Tuesday, February 14, 2017

A Day with Great Poets by May Gillington Byron - 8/11. A Day with Willia...

Chapter 8 have gays.
With great poet this is the liberal box recording are liberal box recordings are in the public domain.
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Days with great poet by May klarissa gilling 10 byron chapter 8.
A day with William Morris own June.
Old June that we desired so wilt thou not make us happy on this day.
Across the river die soft breezes blow.
Sweet with the scent have been field.
Far away the earthly paradise his own lines are running in the head.
William Morris an ass at sunrise that is to say about 3 o'clock on a midsummer morning have 1879 he trusts his rough dark-haired out of the open window in sees the river shimmering past.
Between the branches have great Elms in fullest.
Leave the very breath on june is in the air.
Full Adams of summer and the fertile earth.
Is aglow with warm loveliness from are pulling.
And Brett have green the English Shires to Morris.
In his house by London River the voice have beauty calls and he responds to it OMY oh me how I love the earth he murmurs.
And the season and whether and all things.
That deal with it and all that grows out of it.
The earth and the growth amid in the life a bit.
If I could but say or show how I love it.
His vagrant thoughts go home into their dearest.
Goal that lovely old-world Kelmscott village in Oxfordshire after which his present a boat is named.
B-side it's far off lovely mother.
Have the team's he loves sleeping.
That the same gray send that water.
With sparkles let his feed has come down to him past the gables and the gardens I've Kelmscott 130 miles away.
He dreams a moment have those far.
Green meadows pure and perfect yet as very even he sees them as he saw the fields in summer down.
Pray but one prayer for me tweaks by closed lips think but one part of me up in the stars this summer night Wayne it the morning light slips faint and grey.
Twigs the leaves at the Aspen betwixt.
The cloud bars that are patiently waiting there for the Don patient and colorless.
Though heavens gold waits to float through the AM.
Along with the Sun far out in the meadows.
Above the young corn be having Elms wat.
And the Restless and cold be an easy win.
Arises the roses are done through the long twilight they pray for the Don.
Round the longhouse in the midst of the corn.
Speak but one word to me over the corn.
Over the tender bound locks up but William Morris is not alone a dreamer of dreams born out of guilt i'm.
Any more than he is the idol singer.
Have an empty day he sensually any radical Billy first and foremost.
He is a man of action he has just aroused himself from net sleep.
And dreamless profundity which he can take.
As he put it in solid bars and from which he passes into any waking life.
At the median in strenuous energy.
He never does anything by heads in 10 minutes he has dressed and started work.
His dressing as may be inferred is a rough and ready manner it is indeed effected without the aid of a mirror.
For he hates mirrors and will not have any in the house his rough blue serge his that a workman.
Not literatur and his general appearance it must be confessed is that a bus slovenly and encamped magnificent.
His extraordinary and abandoned hair with its thick strong curl like rock/metal his massive head with its baby in expressive eyes and.
Beautifully molded mouth his fine build and height dimly in big idea up almost a superhuman strength.
His clumsy looking but exquisitely adroit hands all these trades have combined to produce that.
ROM an indescribable deportment which is at once the delight and despair.
Of his friends he has resolutely turned away from the window switching off so to speak that romantic element.
Which makes one side of his life one long.
Dream and has taken up the other side of his life.
That steady assiduous and remitting.
Almost stalin laborious ness which has made him the man he years.
I do not hope to be great at all anything.
He wrote in earlier days but perhaps I may.
Reasonably hope to be happy in my work.
And sometimes when I am title and doing nothing.
Place envisions go past me after things that maybe.
Nowadays it may be said he is never idle.
Mind or hands or both are always busy.
Work has become his ideal his silence.
His panacea for all Hills I tried it think he has declared what would happen to me if I am forbidden.
My ordinary daily work and I knew that I should die despair and weariness and indeed it is not easy to see how this strong and passionate man possessed of super abandoned vitality.
And tremendously powerful physique could find an outlet for his exuberant energy except by actual manual labor his loneliness set up in his bedroom he is already we've been there.
Now in the first South Clyde busied upon the lovely warp and move have his cabin hidden vine.
Tapestry sometimes he will stay at the s4 eight or nine hours sometimes as today at their labors claim his attention and heat oil czar the more resolutely for knowing that his time at the moon.
Must be short in the making and I now have text of fabrics William Morris has found a means of expression particularly adept to his peculiar modes have tied to him.
