Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Election 2016 Donald Trump Or Hillary Clinton ? Which elite shall rule u...

Good afternoon my name is Alexander Hagen the CEO of a small medium-sized tech company in Silicon Valley previously I was a financial analyst financial journalist research engineer and telecommunications and today is November the eighth and his election day and today it is 99.999% likely that we will have to choose a group of people that are surrounding Donald Trump and a group of people surrounding Hillary Clinton to enter power in the executive branch of the United States government because not only Clinton from that we vote for about actually potentially thousands of people will fill into positions as a result of this decision of which of these two groups you want to help bring the power or which these two groups you most wish to not bring the power I have tried for a week to cogently summarize the pros and cons of the Clinton and Trump campaigns but it has pushed me into depression and but I must make the case it is my duty a friend of mine admonished me that if I did not ultimately lend my support to the Clinton Coalition is that if I did end up lending my support the Clinton coalition that I must send out an endorsement and here it is two hours before.
Well for us before polls close in the East Coast and I'm doing my best I what I can't give you an endorsement but i can give you an analysis living on the west coast most of my life I have I'm now learning about the East Coast power structures in a way that is deeper then I had the last couple of years in some respects I'm far far away physically from the street and the hill i did not attend and Ivy League university i have rubbed shoulders once in a while the bigger too but what I have learned I am learning would be obvious to many insiders what is power in America today how is it measured and for me the email from Michael Froman 22 John Podesta of showing of Wall Street recommendations of the Obama cabinet superficially through the WikiLeaks got me going down this rabbit hole figuring out who is in charge in this particular case of bringing into being the Obama administration and let's see here but i have for you.
This was the cabinet that was sent out by Michael Froman to John Podesta a month before the election and these are the actual decisions made the bold ones match and what I'll try to do is move this over a little bit so you can see what's going on here we have virtually an exact fit really that's the superficial aspect of Wall Street fix robert rubin fixed this but in fact the relationship with Froman and Obama goes back to Harvard from and went on to work in the first Obama administration first plan administration and he went followed robert rubin the citigroup then introduced Obama to ruben in 2004 does indeed look like a citigroup cabinet but what it is when you try to figure out okay who is robert robert rubin you know started at goldman Robert Rubin is clearly in touch with Larry think at blackrock who runs the most money of any person in the world has like 15 I don't know five to fifteen trillion in assets under management though these people are very connected in the common denominators officially is the Bilderberg Group the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations most of people that enter these offices serve on those bodies and it's a complicated revolving door and this article right here grand strategy makers in the US presidency is an absolutely excellent article indicating that we have this one elite that has a conservative face and a liberal things but they they have what they have in common is for example which economist's are on the council on foreign relations.
Trilateral commission and the Bilderberg Group most of them are extremely conservative with exception of Volker we have people like Neil Ferguson extremely conservative saturates there are a lot of progressive voices because the CFR it was founded by the Rockefellers funded by them as was a trilateral commission in the case of Bilderberg you know you have a large corporate CEOs so they don't send the necessarily very many of the billionaire's to these three organizations is generally their acolytes their protegees and their spokespeople coming from the think tanks so that's what I found these three organizations and in fact I believe this article shows the order of the organization Association CFR trilateral building program that trajectory etc what was most astonishing about the citigroup cabinet that was inserted or the discussions that obama had with Rome and estimated appear like the citigroup cabinet but actually they were all Obama's ideas.
You don't want to we don't know all the details of how this cabinet was sent from Froman to Podesta but what it did do was Obama allied with wall street for this great ripoff of the American people in 2008 he live with them to avoid economic catastrophe he was not a reformer in the manner of a Roosevelt his behavior showed conservativism and fear of the and economy unraveling and being the first african-american president in these times where the Fox News attack machine is extremely potent obviously he was concerned on how many how many problems he could tackle simultaneously and so he chose to rather than prosecute Wall Street use them to rescue the economy by bringing in Clinton's old cabinet but it also meant massive amounts of wealth transfer the city as a consequence perhaps each of the best path he could find after all what do Robert right Elizabeth Warren know about actually getting a capitalist economy firing on all cylinders of course i believe the next phase of economics but futurists have tried to describe as a star trek economy or personal accumulation was no longer the main motivator.
