Sunday, February 12, 2017

Piers Morgan Donald Trump Interview

Now on ITV and a change to some buildings is Morgan meets the man getting a lot of attention on the other side of the Atlantic and the rest of the world in an interview with US presidential candidate Donald Trump it contains some flashing images [Music].
I can't keep them waiting bad tonight the full exclusive interview with Donald Trump the world's most outspoken politician Donald J Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on as America's best-known billionaire set his sights firmly on the white house we're going to make America great again he reveals the schools on how you would deal with the Islamist terror threats i would hit Isis so hard you wouldn't believe it and you've got to take them out and you've got to take them out harshly and you've got to take them out fast on control if you take Paris they just killed a hundred and thirty people if you had a few people standing on the other side of the room that had guns to their waist or guns wrapped around their ankle it wouldn't have been the same thing peers and on his nemesis Hillary Clinton but she's close to unconfident she's not a leader and I don't think she has the strength or the energy to be President.
It's gone from Joker to leader of the pack for Donald Trump to be the most powerful man in the world America has been my home on and off for the past decade.
It's a country at odds with itself still recovering from its worst-ever financial crisis and still fearful of terrorism particularly from a so-called Islamic state and yet it's a country I've come to love.
I like his quirks its contradictions and is conflict and never have we seen more of that than this current race for the White House at this historic time of the country.
One man is grabbing all the headlines when do we beat mexico at the border there laughing at us at our stupidity ship bringing drugs they're bringing crime they're rapists we're going to be China Japan we're going to beat all of these countries that are taking so much of our money away from on a daily basis donald john truck was born in june and $MONTH 1946 into a life of privilege son of a wealthy real estate developer age 28 minutes ago but his father successful business empire is now estimated to be worth outputs of 4.5 billion dollars and those properties across the US including the iconic trump tower in manhattan in spite of this outwardly glamorous lifestyle the road to success is not been without hardship and tragedy which has had a profound effect upon him think about i find fascinating about you Donald is that you've never had an alcoholic drink in your life or an illegal drug or a cigarette you don't even drink caffeine and people might be surprised by that but there's a reason for it isn't involving your older brother who sadly died yeah there is a reason and I had a brother was a great guy the best-looking guy you've ever seen the most handsome guy that the best personality of anybody that you'll ever meet and he had everything going but he started drinking when he was in college and it got progressively worse and he died of alcoholism he drank and he smoked a lot and he was an amazing guy but he was quite a bit all he was 10 years older than me and he would say to me don't ever drink.
Don't ever smoke and he used to add the smoking because he also spoke because he knew he had a problem and he didn't want me to have that problem and I've never had a drink and in fact I own the largest winery on the east coast at the old Claudia state right now but it's the largest wineries custody yet I don't drink so it's a little strange but and he with with Fred his name was Fred it got progressively worse and ultimately he died of alcoholism at a fairly young age and you know I just always remember that and I never had a drink and you know like who knows where I'd be right now if I drank so he was one of my great teachers may be my best truck made the transition from billionaire tycoon 2 television personality he appeared on a number of us shows before eventually landing zone so the apprentice which quickly became the biggest TV program on American television.
This made Trump a huge celebrity so much so.
Even got one of these a star on the coveted Hollywood Walk of thing used to call me on the cell in fact far from being serious presidential candidate at times he's been viewed as a figure of fun me interviewing me that's what i call a great idea.
Price is a great idea without of it in spite of the reality TV persona Trumper's be on the sidelines of the political arena before in 1999 you run as a presidential candidate for the reform party ahead of the 2,000 elections.
I'll either be the greatest developer in the country for the greatest president that you had the trump card out of the race early on the inconvenience folks were some interesting Thank You Graham and then on the sixteenth of June last year he throw his hat into the ring for the race for the Republican Party nomination I am officially running for president of the United States.
