Sunday, February 12, 2017

Piers Morgan with Michael Moore on Guns Trump

Guns a little bit later about your new movie if I fantastically entertaining but like Michael more movies all the jokes have a little sting in the tail what is the premise of this film for those you might be intrigued to go and see it.
The premise of the film is what would the United States look like if we actually lived up to who we said that we are and and basically I wanted to go to other countries first to show Americans what you know what other people do the Americans you know this from having lived there they've watched my movie and there just stunned that people have paid maternity leave right you know your suppose I don't know that summers of the revelations yeah an American ya believe it not initially they live for years longer than the average American there's only the United States in Papua New Guinea do not have the tentatively in Finland school is about finding your happiness rather than this exam results will be complete an atmosphere any American women in Germany against the Lord email your browser employee out of office hours and in Norway you can't be sent to prison for over 21 years so i had to be some very dangerous women in American prisons for serious right Evie and some of them are getting 50 years or life without parole for offenses that here would get maybe 15 years right Americans watch my movie with their jaws a gape I mean I've outset in theaters and watched people are stunned to see that that you get a paid holiday you know it's actually the law in many civilized countries where you are entitled to time off and to be paid for that time off but I mean it is your natural American that would be a very unthinkable thing it's a problem for many Americans that still 75% Americans do not even have a possible so they never experience the culture that is it that that yes at least two-thirds to three-quarters of Americans never leave the country as you know our news media spent very little time on air social news we don't know what's going on i would bet if you if you would have walked through Pittsburgh today and ask them about breakfast they would have no idea what you're talking would get medical treatment now and in fact i would limit the people who would speak to our only those who are college educated and they would have no idea what you're talking about we just simply are not educated about the rest of the world and we're not really talk foreign languages we don't speak four languages we don't have a passport federal center so yes our ignorance works against us and it's because of ignorance our politicians are able to say we know they pay more in taxes in Britain in France got a big high captured over there and yeah we don't want that you know so we don't need a social program to build it but we don't count what we spend on health care that's why I called attacks all right or daycare or university or all these things that in other countries not all like you have to pay it out here for university but in france and germany and scandinavia and slovenia slovenian go to university for free and people like you've got to be kidding me well how do they afford down there must be a lot of catchers will take a little bit more in what's called taxes but if you add up what we spend on student loans what we spend on medical care in the end we pay a lot more than the Brits and the French and the Slovenians what is very interesting about the movie is I kept waiting for you to really cool it kind of goes you're ready counseling flowers not weeds right of each European countries you're deliberately selected yes the very best of the country yet which American doesn't have to say look this is how they do it which could improve our lives right but you don't include my country here why not that was on purpose haha i know first but not for a good thing right now for good if you believe that we have had in the country the UK 45 awards in American kind of you have drifted toward our way.
So why would I come here to learn from you when all i would be seen is a version of us in many ways these days it's like if we're the state of this you're like the hamburger you know you what way have you seen enough progress well first of all the fact that you're making your young people pay for the university in the way that they have to get loans down they have that they're going to be in debt.
You know why would you send them to a debtors prison at the age of 22 because they wanted to learn they want to better themselves and better the country as a result of that I mean what you know what effect that that the criticism of the NHS and yes there are other problems yes but fix the problems don't be creating a two-tier medical system that benefits those who have the money over the people that don't have a mind you but i guess the biggest crime of the UK of the last decade or two it's the fact that you gave cover to george w bush to invade Iraq that tony blair is in my opinion more the cause of the Iraq war and george w bush because Bush was that wasn't surprised we expected that from him directly was able to use Blair and use other liberals the liberal New York Times The New Yorker magazine who hears the hands of the right wing then I got Tony butter.
Why do you think Tony Blair who came into power of the laser excitement and promised very like barack obama in many ways they're gonna make it you know fantastically improved country why do you think Blair would risk everything i'm supporting such a right wing president as george w bush well that's the sixty-four million-dollar question right there when I would love to know the real answer to that would be four he suspected fantasy with the ego was it the fact that is very popular in america by doing that and so it made it look good honestly I think that Blair suffered from what we usually suffer from with the breath you know we want you to like us and we think you're smarter than this you have got that accent you know I mean really I mean listen youyou and and and there was something weird in blair where he wanted the Americans and particularly the American president to like him and you want the American president you know taking minus his junior partner and and it but what if you step back from it it was what what the critics of Blair in this country said that you look like a lap dog.
You look like bushes pet in iceland in the movie you report on how they put the bankers that brought them to their financial needs into jail nobody in this country has been jailed for that we have the same economic crises here but more importantly know what we brought to account.
No politician or anybody else it takes me for what many believe with an illegal war in Iraq.
The Chilkoot reported about to come out which is the official inquiry report into what happened if it is established a tony blair basically went against the little people and his Parliament to kill us.
