Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Elizabeth Warren,"Trump is Handing the Keys to the U.S.Treasury to a Ban...

Medicine or Elizabeth Warren strong opposition to downtown's pick for treasury secretary she says the way trust administration is coming together shows he has no intention of draining the swamp as he'd promised you're getting sent some of what senator Warren said such a short time ago he promised when he was running for president that he would break the connection between wall street and this Congress he said he was going to separate that from the government no more revolving door he wasn't going to do that sort of thing and then what does he do he turns around and picks a guy who had actually been one of the people who helped do all of those lousy mortgages that not only broke the economy but broke millions of families and then after the crash a guy who turned around and bought a bank the thin became infamous for how hard it squeezed families that had already been cheated and was the foreclosure machine following that the American people are furious over what wall street has done they don't want somebody who's going to come in here and say hey let's let's help Wall Street and what Donald Trump is doing is he's literally handing the keys to the Treasury over to a Wall Street banker who helped cause the crash after the panel a creamy know a lot of Democrats obviously criticized Republicans for just completely trying to block then President Barack Obama in his first term just from the get-go isn't the same.
I mean it's fair now to make the same criticism sounds like what Democrats are planning to do I mean whether they're able to do it because that they don't have power and in either house i get Terry Anderson i'm all for it I mean on january twentieth of 2009 Republicans met at some steak house in DC and talked about how they were going to make President Barack Obama a one-term president president so and and everything but they got huge precision from Democrats the tires look at you know not how government you know that's why we think I hear you say how government were but this is a guy who you know there is no to Donald Trump there's one Donald Trump which is the campaign.
Don't we see this from the cabinet pics that he is chilly back is ok it's safe it's more about being part of the resistance and being part of saying to the American people we have your back because like Elizabeth Warren said 2.3 million volts your boat is it yeah and you say is having the back at others it's okay people just want to own up to the hypocrisy then that's ok but move it'sit's Democrats have been talking about this non-stop for the last eight years basically that this was a strategy so I think that it's actually it is a good strategy and that's what Democrats awe and that because what happens is the president is the one who wins if there's bipartisanship so if the Democrats start working with Trump then people will say Washington's functioning and that's good for the president so it's it's I guess it's a good strategy is extremely electoral strategy it's not good for the country it's a good electoral strategy here I actually don't think it's Apocrypha I think there's an important difference the question what is the agenda the president's pushing Barack Obama's agenda if you look at his healthcare plan was basically largely taken from a Republican plan in Massachusetts his into his infrastructure plan ready the stimulus plan had huge number of tax cuts Republicans like Republicans still opposed it if Donald Trump comes forward with that kind of ideologically centrist proposal and infrastructure he'll get Democratic support but if he comes up with a proposal which is a hard right proposal that's different than what Barack Obama did innocent visit epoxy Warren talking about building economic opportunities and great passion she had if the Democrats would have one run on that and had a camera that wasn't flawed they might have one with her idea she put forth tonight.
Those are great ideas they should have had them in the campaign but look moving forward and she shouldn't be looking at what these guys have done in the past she needs to look at what's the plan for the future and as Hayley had mentioned that the economic plan that is on the table that Donald Trump has with regard to program text unleashing American energy renegotiating trade deals and and looking at by bilateral agreements with other countries these are plans that will work and they will grow and look there are 1000 employees that carrier in Indiana who have seen the benefits of of these plants look this is a real debate that's going on within the Democratic Party right now right there folks like Elizabeth Warren who feel like just draw the line in the sand and do not let him step across it.
There are other folks who and I think Chuck Schumer has signaled that he may be among them who see Donald Trump as not a conventional Republican and as a guy who's been extremely ideologically flexible over time he's a negotiator he's a guy who doesn't like being unpopular and doesn't particularly like you know facing blowback face-to-face from people so if you get in the room with him.