And we are going to make our country great again and nobody took him seriously I continue to believe mr. Trump Trump will not be present and the reason is because i have a lot of faith in the American people i think that's the beginning of the end of Donald Trump is a presidential candidate think of Donald Trump's personal qualities the bullying the greed the showing off the misogyny but everybody had underestimated him and Trump's campaign has continued to pick up momentum taking the US by storm one primary at a time just a tough leader he's ready to address the problems that need to be solved i mean Isis immigration the economy trade with china etc the list goes on.
Are you having fun . all this instantly you're having an incredible ride on this presidential race even though you've been getting flat left right and centre you actually enjoying yourself I am I am because the results are good i think about was it last place you know I started off with 17 people 17 people were vying for the title and I was the only you know I'm not a politician so you have all these senators and governors and they've been doing it all their lives I'd never done it before you know I've only been doing this for eight months . so you know people are sort of surprised that would be in first place by so much it's not even first place by a little bit i'm in first place by $PERCENT by 2025 points so it's been you know it's been a lot and we'll know over the next four or five weeks what happens but I've really enjoyed it i think I and I'm enjoying it because i'm doing well at it i think if i wasn't doing well at it I wouldn't be enjoying it you know I I just see what's happening it's been an amazing thing and I think the people of our country they're dealing with politicians all the time where everything is ok where our military you know if you look at our military it's in bad shape if you look at our veterans of being badly taking care of you look at the borders there like Swiss cheese people just pouring right over the borders with drugs and everything else and crime are our healthcare system is is terrible Obamacare is a disaster our educational system is terrible our country is really broken and on top of it we are 19 trillion dollars and they hear me talking about it and believe in me and it's been incredible I'm telling you I set up a rally recently where we set it up on one day's notice and 22,000 people showed up the following day and it's you know that standard so there's something going on and it's I think it's something very positive and the people feel good about it with an existing reputation for strong opinions his restaurant during the rallies is not a step further much of what he said on the campaign trail has been more than just a little controversial when I say really warm [Applause].
The migration the people from Syria we don't know why the ISIS are they not they're not coming into this country ok they care and this is views on how to deal with the current threat from the so-called Islamic state which perhaps caused the biggest up rule on Tuesday the Belgian capital of Brussels and the heart of the european union was struck by a devastating terrorist attack.
This was a co-ordinated Onslow believed to be executed by men radicalized inside european communities give me your reaction to what has happened well I think it's outrageous i think that when they caught the young person the person that was in charge or I guess he probably wasn't totally in charge and even know who's in charge of the Paris bombings when they caught him he was in his neighborhood and where he grew up and nobody even turned him in and supposedly this is retribution for that I think it's a disgrace I new Brussels years ago and i was there to probably three or four times and it was so beautiful and so secure and so safe and now it's an armed camp and I'm even talking before this new bombing it's like a different world a different place.
There's no there's no assimilation what's going on there and what's going on in many other locations like Paris and others is a disgrace an absolute disgrace that we allow it to happen obviously the big question is what does the world do about Isis nobody at the moment seems to have a real game plan for stopping these kind of terror attacks you've put forward some pretty controversial views for what you think should be done but in light of what's happened in Belgium and in Paris and indeed on mainland America just clarify for me what you would do if you were president of united states tomorrow what would you do what would you tell countries in Europe to do to combat Isis well obviously it's a very long and complicated question but I would hit Isis so hard you wouldn't believe it and I get the people over there to put up their soldiers because it's about time that somebody did it but I have searched backup like you've never seen before in terms of airpower airstrikes etc and you've got to take them out and you've got to take them out harshly and you've got to take them out fast and you have no choice.
These people you know we're now in the age of chopping off heads nobody would have believed this was possible and i would hit them very hard very fast i was against going into Iraq if you remember long time ago I was against it from the beginning and that was a terrible mistake going into a record that destabilized the entire Middle East than obama got out in the worst possible way he left nothing behind you gave a date which nobody could believe but you've got to take out Isis despite all of that you've got to take about and you've got to take them out fast and hard now that doesn't solve the problem of all of these people that are living in Brussels and living in many many cities i won't even I hate to even mention the cities but cities that have such problems where the police are literally afraid to go into the neighborhood you know that's true and i know that's true and people don't even like to talk about it but it's absolutely true and in many cases they only believe and they only want sharia law which is terrible in terms of everything and especially terrible for women in the way they treat women.
