests while the Cubs nurse when several lionesses give birth at the same time they frequently share the duties of raising all the Cubs this communal area then becomes the general meeting place for the entire pride community gatherings allow all members of the pride to become acquainted with the Cubs.
As dawn breaks over the crater rim herd of elephants pray dust across their backs to discourage biting insects along the edge of Lake makati a flock of migrating birds pause to feed among the trees a small herd of zebras and an old elephant with only one tusk we basically new the lakeshore gazelles Gray's contentedly as they share their pasture with a flock of ducks knee deep in the mud of the swamp a huge water buffalo wallows contentedly the Buffalo is the lions largest and most formidable prey and is capable of putting a marauding lion to flight lions are usually wary of an adult buffalo which can severely injure or kill an adult lion with its sharp horns during the heat of the day the pride rests in the soft high grass the lion leads a life without threat for their only real enemy the hyena will not attack the entire pride if caught alone on the plane an adult lion and Cubs or even young adults can be at great risk from a pack of hyena in the afternoon the yearlings spar with one another or their mother who usually gives them a quick swap for their trouble then relaxed and seemingly full of affection for the Cubs the female joins in the afternoon play a young male and female of the pride also share in mock combat which helps them sharpen their skills for real attacks as hunting adults late in the afternoon the pride begins its quest for prey separated from a small herd of zebras by the mudflats of a slowly drying lake two females are forced to leap a small stream now the yearling mail must also cross he seems in a quandary whether he should jump as the adult females have done or swim most cats are excellent swimmers but they will avoid the water unless it is absolutely necessary.
Moving slowly the pride spreads out across the plain making its way to a herd of zebras over a mile away screened by the high grass the Lions stealthily approach the zebra with the wind blowing from the zebra toward the Lions the zebras are unaware of the approaching danger.
Lions are known to approach their prey from either upwind or downwind time seems to stand still as the zebra slowly passed before one and then another of the crouching hunters zebra crossing this area to graze near a large herd of wildebeest one lioness begins to move toward the zebra nearby the entire pride is waiting for the moment to charge.
Both wildebeest and zebra now seem to sense the presence of danger and barely move uncertain from which direction and attack may come.
As if spectators at a sporting match the herd watches as the lion attacks lions are slower than zebra and wildebeest and are only about thirty percent successful even when hunting in a group after resting the pride prepares for another attempt the dominant female heads off in the direction of a large herd of buffalo.
Extremely dangerous the African water buffalo can weigh as much as a ton the males gather around the periphery of the herd and the females and calves stay closer to the center.
Seldom do one or two lions attempt an attack on a small herd of buffalo or even on a single member that is feeding alone but on occasion whether they are truly hungry or just Young Lions practising their hunting skills such an encounter happens it is seldom rewarding for the Lions.
Suspicious short-tempered and cunning the Buffalo is a formidable adversary and are extremely aggressive when confronted by a lion.
Such short grass the Lions come as close as they can then they attack the Buffalo are quickly outrun it's not a fair match two lions and 3 buffalo the Lions quickly break off when the Buffalo turn to confront them closer to the lake a larger herd is peacefully grazing.
Here the grass is higher which affords the lion better protection from being seen.
Working as a team the pride takes up position along the edge of the buffalo herd surprised the herd bolts then just as quickly to face their attackers and counter-attack the Buffalo chase after the Lions who are now fleeing for their lives.
Seemingly convinced that the danger is over the Buffalo move back to the marshy ground at lakeside.
The Lions to return to a less dangerous task the lioness sent her two yearlings who have taken up sanctuary in a tree also rejoin the pride late at night the pride hungry and on the prowl move comes and all to a better location for hunting within their the dry season is well advanced and the lake has lost nearly all of its water crossing the dry lake the female carries one of her cubs while two others try to somehow the pride passes too close to a herd of buffalo try to travel the Lions in a valiant effort to protect the Cubs the lioness dashes of the Buffalo and then runs back to her cubs trying desperately to guide them to safety over and over she rushes at the great beasts but the Buffalo will not scatter and continue to charge the lioness and other members of the pride dawn finds the Savannah calm with no signs of raging Buffalo the pride has sought the shelter of a secluded spot the only animal now in view is the lioness as she searches for her cubs time after time she calls the Cubs have disappeared trampled by the buffalo herd on the prowl again the pride spots alone Buffalo feeding in the high grass along the edge of a swamp separated from its heard a single buffalo is still extremely dangerous and must be approached with caution this large male with its ear torn from either previous attacks or thorn bushes is joined by a wild Starling makes a meal from the tix that invests the height of the bowl.
Deciding to attack the pride begins to stock the bowl.