We do not see firing on all cylinders as necessarily the best way to create human happiness so the whole concept of the economy has to be deconstructed because it's turned into a system of ramps everywhere you see remnants and that is not actual production and i'll try to explain briefly if for example you Madoff $50,000 everyone's mortgage debt in the United States 2008 we could have achieved probably the same result stabilizing financial system but instead what we get as we lower the interest rate of money to one percent to allow the banks to accumulate to two vastly accelerate inequality this was a price we have to pay to get the bank's solvent again was to basically give them free capital so it's almost impossible for them to screw up how to not screw up your unlimited for you money that you can lend out so you know in a sense i skip to the conclusion which is that we have one ruling class United States may wield political and economic power and they split on culture ideas industries new ones from will bring in a Goldman banker to run Treasury just as Obama did this.
Goldman banker is also his campaign chair and let's see if I've got his info for you think i have to type in from vs turn.
Though some of the things to look at if you're choosing dropping appointment they're both bad on the Fourth Amendment Trump is bad on the I mean I'm have some concerns about Trump on the First Amendment with this sort of but this issue about Trump's violence has been deconstructed as we now know that Clinton operators are actually paying people to start violence from raleys so I have some sympathy for them there Trump is aligned himself with james Woolsey who was clinton's original intelligence man when he came into power of with Snowden they both were bad about acknowledging that you provided some good become three on the environment of course Trump is terrible and Clinton may be good.
So this fellow for Treasury Steve a- kit and he's currently his campaign manager Clinton may bring in Sheryl Sandberg from facebook to be the Treasury secretary which is a bit of a while card Trump's choice for militaries are general flim is a really interesting die or maybe it's he's a lieutenant colonel I think he's a gentleman with a lieutenant-general and he certainly is open-minded you can see his interviews and all aljazeera on martini on mainstream media box and that's far i prefer him to Michelle Florida I flournoy and the neoliberal humanitarian interventionists that are pushing extremely hawkish foreign policy but you can just see it from these groups you have a lot of Kissinger influence which is a real politics that involves it deaths.
Suffering of millions of people from holding out for the promise of cooperation with Russia creates a very complex situation.
It means that a man ostensibly running as a conservative will be in a position to view the world from a very multipolar lens because Russia is indeed at the present time the guarantor of Liberty formations which do not necessarily want to fall alive with the Western neoliberal corporate world order such as Syria so it appears we are in for more conflict with Clinton and the total disrespect of the environment with Trump Clinton we have lip service to criminal justice reform with Trump we have support the police get with a promise to revitalize inner cities from voter suppression has not been properly addressed when he's talked about the system his Trump has a champion particular the white working-class making 10 million immigrants citizens will dilute the race-based politics of a movement largely rooted in the white working-class so this is real reason that Republicans are up in arms about immigrants is that they believe that their sub culture will lose power and they would like to be the dominant culture they would champion immigration reform if they thought it would bring them more voters I'm trade trumpet said he would be industrialize America much more clearly than Clinton has they both champion trillion dollar investment plans Trump's oddly enough would be private partnerships and this is one area where Trump becomes pressure will be interesting to see whether as a entrepreneur he could bring cost savings to the hundreds of billions of dollars or even trillions of dollars of waste that are going on now he might achieve nothing but effective than likely we'll find out because.
The vast majority of the media and the corporations are on clinton side but it's possible but who will have leverage on either of these two candidates is the question.