So you have to hit things hard and you have to be vigilant from knows these views will be unpopular son and they will always create perfect headline father and this one particular issue over which we have butted heads in the past if you take Paris they just killed a hundred and thirty people have you had a few people standing on the other side of the room that had guns to their waist or guns wrapped around their ankle it wouldn't have been the same thing peers have a good friday and of great easter numbers are go.
Sorry didn't did you want to say that she's such a timeless figure to actually reach the United stuff cheap with the gray like man you're looking for is a man of taste.
He makes no mistakes.
Happy easter from ITV it's better that I have to try to drive left before he kills again the cattle a great you would be useful in the street percent inspect the whole of Paris theories Chief Inspector.
You feel special even though you know rowan atkinson Ismay gray a new feature lens drama easter monday at nine on itv what a great look at this look at that latina.
I love you darling.
Donald Trump is a man who caused controversy great fate we have a silent majority that's no longer so silent it's now the loud noisy majority and we're going to be hurt we're going to be heard he is now also on favorite to become the Republican nominee for this year's presidential election but there is one topic on which he and I fishy disagree every year in America 100,000 people hit by gunfire off over 32,000 die that's 85 deaths from guns every single day in this country it's an issue i feel very strongly about but Donald Trump couldn't disagree with me more he believes like many Americans in his right to bear arms under the Second Amendment of the US Constitution it's an argument we've had many times and we had again you and I have locked horns about this issue many times you're firmly in favor of Second Amendment rights the right to bear arms I obviously have had a position against that but I'm an American citizen if you were president of the United States what would you do notwithstanding your support for 2nd amendment to try and reduce the level of gun violence in America which we both i'm sure would admit is completely unacceptable and its really one of the few things that we disagree were very much an opposite sides and I've always said and you did very well your show is fantastic but I would also say this had you not taken that view and maybe you want to be exactly where you are right now because from what I hear you're doing phenomenally but you would have you would still be doing your show and CNN if you wanted to do it and i think it was your choice maybe not to do it but you you were met with tremendous I remember people didn't like you over that one issue and you know that better than I do it i think it was really I think it was in a way very brave of you because i know it was very negative for what you did very very negative for you i will say this if you take Paris and if there were a few guns on the other side of that room there were no guns no para says among the strictest gun laws in the world as you know and so does friends if you add Paris where you had these thugs going in there and shooting people and they just go boom boom you get over here but they just killed a hundred and thirty people there was another gun other and they had all the gods right if thing peers number one it might not have happened at all because people would have said no their guns and their i'm not going to go there and number two if it did happen at least you have bullets going the opposite direction and that's a hard one for you to debate and I don't want to debate it with you because i think it's unfair anything that is really hard one for you . i've made the only one I've made back at you because I know where you stand on this is my third you said about Paris before I guess the point I'm making is that America has more guns than any country on the planet but it also has more gun violence so there appears to be a correlation between volume of guns in a society and the amount of guns we in Britain for example last year at about 35 gun deaths America will have 85 today and tomorrow and the next day and so i guess i could add to my question really is simply if you were president what would you try and do to reduce the level of gun violence in America well if you've watched and I know you believe in this also and it's not going to ever fully answer your question because I understand where you're coming from but there is a tremendous mental health problem in the United States because remember that person that pulls the trigger it's not the trigger pulls itself and there's a tremendous mental health problem in the United States and for cost reasons which is ridiculous but nevertheless it's there many of the city's many of the big cities are closing their mental hospitals and people are out on the street that should not be out on the street you have a huge mental health problem in this in this country and if you look at some of the killing some of the terrible killings in you know that when the school shootings the movie shootings these were really mentally ill people that should have been institutionalized and everybody knew it and as soon as they went to the neighborhood to find out get some information on these people they said oh well you know they've been sick for a long time and you know they lived alone with the mother and the mother knew and one case the mother was you know totally available to say that the boy was a sick boy and what they do is they have cut so far back on mental health it literally they're closing institutions for cost savings for dollars because they want to you know they can't afford him or something and these people are out on the street that is a big big factor as to what's happening as you understand i mean that's one of the big factors some may believe that mental health issues behind America's shockingly high levels of gun violence but people with mental illness are more likely to be victims of gun crime the perpetrators were studies showing that less than five percent of all gun crime in the u.s. is attributable to mental illness Donald J Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims what the hell is going on but it was this comment that made the world sit up and listen.
