Wednesday, February 15, 2017

2/14/17 | Trump On Flynn: Leaks Are The Real Story Here - The FIVE

Hello everyone I'm Dana Perino family Alaric bowling and greg gutfeld it's five o'clock in new york city and this is the five major shake-up in the first weeks of the Trump administration national security adviser Mike Flynn resigned last night after only 20 job a load of new developments to tell you about today let's begin with the explanation from the White House of what prompted general now we got to a point not based on a trust issue with a level of trust between the president and general plan had a road to the point we felt he had to make a change the president was very concerned that general plan had misled the Vice President and others he was also very concerned in light of sensitive subjects dealt with by that position of national security advisors like China North Korea in the Middle East that the President must have completed unwavering trust for the person in that position chief White House correspondent John Roberts joins us now with a very latest on this big scandal for the administration John's 25 days in how do they go to give you imagine why was difficult one more question for the White House which spent the entire day deflecting an onslaught of attacks from Democrats who insisted that located General Michael Flynn the National Security Advisor must have done something illegal in those telephone conversations for him to get fired they also wanted to know did the president know about it and even did the president order Flynn to do that to talk about sanctions in those calls the White House dismissed the idea that Flynn had done anything illegal by talking with Russia's ambassador to the United States about sanctions existing the White House counsel's office undertook a thorough review of the matter and interviewed Flynn a number of times about it Sean Spicer today said what cost Flynn his job was not coming clean about those conversations and misleading vice president Mike Pence about that just before pencil on television to talk about it all the White House would not say I ask this question specifically what evidence the White House Council on began way to determine that there was nothing illegal in those phone conversations but the FBI is known to have transcripts of electronic intercepts of those conversations now the White House is hoping to make this all blow over quickly by announcing strong replacement for Flynn the number one candidate right now is retired Navy SEAL Vice Admiral Robert Harvard he was the former deputy commander at CENTCOM under general james madison you know is running the Pentagon he was named the honor man during sealed trading this guy's get a reputation as being a real tough cookie the honor man is the field candidate during training who shows so much grit and tenacity and strength that he inspires other cadets other candidates to keep going where they might otherwise and quit so the White House to saying you're looking for a tough guy is your guy alright well the White House and for a lot of other questions thank you john ball and keep following this story we're going to catherine herridge later in the hour to talk about the FBI questioning of of my clan in the meantime we'll talk about how this all went one of the things is the timeline and so you had this first broke in the news by columnist David Ignatius on january 12 that's also when you start to find out that the Justice Department goes to the White House and says you might have a potential problem here but nothing happens until it becomes with more public yesterday afternoon and it all happened so quickly having very quickly impact on friday thursday night I think the washington post published the 909 sources confirming what David Ignatius had talked about I mentioned yesterday that it was less about what general Flynn is accused of doing more about the fact that he misled the vice president the vice-president go out there on the on the sunday shows i think it was a sunday shows and allowed him to think that there was no conversation alive him to say that no conversation about the sanctions up with the Russians about the sanctions if you listen to the press conference today but it was amazing press conference you learned a few things number one Sean Spicer said that the general Flynn it was it was at he called the evolving and eroding trust me it was all built around the truck he also said that it was mr. Lahey and mislead the Vice President and others he was asked about it later and he said including himself Sean Spicer I'm he said that the President did not instruct Flynn to discuss the sanctions I think that's very important that shields the president at least for now from any sort of the implication into into this discussion.
He also said i think this is I knew that the president asked for friends resignation now it had been out there that when resigned but this says that the president asked for his resignation and I think that's good so iive someone was saying that that it's the process happening and unfortunately it's happening very very early in the administration honest question asked for the resignation or accepted it reluctantly which was the initial posture late last night which was a long news day yesterday health until 11pm or so like getting breaking news that the dog show after are accepted do you think it matters in terms of its showing the president being in control of the staff.
