Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Cinema Royale - Season 2, Episode 32: Harrison Ford

There 1.
Hi com.
Go ahead.
Make my day.
Hello and welcome to them a royal where we talk about films whenever we can I'm your host Mike mixtape along with me are my excellent film the shutters for stuff to get matter Day also known as animate tonight's broadcast is brought to you by my new patriotic have that I opened so.
Hey if you guys would like to support my work if you go check it out over there.
At a tree under com slash Adam at Anne.
Selfless to afoot okay hey we always do these tonight's broadcast it gives me an offer an opportunity it.
That's why you can or your cell phone on this podcast go ahead K card keep that.
That she's given in a way and last but at least he may have the Guelph.
Terms with her sorry me shameless plug own.
Idea movie reviews.
I Can Has movie reviews and out the fuck my shows I just take movies and I tell you about him.
And a go watch because not only their good shape that crap I I will wait until I used to do any reviews.
Night kinda retired because it didn't feel I was worthy to do but I've always had a passion for films are finally and start doing that.
So yeah that's good that's good and some if you're watching is Morgan will help here somewhere in the subsoil you have the final.
Anyways a today is harrison ford's birthday.
Heater he turned 70 to and we look so much older.
I know mmm he's just 72 yeah exactly imagine that its net.
Arm accidents other birthdays today to.
Which I can focus steps that on also I had yeah I'm on the IMDB page.
I can see it too a patch extra expertise today.
Today Patrick Stewart has turned 74.
So please write down on the comments section to wish Patrick Stewart a great and wonderful.
Half-day oh my god my mind went down my thought you were talking about sleazy.
Exits to collect me if I know I went there was actually right huge difference that Sarah I Club of it was okay.
Its according to midnight I'm allowed to have my brain I for a moment that's fine.
Policy up time I often have those as well.
I'm interrupting Mike sorry tom cat is vertical today yeah happy birthday.
Kenny cap house went well Sponge Bob I love her and that that that that that the is also can John's birthday so wish meshed.
Mister challah great happy birthday to is the big birthday bash a otherwise ash today a geek history we have a less Starfighter was released today in 1884.
Gamer to take a lesion was released in eighteen a 60-day its not it's also Cheech Marin Ameren's birthday media on our check it there's others or.
Now I know think so that is it but yeah we're.
The main focus is Harrison order and.
Is just pairs and fours that one actor in it he might known for the big franchise is known as like Star Wars are indiana Jones but he's got some films in between there are worth talking about.
Likable mention.
On the podcast today so let's turn it off.
With our Canadian Matt okay so I guess I'm gonna start things off with one out up.
Her supporters most obvious roles now their art.
Dispersed 32 the last everyone knows him and everyone loves an ass.
Your consoles or indiana Jones which in this case.
I'm gonna go ahead and go with a indiana Jones.
With Raiders of the Lost Ark arms.
What I can practically say about Raiders of the Lost Ark I mean nowadays is pretty much a classic by I think it really does set the standards and for those like treasure hunting movies because more.
Like number one like it's really action-packed.
Plus the fact that we we follow great great characters like not just said indiana Jones but also a.
Marion as well a like that said that's another great character which.
Also like is it is one of the very few examples like a strong female lead as well from what I recall.
Well it's it's like and we she's a strong girl.
Email lead and the last no lot like.
I think more than an extension in children's film.
In Temple of Doom and yes so like we have great characters and.
Gray I great action any even a great story where it's Indiana indiana Jones has to find something enters like said before the Nazis do so definitely its it's definitely a great example of a movie that's really engaging really action-packed an all round like this is a great.
Great fine movie and don't think that I.
Use do want to mention I I think it actually because at this film that we actually guy a pg-13 rating I think it's this one.
Because on it was actually very controversial because on a steven spielberg at really hard time to figure out like which and like.
Which where does indiana Jones belong to is in like a PG film or is it a rated R helms on one hand there's no swearing there's no blood there's no sacks so families can watch it on the other hand that ending scene where they.
Open the Lost Ark all week crap that that is pretty much beyond freaky so they decided to create.
A rating that's more in between which is the pg-13 rating I'm not sure but I think it think it's because in this yeah I don't remember which may be but yeah ninos ricos feel better with a pg-13 rating scale yes as rehear Wikipedia the in the early eighties their complaints by violence and gore in films such as Indiana Jones and tabla do mean gramm ones which pose for CPG rating Spielberg directed director temple du Maine segment producer three months adjusted in New reading between PGN rated R to pg-13 rating.
Was introduced in July 1884 usually goes.
About half right and Matt yes yeah I'm calls.
Spielberg so mmm you're right 20 yeah a indiana Jones is the one French as for you go back in time and relive the adventures with me a Jones.
Thats yeah that's a classic will never die and my favorite still the third one.
Franchise the one before they did kristol let yeah.
Yet Last Crusade yeah def that one is another great one actually.
That's mostly because like they're given it they're giving Sean Connery.
Like as indiana Jones father which gives which gives like more development for indiana Jones like any gives.
It gives them washed up to do so guess I'll I could definitely see how.
Last crocheting is a lot of people's favorites.
They'd and don't even have to begin age difference between the two.
Me either exactly a alright does just because Sean had the white hair that's the only area here well get a fun fact yes who was originally gonna be any indiana Jones before Harrison Ford.
I'm sellick yet tom sellick I'll oh yeah yeah I was not prop for some reason I was about Saint Nicolas Cage.
The murky.
It is in here do in the league he I.
You go on the internet Nicolas Cage's everything.
Social arenas carry-on bags are too little too also Nicolas Cage and Nicolas Cage's Bay Area mean is %eh.
He's being turn into things he shouldn't even be.
Like Disney Princesses hideo sean connery.
83 so he's barely over 10 years older.