This is the alternative theory of the case not saying it's a better theory of the case but the alternative theory of the cases get at the table with him and talk him into a different position or at least just appeal to his kind of natural negotiating tendencies to kirstens point oakhurst dimension and she's absolutely right that when you have bipartisanship the president wins the governing party tends to win so I think every Democrat is going to face an important choice to what do you prioritize policy or politics we prioritize policy to prioritize getting rid of bad trade deals if you book put your money where your mouth is.
You're going to side with Donald Trump on something if you prioritize prioritize politics then you're gonna sit on the sidelines and probably pay the debt for that all right i want to thank everybody treaty a day are the u.s. and Cuba have agreed to this is just the first at the beginning of something very very big here and we are seeing a crowd of Cubans out the airport excited to see a little bit of history and this has we both cabinets you also than me but when i was there in Cuba with you as we watched President Obama touchdown in Havana a few months ago history being made there certainly has been a number of first what do you think is Sookie about this particular flight though why is this opening up over a hundred sites a day really in many ways the key to this new relationship.
Absolutely president Obama has said that you want to make his policy shift towards the biggest policy shift by US president since the Cuban Revolution want to make that policy should irreversible and this is really that in action once Americans start coming here becomes so much easier to come here for Cuban Americans to come here and visit the family and greater numbers once that begins to happen.
There's no ruling that back as one administration officials say because they just becomes a matter of two people who have been divided by politics yet to learn about each other Americans will come to a beautiful country that has a lot of problems but it's culturally very very rich place and they will want to come back to that is what happened course Italian Spanish and Canadian been coming here for years but America is just next door.
It's a huge market for Cuba and so here we are in a communist countries are seeing Americans being welcomed to jetblue open up an office in the airport don't see American companies here in great numbers and that is also changing to rob and I i doubt you can see these pictures but just so you know Patrick this plane is starting to taxi it's gonna take off in just a few minutes but do we know who is this pain yes so we're told that the US Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx support course Obama administration officials who is played a key role in establishing these flights during taraweeh when they announced commercial air service will be restored of course every jetblue executive you can imagine is on the slide this is a great piece that's why jetblue and so many other airlines pasta nails job is first light and gentlemen one house and of course there's a lot of people associated press a lot of girls all but beyond this very short-sighted fly to slice a lot and you up and go down and you feel like you landed in the time work because Cuba looks and feels so much different than most countries Americans regular travel to & and they will start coming here in much greater numbers that was certainly the experience of many people who have gone to Cuba in in recent years is just how long it takes to get there from the US you know you either have to hire a charter you have to go through a third country in previous man's I mean it would take literally a whole day to get next door when what we're seeing now is the ease of which this will be able this trip will be able to make also just so important and you land you're robbing their there are no bother people dropping off their family International Airport horse-and-buggy i think americans wonder if they travel back in time which of course is someone channel four people don't live here for Cubans they want to use of his surgeon tourism to make their economy the economy here is in terrible shape so this is a vital lifeline for the economy never deceived was revolutionary something with a pencil on the United States that's essentially why they've changed their policies they need this money so badly but there is a trickle-down effect going on greasy American staying with Cubans eating at electrons which are the best restaurant in Cuba and so increasing wall of the money does go to the government it is trickling down to regular students and having a huge impact on the launch a huge impact on us another sign of change of the wing relations Patrick government as we watch this jetblue.
Isn't well you know interesting thing about Santa car is they couldn't announced they have an affiliate you know there's a limited space at the airport it's not a modern airports and the Cuban government almost 25 today from us seems optimistic there were 60 airlines Robbins wanted those sites so they're still fight are being played out we think the ending in the next few days you could get the announcement today perhaps about flights but it was easier to say a smaller city like Santa claw the first light there i think fort lauderdale hunters and they are a major Caribbean company that really is all ultra the Caribbean no American would have liked it but I think having a flight american airlines from Miami would have brought up some of the politics a little bit too much is still very very sensitive.
We are told that this first light when it lands will not be shown live Cubans on TV here the government while they need this they're also very sensitive and they say that will welcome Americans but of course of many other tourists come here and there will be no special treatment for Americans but of course we expected to become flooded with Americans in the years to come Robin and we will be going live when this main touches down where you are in santa clara so we'll take in with you in about an hour Patrick government thanks so much.