The mediaeval method is so much the best.
That it is the only one and not content with reviving mediaeval romance.
In his prose and furs he continues to compose.
As it were in more tangible materials.
But always with the same underlying idea.
Simplicity a veteran romance of plot.
Gorgeous pageantry of color these are characteristic of his work.
Both in words and in themes to make the common as though it were not common.
An ideal which has been already expanded.
In the art have the pre raphaelite Brotherhood is a fair definition have the unusual quality.
Which diffuses all the achievements at William Morris and even a chance in the earthly paradise.
Delay meant rose he lied the misty lunar atmosphere shot with faint are all colors the low and magical music the ever varying panorama of poetical description and passion and.
Start have struck an entirely new node.
In English poetry so the same words.
Very nearly may be used with reference to the material effect brought out by William Morris in the field have decorative and textile art you cannot think of him as a poet.
Without considering him as the master craftsman.
The designer the architect the weaver.
The diner the artist on artist: in Excel sis he is able to express.
In one aren't it would appear that which the technique have another denies him he can create a new atmosphere in his poems but in textiles he can.
It is said create new colors amethyst with tender flashings ever read.
N gold which take on the team share other sunset sky and blues so cunningly intermingled.
With green that no existing color name.
Maybe find them this poignant joy.
In color has always been here's it is conspicuous.
In his earlier poems where splashes of splendid.
Primary Hughes are almost the raison d'etre.
A certain lyrics the drying in the painting.
Are missing last in their quaint and realistic detail.
In such poems and the sailing and the sword.
Across the empty garden beds when the sword point out to sea I scarcely some my sister's head bad each.
Decided three I could not see the castle leads.
When the sword went out to sea Alisha.
War a scarlet down when the sword went out to sea but her sellers was rested bram for the meanest we could not see the Scarlet roofs.
Up the good tan when the sword went out to sea.
Green holly in a leash is hand with fear oak leaves guitar solo standard.
0 yet I'll ask for me I did but bear a peeled white one when the sword went out to sea 0 rest said Brown and Scarlett bright.
When the sword when out to sea my sis dish for.
I war but quite red brown and quite.
All 3 three damaged cells each had a night when this sword when out to sea.
Or in net very harmless and spirited giddy.
Which had once the Mac have simply infuriating.
The grave and precise to red roses.
Across the moon the color notes predominate.
There was a lady lived in a hall large in the eyes.
And slim and taro and ever she sung.
From noon to noon to wear roses across the moon there was a night.
Came riding by in early spring when the roads were dry and he heard that lady sing at the noon.
To wear roses across the moon yet none the more he stopped at all.
But he rode a gallup past the hall.
And left that lady singing at noon.
To red roses across the moon because for sued the battle was said.
And the scarlet and blue had got to be met.
He rode on the spur till the next war min.
You scares could see for the scarlet and blue.
A golden helm or a Golden Shoe so he cried as the fight grew thick at the noon.
Verily then the gold pour through the handle Spears after the Scarlet and blue and a crowd.
As they cut them down at the newseum to red roses.
Across the moon under the May she stooped to the Crown always cold.
There was nothing of brown and the horns blew up.
In the hall at noon to red roses across the moon the big dark weaver's lips.
Move silently and his film inscrutable.
Eyes shine faintly with a lamp implied.
He is thoroughly enjoying himself.
No work which cannot be done with pleasure.
Is worth doing that is Ron of his cardinal maxims.
Time on when any body that made made a work of art b-side a useful piece of goods and it gave them pleasure to make it whatever I doubt I have no doubt of their wanna more sis main objects in life is to bring this simple.
Long-forgotten true home to the heart.
At his fellow workmen and how hard it ask.
He finds it for in modern-day as once in the origins of language work.
And pain are synonymous and pleasure is divorced from labor by reason our the turkey lemme quid.
Which we know ass money but in the manual arts.
As in literature Morris perpetually endeavors to take a nap and continue the dropped threads.
At the mediaeval tradition when honest labor.
War a lovely face and he denies the superiority.
A verbal or literary.
Over any other all are equal in his eyes that car cover inspiration.
Says he is sheer nonsense their years no such thing it's a mere matter.
Of craftsmanship if a chap can compose an epic poem.
While he's weaving tapestry he better shut up.
He'll never do any good at all so now you be hold him carrying out his own principle and framing noble phrases in his mind.