The where it.
Year while yeah I think about it you think about them the film yeah I kinda.
Earlier I think indiana Jones dad.
Hat that's my boy scenario ok I'm just thinkin that didn't want to purchase.
Yeah have Adams earlier and yes to the douche.
Did I ever tell you about time that I am that I've met your mom are.
When he took a shit harmful for some virtually.
Said compression thank you a.m. Iran hey.
Your crystal skull was major bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit.
Especially with the fridge in the NUJ so.
Just that's where the jump the shark hier.
And that the aliens I think the best singer I think the best way to.
When did that like there are some fun moments there are some times when it does capture it but then like.
Things like shy Love and the aliens and stuff like that as like it this is a good thing its trying to be indiana Jones but it doesn't really work yeah arm so what do you think in Indiana Jones 5.
Gonna be I am I have no idea honestly in a fifteen let's rumored.
And I yet I'm in the engines 5 announce.
It was announced then there there if they re.
Like recasting in indiana Jones somehow with the new actor and know they still say Harrison Ford for.
Now yeah they were there was a rumor at one point they said there's someone so as in your Jones.
Like Zac Efron or something now I think.
Not for that I say its gonna depend.
On how well Star Wars Episode seven is it does.
Really really well then they're able to make her support you in your chance because.
He's going to be he's going to be Hans solo artist age show you can still do any other Jones and his age.
Exactly n/a speaking aliens let's talk about his other film from three years ago.
The slightly backward you guys but it's Cowboys and Aliens Hannah.
Just i no-interest well that this is the premises here's the premise.
What if Toy Story is being taken seriously from.
Nice I've never thought about that.
Nice know the I never thought about that yeah.
Arm bar yet be sick I wasn't millions is that is under mixing film.
Arm with western side plates mostly a Western with sci-fi elements and.
You have a Daniel Craig is the lead.
And and begin the film years no fucking clue who he is that's like memento kinda thing is Lee as the.
Remember who he was than he walks into town.
You know it's like a Western Canada things like a an ash Bush being here boy.
And officially meet up with Harrison Ford and he plays this kernel he's like the bad guy.
Before the aliens come up any officially meet arm.
He just doesn't want him in the town.
And eventually in its pop by an hour in the search matchup people.
Off the ground in here's a port sees that.
Data Craig s like this alien risk-on.
Is like or that house back I am I so.
I remember seeing the trailer for then I went benten are yeah yeah toilet legacy that year and I am with the wrist thing.
Yes I thought I was originally covered in realize it was it was western yet the.
Like either the initial trailer teaser trailer I sincerely went entangled.
I fear what I heard.
I thought it was something like that at first yeah oh okay yet that it has really transformed into any a hillians but is go that they're done look at this futuristic yeah done any no no no I know that yes I know it I was.
That spotless ask you get the joke.
To teach all.
Sad face um so because our mailings take up here is the fourth son in the film and they're like here's the board in a creamy to and they're like okay would we have to work together to get our people back in.
The whole town comes together they have to go after the ANZ get the people back.
Indians come to all West America to still gold for some other reason.
There digging for gold which is you know I hope but stable in Western Civ digging for gold and I saw was in the theaters talked about this with my friends at the time in the same when my friend side and they're like people amid a cold holiday eating people what an into so confused but I was like dude heater take.
Goal is that they're feel source further spaceship.
Enemy no sense but here's a fourth is.
Gruff really grow his get there ever.
Way they do the I'm gonna get you.
Joe cada sounds like Harrison Ford if get they grew up going on and it kinda works for a mining in.
You can to see a min as growth share colonel whatever and there's a lotta.
As that sounds like a good action a its the Canon mixes the special effects very well mean week get closer to the if they're very generic generic looking they're not.
Me a fresh new alien it kinda looks like it's like.
CGI but it's like it puppet sometimes than.
And I was really n.
It actually based on a graphic know which I've not read yet by its but underrated Phil now love people like it is a.
Nit-pick very that this saw a plot something unlike do just watch it turn your brain a enjoy the Cowboys.
Any aliens all.
You know the one thing about cowboys and Aliens.
One of the reasons why it doesn't seem that.
Appealing in general is just like the concept of having Cowboys and Aliens that sounds like a movie that they would do you like.
In the 50s like during that a route where it's like where pretty much like pretty much that Brady Harryhausen they're aware like science fiction.
And giant monsters reply cool the cinemas and stuff like that from him like even working on animation look back I actually found him.
I actually found this movie as that's pretty much similar to this.
But a little bit different is called the value guanxi the house at.
Is pretty much Cowboys and dinosaurs.
Mmm-hmm so like if you've heard about a movie.
That's called Cowboys and Aliens this would practically fit during that era for movie that's in recently for recent years right now.
It's like I dunno like someone like that issue.
Shouldn't have taken it sells as seriously as it should honestly yeltsin to say that this film does take it very seriously its like.
It's like taking place where it's like what if the aliens do come into the past in the wild west and stuff in it take it so seriously.
And that their that there's there's two ways they could do it they can.
Take it seriously or they can goal cheesy as hell.
And it will work just fine both ways in my opinion.
But they weren't serious and I thought if the work done the anchors the characters have good arcs and development in it you get to understand the characters as they go through the film.
And no where camp were great he could have given in Lake the Sam Raimi treatment you know just cheese and a president's bill trust me cheesiness really works.
This is why the same ring excuse me my stomach is not cooperating but this is why the Sam Raimi spider-man trilogy.
Is remembered today because I've its cheesiness.
And how in georgia peach easy it is yaki see that air.
I mean the director Jon Favreau rejected Iron Man W.
But he did good I thought he did well with the.
Or he could have made it flat out comedy just make it a million ways to die with aliens don't get me started did you actually see million ways to die.