Clinton has adopted much of the Bernie Sanders platform so it seems domestically Bernie Sanders movement may indeed have a chance to advance some of its agenda but will depend on what makes your priorities because there's going to be a tendency for to take the liberal and progressive wing of the party for granted and she's going to have to cut our deals in the center move getting conservative democrats agree with other than liberal Republicans to that are left or whatnot dramas call for draining the swamp but he should have approached it from bipartisan perspective nonetheless it would seem you put some effort into this in this presidency so he's talked about term-limits he's talked to another question is without electoral reform you have a millionaire classes a fixed thing they can bring pull out millions of billions every election cycle now for non millionaires the they have a form of currency and as well and that is their brand so if the if the problem with term limits as it's going to affect people who don't have access to big donor networks more than but of course once you're in office you should have access to it but essentially it punishes those without money more because if you do survive getting into office as a person who is affiliated with the money groups the only you know the only chance you have is your name recognition and record so so it is it is stacked against people that don't have access to a lot of money unfortunately three months is probably good idea but it isn't in a broken system if it accelerates are ruled by the billionaire class the good Clinton the environment the potential leverage of the progressive wing criminal justice reform these are good mrs. with Trump his policies on trade on any corruption legislation of you to bring in Russia from the old with limb survives chief foreign policy and national security advisor for prompt the bad Clinton's got a history and foreign policy of being ultra interventionist she has broke the record along with Obama force of arms sales to Middle Eastern dictatorship Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states this is complicated because it has to do with creating counterweight to Iran that they brought in from the cold which I personally approve of I know a lot of Persian people and Iran is one of the least dysfunctional countries in the Middle East right now they have elections that are that that are not fully free and fair but they are considered possibly the most functional election occurring in the middle east in the sense that in Israel the Palestinians who are not Israeli citizens are not allowed to vote so I don't consider that better than a system where you have to prove the candidates which is what they have in Iran so she won't be an altar aggressive and foreign policy terrible what she's done to Libya and talking about supporting children and women that's great families but it hasn't happened in Libya or Syria she's surrounded by extreme Hawks such as Kissinger she's hawkish on the surveillance state much of his tenure as senator and secretary of state supported the oligarchy.
Many respects too cozy with wall street in Trump's case too bad he supports the surveillance state as far as we can tell terrible potential problems with the solution that we guy from the environment with prompting from war with Clinton is the fear the anxiety one houses the prospect of the Supreme Court having people on it that will remove our liberties from my perspective you know I haven't gotten a comfort around things like citizens united which I consider a removal my Liberty he said he is supply-side economics has problems and in his life he hasn't been enough time developing political and economic major economic awareness certainly political awareness too cozy with big business yuzu he wanted to bring in Carl Icahn great i mean and then you've got you know the two daughters Duncan Chelsea friends both married investment banker types from Wall Street one real estate developer in New York the other a goldman sachs investment banker so you know which leaked so this year really proved a broken system it's the day after this election we need to go to work really fundamentally rethinking our political system whether dealing with issues like ranked choice voting proportional representation neither conservatives nor progressives are happy with the current system we should offer the position of presence presidency to the wisest and most virtuous amongst us and if you read Aristotle's politics is an interesting section rather than having people running for office where you get egomaniacs sometimes sociopath or psychopathic both jump in front of shades of that we why don't we decide who we want to have be our president and then tell them that they're going to have the job in other words a job search so do we really want people to run for office rather them the people finding the right candidates it said the idea is Korean systems in order to the many thousands of ways of solving tomorrow we can start this reform today I should be happy i suppose the progressive movement when a strong voice in the Clinton administration but I am deeply uneasy because of the past because of the trans-pacific partnership because of the board director ship on Walmart because of the wall street speeches because of the Clinton Foundation's big donations from these right-wing dictatorships in the Middle East that we then sold a hundred billion dollars worth of weapons two reasons for hold if she actually does what she says.
For example the third debate you know we would be in great shape but that's not how it works out it doesn't work out that the rhetoric is and matched with the policies and then so the rhetoric doesn't match the policies with very many presidents and of course some of them evolved to like Reagan ended up evolving in some ways when he befriended the garbage ops i cannot endorse either of these two candidates when I can say there many people I know in the Bernie Sanders movement who expect to have a functional government and potential real change on a fraught road in conjunction with Hillary Clinton who we have a shining light for mr. Trump this point the only person is contingent that I can relate to is General Glenn and I consider Mike Pence and Jim came both more dangerous than trump or Clinton so study their policies you have a couple of hours left I've given you what analysis I can my name is Alexander Hagen good day and good luck.


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