While his deft fingers manipulate the threads after the web having concluded the appointed hour set the alarm Morris who even during his were has frequently paste.
To and fro breathlessly padding around the room.
Or oscillating between his way aft and the window.
Goes down to his study on the ground floor.
A room of severe simplicity no carpet is there no curtains shelves have plain unpolished ok heavy laden with books cover most of the wall space a square table have the same Plano.
Carries his writing tackle a few austere chairs are placed about the books like the room afford little clue.
To their owners pensions they are a most haphazard collection mainly yellow backed novels picked up on railway journeys Morris the jealous hoarder invaluable.
Mediaeval volumes is careless in the extreme.
As regards his modern authors and losing books.
Is almost a habit with him his taste.
Moreover I by no means eg lactic he is a rapid.
But not a great reader a chosen few in the world of literature are dear to him and all the others but so much.
Empty letterpress Milton he Obama Nate.
Wordsworth he detests in shakespeare he has no great interest for browning and Tennyson.
29 also the period he has cared very little seventies you but keeps keats for home I have such boundless.
Admiration and whom I venture to call one of my masters and to whom he closely approximates in the town in quality.
Of his work sits enthroned in his heart.
And among prose writers after the day he accords first place to Carlisle in Ruskin the latter he reveres.
As a truly great and wise master not only in matters of art but throughout the whole sphere of human life.
Fiction does not greatly appeal to Marist yet.
With that queer twist up the anomalous so often discoverable in man of great genius he has three favorite writers who are about the last people one could have guessed he is devoted.
To George borrow he is so inskeep.
In beacon and above all he is an enthusiast.
Regarding the adventures after mister Jorhat.
This last is an inexplicable Morrissey is no horseman he knows little.
And cares less about any sport save angling.
How beard he had asked for many in the moods when he was not dreaming of himself.
And stressed RAM or Sigurd identified himself.
With Joe guard jury great expectations.
Or mister baffin Our Mutual Friend.
To such an extent that his favorite salutations are quotations.
From these parties and he insists on ramming Joe Ricketts down the throats of his friends in season and out of season to their be wilder meant and be on entendu not infrequently.
To their boredom Morris standing carelessly over his table sets down a few scorelines the result I V his mornings meditations.
He can ride anyhow anywhere under any interruption the leisurely seclusion.
Of the professional Arthur has no charms for him.
He is exquisitely beautiful calligraphy originally a slovenly an illegible scrawl is the result have years of work spent on newman et de and on the study of painted books after.
13th and 14th centuries it is now analogous to that delicate and marvelous detail that skill in the embroiderers and the goldsmiths art which are so evident in the intricately broad.
Yet Bradley designed FX of his first.
The happiness after effort there and have local coloring which obtain in Jason and still more in the earthly the picturesque detail in the appropriate phrase.
Which give life and.
Individuality to his pictures are for the most part known only by their FX.
And only fully appreciated in the retrospect.
More since greater poems are mainly and quotable.
Because you must take them as a whole.
To detach a few lines from their context.
Is equivalent to cutting away a piece of cornice.
To proffer as an example have a sublime cathedral.
For this reason he will never achieve the enormous popularity have such poets as tennyson more longfellow.
Because to the average man or woman.
Great architecture is less alluring than a small well furnished house an impression.
A fast earnest overhangs and over ours.
The mind but little da missed his city's.
Can insinuate themselves into its closest.
Corners I love William Morris's earlier poems the defensive going to veer.
The haystack in the floods and the rest of that noble company it has been said.
That they seem to be lifted out of poetry.
To have be signed poetry a substance.
Visible beauty up one particular kind.
To be partly without any notion up being poetry.
Or effect or aim added yet caviar to the general though the earlier poems maybe who can shed his years against the sensuous loveliness have such lyrics as that sweet song.
Not sign yet to any man fragrant as the flower.
The water nymphs lullaby in Jason.
I know little garden close set take with Lily and red rose where I would wonder if I might from Dewey down.
To do the night and have one with me.
Wandering and though within it no birds.
Seeing and I'll know pillared house.
Is there and though the Apple bathhouse are bare.
A fruit and blast some would to God.
Her feet up on the green grass triad.
And I'd be held them as before there comes a murmur from the shore Indian the place to fair streams are grown from the purple hill so far drawn down onto the Restless see the hills whose flowers near said the B the shore no ship.