I've heard yes I've heard good things I heard a lot of things about it.
Yes is hoppin funny.
You have to go in there realizing this is Seth MacFarlane yeah.
At that humor if you go in expecting anything else you're probably gonna end up being disappointed.
But if you can go in there expecting the same humor you saw in Ted.
And in Family Guy will be entertained Yahoo's.
Fucking money there was one thing and it said you seen you would not think it's that funny but for whatever reason they had me and my brother laughing really hard for a while the scene where he's.
Telling you that all the ways you can die basically in an older I wanna show you something yeah I'd that scene nailing me what it is good to have people checking out that these know came in didn't show the tree they did looked at them but yeah there's enough there's a lotta good customers in here to decide.
Daniel Craig and here's for you got Olivia Wilde you have Sam Rockwell.
In its you have mister Krabs in it there actor.
What Clancy Brown is in this film armor.
Issue crimes yeah Clancy Brown please mister Krabs in this form I'll do you yeah he's in this film as the arm.
The doctor in here he is the it's pretty it is stellar cast in at those.
Really really fun definitely worth.
Our rental more.
Purchase yes and yes in my opinion.
Appease me very her.
I haven't seen the movie so maybe.
Maybe I'll sure to use net by 10 yessir on her I'm.
Well I'm I'm a little caught between.
Working girl or he's more support erodes Tony Griffin who stars in that one they'll probably talk about the other one regarding Henry.
Was for whatever reason a favorite film my mother's and Harrison Ford stars is this ambitious.
Callous narcissistic and just very.
Basically an ethical lawyer whose married with a kid and in the middle love him stopping EE.
Convenience store robbery with all the singing place in New York City.
He had shot leading to be in the hospital gets brain-damaged she's hemorrhaging lot of internal bleeding.
And did not being able to speak or walk right away.
Any has amnesia so he heals he comes back into his life reason really different personality he's almost you not dumb but he's more simple compared to help lives and he ends up finding all these not so nice things that he used to be.
And he decided he doesn't want to be that person anymore I am you know it also stars annette bening as his wife and I just on this one out it was written by JJ Abrams in 1991 drama and its been awhile since I've seen it but I know what is a good movie it really has.
A huge amount care development that's all this film is you know its literally hassle who through tragic accident gets a second chance at life and up himself to you and it's that I I wish I could say more about it I feel horrible that I can issues it's been so long since I've seen it and I was a last-minute.
Guest on this site was unable to Lake re watching for myself so you know man feel horrible only mothers from Wikipedia yeah I billion really is a good film it is.
It you yes same thing with man so we calculated you should definitely.
Have a watch if you're anywho Harrison fanned four am Harrison Ford fan.
Check out regarding yeah actually I'm checking this on IMDB right now and I think I actually were.
Actually government I might actually seen and.
I will say it's actually it's very interesting especially as a hair so for poppy because here's a thing normally with air support you were mostly associate him.
What's nextmore these actionable piece like.
Often like you always see her support and more like all these action scenes and stuff like that but this is something in which her supporters like completely out of his comfort sold.
Late this is pretty much like it after the accident.
He's more of a car like he's more like just a comment caring man like yeah like he's really.
Gallant herself he married on buddy.
He's simple in the head a little bit eat on.
The the plot is described him being almost childlike you know he had he is rich successful lawyer so he went from the hospital.
To going back to his home which is obviously a big expensive place.
And he's in are about how it looks house is so big and so pretty.
You know again he's not stupid it's just he's he's more simplified because if the brain damage.
You know that yeah and like that doesn't sound like a hair set for parole.
Like 10 cuz you're used to him in an action film this is pure drama I mean you can list almost any other one of his films yes and yes once here drama and that's why it makes it so interesting to see Lake this new site at Harrison or and honestly he does pull it up pretty well.
Wakey its kinda we're its Sun it don't like when you watch it does make you wonder.
Like how was it that you don't really see me decided Harrison or in Austin.
But I guess is mostly because to cash in on the side that we all know.
Play still it's it's interesting to see that.
Harrison forward date you would not shake up.
Yeah regarding Henry is absolutely.
Where to watch you and working girl he's.
Each Melanie Griffith cannot acts not only she can act like a working girl.
With catch she can act she can't you really can't you have an episode about her.
I want in because it's really just gonna be an hour and half major shake magic is Melanie Griffith the messages I don't get it now she's in working or working girl while he was with working working girl working girl in the 88 romantic comedy.
Drama harrison ford yes and Sigourney Weaver.
Doing Greddy ended cameo thing with a Alec Baldwin.
Skinny young Alec Baldwin no we're not going into it I'm just I want any regard here and I'm just mentioning working girl okay but i mean it's a Hello I mean sigourney in Harrison alone thats.
The helluva combo really core sigourney plays the bitch in it so.
It that I like the film miss don't like Melanie in it to see if they remember who what other arm.
Movies melanie was an antenna outlining all.
The a.
All she reaches cells liner ache you're working girl was wondering big ones.
Years a.
The each 00 a stranger among us ok born yesterday a sub on yesterday that has john goodman et as a remake actually one I am oh my god I don't know discern anything else here shoes and be able lofton love love-in.
TV series The King at cancelled other.
Him is on raising Hope and apparently on Hawaii five-o for three episodes.
But yeah an area popular in the 80s.
Late eighties and she was stays nineties.
Here both like that um anyway if they're working girls are biggest thing actually yeah here stock an actor she sounds like she's reading everything.
No motion nothing there is nothing there.
Anyway yes and that was the rare already by milling Russian by starr chance.
Are I'll.
His through through the quick actually on I'm attached to the start time.
Plenty I like it.
Plenty a way so.
Dis filament time until working but.
We can definitely given details on this second.
Round the film's anger all crap I gotta start.