His critics were quick to respond i think his remarks are divisive stupid and wrong and I think he came to visit our country i think it unites us all against him when some of these statements are made that fuel this idea of bigotry and and and really feel this is a the the thing that terrorists themselves want that Muslims are apart from the west and cannot be seen as equal citizens we no longer can be silent and i want to remind you that Trump is just the distraction let me put something to the david cameron the british prime minister said after you came out with your statement that you wanted a short-term ban on Muslims entering the u.s. until quotes we figure out what's going on David Cameron said this Donald Trump is making a fundamental mistake of trying to blame all of Islam and all Muslims for what is the ideology and the actions of a minority in many ways it actually helps extremists because they want to create a clash of civilizations between Islam and the West what Donald Trump says in my view is not only wrong but actually makes the work we need to do to confront and defeat extremists more difficult what's your response to that well all you have to do is look at the cities where this is taking place where there's been a large inflow and it's something's different I mean it's different there's no assimilation there's very little assimilation for whatever reason there's laws that they don't want to go by they want to go by their own sets of laws and there's a trouble no matter where you're looking.
And all i want to do is solve the problem and I did I called for a a band a temporary ban on Muslims coming into the United States and i will tell you they went out to polls on that and I did good for the polls I never even discussed polling when I did and you know me well enough to know that that's the way I work I didn't go down to a pollster like most of these politicians who are all losing very badly to me and they don't know what happened they've never seen anything like it nobody has ever seen anything like it and all it is is common sense i speak common sense i didn't go to upholster I just said what was on my mind and I said there's a problem here there is a serious serious problem we had a shooting in California where a young radicalized couple shot 14 co-workers that they got along with actually they were throwing a baby shower for that baby and then they went in and they killed all 14 people and just shot him brutally and then you had the Paris attacks and who's ever seen anything like this so there is something wrong and we have to get to the bottom of it when somebody like who was just captured was really coddled and taken care of by people that live in the neighborhood and many people knew he was there.
And yet he was the number one wanted fugitive in the world and he was there and everybody knew he was there everybody from that area knew he was there nobody turned him in there's something going on and there's something wrong you know it appears and so do i what people have said Donald is they believe that you're essentially anti-muslim let me quote George Clooney who has come out for Hillary Clinton so if you listen to the loudest voices out there today you think we're a country that hates Mexicans hates muslims and thinks they're committing war crimes is the best way to make America great again he's obviously talking about you here and the war you suggested to keep out illegal immigrants Mexican illegal guns and also what you said about a short-term ban on Muslims coming to America and the fact you endorsed waterboarding and other forms of torture for terrorist suspects when George Clooney says that he's kind of positioning you in his eyes as being anti-muslim ru anti-muslim i'm not anti anything I'm just common sense i mean i just say it like it is doesn't make any difference to me if I don't win I'm bleeding by a lot but if I don't win the presidency you know i'm going to have a much easier life to be honest with you and I'm doing this it's make America great again I mean I'm doing this.
Are a reason I'm giving back something it's a very difficult situation is very difficult thing to do you know running for president is not exactly easy you're never home you're out all the time you're you know meeting thousands of people have rallies if I have a 20,000 person rally and so much like a small rally it's become people are sick and tired of what's happening to our country and I think you're sick and tired probably in your own way of what's going on in different countries that you know and including perhaps your own country but people are sick and tired of what's happening to our country with all of the crime with all of the drugs pouring in through the borders you know we have crime coming through our southern border we have tremendous drugs pouring through our southern border i won New Hampshire in the big new hampshire primary and one of the things that they told me more than anything else the biggest problem we had was drugs they have drugs it sells for less than candy and they're all of their I mean much of their young their youth is tremendously addicted i don't know what it is with new hampshire most beautiful area you've ever seen and they're addicted seriously addicted to drugs heroin and I said if I win I'm going to do something about that and the way you do it is to strengthen up that southern border and we're going to build a wall Mexico's gonna pay for the wall we're going to build a wall and it's gonna and we're gonna have serious when a very strong borders and by the way peers.