Yeah i think the word choice semantics do matter in this situation and at first and you saw the tweet from plan basically think he's being you know the scapegoat that essentially he's falling on the sword i think the whole problem here is that if you told the truth that I think he still would have been backed up by the administration and by the president at least that's what they're paying hat on because in terms of the law degree with child cried like i said yesterday that there is no specific law that was broken in terms of the conduct but it was the cover-up like we seen so many situations that really was the problem here of the coffin and you saw also earlier when his choice nice security clearance by the CIA for the NF its senior director for Africa and that was sort of the writing was on the wall like okay something's going on here and then I was hearing reports about three people that we're going to be coming in Petraeus in particular one of them at the time coming to do an interview this week and that was already two three four days ago so it was kind of like the writing was on the wall I think but I'm hearing this is Petraeus is not going to take the positional looks like a robber side a little maybe a little informal at Harvard let's take a listen Bob to the Democrats who are demanding more information on this and investigations and all the rest this obviously makes a lot of questions about whether those conversations between Flynn and the Russian ambassador sanctioned by the President himself or others and administration and why those who were knowing did nothing to correct the record when the American people were told otherwise all of this merits investigation.
Do you hear the silence this is the founder of House Republicans conducting no oversight of President trouble we are fighting the fight for the full of our democracies deadly deadly serious what's happening now and there's a chance to write the course right now this is a raging example of a president who is incompetent reckless and strategically incoherent there is actually an investigation Bob that the Senate Intelligence Committee was already conducting in a bipartisan way about the russia with the potential for Russia connections but you think the Democrats have something to write on yeah I never take any solace in this and somebody goes like that it usually does a lot of time in this country on the other hand it seems to me the comrade from spending more time worrying about getting people coming in from Syria settings on white house staff I mean it you know the guy this is fundamentally a three-star general Bob so what 13 starts with perfect service what I said about what kind of person I'm saying I investigating on general and the FBI getting of general plan that the FBI talk to him in January he must have known by then that they had the tapes of the conversations as any idiot would have known as they're talking to sleep and he was leaking all that by the way to the White inappropriate we have only to the practice listening that was it was it was it would rain country when Ollie north gave information out which was inappropriate but the question about whether friend should be investigated no question about that.
The bigger question is in a White House staff like that a lot of people do this a lot of people do it before the vice president wants evening so somebody screwed up.
A lot of people who do you think not i think the presentation on my way out we don't know they don't know that by well guess what do you think about the leak if you okay blaming the leakers what kills me is that ok I've been fired three times and whenever you leave a position you still leave behind loyalists what I go from one job to the other there are at least two or three people that are still there at the company who will do whatever I ask and so what you have that wow man at the White House you have Obama loyalists who stayed behind and and they are the ones that are responsible in my mind you've got to definitely got a Democrat you got deep state Democratic to better doing the leaking I think so what Trump failed to do with he's got he's got to figure out the main loyalists through the previous guy and take his head off I mean literally like move them to Nome Alaska the fact is is one of the Secret Service agents could be Valerie Jarrett in a fake mustache and he doesn't know what he's got to find out who those people are.
And then get back to policy right now Trump is being nipped at the heels by a pack of dogs.
Those dogs are the democrats that deep state Democrats different agencies it's being i like it seems worse than the past because when they're similar scandals among Democrats there is no pack of dogs there is no media chasing obama over the IRS over Solyndra over obama there's only one dog fox news was the only knobs but now you have puttin and his dalliance in the window wall just another pack of dogs aren't after it became obvious.
I mean he had to go to great for a 25 anything this be obviously they know at six days they're not they do it before that I think that there's no indication of that but you're speculating not the pharmacy is your yard said went to the White House and janice if you can pass this up.
Sean Spicer today said the President had no knowledge of this had no have our the crisis had less credible are stop it now you're like making leaps and bounds here i can try distracting but here's what they need to do honestly the president that white look you get a pass it's been a month.
You're an outsider you're not you don't know begins in out to DC don't know the ins and outs of working with the Intel Department you get past it's time to clean house number 14 the leak don't talk about plugging leaks plug the damn weeks and then go full steam ahead with the agenda the American people elected you guys on go for and remember your friend the Democrats are your friends have the Republicans aren't your friends and certainly the media on your friends so knowing that you got a tall task but we want to be and they elected you fit a little bit pushed out what about doing the right thing from the beginning because the general plan was the head of the Department of Defense Intelligence Agency so it's not like you didn't know what the Intel world was like in washington DC I don't think that's a fair of you are lying about the vice president about what he did against so what can they do about that he bakes exactly what has been done by every single incoming transition team call every of da probably had negative legs snapped like they pick up a phone call if you pick up the phone and say here's our five of our peers five people who never relation and security provided to the United States has gotten 25 days was that time I thought about in copper wire tells you that yes he shouldn't have done what he did I will also tell you that if if there was full transparency and other administration's you have the same thing going on again about it already here you can bet you he lied to the vice president mr. mislead the vice-president where he got himself in trouble he had a lot of other people not White House knew from the Justice and said look I didn't really know what I get in the best interests of the American people you think can be fired I know damn well you would know I'm gonna have to cuff me how is calling the restaurant without thinking about what interests are our good friend Charles Krauthammer agree that is highly unlikely that this would be deemed illegal right.