George bush and to go along and aqueous with the American military machine to go into the school should he faced potential charges and that will potentially imprisonment for life help us for some time I think both Blair ambushed our should be charged with war crimes because the definition of that is the country of Iraq did not pose a threat to your existence here in Britain our existence in the US the only reason you would go to war to defend yourself against somebody was trying to kill you or invade your country or whatever but none of that was going on number that that is what happened and and so to initiate a war upon people like that and to kill hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and now having unraveled the political and social and religious infrastructure of that part of the world the refugee crisis we have now I mean I don't watch the news here because I'm in the US but it's never mentioned in the u.s. that this refugee crisis isn't resolved the Blair and bush right you know to a large extent of the drought in Syria had something to do with obviously but but but we helped to create this mess and the Germans who didn't create them a step into a wolf will help fix it become anything isn't it if its extreme situation but let me ask you about this big easy reference that we have in this country is the pretty people will go to the polls and they will know this part of your meeting in after 40 years together or to come out having been around Europe for this movie what do you think we should be doing well I'm actually I'm glad that my movie is opening during these couple weeks leading up to the election because essentially if you want to see this will be it says why would you why would you want to leave Europe you are you helped to create your Europe as we know it today exists because of the UK you save Europe you say you sacrificed and suffered to save Europe and create the Europe that we have now and now and now what letter with the growth of spending the money so we may.
Like the word problem spending the money you don't get to leave you know you're looking at all you know I don't wanna be in the UK anymore out of here you know because I don't like the way probably spending the money to fix the problem i like better members of parliament to the European Union but this I gotta tell you to those of us who are outsiders this election coming up looks bonkers I mean we call the cuckoo for cocoa puffs it's like so insane the thought that you would want to leave the European Union and its so challenged in a Donald Trump sort of way like this a lot of a lot of the fear of the immigrants from the nationalism that Trump you know but proposes everything that was advocate yeah because there's a fear of the immigration problem because there's a real problem and fix the problem.
How would you for this is the problem with this country can fix this problem of now millions of people moving across the continent.
Well first of all right it there's a serious issue in that part of the world weather coming from that neither Britain or the US should have really a say in how to fix it in Syria because our ideas for the wrong ideas and we should not be at the table deciding what to do now we should make reparations that we haven't paid enough to take care of these people and the problems that have been created that we created for them so so that i think i think the UK and the US has a responsibility here the idea that to create to help to be part of the problem in creating the immigrant crisis and then say oh we want to leave the European Union because of the immigration crisis well partner was created by you.
So you have to buck up here guys you know yet but you have to be you have to be responsible for your actions but it's more than just that it's like I mean to the average American is like the idea of we could have a vote to remove ourselves in north america i think you know all the Texas could vote to leave the u.s. you know that some of it well and you know maybe not today an addict now I think about it let me turn to the American presidential race it has been quite extraordinary yeah what should I cover the last one in America another fumble straightforward now you have this this volcanic character Donald truck who have swept all before him.
How is that happened you think I know you love you the trouble pretty negative but explain the phenomenon shop ecology managed to get the nomination in the first place and the great manipulator of the media he understands that Americans like to hear over and over again we're number one we're the greatest i'm going to make America great again.
You guys are all great you're great out there you're great we love that it already just keep saying that but he's also think some other things and the way he's going to win and he may win is all he's got to do with women traditional red states from Idaho Georgia and then when the floor left of state of michigan ohio pennsylvania wisconsin these are four states that generally vote Democratic that all have a Republican governor right now because the people of hand because the Liberals didn't help them and you know the unemployment look at new york.
Yeah let's do a lot yes you actually you're pretty slick either in your catalog and would like it and I like this happen in our country and then way to become president.
Everyone seems to consistently underestimated yes what the middle America you have you somebody like Trumpy somebody like Trump who says forward if you close your factory in Detroit and moving to Mexico i'm going to put pair of fumbles cars you can sell apple you're not going to build both phones in Chinese we're going to build them in the u.s. you know trunk is against napoli against the trade agreement is that fundamentally wrong I mean is there is there anybody know that's what that's why he has a great chance of winning because because some of the things he's saying that he knows to say to a population that's been hurting in the Midwest it's music to their ears and it's a it's a dangerous moment right now and people Americans who don't take this seriously like you said people in there later and I can't believe this.
Well you better believe it because it can happen and I remember I'm you know when I was 25 I said there's only Reagan was gonna be President of fate well then I'm 45 and going there's no way George W Bush is gonna be President of the United States already licensed or even reelected so now what trouble i'm i'm i'm dead serious about this the CIA chance people here assuming Hillary Clinton is going to win and that she's fantastic.
Why do you think that why do people think that they think it because they think that by comparison the trouble they can see these sound bites aggressive management they think that she's twice and she did I start lawyer okay how can America no pasa he had 17 opponents who all smarter or more down-to-earth water grounded you know a.
Try to use logic intubating him try to use back you know when that didn't work they tried to use ridicule and comment on the genitalia that didn't work nothing work and and Hillary is starting to do the same sort of you know trying to be smart trying to be logical whatever I don't think that's going to do it i think my own personal opinion what I'm going to try to do to bring truck down myself.
Bill maher other ceteris and satire and ridicule is what is what is going to be used to destroy him.