Are I thought you would text her pic for some reason but anyways arm okay so the second now I'll be very honest and I nice I have not seen a lot of by herself or movies.
It doesn't really help either the fact that a Harrison Ford has not me.
Has not appeared in a single animated feature which is kinda which is interesting yet weird the most he has done is just the Star Wars Holiday Special but anyways a schiphol one that I wanna talk about.
The one the other movie that I have seen that has Harrison Ford oddly enough is a lo que me that he has done.
In group now for those of you who don't know what they're always.
It's basically one of those on is one of Sasha Baron Cohen's a like one of those like you meant re movies in which.
Like he goes out as this game a Austrian.
Fashion guy or some yeah yeah a gay.
I flamboyant Arsch Austrian fashionista Bruno.
He decided where he wants to go and make it big.
In the US and stuff like that and he goes out and go what does all these crazy shenanigans and.
At one point he thinks whatever ways is to be straight so what he does I'll leave you guys.
Leave to your imagination how does he do like how he would find ways to go straight but anyways.
The are with her support and it is that there's as.
One scene he decided to go in pictures show.
To un-american network so like he does it like he shows he shows it all the executives and stuff like that and things are going to finance like girls show is basically this talk shows like.
Hey my name is growing up murder controversial.
Coming soon I'm gonna to an interview with Harrison former and like throughout this whole time.
There's just upon chips alert and I certainly got have to pay is just Sasha Baron Cohen doing a helicopter deck and Mike and apparently bleak even his back it like his dick was singing at hand.
Now I wasn't sure I close my eyes during that part because I'm I i actually washing theaters and trust me I don't wanna see.
Like in on the pic I don't wanna see Sacha Baron Cohen's take on the big screen for have finally.
If the his show with end of as finally come over as arrives I now it's time for my interview with Harrison Ford.
And it's literally like chess five seconds 0.
Bruno arm acting a bit like MTV Europe operating as I mister for mister 4 far call of and that's it so basically we just had.
Far 3.5 seconds up Jess Harrison Ford walking and say fuck off and that was his moment ingram now as for the movie itself I'll just say that.
Its cruelly twisted its messed up beyond hello.
But like if you're into that sorta thing like a few into or if you can get into or at you're not gonna like it as much as Borat Boyd.
It has its charm yes.
It does have a happy ending all say that.
Mess in the film so hi I tended and to stay away from Sasha Baron Cohen's.
Film unless it does make appearance in the film watching it later Madagascar me an exception.
And kinda funny how you mention Sasha Baron Cohen.
Cuz he does make a cameo any command to.
Which also has a cameo by Harrison Ford in.
All actually before you go on to anger panty I just want to mention a really funny stories I mention that I watch Burn on the big screen it was actually the first time ever.
I was actually watching the it was during the time.
I was in tears with me and my sister we were both watching Bruno.
And my parents went to go see Public Enemies because they don't wanna see something as stupid.
As a such american movie I think it was in the who's who of the movie.
My sister gave up she's like that's it I'm joint she walk down low edition just want to go watch.
Public Enemies with my parents why I was sitting here watching her ass too.
Not war I'll just got up and walked out.
Yet while I I always hear people walking.
Theaters I Diskin all in the only time ever calm myself expanding that I've never locked out.
Here now and I set the blair witch but that's the movie I've sat in where people literally got up and left a nominally 0 I know may I forgot to mention I'll.
Well when I was watching Bruno during that time there were only 5 people with cedar including me and my sister.
Cocaine and makes it worse yeah anyways as you were saying like yes I was gonna say a arm while while a command to militia continues I'm a huge fan of the original film.
Anchorman the legend of Ron Burgundy absolutely i qotta film as much as possible it's very quotable.
And when I heard a sequel came as was coming up I was like understeer in theaters right away on so.
Here supporting this film he has a cameo.
He plays this news anchor just like veteran news anchor that a remember being the its tries to work with the at the end movies.
He's working at this national news station and I think a reason for was.
What it is coworkers are bosses he seemed beginning in later on you see 'em at the towards the end in towards the end like in the first movie.
Y si in the first with a there's this big fight you might know well the newscasters in San Diego area and those like towards the middle the film at the in the film and I think you made to there's this huge she huge fight with more news anchors.
And their support comes outta nowhere in.
Robert is like what are you doing here your to offer this new kid.
Fight animals Eni's he goes like wall once in early fall early moon I feel like a stallion.
Any over 30 transforms it is where hyena.
Just for insurance forms in it there's a cameo by Kenny what's this film he plays on the same TV news exec news reporter.
In his makes joke like hey August.
Tell-all Michael Jackson about the sea he is gonna love this idea.
Hinted towards thriller now it enables dis.
Mindless it what.
Is a warehouse the she it just blows my mind.
And and as a marina boat and during production is he had no clue deal to do in no clue at all he didn't see the first film he is.
Was in this movie and Aegis was clueless can be.
But are.
All 10 I'm getting paid for this what I asked.
I'm just gonna win it what see what happens haven't seen anchorman 2 but you want to yeah and here.
I says I saw these the actual version.
Um I couldn't be able to see the unrated or the.
Other version with 720 East 60 20s three jokes in it I can see those.
Those kinda pissed up in the DVD didn't have his version but arm and FITC alone is worth the wash.
Is you get cameos from other people to you guess I should bear Colin.
As were the leaders at the British news network who which is hilarious I mean I could tell you all about these carriers in this fight scene it is.
It just blows your mind no no to root it.
I'm not gonna ruin it I'm just sayin those two cameos there is the cameras are worth the watch call just.
All love it so much the right after working on now.
Yeah okay so working girl the maybe even romantic comedy drama film and like I said it has now any Griffin.