I'm saying that I don't think an excuse about not understanding Washington is fair in this case in that general plan who served his country admirably for many years and was the head of the CIA doesn't know how the Intel community works great for us he didn't know how the Intel committee where I suggest that when he lied to mislead vice-president that's where is mistaken he lied to the nice right and he lied to a lot of other people to the little people in the White House who knew it from justice department they were told i will say this though trip is facing a standard that inexperienced senator from Illinois never had to face.
No he hasn't gotten it think that the integrated example are you kidding me no but I go back to the pack of dogs theory the pack of dogs chose not to chase president obama over his in particular on Benghazi whenever called for an investigation and hearing the Democrats and coming to the prediction to lock arms and never not do if i hear you know what did he know and when did he know it one more time I'm gonna throw up because no one ever said that about Obama about Benghazi nobody said what do you know when did he know when we knew it wasn't a video what now about that want to do you know everybody says that now that is garbage going to throw up paying your product aisle 23 bondi come back knee left in the mainstream media are all in all out hysteria over president Trump's attempt to secure borders into port illegal and we're going to pose a threat to our safety Nancy Pelosi called the President's agenda quote hateful and destructive Chuck Schumer calls the recent ice rate deeply disturbing or a Ramos so-called journalist from univision was also very upset about the raids when he appeared on hannity last night.
Do you agree with me should every criminal illegal immigrant be thrown out of this country everyone if they committed a crime any real crime absolutely absolutely about and that the program is how do you find a crime you are do you define a criminal for at the moment security department can help you with the definition or a 75-percent of those rounded up in the Rays were murderers rapists are committed other illegal acts emotion is dramatic style and argue our president is tearing families apart as majority of undocumented immigrants in this country are not criminals are not terrorists are not gonna remember that's my choice I'd want to look at yet what I looked up here.
She's been in this country for 22 your stupid not from this this is what don't from was very dramatic or hey yesterday I i talked about a political article from january 4 2016 here it is it's called entitled Obama administration kicks off family deportation raids & Dragons just read this one line for you right here this past weekend immigration and customs enforcement ice engage in concerted nationwide enforcement operations taking the custody and return at a greater rate adults who entered this country illegally with children that he I the jorge and the Nancy Pelosi of the.
World rely on our amnesia or our stupidity to not remember the past but it's it the great thing about google you can just find these things and make them look like idiots they also operate as you can see on emotional and not factual information but here's what I don't get what I don't get if you are fine with illegals who are criminals being here and free then you should be ok with citizens citizens who are criminal in free if I were an American felon right now I'd be pretty pissed off i would actually file a lawsuit saying if their sanctuary cities for criminals why am I in jail why should be at that is actually a excellent legal argument and i will represent you for free ok i would also be another long when you're not an attorney next time my I will represent myself thank you crowd and your thoughts either what to do so I thought pointed out yesterday the Rays are taking place over the past week were planned by the Obama administration and then carried out by the Trump administration so to me that shows a good transition from one administration to the next and so I don't know if mr. Thomas would have complained had it been a third Obama term I would also point out that on the other hand stories do matter and so on from social media standpoint what you might not see on your TV screen right now just know that underneath all of that there are stories that are going around whether true or not about this family such as this being ripped apart because of these raids and that can have a powerful effect on the popular Robert one of the other things that they got into an argument about last night Jorge Ramos handy was whether or not illegal to make crime at a higher rate than the general population and they do we did a little research illegal immigrants representing only three and a half percent of the country the population right then take out immigration offenses account for fourteen percent of offenders sentenced for federal ya know alright bored hines the rate and general you don't think about how many of the drug this.
They come over the border to drugs automatically criminals but I'm glad she finally discovered something positive about Obama honest deportation because you always said he didn't support anybody.
