Wednesday, February 15, 2017

CNN Snot Nosed Liar Destroyed

Yeah the New World Order pyramid is in deep trouble.
Once we expose it the top-down control systems game over.
Donald Trump is overthrowing the new world order Donald Trump with your backing.
Is the wrecking ball that's being taken to the tyrannical planetary regime move over.
I went over the phone that the soul free number to join us as a hundred to five and nine 9 23 1 800 2599 2312 posted an article from CNN all other outlets fact-check Trump infowars provides alternative facts and I was actually watching this yesterday and saw them attack me that the video clip is a shorter clip we're not in there but the point is is that they're coming after us all over the place again saying we're putting out alternative facts that's a Conway quote at the best word to use but we don't believe known Liars we go out do our own research that's the response of them calling us fake is seriously terrorist all this it's not working anymore truth trust and Trump they're trying to road to trust and Trump when they have no trust and his lowest rasmussen poll as well as gallop was 41 and 43 respectively.
Rasmussen and gallant now having sitting ladies and gentlemen at 59 points and that's using a sample excuse towards Democrats people know how do you know that I've studied poles I've paid for poles to be commissioned I've said I want a straight pull down by big companies to go we're not doing it the way you what or we're not working with you.
Republican and Democrats they want to close shop of information on monopoly of info and they're panicking because Trump is smashing all of that Trump is destroying that.
So let's go ahead and go to this first clip here that I've been mentioning toll-free number 800 25 a 931 there's so many to get to but this deals with Trump and the media here is as we have already holliston is a very hostile people these are very angry people but also colluded against you in the campaign that my questions that we just honest people the media is very dishonest I've been saying that I said openly I said journalism's dead so we agree that never never dead but it's very dishonest people in many cases they look you have some very honest ones but but I get stories that are so false and so decided martin luther king's i wish we are they said Martin Luther King's bust was taken out of the oval office by me it's there so that's a very serious charge because they're not saying the bus is taking out what this thing is that i'm a racist.
That's what this thing that's a very serious charge then it turned out the bus.
It was a nice in fact I got very angry my people said who took that but step because I wasn't there and they said was never moved was in the same exact spot it was never book that said how could they say it's a reporter said that was taken out but that's very very serious charge because that's a racist charge it then when it was revealed that they were wrong.
Nobody would talk about it that's right and when they say that no one was there and show a shot of when the gates 1st opened operation he comes out rightly says they're lying.
That's a big deal that like north korean style medium they go oh stop bitching no one was there for you i was there was full you go to the gigapixel shot cNN has on their own page and it shows the whole thing impact and Don Lemon comes out says now he's a liar he had a small crowd god women.
Has no viewers because it's weird little arrogant con artists face so that the replicon artist siento oh look this con artists will can you know a condom let's just keep doubling and tripling down look at this next piece dealing with Trump this is where they claimed that while other outlets fact-check Trump infowars provides alternative facts now again alternative facts like university study old dominion university George Mason University concluding that upwards of 2.8 million illegals voted and slung key elections in 2014 and then they come out again in the washington times today and said they found just in a limited sample 800,000 illegals up and then you've got their own internal memos and you've got Bloomberg you've got AP and you've got a what Politico here it is i'll show you illegal immigrants could elect Hillary non-citizens decrease Republicans the winning a lot of next year and he'll Electoral College is done off census like it isn't just just like it is in Leviticus in the Old Testament it's also census the number of the people and you get that number of electoral votes in your state how bigger population is for House members even if those people don't vote.
And then that is also counted up for the number of electoral votes you get representing voters and so that's how it counts as millions of extra votes in California alone of how Hillary one there's more than 3 million illegals admittedly in the population California it's more than 4 million is the last decade confirmed there and so there's the votes right there in the California Electoral College numbers that went for Hillary and not Trump because that's how they condense the individual votes what he's saying is way low it's seven eight nine ten million on the conservative side not three million mr. president.