Sigourney Weaver and Harrison Ford and basically it's Melanie plays the secretary for mergers and acquisition bank saying on Wall Street and Sigourney Weaver's your boss but said when he breaks her leg so test kinda covers for her but is her character's clever with the mergers and.
Acquisitions and pitches our own ideas claiming.
That she's Sigourney Weaver character to.
Airs in sports character and then of course her character and harrison ford character phone love yadda yadda yadda I am I can't stand now any but it's a good movie.
A hairs and more the supporting character obviously and the love interest.
But I am again it's one other films should check out at least one-time as much as I can stand now any.
I can't put up with her in this and if you really want to see a very young skinny looking Alec Baldwin.
Yet definitely get that in this one cuz he's our original boyfriend in the beginning and also as Joan Cusack in it too I'll.
Interesting one unit I know that sounds like a really boring I know it does but really the film is worth a shot.
And again that was not always in Joplin.
Lee Scott please applaud for the return of the stage.
Morgan Hill water.
Her tonight's broadcast is brought you by.
Reluctance to the troops into the College the resume to strap adjusts.
Tomato search yeah I was with us this with the strictest succinctly covers this country the top.
She cooked pool your YouTube it couldn't sue me.
Recapping yes I.
Already died seriously if you have not seen it all tested Astrix.
Watch all yeah.
Large in shirts that is really that is really liked a feel good that it is it's fun and also getting.
Be used in snoopy be written in your stash Ste.
So before we give the Florida Morgan I wonder can to mention are a committee of the a little bit more I I mentioned earlier there's a 4-2 walked in with no knowledge of what's going on he didn't know the first movie and he just was like.
I'm here from my paycheck or something the where high in a bit was is.
Pick in the best so Yemeni kills Gary yasser.
No sorry that was in the r-rated version shots.
Bullets will spoil.
Through every so on.
And put this in did your to video here so every can see that a.
And I he its stupid why we would want to do it was some Wii words a 60-hour a long day with them in the whole day we couldn't believe those hairs and for welfare saying.
That's mortgage up to the call for some other reason the show like almost over anyway and Morgan Hill Morgans yeah it was a hard time for one and one for like probably one more yeah we can we can actually squeeze more than we originally planned.
Just you guys believer rate no no sorry but we save it all for you just let me I'm.
I'll I he.
Harrison quoted I never saw the original a command I got there and I had no idea who those guys were and I still don't know how they.
At a still don't know how they are and what their.
Doing cuz its clearly on releasable.
There's no way you're gonna put person.
Figures away shows there's quite yeah here's the said he received a little bit of money for keyword being.
A little bit a little bit yes but what does.
A little bit He harassing here's a good question how much is a little bit in.
For cameo Missy leaks five million dollars types for us.
For a cameo sure like a brief scene at the beginning and then if fall a.
Payee tonsil yes have jobs anyway.
Page lessees be dues from zinc are made for fans of all generations.
There so last quote by fears the forum.
And that's that take a minute to he said a while working with the cats.
He said it was a bizarre the words on the same scene as I did in it was it was just what's what's his name and applesauce girl machines for a few Will Ferrell.
It crystal Christina apple cake haha soon.
Shashlik of that after Lost Girl should let you keep your new nickname.
Casinos it the apple sauce girl no Chrissy.
Christina applesauce girl I'll yeah and I get here in Ford's choke his ap.
Apple or Apple sauce osha's efforts are girl whatever the.
But yeah checked out a command its it's definitely a good its one will see cause the it's just like of arm anyways let's give Morgan the floor cuz he's got a tugboat yes two films then actually in a stirred with the underrated into with more popular choice arms on you guys probably name and i've seen.
Hope you've seen it it's called with this and is from nineteen eighties and it's about Harrison Ford.
As an FBI agent and starts off with this little.
Amish family going into modern territory.
Cameras reason why it's been a long time since I've seen a bird little kid witnesses a mafia intervention.
And a coarse hairs whereas protect them the next thing you know she gets involved whole well as you do he's on the lam support.
Height the Amish own the open possibilities an FBI agent in in area withers new technology.
Hashers were to non-violent technicalities and a steal the Mbox.
Average ordinary day love farm life and.
It's a very neat concept not surprised that no one is taking an idea.
In really modernizing at Lake ill for comedy purposes I think the closer they did was om for richer or poorer with Tim Allen as virtually.
I was actually pretty good him and Kirstie Alley.
Had make more movies together arm any witnesses actually far more interesting as an action from alone.
And I saw this in a release Shing time drink any college cuz college professor during some cities said it had the tendency to Western.
And at first get why.
Because we're sitting westerns sleek Michael in common time high noon.
Unforgiven I'll I think getting this is Stace westerns and after seeing those in current witness.
I can understand why it has typical she's a.
New guy going into the old town I'll transfer serbs.
The all town or just simply you dealing with the cliches it arm something new.
Is being built in this case to barn is a huge showdown and then at the end I'm said hero has a choice of staying in the old town gorgeously on to the next one.
And looking back on it now yeah it has those cliches will Western.
Only their soul subtly underlay that you don't really realize that you to see it as a fish outta water story but played up for action.
Tendencies helms persons in at night yeah I think so is even and the scene where some 40.
Riding with them there's easy on internships hipster yet be people coming in and they're teasing and throwing ice cream in their faces and then Harrison Ford he can take in this heat if cooper's wanted the home.
Breaking amish rule.
Eat such a great great sequence in it has something for action fans again something for Western chance so if she hadn't seen this movie I highly recommend it to a TMR Stanley people arm Kevin type this it's weird because when people.
Legally you guys for example I say lee Partners a witness we have white house as possible at you're not supposed to know well except for sale your christmas was Santa this movie it does not make sense ship for Sarah by the way apparently.
Just just saw this are you attorney witness.