Struggling from the combined weight of the two lions the board to volume robbing the bowl of its strength a yearling bravely joins the fight and attacks the Bulls head the Buffaloes approach to drive the lions away the lions are persuaded having drawn blood the Lions continue to pursue the injured bull its weakened condition gives them a chance of making a chill.
The injured bull seeks refuge in the swamp but the Lions hold their position at the edge of the herd having eaten their fill the Lions leave the dead Buffalo and head toward Shore for a long rest.
Great clouds begin to build over the crater as the dry season gives way to the wet flying at 3 degrees south just below the equator.
Girl has only two seasons went and dry November is the beginning of the wet and as the rains fall the season of renewal begins now the entire crater ecosystem absorbs the life-giving moisture and the parched ground bursts into life for all of the animals of the crater it is a time of patient waiting until the rain stopped.
Wildebeest grants gazelle lion also pin the cool rain within a week the crater will turn green and a carpet of yellow flowers will cover the Savannah with the gray dust of the dry season finally settled by the rain the crater puts forth the sweet earthy smell of a new spring the Sun bursts forth to disclose the broad green carpet of the crater floor now the lake will fill frogs emerged from the mud and millions of insects issue forth as a banquet for the thousands of birds quickly return to this extraordinary Valley African spoonbill prix in each other's feathers as a black-winged stilt probes the shallows for tiny aquatic organisms each day rain falls on the crater and the grass the primary energy source for all animals rose more lush tissue paper flowers woke up through the thickening grass and the herds of wildebeest and zebra grazing across the crater floor a few hours old the young wildebeest are on their feet and able to run with the herd theirs is a cruel world where speed and agility is the only defense against the lion hyena and cheetah with their umbilical cord still hanging from their stomachs the young wildebeest cavort while another newborn less than an hour old stays close to its mother's side close by a female and calf share a small stream with a flock of sacred ibis the female is ever cautious of marauding carnivores near the service road that crosses the crater a female lion with three cubs has emerged from hiding and is slowly moving to rejoin the pride young cubs like these have bluish gray eyes for the first few weeks after birth then their eyes turn an amber color between the periods of rain the pride sleeps in the midday Sun although cooler than the dry season here at the equator the days are warm and pleasant with plentiful game the Lions are well fed and peaceful.
Hidden from view of the pride a young male has been in hiding for over a week nursing injuries received during a hunt now it emerges its hind leg obviously swollen with a festering wound slowly it approaches its mother the lion which has just had the three cubs although she recognizes him she is fearful and backs away not quite sure what is wrong.
Lions are very cautious of unusual behavior among the members of the pride and usually we'll drive a sick or wounded member away another lioness rebuffs the injured male with a cup of its paw and then snaps with bared fangs then the entire pride moves its location leaving the young male to fend for itself.
So we can hardly care for its wound the mail is no longer able to live with the pride at nightfall the pride will leave the area and the young injured male will be left defenseless against a hyena attack.
For millions of years the cycle of life has played out in their gorrell crater from its western rim the land stretches out toward the Olduvai Gorge wear loose and mary leakey found the remains of some of man's oldest ancestors farther on medley atole mary leakey found footprints that were left in damp volcanic ash some three million seven hundred thousand years ago by two-legged upright walking primates for hominids possibly one of mankind's earliest ancestors.
Looking at these prehistoric footprints one can see where the two creatures one possibly male and the other female carrying a baby had stopped and turned as if sharing a moment of doubt man has shared the planet with animals for only a very short time early ancestors of the great cats and other animals of the crater lived in Africa for many millions of years before the emergence of any form of pre-human yet in the last 100 years man has so altered the environment that thousands of species of animals birds fish reptiles and plants are extinct today the nations of Africa share a common dilemma the need for more farmland has reduced the once great herds of wild animals that roam the continent.
However since the end of world war two much has been done to establish national parks in order to save the remaining unique species in Africa this is the legacy of the inborn girl conservation area.
Controlled in part by the craters 2,000 foot hyrim most animals are still free to migrate in and out of the crater a young female slowly climbs up the rim to seek another pride outside on the Serengeti Plain no one will know why she was forced to leave but the life of the crater Lions will pass on from one century to another as long as modern man is aware of their fragile existence and is willing to exercise care the infinite beauty and variety of the natural world is mankind's greatest treasure all must exercise great care to preserve the environment and all of nature's creatures symbol of strength and Majesty since the beginning of recorded history the lion has always commanded man's respect.
For centuries it was considered an act of courage to kill a lion and only recently have certain tribes given up the practice of a young man killing a lion as his rite of passage into manhood still free to roam the un'goro crater the lions are protected by the government.
Located in the Arusha region of northern Tanzania southeast of serengeti the un'goro crater and it's wildlife at one of the world's most beautiful sights and must be preserved.
Coming up.


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