Sunday, February 12, 2017

Is Fundamentalism Undermining Faith? (The Big Questions) (Part 1 of 3)

Going to compare the big questions for the mod Church of England School in New York at one of the stranger developments in Christian faith is that more people believe in the literal truth of the Bible than they did fifty years ago or a hundred years ago.
Or even two hundred years ago the other than the.
Commandments inscribed on the tablets of stone that Moses abroad on the mountain the verses in the Bible used to be regarded as man-made sometimes divinely inspired not actually the words have gone and the same.
Fundamentalism has also been seen and Islam and Judaism putting sections have all three Abrahamic faiths at all sometimes violate the changing values on the modern world and with scientific knowledge so this morning we're asking just one.
Very big question is.
Undermining faith to pay to be some extremely distinguished scholars and men and women for both liberal and fundamentalist Christian.
To take and Islamic viewpoints have encouraged by.
A very lively audience here in your.
Well as always you can join in to just log on to BBC .co .uk slash the big questions where you'll find links to places that you can continue to discuss online.
Is fundamentalism undermining faith.
Am Linda Woodhead professor Underwood had.
Why is fundamentalism do you believe dangerous.
Fundamentalism the very modern thing.
Actually any arises in the modern period and.
People think it's it also is a misconception that come from the past and that's just the past repeating itself it's not it wants to be clear it wants peace simple it wants to purify it's like %um melting down gold want to find a pure simple truth and then we can clearly think we've got it.
And they haven't got it it's a message about my appetite thing that you can get across in play and then you know where we are but inherently breeds this are from them we've got the truth were the only one to gossip they happened I'm not a dangerous position yeah is it growing.
You yes and no and in this country want to clear some have kinda plateau does not actually going anymore it's like it's a niche.
And that makes actually being filled but elsewhere in the world it.
Is but I think really the bigger problem is it's not but fundamentalist necessarily huge numbers.
Bits that the inference orphanage in fit a given mainstream.
Churches but the Catholic Church of Church of England they become a lot more conservative since the seventies my you think and I think that's the real problem.
And it's interesting isn't it because it's this this this this cleaving too literal is a mmm as well you see was which is a relatively.
Recent phenomenon as he is and that's pretty much what what howdy howdy people but you know I didn't 100 150 years ago I did they see the Bible very difficult I love the Bible initially.
Very differently in terms of allegory in math and soccer yes so today.
I have got caught faction is a min away apart with him and fundamentalism read that but if these are all completely clear.
Fact we know all the facts all there's no dispute is obvious to everyone historical facts that's a bit again modern it's a misreading like a fun to fit text book was in the past there were many more ever underfunded leads that you could read the Bible out there was a mythological 10.
Allegorical 1 it took a whole lifetime to live with those scriptures.
Absorb them really get on and even then you can understand the meaning.
But this encyclical in San understand what it is from that's what the thing I you know whether to the george bush thing you're either with us me or you're against us absolutely yet here's the truth: take it or leave it yeah but will not months dying to come in I evangelical Christian yeah do you believe.
Libel is literal inherent and historically a.
Yes and space just picked up my death before going further so death was great in six days know a little he was.
At 950 yes yeah and Moses literally parted the Red Sea yes yeah the crack is like a checklist yeah.
The crowd I'm came to lot I wanted to rate the Angels a lot of the missed dose instead yes yeah and lots wife was turned into a pillar of salt that's right yeah and what ojeda said.
Watch out learn a lesson from los y.
Mmm and thats that's because we need to the message the Bible ever-changing message the Bible is a where dreamers leave this world in order and the than the design of this world in order to follow the park gotta set page 1 a bit sad is that we might.
Leave are saying behind by putting of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and that way we will get ourselves.
To happen that's one thing of us an inference about from from a message does not mean it is necessarily.
Historically something that actually it's certainly a startup.
It is is it its historical because the Bible.
Is based on the true accounts what took place pay from the Old Testament.
And a new test pattern in 1990 909.
Fifty-years-old well it's quite simple made a dime to nine hundred fifty years old you might ask somebody might my father wouldn't have guessed he'd still be alive 98 I'm but he's alive in ninety-eight the fact he answered human life span is on predicts poor all we know is it will come to an end back that or tweet made many days the Bible is it.
The situation in which they live was different things have degenerated sense which is why we live less time course in the West on.
Under such circumstances we live in a much better than they are in Africa hence the average age is greater toys this dangerous.
This is just being purist businesses believing what it says in the Bible.
I don't know what it's reading it as it's a it's a historical document.
If not historical document like that the Bible my topic also offer different genres of poetry and a.
Some just recall screen in just one way.
Rubble or hewlett exercise when when Marquis it was much much much simple and sincere faith that he was expressing what I was it so much listening to the words i was just wondering what's going on that somebody needs to look and say this is definitely truth I find very few things in my life I can say it definitely true in that way because I don't want to lean on truth in such a crash I don't want a binary view.
Of the world various right and wrong.
There's good and evil and Jesus said I'm no way.
The truth and the life no one comes to the Father.
Except country me now he has prestige on a possible to me just won't work.
Minutes I why have I not yeah not you don't see me yeah why I believe im binary true in force and the reason why I do is because.
Cheese is believed that there was one way to his father and that was.
Through him every other way however good it may seem is a wrong way center is black and white.
And I once gave the right way they'll take me to happen you be rich and well I hope you'll come with me.
Out if that's the way that God is everything she doesn't come with you.
And what was that she doesn't know he well what what happened to me.
What will happen to every Cena which is that every senator does not put their trust.
