Sunday, February 12, 2017

Punching Planet Eaters One Petition at a Time

Hi guys its.
Hot sweaty summer day in South Austin Texas at home us a big rockets he is made it sees Tuesday July 7.
States 2000 well there's fleets plunder all fun wrong towards armageddon.
Days Rahul arts.
So many thoughts I got nothin a roundabout and too many things around about the same time sauce think today's ran is going says the cell a.
Petitions some a slice 10 enough petitions signed I S whether they serving any purpose whatsoever.
Flight did they do what's is a don'ts.
So that's what I'm ready ruminating about here for the next few minutes s.
Well draw away science-based my brain on this loss.
This yesterday at Dataran a.
On some she s.
Shell oil companies no faults X for us.
That either did liner browner came dangerously close to running aground in Alaska yesterday.
I II shows death story out out at like five thousand other stories I just saying that was gonna get.
No this interests so I decided suit also tell from here on the rock for guys like us i turn on lights email yesterday afternoon a mess.
And I don't have one email I have who.
Emails from to differ in the sierra club was one of them and.
And the Center for Biological Diversity was another one of them.
Both both using.
Vs late example I'll they clearly a disaster of ready to happen.
And the Arctic Ocean from this a from this oil drilling in the Arctic Ocean I.
This is this is a crystal clear example that.
A shell are all in all the other all companies have no business up there and they were asking me.
To sign the petitions the sand I guess to.
Barack Obama himself RI I don't know where these decisions and up I.
To stop Arctic.
Oil drilling asking me the some hit the in Austin Texas asking the.
To to sign the this petition on some level mass.
Email send it up to I to Washington DC and that that was going to.
Yes I Barack Obama say process a the oil companies bought and sold by the law companies.
To go well CL.
Lady that hit these rights I maybe we will stop.
Drilling for oil in the Arctic Ocean.
Call some hippie are a rock in South Austin Texas.
Sent me an email a ok diets I decided see the go half and half I signed one petition and did not sign the others I which is kinda encapsulated my use.
On the on on signing officials I.
This you know I desolate back and forth on this and I and II wanna make it clear as you probably gathered from what I just say yes.
Guys that by and large I let I wanna make it 100 percent clear for the record.
That I believe I calls it is true.
Is fly I believe it's I after examining.
Facts I on the table that the the stadium this planet's the state is this planet.
Is slow far beyond.
The petition signing stage it's just like upset about I in the past about.
Recycling this we are away way way VI the plastic immerses pay for two faiths the recycling your him Handzus the.
The faiths the signing these stupid little.
Petitions say I there's no way that me that these little petitions and my.
In paper first class all this stuff is going to change a Sam saying we.
Are screw socket use the F word anymore less issues the S word we.
Are screwed in your suit little petitions.
Are going to do someone's day on thing.
To change that with let the last first flight out without yes minutes.
A site yet say.
Keith's I they keep showing up then I choose to sign some love them and I choose to ignore others.
I guys they're the reason that I i.
Signs petitions see even though I understand.
That trying to priests I the its the stage for cancer I.
That this planet is Ian we have fled with a.
Within with an aspirin that's what it's like doing.
Signing a petition to make it different from what's going on this planet is like treating cancer.
With an aspirin tablets so why do I do it while I will tell you the eight is what I've said before.
That even though I realize how screwed we r.
Is just one more way to go down swinging is signing these petitions is one more way aesthetic is it may be online level.
It's simply toll at the these damn planet leaders know now we're all on to their game an even though I.
Fully understand that the planet leaders.
I have one I am still going to do everything I can if the reason I'm here on this lock I am.
Going down swinging and then every way i can. it takes takes a fail 15 seconds out your life to sign these petitions and follow will do absolutely nothing.
To change the status quo I all this planet it lays it'll he's some.
Hiney little hollow morrow victory against these evil sons a bitches ass.
That I.
We're calling you l all on your shoes we're all here game even though you.
Won the game I and we have no chance against.
Lee this is one is just getting one last.
Play a chance and it's just refusing just roll roll over insecure legs up in the air like a yes cockroach.
I'm going to go down like a corner.
Rats with my teeth gnashing and I.