Is his only Oscar nomination for Best Actor.
Shit yeah yes yes.
Best actor in a leading role meanwhile was nominated for an Oscar.
While I'll 19 in nineteen 85 and even any.
Even witness even one or on all on a No hoops I thought it was witnessed but no it was knows just Harrison Ford that I want the Cecil B deMille Award now black I thought it was I thought it was witness itself thank God.
Subject books on Amazon anyways now but I remember I saw witnessed changed think when I first saw it.
It was like during the middle of the movie and was just just when you watch it out of context it's like the weirdest thing and in a way it's kinda I unintentionally funny its freakin Harrison Ford as as an Amish the guy said the same to your place warning them Spanish its lights I'm sorry we passion for what are you doing it's like his probable with like a mention in when we talked about one of Sarah's movies s I.
Allison is already by I'm earning Henry are working girl regarding Henry.
If missus house rolled yet did you guys talk but working girl briefly breeze very seriously year.
No but anyways look a not anyways here's some for quick that all those rules in which she would never see her see.
14 here he was definitely one ever goal:.
Higher Harrison Ford to be a harm ish.
I mean seriously you cannot see him go.
Plowing and stuff like that when he was known to be like psychiatric and Hans solo working on the plow or like was freaking indiana Jones per Lake.
Working in the church no hurry your brother Chewbacca a firearm the horse in bogota welcomed the Morse.
You can she harrison ford as an Amish.
Is in an episode of Amish mafia cyst.
Har like I air.
We must I hate your job to large-scale brother job or otherwise he'll tramples lose own soda horses.
I i cant believe that exist so might start downers.
On are going to go cut ironical kicked rubber tires are hard are you sure them or 12 preseason.
Of shower work hard all try you brother so low I love huh no te podias will either oh i suck up a little the shells up haha cation I was so stupid it is because fact they don't repeal stars like so many things they can you want to use a.
I can see it on TV from because it's all the most the Department amish way.
It's like you don't want to have electronics in there yet you're talking to a camera.
What the fridge kinda breaks really think.
And that was a brief discussion about misma.
Via tune in next time where we talk about our favorite characters and pornstars the just.
See Ste.
Grammar cromer eat.
And km.
Soon the stay protests click better your walence.
Schist year States this is probably in a ranking up my top 50 favorite movies.
Is a number three a timetable personally its new our story it's a remake much its renagel metropolis its fugitive its just likely will not metropolis for me.
No noticed that I was like metropolis ok.
To Metropolis influenced film with Japanese and savers Los Angeles in 2009.
17 thank you to her think 2017 and he have Harrison forest that's description that sounds like it could be easily missed a couple for that my truck was remake like that Japanese animation lunch gestures the issues he has the style and a suppressed enough it's very light actually arm he have her some forward as decker this retired.
Blade Runner was pretty much the only jobs to hunt down these droid like beans cole replicants for almost like humans but have a shorter life span.
To use for mining in salt areas elitist planets.
And his job hunt these republicans down and.
What else should have arm is very jury interesting scenes character he's channeling Hans Holbein it's with a different ways very new water.
Arm Dick Tracy kinda molded very futuristic setting.
He knows this job he knows his team for civil paycheck at the same time.
As wanna do it and the question is why.
And if you seen directors cut and file cabinet workprint eat somehow.
Exclusions the eighties possibly replica himself.
Yeah yeah bitch again I'm not gonna.
Go to or does it show that's the whole theory itself.
Yes indeed type other side the convention SEL dragged by her an arm even much more than that to Ghana.
Regenerating Doctor Who anyway um it and ate it all except distinct docks a reason to see docs.
Arm the here it's an idea as you White Disney World is because he thinks they're just.
Is on Tuesday again or just because he thinks are some for Humanity.
And she things when we see these republicans in action East for fugitives we're actually close to actually citing and it's interesting.
You never get that Woods in certain zones except others can think of to.
My head %uh recently donna the plan the Apes where they give reasons for both sides reasons for why they hate each other reasons for why they want their own goals and methods and Blade Runner truly represents that you have Decker who was just doing his job up even though he doesn't want to do this sort of thing and you have the rebel can someone your life because well their virtual life span.
They want to experience the old feeling old going on a few extra years.
Even if they have to you know plant somebody's eyes to do that sort of thing.
Over chills teacher spline field goal.
And I think it makes more sense in the directors can thank God when the leaders game go see the creator.
And says a lot more my father thats frankenstein.
Needs its own creation it's the old material what's it like to have your own.
Creation walked up to and say a I have flaws.
6 me ish streak recently interesting.
The facts that have these people that want the old.
Calling in the end they can achieve because they were made that way.
They were crafted way it's the old but for nafta lifted don't wanna lift in same time BBQ.
Pad for them just because it they're so close to being human aside from one small thing any have decker on the other hand who just know.
Has is sympathy but it's like I'm sorry I got a gun you down it is what it is the scenery tools the Holkar.
Were is the date sorry the dancer.
Sorry meant say the dancer on but the snake skin stuff the for she called entertainers takin.
Entertainers with snake on she still join it he doesn't see any joy.
In killing person especially considering how.
She you can see the pain in her she's going to class after class and he's shooting her down Annie Wilkes Tony sees the pop body she still drawing that isn't look down and see well want a new singles good could hushed and its fine and no debt.
When her son for was doing this movie com.
There was some stupid interference on the side and play the injury at the sleet naked no upbeat shirt audiences day once in a recent clarify some things about plot elements stuff.
In a way a kiss and very new Arish have layer and if you can't use by the film it does help.
But it's funny because even hear some for himself said he recorded those lines sold poorly he hoped they wouldn't use it in.
Who speak but they did should marks Schmucks.
Wayne it does.
Ed theatrical cut because again its futurist new.