Bombshell we're only looking at the admitted 27 million dead people so my roles and you know ten something million illegals on the rolls going well how do you prove it you know what if the Democrats are trying to go to vote we know this is going on i'm not on the hard part is all day but this is critical because he's got an investigation going into all this and the Republican party doesn't want this information i think they want to be defeated the globalist and so they're hoping all this doesn't come out well we're going to make sure it does and our beautiful audience is going to make sure it all comes out because this is what's going on and transmit proven right again let's play part of this CNN piece here this.
Welcome back to reliable sources I'm brian Stelter live from waterbody a DC battle screen reliable source that we're reliable like a white truck pulls up at the playground we have free candy we have puppies we have comic books that's the equivalent you know two kids reliable sources.
Oh look there's a puppy painted on the side of the truck.
Oh hi come on in the back of the truck come on America coming as we can strangle you enslave you control you look at this guy look at it got a higher to be traders now I mean does that guy looks like he's a jumper wide but he acts like a big fat chump oh thanks for joining us here on reliable.
Creeper van any trippy called here on reliable rape America man here on reliable creates we've already gang rapes your hardware not done we take you but put these handcuffs on it will go easy on you listen put the handcuffs sign he's saying so let's go back to put the handcuffs on and everything will be okay that's the name show not reliable sources are considering the size of the whole thing here let's let let let let's start over.
I just pump the dog look guy here it is brian Stelter live from Washington to the DC today so stop being negative again I'm brian Stelter I still the fact CinemaCon man were manipulating your knowledge of opinion here let me look at this guy.
I guarantee you this chump can't get women to be tried million dollars on it i mean he's got a CNN job a little nerd tie all of this guy's a pump because anti-american whack because the enemy let's go back to welcome back to reliable sources I'm brian Stelter live from Washington to the DC today almost ready i became real teleprompter I'd live in producing the northern 56 of the WGC NEC think that 11 TG i'm in DC I'm big I mommy look at new york TV my life with a big foreign Chinese government sorry let's back up again from the beginning sorry the DC today all i got back it up get it out its key see district of criminals get it out.
He's a real man looking good guys comin ere the China who machine reporter wall his body haha no one can stop them tolerable manly is all he will teach you let's go back truth mr. stilted on the CNN hear this.
Maybe you do too will maybe almost six years of psychology.
I've got real issues with trapped maybe you do to me physically or maybe you're like me.
II only folks you're getting these people that are brain-dead nursing on the brothers in one day come to me oh maybe you feel like need to know here's my going oh she's all these tricks that use your let's go back to deny reality on a daily basis for back hold up i haven't started beginning deny reality a daily basis that hillary was invincible could never be beaten how much 15 CNN had Paul's where he was she was 50 points ahead of Trump how the hell is that possible with a little Shelly bunkface all he's got two little con man face like even it that's what you see when you're chained up the base with the door buzzer it comes to continue.
Brian Stelter live from Washington City a DC today all i have today are questions maybe you do too will be profiting from the almond do is lie all day I don't have questions it isn't a question becomes right out and says it's verifiably a lie that this is all scientific american brands of questions where you're open and looking then he tells you he's absolutely fraud lying to you constantly all this is written by psych warfare cheese little chicken neck psychiatrist behind-the-scenes slapping their fingers you know hoping to screw America over because they'll be manly someday if they can just dominate those big men they see the grocery store and have those big trucks they scare them to the strangest altogether men on the modern battlefield through their fields you're going to type updated people are scared school those are such a big west but they've got guns don't get close is it just always got their manly they dominated their top they're cool they're smart because the real men don't want anybody or so down human handle all the victory and all being run over by parasites like you everything he says is hurt you and your family here to back it up from starting and I'm sorry a DC today all i have to their questions maybe you do too.
Will President from tonight we're not really make up their own false facts and fakes that if so what were the consequences be.
Oh ok waters what will the consequences be for the president.
They mean the American people that elected it's all about consequences what do we do how do we impeaching how do we destroyed the continued give up trying to fact-check it is that the gold deposit whereas give up trying to fact-check that should have already given up.