See how long for tax low and disease.
And so through the XTS that these stupid little petitioners a songs like profits.
Towers doing that I will continue to sign them and urge you to do the same and get Lauren I mean I I'm look at the number of petitions at a come across the image is just the past three or four days guys I am had petitioners.
Again styrofoam Copsey John the juice.
I have had petitions against puppy mills.
I have had petitions against all clues a in prison and Disney were all the I think I have a petition to save the tangle with paan goli and which is some sort of scaly anteater.
Over and the over and the Southeast Asia guys do you really think.
Signing a petition is going to save.
The penguin a.
Now now love the petitions I signed and and this was a change of heart.
That I have letter then signing a petition to.
Stop the Palo Monte fail I have done many rants on the Belo Monte dam before but I i know there's still people claiming this is a group called Amazon watch.
Still circulating petitions at this point in this hopeless struggle to stop the.
The dollar-a-month man so I'm gonna.
I'm gonna go off on a red herring here for men and as as I can do Europe drive I put it on my favorite said.
And I'll put the link on it to is from Amazon watch this petition drive from Amazon watch to at this point to stop the Belo Monte dam.
I but is attached to a six-minute YouTube video and I strongly urge you to well watch this six-minute video.
Which say I have a link to it and it's all my favorite I because guys not only does it have the for the link to the petition.
But in it is the it lilies shows the face I'll planet eater I mean literally the face a plan and leaders I'm not talking the guys.
Out driving bulldozers al there in the jungle i'm talking these.
Absolutely error i get: these just I mean.
Yet this the me just the the eric gets up these evil bastards that is shown in this video where are you know in the city where they're meeting we're these a these.
Indian tribes that are that are having.
Their lives ruin their cultures destroyed their very lives in themselves and their children where a you know it's almost like looking at him buying Manhattan with a buncha these two years goes right here on you too just the school %uh the school %uh little air again and these evil bastards.
Flying off buying all the these Indians here in the year 2012 you know apparent lack is offering him.
Television sets and setup fees you know to.
To let these planet eaters movie and then destroy their culture which of course the television set will destroy their culture every bit as effectively nasty bulldozers I N and the Belo Monte day on.
I that let you can see it for yourself.
To any no got I love absolutely love to see i mean right in the middle love love these arrogant people bastards smirking little smiles as their in there us literally selling these.
Indians down River I.
Lily heard my stomach hand an island and nothing more in the world to see.
A Spierer just just literally a 10 these guys the one on these Indians the.
You know not falling not falling for this shit just a sample a pull out a spear and ramit alright.
For you those bastards faces with their.
With their little smirks all-male I.
He now is these guys is this level of a plan eight years and you better believe.
That there's plenty more above bill you know.
It is it is not our business to violence like Nancy passers i mean we.
We have the power of the petition but I have advocated violence that levi's Indians who were actually.
Killed 5a that it is a matter of self-defense.
An f1 the arm had whole day I spear in chucked it like through the face I love wanna the on this smirking little faster hiding behind his laptop computer.
I would have cheered the him of all that is called self defense than any lab have this round before getting getting back to petitions %ah now.
Idea click on the link and ideas sign the petition.
Against the Belo Monte dam for the first time in my life with all my routes.
This the first time I've ever signed a petition against thank simply for the reason I status to is is buy.
Only way is my only you put her fuel way.
I have forget just punching just punch in these guys in the Mile EU nao is all I can do but guys II A II.
Are tied the reason I have not signed a one yr these petitions often tell a lot.
Up tell today all yesterday I is because I i realize that it could actually be.
For somebody from the United States the.
To sign a petition telling Brazil.
Telling Brazil I.
Hell to Ryan there are environmental affairs while we're sitting here in this country clear-cutting our old growth forests in the year 2012.
While we are you know removing only.
Own rather caning mountains and I and West Virginia.
Wiping them off the face upbeat planet.
Killing every single blade of grass.
Any now in their path I A you know encouraging there sa the no Arctic oil drilling behind the petition drive and this %uh this.
Shell shell gosh lOL She up up there.
For us to see it here and and sanction that a any you know and then for for someone from the united states of america to go down there Brazil and.