I want people to come into the country but they have to come in Legally I want people I want people from I want Hispanics I want everybody to come into the country but they have to come in to a system and they have to come in Legally I think the way it was characterized was that your call for Muslims to be banned effectively meant the you were racist that you anti Muslims per se ya if there are British Muslims watching this interview now they'll be probably having that view of you from what they have seen her because you've not given a major interview until now what is your message to British Muslims who are law-abiding you are not violent and who are horrified by what has been going on in brussels and paris and indeed in London as we are well I say stay the course and I have great respect for Muslims I have many friends that are Muslims I'm just saying there is something with a radicalized portion that is very.
Very very bad and very dangerous and one of the things i say is you have to turn people and they knew that as an example the killers in California that killed 14 people they knew a lot of people in the community knew they were going to do it because in their apartment their bombs all over the floor people would walk into the apartment c bombs all over the apartment that's not like exactly a normal place right and they didn't report them they never reported they never reported the number one wanted person in the world was the person who was just captured on friday or whatever and nobody reported him but he was living in the community he was living right there in the community and nobody ever reported him because I don't know what it is it's like they're protecting each other but they're really doing very bad damage and they have to open up to society they have to report the bad ones and you know if you report the bad ones all of a sudden you're not going to have the kind of problems now they're expecting big bomb attacks all over the place in retribution for what happened to him because they caught him he killed a hundred and thirty people in Paris there are many people right now in the hospital that are mortally wounded that are gravely wounded will never be the same they're still in the hospital and some will die and this was all a people a few people walking into a couple of places shooting innocent people who didn't have guns by the way so there's something going on and I would say this to the Muslims and and in the united states also when they see trouble they have to report it.
They're not reporting it they're absolutely not reporting it and that's a big problem.
The British Muslim communities hit bank by fiercely rejecting trumps claims that they're not doing enough to combat extremism about the government and the police in the UK have insisted that the Muslim community is helping the fight against radicalization Donald's private life has been almost as turbulent as his physical one.
Married Varner in 1977 they had 25 years together and three children they divorced in 1992 offer a much-publicized affair with marla maples who became his second wife they separated in 1997 and year later Donald miss Lavinia model Milania canals they went in 2005 in a lavish ceremony ruins with caustic cool million dollars and who was on the guest list.
Why none of the mr. and mrs. Hillary Clinton.
You also have another great asset in this race which is your wife Melania who is a legal immigrants to America and spoken very broadly about the the legal fight she formed there is that one of the reasons that you feel so strongly about immigration that your own wife had to battle quite hard to be a legal immigrant in America I don't think so she did she did have to battle hard and she went through a process and she was very successful she was a model and she was very very successful and she come back and forth between Europe and the United States but I don't think that's the reason I i would hear stories like for instance Syria in Syria if you were a Christian it was virtually impossible i'm talking about before all of this conflict before the migration if you were a Christian it was impossible to come into this country virtually and this is by the experts the people that do this.
The people that do nothing but study it they study that the trends etc if you were a Muslim and you are from Syria it was the easiest place to come into the country in other words so they would take Muslims from Syria but they wouldn't take Christians from Syria and I'd say why who knows why nobody ever gave me the definitive answer but if you are a Christian from Syria now they're the ones who are being persecuted so they're the ones that you should take before the Muslims but we didn't take it was almost impossible to come into the I thought that was disgraceful so there are a lot of reasons our system is broken our system in the United States is broken but obviously it's broken and plenty of other places i used to talk about our politicians as being not very smart but if you look at what's going on in Europe and the rest of the world a lot of people aren't so smart it don't win the Republican nomination to get likely to be Trump versus Clinton to the ultimate political prize she's close to incompetent she's not a leader and I don't think he has the strength or the energy to be President celebrate the birthday of our longest reigning monarch she's such a timeless figure to actually reach the age of 92 the stuff she is always around wanting T&J chickie an inside look you can feel the emotion and told by the people who know her best his great grand marquis he calls her ganga she's been there done that got the t-shirt be asking for years why sequence she won't tell me way our queen at 90 easter sunday at eight on itv if I got it.