Another trip in just a few hours Donald Trump lands in me and Carol takes a look at this particular trip we are also going to secure our border and stop drugs from boring in Donald Trump's surprising the political world by announcing that he is heading south of the border today to meet with mexico's president just hours before his highly-anticipated immigration speech to visit coming after more than a year of criticizing Mexico on the campaign trail when Mexico sends his people they're not sending their best.
They're bringing drugs they're bringing crime they're rapists and some I assume are good people waiting I've accepted the invitation of President and wreak a pena nieto of Mexico and look very much forward to meeting in a surprising invitation giving Pena Nieto's previous comments about Trump rejecting the Republican nominees promise he'll make the mexican government k for a 1000 mile border wall a great great wall on our southern border and i will have Mexico pay for that wal-mart my works under no circumstances would Mexico pay for that what is no way that makes you can be a wall like that the mexican president liking the billionaire's rhetoric to Adolf Hitler and beanie is he didn't tell president during a North American summit with President Obama in July pena nieto proposed a frank open dialogue with whomever is elected tomorrow night in Arizona big speech mr. Trump but will these events help from move the needle with Hispanic voters let's bring our Rafael Romo he's a senior latin-american affairs at and CNN espanol co-star Valdez he's in arizona where trouble make that speech a little bit later add 2 u.just our first I mean this is an old move for both politicians I it it is indeed an almost you make it makes you wonder whether Donald Trump is calling President engineer to ice and quite frankly he might feel like he has nothing to lose.
He is falling very low with Latinos in the United States so maybe this can help him gain some attention makes those who don't like him turn their heads and pay a little attention to what he has to say and maybe this could be an opening to continue a conversation down the road this could be just saying hey I'm here talking to Latinos i'm not just talking about Latinos like others have done putting our Hillary Clinton under the microscope to see what she's doing next and also perhaps the Wonder has most too loose is our president Pena Nieto who is very unpopular in his country bringing these highly criticized politician could create a problem for him depending on what is discussed this is supposed to be a private meeting so maybe there won't be cameras are to capture what really happens and at the end we won't really know what is set with both people coming out to say whatever they feel is going to help them the most and you make a good point there in both of these politicians can spin this any way they wanted at the private meeting Rafael Romo to you and and cassava just mentioned it i mean the person with the most to lose here is the mexican president of his predecessors have incentive just came on CNN said if he is perceived as soft he's not going to be just bc to self is going to be perceived as a traitor here I mean what what what kind of a political risk is this well there's a lot of indignation about the invitation and Mexico to begin with and frankly people scratching their heads.
Why would President and drink opinion here to invite Donald Trump right now to Mexico and he really has absolutely nothing to gain and much to lose and the the president's response to this and he said on twitter says that he wanted to open a dialogue and start a conversation with whomever is the next president of mexico but then there's again indignation from the Mexican right indignation from the mexican left people are completely outraged and nobody can understand and you said it yourself former President Vicente Fox said on our air that he would like to apologize to all of his fellow mexicans because this is an insult to the entire country to have Donald Trump the man who has called Mexicans rapists and criminals to their faces now he is a a guest to the mexican president just unbelievable for many mexicans so decided to you I mean looking ahead to the speech and of course the key issue here is is the mix is that is the latino vote will anything do you think change the minds are of Latino voters after this visit or after watch.
What he might say in this speech I think the biggest thing is that he gets their attention they're going to be listening watching to see what happens and let me tell you I've been on the campaign trail since last year last year and now you want the state fair i made Latinos who are not don't like what Donald Trump says on immigration for instance but they like their there are terrorists anti-terrorism position i went to New Hampshire where i talk to business owners who are not very happy with Obamacare and they want to hear another option i was in Colorado where many Latinos are disappointed President Obama did not follow through on his promise to make it out to pass an immigration reform that cost Democrats of a Senate seat in Colorado.