Ourselves it's a greater measure the tech two stories in nineteen thirties and forties like The Maltese Falcon.
Arm and again decrease in general tso.
Nan sense it does kinda work bird.
At the same time you just so indulge in the environment the characters.
That again you don't know cool route we on Google.
You know work with it just follow.
Incredible experience I will say this though.
The narration at the and win one of the big characters is having its else unmanned moment and then the offer man moment happens.
And you have deckers voice-over explaining it.
Will know he alright I E I know which is quite I was seeing that scene.
I just kept saying my school no I wanna peak in the moment I know what up recapped don't exploiting the.
Click a teacher year yeah the and over there I'll from fact the the the upbeat ending up schedule cut some that footage workers.
Outtakes from the shining the only compromise sits in the Cooper said was.
Don't whose any shots at I used in my movie or I am suing Europe X while okay maybe not that last part but you get the idea written.
An end another I did not know that in-ear.
Wanted to see where r for the longest time and.
I was like you there's a buncha versions I didn't know which version to watch but I i the salient way to the Final Cut excels the final release got cut the you know he pushed out.
Washed it enemy think for the longest time.
Cuz its own dance with themes and characters.
And makes you wonder.
About story and the characters and I don't get it often I watch census movie is in Blade Runner changed.
Me been awhile since I've seen and I don't remember too much really its honestly play turner's.
Like top five for me and even the flying cars.
For the damn the most their members and she champions from a nigga 0.
Act no no no thats at I like that's the dancer to go to the window yeah whatever some areas through into.
Yeah and the big speech in the rain at that's all I got the at the iconic Cydia addition the cliche handling.
Nope concededly one sir happen such a good movie it is such a great movie it's like great movie if you if you if you wanna see hairs and Ford in a great movie you gotta see playwrights.
And Final Cut is actually we she should be calling Angeles issued a movie to watch Pearl really just talked about that by the way.
Should I hate that will peak late hate.
Deadly with a passion every time I see it in my region the retail store at work at on the shelves I cringe its I literally cool inch side who of should I repeat that story to morning you'll be missing a I was yeah he should just messaged him became Morgan meeting in Jerusalem need her.
I just wanna mention Morgan I actually went to see Bruno in theaters.
And I went with my sister and apparently we were just only six in the theaters I think my sister can feel the same for you because.
I during the middle of the movie she walked out theater if you want to join my parents to go watch Public Enemies Twitter yes though you just let it go.
I watch the whole movie I saw Bruno in turn into straight Danny.
Hope spoilers of doesn't care that will be stupid my name is still need a man that to fade Pearson 6082 women and I extension Karen bonham whatever going.
If hush among Carter like I get what he's trying to do I get it but the fact he's doing in the same tells Borat the fact that he's tracking these people just for a film Anna plant and heavy ordered yes even though he teaches do this in I don't know who.
A movie it said something exploit he should know Lake jackass everything that much but to the biggest extreme know he's pretty much me as a mockumentary that's the thing I know what he's doing I get it he's clean the public in seeing in this is how ludicrous claim a class or Treat honey.
GFT act but fool ok of hot what does he have to go to this much trouble.
Beat and I'm sorry I'm feeling bed with these people want to just laughing at stuff he's doing.
And the fact that the character is so Street typical.
It annoys me I'm sorry I have changed close people who are homosexuals.
Help I'm bisexual myself and this person just annoys me all like call my hats and now with Morgan's random Bruno me I go further but.
I don't want it to go longer is that it goes longer its gonna feel a pull up beside yeah and it wasn't even talk about hers as forwards Kim yu-na and also.
They say we saw anything that was the also attempt it's the only funny thing in the goes to the talking penis into skills a slim lead mention that so yeah that has happened that was happening thing.
Which is Sacha Baron Cohen's helicopter dick.
I couldn't even like I couldn't even watch that because keep in mind I sign on the big screen I don't she like I was like what five feet of act Sacha Baron Cohen get client.
Here's here's my theory when Sasha Baron Cohen is.
Sporting character he's fine because he's limited he's playing of people.
Hugo where he's the the security guard.
Little dog on the jury in Madagascar a car.
Yeah really worked that's a great example even is even in all three.
To help films king jury was hilarious well him million per to know much that's so funny his let's stairs on I am in Madagascar.
Himself you they they were no longer terms I was fine i'm lyn is he was playing on home on car.
At least he as a little much but when he's main character in soul this all up as we lose me on you're a yes justice dish we we too much companies truck down a little.
It's fine it's Dan bride principal all over again actually funny enough about such a measure calling his name is abt nine old this is a it's a Broadway show firmly the eighties and stuff like that but when he was in the men's all I can see is his role in The Sweeney Todd.
It doesn't help he said that he was next to freaking to Helena Bonham Carter like like a I didn't hear master of the house only size try.
Charismatic outlets at Saturday reacting.
Was the master the house no choice needed help I.
Timber since not here time to suck her tits should not have happened how much larger this his hum.
Since somewhere sometime a Paulo 11 minutes left I should mention the obvious one we didn't fully talk about his role as Han Solo in Star Wars yeah I was thinking like if we have enough time.
Like weekend so um that mentioning your Jones and is other big thing was Hans solo in star wars and this year's game you get this if you wouldn't much senators game that's funny because I had never seen before lol few in years gives okay it was just.
Ok it's pretty much Han Solo doing formal check in space at the benches.
Young cadets there fighting against bug aliens.
Starship Troopers setting that's the whole movie in touch I'll already was the head you like griffey.
Like hit a tree graffiti graffiti convoys couplesgifts Clint Howard school more crumbles to the ice cream hardware also like to share my shirt open lower some for get that that voice the accuracy is is shaping Cowboys and Aliens and a.
It because he's trying to lick levy.