Has ever seen still beaten by the bill on screen.
Whose murmur comes unceasingly onto the place.
For which I cry for which I cry both day and night folk which I let slip.
All delight that may get me both death.
And blind careless to win unskilled.
To find and quick to lose what all men seek yet tottering as I am.
And we still have my left a little Brea.
To seek with the image are tough death entrance.
To that happy place to see the unforgotten face.
Want seen once qui est once raft from me.
A9 the murmuring above the sea and don't know new poet be a profit in his own country and I'll are great revivalist or Reconstructor 7art.
Must be prepared for initial doubting in denial.
Have not more since mystical hey rowland's.
Nameless miracles AFB UT out a fairyland.
Forlorn a more subtle charm a more enduring sway then the everyday damsels of cork or cottage who are celebrated by less imaginative.
Makers to consider the earthly that consummation have the vague and the mystical.
Inform color and sound set forth in words have the most childlike simplicity.
Is to hear NB hold and endless procession.
A moving pomp like pageantry have missed on a nighttime no stream.
Gorgeous with blazing re of color.
And resonant was strange exhilarating music.
It is to listen once more with the wonder of a child to the old have forgotten tales classical.
In mediaeval brought down into one's touch.
And site it is the infusing have quick and throbbing vitality into the dry bones have dared romances and the opening out of new strange Visteon's.
Into dreamland that we supposed were irretrievable or with picking having no name and needing nan we sit breathless.
Aunt the watching of the Falcon tale with a start he looked at last.
About him and our dreams were passed.
For now though it was passed Twilight.
Without within all grew as Bryant as when the noon Theron smote the wall don't know lamp shown within the Bang Bros picking up on his feet and well-known I heard his own heartbeat.
In grew all pale for hope and fear.
And sound of footsteps cart his ear but soft.
And there's some fair lady going as gently as might be stopped now and then a while distraught.
By Pleasant wanderings up sweet tart.
Niner the sound came and more now I.
Until the King unwittingly trembled.
And felt his hair arise but on the door.
Still kept his eyes that open soon.
And in their lives their stepped alone a lady bright.
And made straight toward him up the hall.
In golden garments washy clan and round her waist.
A belt she had emeralds fair and from her feet.
She held the payment daintily and on her golden hair on head she a rosary.
Round a pearl rock crown softly she walked with our eyes cast down.
Nor look she any other than an earthly lady.
Don't know man has seen so fair a thing.
And she we go.
Roaming down with broader p to the iridescent ripples up the June see and awaits MBM indefinable joy asked when she stood to watch that then waves.
Mount her feet before she tried the deep.
Then toward the wide sand latent space.
She turned IMG and to meet the freshness.
Above the water cool inside for pleasure.
As the little rippling tied lapd her about.
And slow she wandered on kill many effort from shore she now had one this story a bra to be or we can our with lawrence.
Trembling in the shadows while the glimmering per session up the dead gods passes terribly from C.
Tulane and daring at all risks to recover the ring given to Venus.
But William Morris does not take at any exorbitant valuation whatsoever his hand find to do he does with all his might and believes it.
At their first n1r dan in another he strives to find expression.
Neither praise nor blame can't go out his vision up the ultimate union.
Which he had said before him perhaps you think.
He told his mother once that people will laugh at me and Kami purposeless and changeable.
I have no doubt they will but I in my turn.
Will try to shame them got being my helper.
By steadiness and hard work and the city is with no sense of instability.
Or restlessness that he puts down his pan.
In proceeds to adopt another mode expression.
It is simply a change in the material.
But not in the ideal of his art here and to upstairs and takes a glimpse of the river.
Now fully ablaze with summer sunshine.
From the five windows of his great beautiful drying room which runs the whole length of the house.
This room is hang around with tapestry of his own weaving it boasts a great painted settle and other articles of furniture such as gifford a unique catch of character.
And individuality among the conventions.
Have the latter seventies it is one mass.
Have subdued yet glowing color yet its chief perfection is missing.
In the shape love that stately in beautiful woman.
Jane Morris who is just now with her children.
Away at Kelmscott Manor the human element.
Is consciously lacking in this glorious apartment.
And Morris realizes that for although he prefers.
Means two women society and although his most intimate friend has declared their he doesn't want to anybody he lives absolutely without the need.