Germany being.
Going to be Holland.
With yours and.
Some such thing as a friendly what.
Do i do the England easter saturday at seven thirty live and free on itv Donald Trump has made plenty of enemies since he first has happened a presidential ring 8 months ago even the Pope has joined in castigating Trump his plan to build a wall to stop illegal immigrants pouring over the border from Mexico and yet within every controversial statement lies and inherent belief in Trump that somehow American needs saving and he is the only person that knows how to do it we're going to make America great again we are going to make America greater greater greater than it's ever been before.
It's aligned myself familiar for those who've abandoned hope will restore hope and will welcome them into a great national crusade to make America great again and one that many of his peers fishy reject now it's easy to talk about making America great again you can even print that on the base bucket you don't make America great by tearing down everything that made America great and as a lengthy process of primary elections draws closer to its conclusion it looks increasingly likely it will be a Trump versus Clinton battle for the White House and that has all the hallmarks of becoming a brutal war of words.
If you see bigotry oppose it if you see violence condemn it if you see a bully stand up to him.
Hillary Clinton of course voted in favor of the war and if it was a head-to-head between you 2i dimension that will be a major stick with which you may go after her.
Metaphorically series called you a bigger and a bully.
What's your view of Hillary she's close to incompetent look every decision she's made she's made such bad decisions including the emails and including whitewater and including everything so I think she's close to incompetent as far as decision-making is concerned she's not a leader and I don't think she has the strength or the energy to be President you need tremendous strength and tremendous energy and I don't see it with Hillary you are a few months away potentially from becoming the leader of the free world president united states some people a pole in the new york times and half of all voters find the idea of President Trump terrifying people in Britain have said they're so terrified they want to try and bang you what is your reaction or response to people who are scared of Donald Trump and terrified of a donald trump presidency well I don't think too many I mean honestly I'm a very normal person i happen to be intelligent very intelligent i guess based on certain results that I get it you're doing things but but i'm a person that just wants to see things run properly I don't want to see people hurt I don't want to see crime I don't have you look as an example i took heat over the southern border i took it over the wall of that now everybody agrees that I'm right and the crime coming through the southern border was astronomical and people weren't even talking about it if I didn't bring it up it would not have even been a subject you know I have a very good chance of winning if I don't win you have a very different kind of a life and if i do when i worked very hard to to make our country a safer place I want to have a safe country I want to have a really great country I want to build up our military so we don't have to use it our military is very depleted you know they cut way back and our military is very depleted so I want to build up our military so that we don't have to use it.
Donald may have his critics of the States but its solutions to the threat from Muslim extremists have also generated a huge backlash here too i would invite him to come and see the whole of London and take him around the city except that I wouldn't want to expose Londoners to any unnecessary risk of meeting Donald Trump I want to raise 11 politician in this country which is Boris Johnson the the London man he's been giving you a few whacks in public what is your thoughts about Boris our London man i know nothing about him really I see him he looks like a good character and probably a nice guy and I maybe he thinks politically it's popular i will tell you that when I talked about the Muslim and there was a and that's a temporary ban just so you understand but until we figure out what's going on but what I talked about the Muslim and he was very strong against me he said like they have no problems in london at all and i will tell you i got and as you know at real Donald Trump you have a great twitter handle and so do I at real Donald Trump have as many millions of people but i was i was written letters and phone calls and everything talking about London and talking about the fact that I was right and you know when they talked about possibly keeping me out you know there was a little movement and it didn't go anywhere because of a lot of reasons but when they talked about that i will say this there were such there was such opposition from people that live in Britain and Great Britain that there was in the UK generally in fact all over Europe the people were incensed that the concept of me being banned for you know speaking really what they said was the truth and there was in fact it was a writer who took a very very strong stance on it talking about what was going on and how it was so different than it used to be and how we have to go back to the old days when it was you know obviously it was so much better and as you know that band went nowhere it it shouldn't have gone anywhere was disgraceful thing but it went nowhere but a lot of people and I mean thousands and thousands of people were tweeting saying you're right you're mr. drop your right and so you know i don't know what's going on over there but i can tell you there is some unrest and you know that appears as well as I do so far well over half a million people signed a petition to ban shrunk from the UK show my strength of feeling against him too.