Here's the problem and nancy pelosi I've done one thing right today and that is Hispanic what we have someone to jump more important to second but the fact is in the Hispanic community Republicans do not need this Republican start for now for eight years of trying to break into this parent community and this is a very kind of thing that every activists Hispanic is going to take that picture are you happy right you're going to see that picture and other family and it's gonna just it's going to scare the American picture right there yeah that's Johnson that's Obama's Secretary that's the one who started this program but the point is that right now the Hispanic community who doesn't like Trump anyway it's going to be they're not gonna give you three take months of preparation to do these large-scale raid this is President Obama's range of chuck schumer Nancy Pelosi want to whine and complain then they should pick up the phone and call hand they could also pick up the phone and actually get the facts and the information because they are the only people terrify the illegal immigrants I saying that Trump is doing something that is illegal that he's ripping apart families and they can do all the little stage phony stuff like Jorge Ramos ripping it in half but it's just not an accurate reflection of who is the Obama for getting rid of these criminals yeah okay I just like Isis agents to do what do you hand out lollipops to the gangbangers let them do their job to Johnson said that is no surprise he said I've said publicly for months that individuals who constitute enforcement priorities including families and unaccompanied children will be removed so as California's Orville damn is in crisis.
I wonder where with Jerry Brown sorry let me rephrase that.
Where the hell with Jerry Brown was watching the grammys with a box of Kleenex.
Hillary Clinton's more visible than this Yeti she doesn't run anything but a lame twitter account.
Imagine if out-of-town Brown were Republican during the Flint water crisis everyone wanted the Republican governor to go to jail but no one's doing that to chair Binks which is odd when you consider officials were warned about problems with the jam years ago which is why Trump should get ahead of this have people on the ground even if it's to hand out blankets as rahm emanuel once said never let a crisis go to waste and Trump saving the asses of incompetent bureaucrats you put sanctuaries for security just to rich especially since the press already blamed Donald Trump anyway you got to check out this headline it reads the oroville damn crisis exposes the flaws in Trump's infrastructure plan only in a left-wing loony bin like California can a massive disaster that's been building for years under bloated incompetent state governance be blamed on a guy who's been in power for 24 days what's next how Trump hair incited Pearl Harbor the good news is authorities have lifted the evacuation order for 20,000 residents dangerous for the safe to return home so disaster might be averted but I still admire the fact that they're blaming Trump's future actions this is like a political media version of minority report immediately thought of harper's that the wall is ridiculous when you actually have projects here at home that you need but guess what just last week California submitted the federal government a 100 billion dollar which list of infrastructure projects to trump for federal funding so they want their sanctuary cities wanna be left alone but they really want federal government money to pay for things like oh you could go down the oldest one of them being high speed rail yes high-speed rail now it's eric i was projected like 2080 33 billion now it's up to 80 billion and it's still on blocks yeah what a nice present i love that yeah exactly i'm and what was going from San Francisco to LA that was yeah yeah and I think they've only built like three feet of my 10 the car got Moonbeam yeah yeah where that came from micro right coach called columnist in 1976 that mr..
Appeared to be tracking the moon being stuck with him for whatever they put him in again for a good cause I mean did I get that straight he's blaming Trump for this don't know it was a newspaper it was a newspaper i can't remember the name of the newspaper but it was all clear on that thing now though yes yes okay everything's okay Kimberly so how this is a state damn so it's their responsibility and they were there like to say the least in maintaining it properly they knew this was a problem and they acted in conscious disregard of a known risk and now they want a federal bailout on it which of course is going to have to happen if it lasts your situation but just goes to show you the growth mismanagement under the Democrats and liberals out of a stronghold on this state and they chose not to take care of the situation as usual with them like sanctuary cities because everyone else's problem Bob still trumps all right the first thing i would say this is the tallest man in America right so one you probably feel a little attention exactly that threats that you see there is optimal another damn 444 spillover now the thing that worries me about this is that the brown whatever you think about brown the bureaucrats in the rest of it is that this is only one of hundreds and hundreds of dams across country that are eroding rapidly now you can try to blame democratic liberal bureaucrats for all that but most of it has been because of financial constraints and stage cutback particularly states with a lot of Republican legislators you don't like it starts spending and then in fact it Trump's infrastructure ideas a good one but he's got opposition from his own party on the other side the dental care against the first part of that trench infrastructure spending idea is a good one.