Are remaining only in a more Diet Coke not as harsh fashion like oh this sucks datagrid tastes horrible diet Pepsi's okay well I think the changed okay.
Diet Habsi lovely urging for me Sony few lucien better seen it said.
Me the a replay.
A coat is harmful I have a drink that shit.
Just as a just say that diet soda blah blah blah.
Not just just a go dating Eric the we just generic kitchen like into sugar free.
Gummy bear uglier her as ours I'll whatever arm by the way I just want to mention one thing.
On the IMDB page apparently Anders.
For Ender's Game what IMDB is telling us is that.
People who like Ender's Game also.
A also like after the height seriously them as the fish some home.
Only gets better.
It out watch in this game instead after dude.
Just keeping me.
Another guy.
A Mike do it legally peers change colored.
Think it's bed looks cooler um hun so is well as iconic roles plays a ratio has always everybody sing the with the character is he's is the best in and honestly here's a Ford wanted hun so loved I clear Boyd George Lucas didn't want.
Armed message about.
Jersey the truck to move on in the comics.
We cool hearts all over true it's usually.
To it the trip to actually sheesh.
Well thats that's all how publication like that so practically taking chewing the majority mask treatment it yeah explain.
Officials area look it up we'll work it out is right all I see is just to bacha looking up in your site.
Such close to him is just like a move going.
Lol on the moon.
Good friends notes can be good friends colleagues and I speak been isn't reducing as love it there and English.
Action hello there one inflames little.
I feel violated so does everyone else watching this.
You know anyone leave the house love you feel.
Violated by Morgan hate-filled violated ATPG.
With new change talking about certain someone gummy bears the ago.
Care was an innings was in his first rodeo it he actually started in.
In a western back in seventy nine I believe it's called the Frisco kids.
Alongside Gene Wilder ice I was is ITT want and I saw it very briefly and see the whole movie but.
Based on what I saw hears it was a bank robber.
And he meets up with Gene Wilder who is jewish.
A guy whose.
I traveling out west to Mary somebody in hilarity ensues is a try to travel.
Back to California was for pleasing cells.
Question I A.
China think.
Rescue missus clinton keenan 39 it ever since forcing wanna wonderful world in witness States.
All I've I'm looking at design the page in.
Insights has 1 credit in soundtrack in a sense he's a performer for the song Warner what a wonderful world apparently her doesn't goes below if he did.
I'll wear my hair.
And hours after blazin saddles okay.
Yes play sail 74 ans.
Frisco kid was seventy 79 just curious.
Yeah so if you.
Like questions then you wanna see in Para would you while there.
At a very young role at a young age check office located possible I'll.
I would expect in this we've got like five minutes left a letter any last thoughts by Harrison Ford in his films ok just anxious to see what's going to happen in the next Star Wars.
Aside from his broken ankle year yep.
While Harrison Ford well what can we say a man.
He's pretty much he's pretty much a shining example are bomb are like those action actors like those action movie actors and pretty much he's pretty much he's the icono possibly some the biggest roles have we known today like Indiana Jones and Star Wars.
And now that he's growing all he'll come down in the retirement home at The Expendables and The Expendables 3.
Yet it a new title Jack Ryan no now was checker and again clear and present danger patriot games'.
Rain way when he resent working at it wearing their in therein.
Early nineties yellow check rain is a character that he played 00 clear and present danger yeah looks to works really americaine what it's very.
It's like american political thriller are no this isn't like isn't Olympus has fallen for its I'm all the symbolism like or no and Mary k he sure Apple yeah its partners shame and Marikana actually it's more Lake hunt for the Red October.
Isn't the same isn't is known the series to check your own films.
Yep yeah and I do know I didn't know that.
A month can also be a collar but OK.
Still least their support is known for.
The obligatory one note can you know that missus clinton foreign yet he still famous for it you to eat a rancher the principal in ET.
Yep ISSN cells.
Was actually fortunate they showed a documentary on the laserdisc have solar online as well so just sing their show the way.
To a boil what is it zedillo's d PCP.
All new stuff kids are doing just putting his.
For other just tying issues in his back is towards million sleek.
Believe that hearse Ford meaning spielberg.
Angle is not too sure the faces but when you hear is a police sleek hiring shoe do is to bridge formerly school yeah so.
Yet endured took the whole scene ET's try to limit his stuff up the stairs.
Atomics eliot's chair levitate and Harrison Ford is not see just you're just stop when he started lied about it whether he's not doing stuff after releasing all the frogs in the science class hello his recent pic.
On me on the cutting room floor its its well.
I think we harris's forward at this arm.
Yet let's just say a happy birthday a reason for if you ever day happy birthday happy birthday fork.
A few outer every come across at Verde Tasha's should've won an Oscar for the way regina Haas I.
Yes have whenever is a full moon I feel like a stallion again early moon years.
Early though and I feel like a stallion well.
Michael Jackson good music video idea home where you know can't love that well yet so the next up so we're not conducive to pass workers everywhere basically nose on sites tire which.
Just is about arm should be way to talk about the favorite films ever.
Year so we're gonna go through each her birth years and talk about one or two.
Or more it if time permits abut well.
Films from our year so like for example met was born only two more girls born 1890 as burning.
1989 she was born 1884 and so forth.
And her home I years can that be have a pretty good yours to use so yeah I think taking their down a few things I attached site she loved flies Renate second pigments oh yeah at the fork internals yeahh you and dude get the turtle he's got the turtles man and I got I gotta.
I get the Pico a a Disney Animation so.
I got options I've got sequels it hence less movie in AK Michael.
The I.
Do anything do anything does that those morgenthau's star by silly dudes to be here by the way.
I some gummy bass in my room Kumar years.
Coach a quote from de tu kareeb AAO.
Special ok.


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