Professor Stephen Hawking told our program but it is also described I mean I haven't told him a demagogue ya gotta will introduce from yes yes I mean he is he is that he is the definition of 21st century fascism that he believed strongly in using the state and business together they have power and to end to get this power blame the other blame the immigrant in the Muslim the Mexican you know in his case women which is I think that's the tactical mistake that he's gone after the majority gender that is what may save us because because he's not going to win the majority of women because one of the big issues you and I have shared guns in America 33,000 people were killed by guns in America every year in this country is 32 a year and we have very few guns to me that's a pretty obvious correlation between the volume of guns and society and the amount of gonna try and gun death but it's not get any better you made a great movie going to cover my back in 2002 that if anything situations a lot less now than it was much more then how does he ever change can't change yes it can change but but there's some fundamental things that have to change about the American psyche here because it is your right you you have 32 gun deaths here your kids watch the same violent movies they play the same violent video games you have the same number of broken homes that we have I mean there's there's does not want you have the same point chromosomes in each one of yourselves that we have you're not better than enough so why don't you kill each other at the level we do you have a violent past you have a history of violence upon the rest of the world as we have in this last decade or two so what so what is it about you that's different from.
Us when you're not really that different I mean I think that's the fundamental question and President Obama has wanted the Center for Disease Control the CDC to study gun violence as a disease as a specific American disease the Republicans and the NRA have fought him every step of the way they will not allow the funding to go forward to study why America and no play thought why not bring my not Canada that that is that that's the question that needs to be answered if you want my answer to it the same it was when I made bowling for columbine it's that that we are fearful nation we are we we have we got scared for some reason we would be long enough maybe you are the better one to answer this what is it about us partly the way forward for some ignorance that if you keep people ignorant long enough it's easy to manipulate them with by recited it is very like the Wild West in the sense that everyone refused or fears that everybody else has a gun right so the flashes dispute a road traffic dispute there's a bar fight whatever it may be right there will be a bunch of you know that were brought in America the first reaction it he or she may have a gun I'd better for my god Frank excuse the Wild West mentality like these counseling isn't about but the majority of our guns are in our with people in the suburbs and rural areas all these mass shootings you see for the most part it doesn't happen inner city schools did something with schools and shoot up a bunch of give it happens in suburban and rural schools 20th anniversary of Dunblane yea which was the worst shooting we've rattled and because we got rid of all our guns are for that we've got a shooting in the country since 1996 American 465 also since Sandy Hook and i found it uncomfortable you have 20 children blown to pieces in my classroom and not a single change the federal gun battle was like entering a million people killed by guns in the US since john lennon was killed by gun in New York City.
I mean seriously you would think that we would go with that fixes you know and I don't discuss the saddest part about us when we have a problem like this this this desire to stick her head in his hands or buy more gun you know where as you have that you have that school shooting australia had a horrible school shooting and you decide to fix the problem you know it always amazes me about the British here you are two years after world war two three years after World War Two this country was decimated it was bond it had money people are crashing into the fifties and yet you still created national health service to take care of your people got money to do that you your stuff you're suffering from the effects of this war still and yet you thought we have a problem we can't let anybody sick and not be able to see a doctor we're going to fix this you know this is this is what is outstanding about you in your history and it's sad to see in recent years Britain become more like us in many of these ways and you don't want to go down that road when it comes to guns and violence but if you create disparity between those with money and those about if you keep let that gap bro let people suffer more that people will be manipulated with fear about the outsider that's here in Britain you know that 32 deaths a year you know you hope that it stays that way final question thanks you're a football championship you stop it you've been touring Europe you have to go to sense that you think they win this competition even though i'm imagining you know nothing about fucker and you would call it apple i actually now know a lot about socks because actually I I somebody that we go game at our stadium i think number of years ago and I i did not want to go because it looks like a boring game to me there's never a scored 12 nothing you know if I we like big stores like in basketball hundred and ten 209 you know and/or when we score a goal in football we get six boys.
Yeah what he had said you know but you could but it would but if you find it up it was amazing it was i would say a religious experience and and i'll pay the moment happened they are felt a member of the team had the ball is picking is that going down the field with it but he slowed down a little bit and put up on the ball and going to the enemy.
Wait if there's one in front of them just go just go to the ball he goes oh no there has to be a defendant will you have any better it's not American block we got the ball ago and it was like there's no no that wouldn't be like it I don't even know where that wouldn't be fair if I don't pass off yes that's how the left the world plays football it wouldn't be fair you know it's probably because it would have been offside it's cold outside that I thought that fast that he isn't illegal it's not the reason why is the reason they made because of a little yes because it's also who yes the rule was initiated a thousand years ago whenever because it's unfair if you don't want you don't have to be able to back are you now as a result of that religious experience I you know officially lightly and also people I i am an arsenal supporter and I I i follow i follow this and I and I think that maybe the best analogy I can draw right now with the upcoming election here and your wonderful game of football is that why would you go to the polls and vote to remove yourself from the Premier League why should I literally why is Britain wanting to go down to the minors who would leave the Premier League you here for if you're the worst team you're forced to go down there what you're the top here the year that you're the inspiration of Europe why would you leave are you aware of the slide irony that you and I therefore supportive team whose nickname is the guns.
Yes but we are big believers of irony haha haha but wait to see it thank you very much thank you.


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