Have man or woman yet missus Morris is the very embodiment have her husband's most gracious imaginings and without her superb present.
The house is but 18 klingon symbol.
Morris who ignores the existence have society who has never belong to a club.
Who with the true artists impatience in small matters never knows how much or how little he has in hand is dependent upon the presence of his beautiful wife far more than he allows or is aware I have.
Now he is downstairs again and out-of-doors a chorus sweet garden odors greeting him a long rambling garden.
Runs behind the house with long and orchard.
And kitchen garden hammersmith is still.
But a suburban village quaint georgian.
Unspoiled from all the flower beds efforts little.
Reptile house is delightful midsummer fragrances.
Float by the very margins as they pass along the river where a holiday.
Air in spread they're great rents pretzels.
Like one who expand his pressed to meet.
Pure breeds more SP takes himself to his coach house and stables.
Which he has turned into a large weaving room.
For carpet looms during the previous winter.
He has been carrying on the weaving figured silks apology card lemme I'll carpets upon this loom in the Coach House.
And aris tapestry upon the one in his bedroom.
Simultaneously and in addition to his works.
At Queen Square where he died embroideries.
& sirkhan fabrics he is also engaged in the initiation now or the executioner designs and fabrications in such works anna's painted glass tiles furniture furniture velvets wallpapers.
Chances printed cottons and upholstery.
Up all sorts not to mention a hundred projects of social reform.
Began already in progress any men some outta.
Reading in Icelandic literature and a quantity have minor affairs connected with all the above.
Such as few min could master or even attempt.
He s demonstrating OP day let their significance ever that celebrated rule which he other House will fit the case of everybody.
Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful were believed to be beautiful a good hearty breakfast including a tremendous quantity ft.
Is more since next business in hand and he gives it that same thorough attention as everything else that he undertakes he has been likened to doctor johnson for his inveterate love ft drinking but he does everything on a big and expensive scale.
And at other times out the day he drinks other Lakers with equal relish.
And smokes with supreme enjoyment.
The strength and vitality in strenuous nurse.
Of the man are a parent through are the smallest details of his life.
He takes a robust deal I in manners.
Which two other me in a fee blur physique.
Are incomprehensible he does not affect.
Any lean and hungry aestheticism nor despised the pleasures up the table.
He is himself a good cook and an authority on cooking.
Which he ranks among the fine arts whose phone iz.
Has been denied to women when out upon those angling excursions.
Which constitute his brief respite from work.
He always will insist on cooking the fear she has Kat.
And his tastes are typically English.
I always bless God says he for making anything so strong as an anion.
It may be indeed that Morse's wholehearted.
Absorption in mundane matters as a pass beneath his notice his spacious huge deal I in all things beautiful.
Or desirable are after some abstruse fashion resulting from his haunting bread.
Of death that passion and tree falls in from.
And revolt against that part I've inevitable mortality which runs like a cold subterranean stream.
With perpetual shattering undercurrent.
Be low his most opulent palaces a bad dream.
%ah what began to all this storm of bliss but death himself who crying solemnly enough from the heart.
Have sweet forgetfulness bids earnest.
Rejoice lest pleasure less you die.
Within other little time must you go by.
Stretch forth your open hand and while he live.
Take all the gift that dare and may give the earthly paradise he has himself observed that perhaps change.
And death are necessary or there would be no good stories but this was a momentary outburst a philosophy far removed from his authentic feeling.
Change in BK in death are altogether repugnant to him all that creates misery and poverty and hatred between man.
And main he loads.
And while resolutely evaluate himself a.
London bird it's so it has been rubbed into me.
And yet doing his utmost to provide things beautiful in a common place and beauty careless.
Age all the while this heavy boisterous over powerful man is dreaming.
Dreaming dreaming my work he has confessed is the embodiment of dreams.
To bring before people's eyes the image have that thing my heart is filled with what used this image.
An earthly paradise neither more nor less.
A haven of peace and and painting loveliness.
I'll and heart's desire immune from time in death the Highland that prose romance which nobody having once read.
Can ever forget closes up on this one great keynote up all his dreams where lover beloved inter the hollow CT through the golden streets under the purple shadows of the houses we went and the slow fanning backward and forward.
Have the many colored banners coolness we to online at last we came to a fair Palace cloister cafe in the old-time before the Citigroup Goldman cloistered off from the eager leanings and brotherhood above the golden dwellings unchanged.