So what Donald Trump is doing right now it's showing Latinos that the media is talking about them and not the Middle East and not Europe this is his opportunity to say i'm starting with Mexico and if he continues in addresses the Puerto Rican dead christ prices if he talked about the crime in Central America if he goes and talks about Venezuela about breast seal of an Argentine he might have an opening and showed that unlike other candidates who you know during the campaign trail we've only heard about what are you going to do about terrorism what are you going to do about Isis what is the role of NATO these might provide him an opportunity to tail Tarantino's in the united states i hear you and I might be the one who can represent you in the white house now you make some excellent points there thanks to you both Rafael Romo and cassava of all they appreciate it thanks guys.
Well Brazil's political future is being decided right now senators are making closing arguments on whether to remove their president and they're said to cast a final vote in the coming hours Shasta Darlington is in a capital Brasilia with the following and is following this impeachment trial on Dilma Rousseff and we thought this might happen years today do you think it's likely to happen today and if so how suit.
Yes definitely Robin this is d-day for Dilma Rousseff they're just beginning to sit down in the Senate now and begin those closing arguments as you mentioned we're expecting two senators from each side both the defense and the prosecution to make some arguments final statements by the president of the Supreme Court so we could see the boat starting in about an hour hour and a half behind as we talked about before Robin wall it is widely expected that the there will be two thirds of senators voting in favor of impeachment so this is very likely uh just another hour to that Dilma Rousseff will be President she's watching everything unfold back at the presidential residence while she has former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva by her side we expect that when this is all over.
She will come out and give a brief statement to reporters gathered there at that point she will no longer be president again we expect our vice president Michel them and who took over as interim president back in May when she was suspended we expect there will be a brief as swearing-in for him this afternoon because he's in a hurry you actually want to take off for the g20 in China but he wants to take off as the Brazilian President so on the one hand you have a the man that is that the recep excusas of orchestrating her ouster really in a hurry to get this all over with and do stuff supporters trying to drag it all out this as we know has dragged on for months now but this is definitely the final day Robin when everything will play out I can keep you in on all over Chester darlington there in Brasilia thanks so much for Brazil of britain's prime minister called her cabinet together to be to begin planning strategy for leaving the european union and one thing appears for certain there is no turning back we'll CNN's London correspondent max foster joins me now so at reason may says breaks it means breaks it never what does that mean.
Robin this is your dagger this is where we're getting down to the nitty-gritty really because yes everyone except in government in her government in the country pretty much sold on the referendum the British should leave the European Union but on what terms does it leave and that's where the splits developing through the country and within her own cabinet so she's brought them together there is effective in a way day her country residence and other issues on the agenda as well but they're talking about how Britain should leave the European Union's she does accept the terms there will be no referendum she said that ahead of the meeting and she also said there will there where that Britain would not stay in the EU by the back door but within her cabinet there are those who campaign for Britain to remain in the European Union most notably Philip Hammond her the chance of the Exchequer and there are those like Boris Johnson who wanted Britain to leave and the split then hours and acceptance that Britain should leave but should they need this European single market which is so crucial to the British economy and Philip Hammond is said definitely wants to stay in those on the other side of the spectrum saying that there is no option but to leave the that common market and then find some new set of trade deals with those European nations so what you're saying is that there is this argument over sort of degrees of breaks it what is probably the most pressing thing is when this article 50 will be triggered and I am.
Stand the Prime Minister has a royal prerogative so she actually doesn't have to ask Parliament i believe so again uncharted territory so we're pretty much going on what Downing Street says on this and she's not gonna invoke it before the end of the year she made a connection but how language is increasingly sounding as if Britain should leave the European Union sooner or later and she's not necessarily sounding that supportive of the single market either because some of the language he had today was talking about describing the opportunities for departments outside the european union so finding Britain's place in the world which isn't necessarily next to those European countries so we know that she sent her ministers around the world to India for example to try to start negotiating trade deals and with Australia as well and the Department heading up all of that is certainly trying to recruit lots of trade negotiators so does seem as if she's moving towards this idea the bridge completely leave the European Union and the.


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