Any time you started thinking about going to do that the don't like I think it's an important thing to do because it's dishes example is going to be more and more and more and remember when the weather we gotta go we gotta go no never ever had no idea that bother the next on damn well he said am Alive an expert.
Lovely the resignation of my plan is national security adviser the question is who's leaking the leaks a live report the head board back now to the resignation of bike plan is national security adviser it leaks out of Washington suggest then tried to cover up talks with Russia before the Trump administration took power president Trump says the leaks of the real story here himself agrees more now from chief intelligent correspondent captain Harris got a lot of questions going to start with this it is really believe that the story is the leaks when you get something as big as this I mean well okay i get the question i can't speak for the president but i can tell you people who work within the intelligence community are raising the alarm over these leaks because Bob this information comes from some of the most sensitive programs is called compartmented information it involves sources and methods monitoring the ambassador of a foreign country and a conversation with an American citizen that has to go to an intelligence court to unmask to the American is so this is a really high level stuff and it would have to have been approved by the Obama administration because these phone calls went down in december so we can that is a very big deal.
Hmm captain so these oversized obviously there's going to be some oversight committees applied both senate-house don't really we don't really learn very much from these things seems to be a lot of congressmen and Senators getting on I think you might be able to help community shows up and testifies in by the nature they can't am I right or what are we going to end up seeing weld a year right in the sense that they're really kind of two chapters to this story there is a very public chapter Democrats today called for my plan to testify publicly about his connections and relationship with the Russians and those phone calls with the Russian ambassador and then there's that investigation that goes on behind the scenes where you have people coming in and testify in a classified setting the public can see that and generally speaking when that information is declassified and made available to people like you and me it's heavily redacted or in some cases it's just not available because it reveals too much of a source.
And methods i think the thing to watch here is going to be the FBI and the Department of Justice and whether there really is an aggressive prosecution of the individuals who were behind these leads because again this is some of the most sensitive programs within the intelligence community and once you start leaking information about them you burn the source cutter I have two questions are related huh thanks so the washington post reports they have nine sources on this so it's not well if there if that's correct and they don't just have one week there are multiple weeks and President Obama got very frustrated about leaks and took measures in order to try to stop them is there anything that the previous administration did you try to put in place mechanisms to identify leakers that could help president Trump track them down boy.
I'm not sure that there really is anything in place that's more robust and what we've seen in the last eight years but I think you're onto something important here because the universe of people of government officials who would have had access to this information is extremely small and when I say small i'm talking about national security advisor in the last White House and deputy national security advisor Ben Rhodes the former CIA director John Brennan an intelligence official Mike Vickers even the Director of National Intelligence James clapper that's how high up the information would go through it's actually not a big pool of individuals who have access to that information and who would have made it public captain many people are wondering you know a general fitness as a man thinketh service over 30 years to this country someone who wasn't charging intelligence agencies and also you know counterterrorism expert seems to me that he wouldn't say something in one of those conversations that would jeopardize that you know the United States it would be careful to know what would be appropriate and what wouldn't if you're in your understanding there isn't going to be any fall through prosecution on general flam there's no law that i'm aware of that's been broken or violated are so going forward really the focus of any investigation is just who leaked this.
Appropriately well there's still but I also we were able to confirm tonight the first reported in the New York conscious that general plan was interviewed by the FBI about his conversations and interactions with the Russians as you know as a career prosecutor the deputy there is if there was a lie or misstatements the FBI i'm not saying that that was the case but that would be a violation of a Martha Stewart law USC a thousand and one which is lying to federal investigators so that would be the Jeopardy there though there's not a doubt.
Yeah there's nothing through my reporting that suggests that was in fact the case when I was in the company if you wanted to find a leak you told ten people ten specific different things.
Mark at any way to see which one would reach the media and that would be your person and then you would fire them that's how you did it but they need you like how i will be that short legs it'll take me awhile to get there this is an actually going to lead to a shake-up or just one guy i know that the Democrats they're frosting right now they think this is the beginning like easy easy moves bouche i think based on our reporting today from Capitol Hill that the damage may well go beyond a general explained that the view of the Democrats and we may even get another name this week so I would stand by for that.
Ok well thank you captain but we're going to lighten things up a little bit because it's Valentine's Day and Kimberly is some sweet treats to give us and our former husband special treats right here don't go away love is in the air can you feel it it's Valentine's Day and you know what it's time for him believe food court at that time.