We already hate you we already know you're a fraud we're just putting a tombstone on the pile of manure go ahead down to wear us out the possible will you wear us out there trying to tell us they're trying to break our will and wear us out to out of worn out for you look worn out.
About your family are a bunch of soft cowardly other look at people i don't mean that's mean you know what you want to wear ourselves.
You look like a pile of dishonorable trash people like you didn't found this country you can't fight your way out of a wet paper bags come back that's why you wouldn't find the most evil organization you could and gravel to it was weak people travel at the altar of evil.
Well guess what I don't and I say you continue at home trust who will you trust.
Is this about the end will you trust this little creepy son-of-a-bitch or your own gotten reality to continue whereas the trunk administration creating confusion and sewing division on purpose departed yeah everything he says is what they're doing constraining division sowing distrust in the wikileaks how do we keep them desperate how do we confuse them the answers cultural warfare yes sir yes sir yes sir that's the official wiki leaks so everything he's telling you he's not putting a teleprompter that trumps feeling proper unifying red-blooded Americans coming together of every race color creed for innovation in life we'd all higher each other and work with each other to be loving and believe in God wants to travel trying to divide us here comes a million women screaming he's anything like mail all whites or bad started by these guys bosses continue idea of force voters to choose between the reporters and the commander-in-chief to cast doubt on on the media so much that you just give up and trust nothing but positive.
Oh yes you just give up and trust us don't give up our few final viewers as a gallup poll goes up for Trump don't give up.
Come back to us because that's all there is is us it's all there is a CNN and Joker boy reading off somebody else's teleprompter writing don't you pop stay with our chefs did you believe in hope of unity.
That's all we pushes disunity but doesn't matter just don't give up continue place it some gas light enough that Bobby in my god how many we have introduced the term in modern culture of gas lighting it when somebody punch you right in the nose and tells you they didn't do it is really tell you Obamacare's free when it's not they tell you Hilary kind of you know when she's invincible and she was way behind it says she's in the best shape of your life she dying.
That's called gaslighting called telling you that there are any IRS agents or penalty for Obamacare continue make you got your own eyes so they know God blogs that we don't have our own eyes.
He's sitting here he's sitting here saying what i was saying 20 years ago you can see through them you've got your own eyes you know their pack of liars we're going to stop them are going to build a world government go out there are families then they did everything I said see there's a difference bro we're right you're wrong what we say comes true what you say does it see how that works I don't read off a teleprompter little man you going.
Here's another question will trump staffers live for him the song fights remember saying that pause really there's another question will Dale I foreign implying he's this big liar and one steps like another question is Trump raping his wife you do you rape your wife often here's another question will they live for him there's no lying he's bulldozing over your whole criminal unconstitutional agenda withdrawing out of TP you name it he's delivering your answer is will they live for him keep going don't stop that's the current trying to get them to curry favor saying the spider and others will make big stars in MSM we'll make you big stars in mainstream media and dying us for Mia come to us come to the island of harpies come to the siren song come to us on the River Styx get on the boat which are Iran come to the loving land of dead media.
Oh never mind the skeleton faces just come come come come come as we fall and fail will patch you on the head in a bubble in DC make you feel like you're powerful trans biggest problem is gonna be infiltration and blackmail by global into his operation that's gonna be his main problem and he will need a Praetorian Guard people watching stop that ship the breakdown cover this is too important to continue the one thing that whether you're Republican Democrat independent you have your integrity i make a report i can't comment on something or you know i'm not able to get that but I don't envision and I don't think should we play Gibbs saying he was told a lie about the drone program that has existed for five years and say it didn't exist because you're the ones that have this whole industry being discredited then they cut out of context spies for saying i have my integrity.
I may not comment on something and they're implying he's already lying see let's go and I don't intend i would argue that anybody is inspiring the possible see they're trying to apply the spiders already lied.
They've asked about inspiring people how they should be successful he's telling us about the code of ethics there implying with the code of ethics because of Trump why so the first thing he does is again lie to you call because he has a hand it looks like donkeys wewe ok and and social that's his credibility here it is.