And tell they on how to run their environmental affairs guys it makes us is counterproductive that %uh.
Those in the brazilian government who are rightfully rightfully anti American anti-u_s_.
A %ah they would go away just to spite any body from from the United States of America they would go ahead it would actually.
Fuel they armor in the opposite direction.
That we that we are such hypocrites.
Now of course there's another layer of hair that.
That there's plenty of class including the city on the lock who are who are how.
Every bit as horrendously opposed to mountaintop removal and willing for all in the Arctic in clear-cutting in the a in the our national far as the blah blah blah can go on for ever I.
Of course there there's that layer but this is the reason that I have Intel yesterday I had.
Not not sign their petition but anyway I'm just the.
I don't care if these planets leaders are.
There in the Amazon jungle or Anna West Virginia.
A year you know planet eaters our planet eaters.
It is global the planet eating agenda.
Is the global agenda and it makes no.
Difference anymore whether you're in the Arctic Ocean early Amazon jungle.
And so to the extent that I can do the No.
Patch the the these evil bastards and.
You know in the nose I am going to do it.
And I encourage you to take 15 seconds out of your life to to take a swing okay and before I close this way and I do want to return.
To the petition on these styrofoam cups.
At charm but jus I.
Now this is probably one of the few pretensions.
That actually that actually has a chance of succeeding and I and I would say that the these petitions need to beat hi EN to specific specific boycotts up specific.
Issues again specific businesses this is the only tiny tiny little victories that that that these petition drives when cup holder we have boycotts have a chance I'll succeeding say you know that their is a chance that.
That we can convince John but jus.
To use paper cups and status and probably the only six steps story.
I'll these petition drives in combination.
With boycotts that I know of offhand I guess there's a few more careful the.
Only one that I can think of that is ever been successful was the rainforest action network's.
A boycott and petition drive against.
Burger King about twenty years ago when.
Burger king was buying their be from %ah from Latin America problem enough from.
From Cal's that came from destroyed rainforest.
And Burger King was buying up all of these.
Tells that were grazing on former rain forest land Rainforest Action Network mounted this campaign I was part of it I.
Take this petition drive in boycott against.
Burger King and they were successful.
Hallelujah more power to them Rainforest Action Network is a great group I am a member of semi.
I encourage you to join they have fruit and nuts bass these petition drives specific petitions specific boycotts specific issues against specific businesses.
There's a lot of specifics in that's the only way these things I have a chance of succeeding this is wise thats petition drive works.
And there's a chance that the petition drive against John the juices going to work and that is that it is is it is no way that the petition drive against the are against drilling in the Arctic has any.
Chance succeeding is just not specific enough.
I N and that they have no chance that more power to I guess the 10-year-old for all.
Are spearheading the drive yes against John the Jews and the may sheehy not be as successful as Rainforest Action Network.
Lies against burger king but of course the.
Epilogue to the Burger King's Story is that the.
The ranchers who use to the selling their beef.
To Burger King just sold their beef to someone else.
It did nothing.
It gave Burger King.
A lot of public relations to let the world know.
What lol what I earth-friendly environmentalists.
That the Burger King corporation years I so they got a big public relations bonus out of that whole deal and and unbelievable.
Free advertising get press went awry on about their business hawking their evil product you know to consumers I and the and the ranchers who used to sell the Burger King someplace else now sell their beef to someone.
Else and the Lala.
There were twenty million Cal's in the Amazon jungle when burger came when when Rainforest Action was having their campaign there're now.
Sixty million Cal's and the look it up as they say as Alex Jones let's say.
Look it up I that the number of beef cattle in the Amazon jungle house trifold sense rain farce action and successful campaign to get Burger King.
To get one buyer to pull out of the Latin American.
Be markets and the.
There you go I'll will wrap up this ran and so you can click on the link to the Belo Monte.
De l'alma I video.
And fly you cheer on.
Any Indian the new just pull out spear and ram it down the throat of the smug bastards the only spear you have is the S is that little petition so go ahead and sign it.
Well that doesn't make any damn their online lawyerly other guys other go ahead as than 15 seconds.
A and lets.
And then around for today's rants and say.
I guess.


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