I don't think Donald Trump should be allowed within a thousand miles of our Shore Donald just talked extensively about strengthening US borders and he believes the Europe should follow the lead i can tell you from the United States to import I mean I'm the front-runner by a lot not just by a little bit by a tremendous amount 4runner the Republican side and let's see what happens we have some very big States coming up but have won most of them i want a lot of them and we're moving along nicely part of the reason is because of my views on the borders and a very very strong person on the borders and you have to be careful you have to be vigilant and you have to be strong the Syrians I don't want them coming in I don't mind building a safe zone and helping to build a safe zone in Syria but we don't we can take people in who are undocumented we can take people and who may be related in some form to Isis and we have to be very tough in this country what Merkle did to Germany is a shame it's a sad said shame what happened to Germany have friends in Germany they want to leave Germany these are people that two years ago would tell me that it's the greatest place on earth and now they want to leave and so what she did is a I don't know what happened to her what her thinking was but it's it's I don't think they're going to recover from it very easily if at all and you have to be very strong and you have to be very vigilant this summer Britain will take the polls to make a historic decision on whether to remain a member of the European Union let me ask you about the relationships in America and Britain in particular but also about Britain's relationship with Europe as you know there's a big tu referendum coming in three months in June where Britain will vote to stay in Europe or to come out do you think this would be a good time for Britain to separate itself from the European Union yes my mother was born as you know in Scotland and stored away she loved she loves Scotland she loved it more than anything should go back every year religiously with my sisters and I just had a great feeling for it and and a great love for the people of Scotland and I think that Britain will separate from the EU I think it's maybe it's time in light of especially in light of what's happened with with the craziness that's going on with the migration with people pouring in all over the place i think that Britain will end up separating from the you that's my opinion.
I'm not endorsing it one way or the other but that's my opinion I think a lot of people want to see that happen trouble is always had a special relationship with the UK and he's had a well-publicized fight to get plans approved for the renovation of two golf courses and Scotland have a good time everything final question mr. trouble is very important I think to everyone in Britain that we have a special relationship with America that's injuring two great nations and have always really been shoulder-to-shoulder people over here have been a bit disconcerted by your rise to power and potential ascension to the presidency be reassuring for me to the people of Britain but I defend you they jump on my throat but I'm happy to defend you because the Donald Trump I know is a good guy decent guy hard-working man who may have controversial views but at least i think has opinions on things and has ideas for what.
How the result problems even agree with him but there are people here that don't share that view of you talk to the people of Britain and give me a message to reassure them.
Well first of all I loved Britain i love the whole area i I just think it's incredible as you know I've spent a tremendous amount of money on not only turnberry but in aberdeen scotland i built what many people consider to be the greatest golf course ever built in the dunes and i took a lot of countries because the dunes were protected dunes and i was able to get approval to do it and I built something that's now really amazing it's i think it may be the greatest golf course ever built and that's a great thing and people love it and I i do think this appears I have a lot of friends in the UK i have a lot of supporters in the UK and I saw that when they were talking about doing some kind of a reprimand.
I the number of people that support me over there is incredible i have never seen anything like it I it was a pouring it was like an outpouring of love and that's why that thing never went you know very few people even showed up to discuss it when they talked about that band that so-called band how crazy it is but very few people ever even showed up to did to discuss it you saw what happened it just fizzled out because all of these people that were writing to me and tweeting me.


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