Unchangeable were its marble walls.
Whatever else changed about it we stopped before the gates and trembled in class.
Each other closer for their among them are belief age intend roles that were around and under and over the archway that held the Golden Bear now were rocked to figures a man and woman wing and garlanded.
Whose raiment flashed with stars and their faces.
Were like faces we had seen or have seen in some dream long and long and long ago so that we trembled with our in delight.
And I turned in seeing Margaret saw that her face was that face seen.
Or have seen long and long and long ago.
And in the shining up her eines I saw that.
Other phase seen in that way in know whether.
Long in Long and long ago my face and then we walk together toward the Golden Gates and open them and no man game us in before us lay a great a flowers search.
Is the true ideal however impossible love attainment in maybe.
Perhaps it is all the dearer for their.
I have this strange mass of contradictions.
William Morris this combination love the ultra imaginative and the ultra practical.
Constitutionally fears and violent have temper he is constitutionally desirous have an ultimate and an Indian com.
Filled with the wild vigor and Eli death battle.
He expresses himself in the most deliberately.
An emotional words you cannot guess whether he is putting a mighty constraint upon himself or fulfilling in the medium of sound and form.
His own conceive meant have perfection.
You can only echo his mysterious music.
Christ keep the harlan land all the summer tied.
Steel we cannot understand where the waters cloud.
Only dimly seen them coldly slipping.
Through many greenlit cavern males.
Where the hills are blue it is this blender anomalies no doubt.
Which makes the mind of William Morris such a curious terra incognita to all those who have to do with him.
He presents to them so strange a union other aspects.
Inherently antagonistic to each other.
That man regard him more as an elemental force.
Dominating and inspiring them by again to have a powerful personality.
Than one to be reckoned with as a human being.
The allure meant have magnetic charm so often be stowed upon fiedler into my ex is in a major denied to him.
He stands for an abstract the influence.
Rather than a lovable individuality.
That tremendous influence destined to permeate and revolutionize English and even European ideas of decorative art.
Is only beginning and shed to make itself felt.
But more since prions are vaguely aware have the urgent energy which drives him towards some goal.
Unseen of them even as those filmy.
Expressionless eyes appears are possessed a preternaturally quick side far exceeding their above the average me in so his abnormally acute mind with depression and half-truth genius darts on the head into regions Cesar never knew and his most faithful admirers often have assailants up being dragged at his heels.
Perplexed and out of breath they cannot hope to follow such sweeping.
Swooping flight he is really a sword Viking says one of them set down here in making art because there is nothing else to do.
The trivialities in convention our D's upper-middle Victorian London.
Have absolutely no meaning for this master craftsman he belongs to some other sphere the morning news spin by Morris at the carpet learn.
Directing superintending or working with his own hands he allows himself a few minutes recreation.
At Bowles in the garden but finds the Sun too hot after lunch he is off to Queen Square.
To visit his dying works there NT lookin upon his friends the far corners not a day passes but he visits them.
Matters have business must also of necessity.
Be discussed always a TDS in the impatient affair to Morris who himself the very soul honor truthfulness and justice detests any details of trafficking.
Here you encounter more his contradictory trades.
For human want and blow in the abstract.
He has the most passionate sympathy.
Toward human needs in the concrete he is absolutely close fisted do you know to quote rose eddie's remark that topsy.
Has never yet been known to give a single penny.
To a beggar upon all the Exige in sees.
And expenses that work he is ready to be lavish.
On occasion he will employ the are most.
Unemployable without hesitation even areas.
The while he explains himself and his own labor.
Without stand but pin you re apart from the prospect every leaving it in mass.
Finds no responding benevolence in him.
And out that reckless spin 3/2 habit.
So incident to me and have great genius.
Which fine sieve and in care less extravagant.
Charity he has not the slightest patch headed a ban Wednesday Morris by invincible habit would have dined.
With burne-jones bad it being only Tuesday.
He be takes himself back home to Hammersmith.
As the evening draws on a remarkable figure he presents among the fashionable frequent errors at the Westin.
As he strides steadily along the crowded streets.
In his soft felt had and Ralf blue serge sued topsy according to his intimate dictum has an unlimited.
Capacity for producing and amassing.
Dirt and his appearance is unquestionably.
Grubby he looks in consequence something between a working in gym near and a sailor with a strong dash of the latter for home he is occasionally mistaken.