X day existence wow you all know how much I love food so I thought I'd take a moment to investigate huh some of America's eating habits on this romantic holiday so now there's apparently a big difference between what singled out on Valentine's Day as opposed to couples according to grubhub people in relationships are most likely to order indian food or sushi today ok that's not there in case people are confused we have props want to share a single turn to comfort food like potato wedges or bacon and exams incredibly funny before the segment I started eating this on my god oh no my sushi I any different you're less the douche also tonight on the cookies last later.
Oh my god wow what has an emergency okay I gotta go you gotta find that you state your time Bob any CD please give any names rescued me cupcake market in new york city of selling ryan gosling and justin bieber cookies just in time for Valentine's Day but that's not all they did was ask them cookies decided that you guess which ones but yeah that's like Bob c21 has his mouth open because you an exact 1i think that beaver and then that's Ryan Gosling okay fine so guess what guys I have a Valentine's present for each of you and Bob no it's not a Christmas tree no opening that Greg open it up you can get custom ones made no way I made one for myself to what i think is kind of off and Dana okay yeah and then a great guy holy crap that does look like me area at a meeting now you have the day that's ever so here's the interesting change your mail from this girl thinks there's look like now giving anybody else with job okay okay well mine is Angley Earhart i think but with brown hair person looking as I think they have to have they couldn't do the longer here else because i was so that you could Marcia Brady they made and on so these off of our head shots so we sent a man and this megan banas idea and Kyle went down and get it have you ever wondered what you taste like soap ok that's what it has I don't I don't I don't know that was just that's so cool i'm going to doing I think it's always great when you were singing guarantee there's something good guy you don't double dip Bob doesn't freak out on you we have a pretty good i'm saving it is thank you kidding me really well because market happy Valentine's Day and yes and thank you didn't cake market for making these incredibly delightful and Casey likenesses of also why you have Valentine's Day we give things to people that makes them fat and unattractive exactly what you got and give them a high-protein low-carb stuff like raw elk sushi is a high-protein everything I've gotta give you don't give people sushi you give me your chocolate no no you go out for dinner and then like hey what pursue she should be like aware of what their favorite food is I think the sense that i haven't done a little egg harbor you know you choking.
What's not only having mouth-to-mouth this battle but I Malibu be out under the the just-published got them all be like a b-plus the following what do you do for valentines day waiting any harm in having sushi I think they're literally going to do that ok then that contain what he didn't do so what you're just going over to you because its mother you're not financial opportunities are no good what time at that a battery oh yeah potato ok i'm away from it a nice brown / gonna have framed a picture of gas per for Valentine's i was surprised what did you get Jasper framed picture Jack that's not gonna play date tonight that you're going to hear i'm one of fashion i'm going to get a big mac apart ok that was falling and letting you get you don't know why tulane anything you'd uh we do not celebrate valentine's day because I was an American commercial yeah we do.
Women's day which is the Communists and for alternative lending I'm ready for president yes and I don't remember when it is but you gotta do you at every day it's everything women's days everyday in my household I agree defeat the future and female dilated.
You all right well I never get to do whatever the segment and one more thing is that next well.
It's time now for one more thing i'm gonna kick it off with this heinous corny joke of the day okay I know you've been anxiously awaiting this next installment for a question what do farmers give their wives on Valentine's Day hayride well that's what I was right hey fire against his wife on Valentine's Day hogs and kisses oh my better better i'm going to add that to the right.
Why did the banana go out with the prune appeal no good because it couldn't get a date 1000 right last one what did one both say to the other one vote folks that little creek with nice very good guesses today why I'm you heard that together are you up for a little romance.
Welcome back five according to the day you know what.
Alright okay in case you wonder well the quarterback of the century Tom Brady has cashed-in again on the superbowl win his fifth he now sells autographed photos for catch this 904 helmets and jerseys it's over a thousand dollars now here's a here's a real key to this bedside for you besides in front of his reps who will guarantee and in fact Brady sciences deal so okay Tom caching again the question is if you sign footballs are they going to be inflated or not i think even like I have all right Eric you got a long time.
Ok so can help rush to trash anything Trump with general Flynn take a look at headline New York Times and kind of messed up its recorded a tweet of general for in saying that while accepting responsibility for my actions like it's unser then made sole state coat.


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