Communicator adhere to that because you if you lose your respect and Trust of the press corps here you got nothing you've got nothing he says so despite sure have anything and he wandered all the goodwill he's built up over the years or is a chance to repair this relationship any win back his credibility on it pause again he's saying Trump doesn't have credibility when she has total credibility with people that are thinkers his support is expanding as he delivers his agenda but this little nobody says as if he's the authority up here as the big mommy dictating reality will he went back his credibility will trouble Spicer will you you been discredited when they're the ones that have been discredited again everything he says is about himself everything he says is a fraud continue.
This is all about credibility after all take a look at what else is on fire said again for the David Axelrod out of the University three weeks ago Axelrod ask the very important question would you quit if you were asked to 2i is not so good I can't I i don't think any communicator worth their salt can go out and tell a lie i used you can't do any one thing for a surrogate to say something or and again I'm not by any means advocating that I think you you have to you can spend the way you want but i think to go out and Helen our live it is it something this is not acceptable.
What would have not stopped they say can trump and everybody went back to credibility Trump's a big liar Trump's to see resident on women all over saying the talking point then they asked Spicer he's being real with them hey would you ever lie and he says no I would.
So it all implies.
Trump is there lying what are you doing going to all these events because you're a journalist and now you want to be cool and the journalism world you're going to be cool Spicer by being as far away from them as you can be it's uncool to be all these clubs of really traitorous scum bag people.
Infowars is super successful and dominant because we are not of their system that lets play gives right now here it is what i went through the process of becoming press secretary one of the things the first thing they told me was you're not even to acknowledge the drone program you're not even to discuss that exists and so I would get a question like that and literally I couldn't tell you what made your ass because once I figured out it was about the drugs.
Yeah I realize I'm not supposed to talk about and but here's what's inherently crazy about that proposition you're being asking question based on reporting of a program that exists right so you're the official government spoken pursuing acting as if the entire program pay no attention to the man behind the correction its it and I think in many ways and I think what the president has seen and i'm not talking about this i want to be careful in my opinion yes but i think what the president is seen is our denial of the existence of the program when it's obviously happening undermines of people's confidence over all the decisions that their government make so here's the deal you've got a whore media that hook us up for the horse you've got a traitorous shell out media that will tell any lie and do anything that is totally destroyed in a general election shooting everything they've got at trouble the American people and failing and they have the hood of the the bravada whatever you want to call it the arrogance the humerus the just crazy DoubleDown confidence game to them say Trump's done all this when Trump that elected being brazen and telling the truth.
And being naked what he believed and then teleprompter free almost all of the campaign that's what they want so if you turn it all around here all your sellouts at all your lives and bring in the new press secretary weeks before he's an office that was from three weeks ago and safe the gotcha question would you tell lies for Trump as if Trump's a liar.
You know i'm done with the piece it just gets worse from here I mean these people are just absolutely despicable liars and I wasn't even trying to force these people are trash.
I mean these are empty horrible people that would do anything the powers that be told they're very dangerous people these are your family's enemies they want to make you poor they see was bitter clingers they have it out for you it's their ego they're better than people and they get off on Obamacare to impoverish you and call you dumb effort and thank god you're so stupid that hat hat like a bunch of Skeksis laughing and that's all over jackasses will still be evil fighting good but humanity standing up feeling you've been attacking a sleeping humanity and boy are really proud of yourselves as a little polish weren't you but you're just a bunch of little nobody's so get ready I hope you enjoy it because humanity and liberty is rising two points here I got hit we are offering a deal we have it offered in six months we don't do this a few times a year max twenty-five percent off all exterior pro water filtration systems that cut all the garbage out to like 999999 very best gravity-fed system is out there simply amazing and their air filter that's the real game changer I had units that were eight hundred dollars a piece of my house this is as good or better to have good the technology is getting about those four years ago about the starting last year its specs are amazing basically runs forever to clean them out periodically it is so incredible.
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