And the unkempt picturesque slant on leanest.
Have the man is in keeping with either of these occupations so there there is really nothing Lutra.
About him it is only when very rarely he has condescended to assume the orthodox silkair infra.
Code that Morris has candidly appeared.
Ridiculous anything more bizarre than this conjunction can hardly be imagined he crosses the upper hall and regards with satisfaction his ugly Georgian house ugly as it may show without he knows it is a treasury of beauty within a certain sense of emptiness tracks.
Across his mind he remembers that the beautiful woman who rules these glowing rooms will not be there to receive him she whose portrait he has painted.
Not one canvas an SRO said he did.
But in line to have power n Pay does.
Praise of my lady.
My lady seems are by Fri forehead.
Straight nose and cheeks that be hollowed.
A little mournfully be otter mania.
Don't mean a her forehead overshadowed much.
By bows out here has a way such as God was good to make for me be otter mania don't mean a nor greatly long my ladies here nor yet with yellow color fair but thick increase wonderfully be out there mania don't mean a heavy to make the paleface said and dark but dead as though it had been forged by God most wonderfully be out there may a.
Don't mean a other some strange metal.
Thread by three ed to stand out from my lady's head not moving much to tangle me.
Be otter mayor don't mean a beneath her brown.
The leads far slow the lashes a clear shadow show where I would wish.
My lips to be be otter mayor don't mean a he pays his round the gardens.
Noting with expert I the growth in condition.
Have their contents for he knows all the way.
And capabilities %uh flowers vegetables.
And fruit trees which he studies with the fourfold interest I love decorator poet earth lover.
And culinary connoisseur finally wild I ask is drying up they'll.
Over the river he enters his study.
And takes up with the interest the manuscript he left unfinished at early morning he is absolutely free from vanity regarding his own productions any kind.
Eulogy is lost upon him a task completely is unfair to completely.
And must be judged on its own merits which are not the authors so he now observes out his poem thats jolly with the entire simplicity and detachment he determines to continue his work upon it after dinner it is nearly midnight when Morris leans out once more from his bedroom window.
As he leaned at morning in drinks Ian deep breaths after fragrant air the win sized to and fro in the Elm leaves minute Lee plaintive with a murmur.
Evolved unhappy far-off themes the only hint of sadness in all bad over bringing joy a summer to Morris the wind has always held.
This sorrowful under term this wandering quest.
Have something obscurely unattainable.
As when it companions the night in his blossom burial have the beloved I kissed her hard by the ear.
And she kissed me on the brow and then lay down on the grass where the mark on the Marcy is now and spread her arms out wide while I went down below wind wind now are said art thou kind wind window and happy now art blind yet still now want to rest the lil E C to find and then I walked for a space.
To and fro on the side of the hill till I gathered and held in my arms.
Great sheaves have the daffodil and when I came again my Margaret laid there still I pile them high and high about her heaving breast how they work hard.
And held in her loose angered advanced.
But one beneath her arm died happy.
To be so pressed again I turned my back and went away for an hour.
She said no word when I came again.
So flower by flower I counted the daffodils over.
And cast them languidly lower my dry hands sure key ensure as the green gown showed again cleared from the yellow flowers and I grew hollow with pain and on to us both their fail from the Sun shower.
Drops of rain Alaska last there was blood on the very quiet breast.
Blood lay in the many folds love the loose.
Unguarded vast blood lay upon her arm.
Where the flower had been pressed wind.
Wind wind unhappy now art the lil E C to find the wind but tonight the Windies claimant we subdued.
Strange voices music out of other times.
Such as that mediaeval minstrel see.
Which touches Morris as no modern music may.
He stares with at our satisfaction into the opaque Midsummer Night the whole world is spread out before his start visible odorous suffused with secret warmth and color mapped out.
In exquisite uniformity of intricate form.
About him the stars drama rhythmically.
All is changed and altered the is lovelier then today ADSs though the older earth and heavens.
Are gone says he to himself and there are new heavens and earth what goes on there who shall slay a blast who only know rest in peace.
By toil and strife and what shall be.
Our share in it well sometimes we must needs thing.
I we shall live again yet if that were not would it not be enough to think.
That we help to make the S a name a book Lori.
And Leah not altogether DDS and not altogether DDS other Ferretti William Morris lies damn.
And easy immediately sound asleep.
And have chapter 8 a day with William Morris.


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