Their faith in Jesus Christ with Guinness lessons will be judged on that same.
The Bible say there's a heaven and hell so what I want to know is what happens next to the sinners.
Let's say I'm a sinner yes I don't accept Jesus.
In the way that you want me to what will you do.
To me but I went to anything to you I'll pray for you up ready to change your mind but don't you even reading the Gospel her on because Jesus says not both the site map lord lord but those who do the will of my Father now.
It's how we behave it's not being able to pick certain boxes yeah know your rights in week is not good enough just to believe that Jesus away.
The tree from in life but you've got to live your life in accordance with 59 many people do that shortly.
Well whether they call the South a Christian or not was not my fault my father's house has many mansions.
Yeah a lot of my neighbor yeah white hat also make sure the Synoptic Gospels the contradict each other all over the place I'm tell me a contradiction I haven't but different times think things that happened at different times saying to him thanks let into the tight temple at the start of his career and John at the end and Matthew Mark Luke.
You know need a cleansing twice well.
Felt so yeah your church what church you from the number seventy.
Brought right okay you believe that you like and you believe the Bible is absolutely literal truthful and the only way it'll to eternal life is through the society so there are no Muslims and haven't gotten to know Jesus there no end to happen except you've got to accept Jesus.
That's why I got this still needed before Jesus because that's a bitch is Christ sorry I what do people at the beach is Christ.
I put the whole thing can occur I could think I'll just thinkin what to buy to the neck sense to me doesn't want him yeah but they see it as a defensive when you.
When Jesus Christ come into your life is a completely vision you see competent something different.
And that is when I can understand her side.
And my set because I didn't know what we are used to be and the way I'm now so when members talking about the Bible I can I can support him I said yes is a fact because I i because I know I could understand clearly why would Jesus.
Abandoned those who do not accept him not just that abundant anybody.
He wouldn't let says I am the way I'm the truth.
I'd die for everyone who also at the wheel Mikami.
Nothing but whatever it is also ever we may comment to the into a kingdom.
So is open it depends on you on a tournament what makes them think Jesus.
To accept who he is I'm and to lead a life no to accept the most certainly do that that that that David.
The is this what this is what Linda means by its Devin us indeed so I share many out the police said Mark and I fell a panel is she I believe that the Bible.
It's true I believe that it was you know through true indeed that's the question what is it for collection of documents include songs.
Stories poems what is it for a poem to be true.
It's quite different than saying that a a collection up propositions is true.
It what is it for a parable to be true.
It contains many different sorts of things I believe it to be true.
But only read these things we must do it in community in in our tradition I've been using our minds in our reason and in this way there could be many rational christianity's earning be just one.
Fundamentalist true Christianity message is true.
In ass and Italy and I we can we can read a piece above affection mothers great truth in their fiction their their is absolute truth in the Bible but when we say that we don't say it says.
At Linda he said he could wear their factual this and we don't need it.
In terms of actual est approach there's many ways that being and Jesus is the way the truth and the like absolutely good morning good morning the general said as he marched his troops on way tonight he did for middle butter he defrauded contacts what secrets.
Siegfried Sassoon rapes about First World War.
He read a poem about fact and that's what we have in charges we have.
Apparent about barracked picture a barricades over Cicero the fact you right in poetic form doesn't make it any less what you're writing about it said a Jonah is owner John Mara it was the singer.
Was it a lot what's the danger in this do you believe what is it would lead to potentially I believe it needs to exclusion it leads to lack.
Nuance and when I hear about Jesus and thus calling me a sin I've been called a center for so long time spent to make so when you call a Cena it makes me feel frightened.
I think what comes with it so it's fine to have appointed gonna I have had a minute what comes next is.
So what do you do to the other it's about who is the other in this discussion.
If we are sitting together and listening and I don't agree with it.
That's so fine in it interesting it's delightful.
But what I want to know what I'm and scared and I use that word scared about fundamentalism is what happens to the other objects.
Think I can t something in the middle I hear what linda says MMK.
Yes that's ok that's fine I'm hearing what you say i'm saying that's fine but.
Ideas with both eoc my point of view as an Orthodox Jew plywood to Anna.
And my point is that I'm looking kinda went almost a modern ortho chief I engage with secular studies and science and that's what I believe apartment to Moses were given by car but even in my own home in a secure my end tradition for centuries.
We believe there are seventy hermeneutics from two different interpretations.
Have every text the problem we have here is we have exclusive a Salvation ish.
That's what I call you exclusive salvation is he said are have the one truth.
And the one truth is will save you and the rest to view our towns.
Or whatever it is and that's left out what that I'm more teams works were.
March I play its authenticity to three hundred years ago marks point if you will be authentic and if the morning Orthodox Jew.
Well I'm not going to surrender my authenticity to the Y is an authentic position on time what you're saying OK at the at the what they are the orthodox position the less Modern Orthodox Jew would not even recognize.
Up run by Laura as a rabbi with that no.
Is it is she a rabbi had series this year about I'll.
By reveron AC rather than I let nice I guess what but now so it is getting a share up a SCH you want what you are asking is a showcase your opposite because she's a woman right source.
Is it because she actually do you recognize her I but I've been up to I recognize son or as a reformer Rapuano.
I'm a big fan but but the I not already a Yahoo right away let him do it let me let me be very clear about me know and I both neither is it if there are different levels.
President qualifications be an orthodox rabbi on a Reform rabbi there are different there are different courses rar Laura may actually say that the the component to become a Reform rabbi are better orthodox rabbi I'm gonna say vice versa I just come to expect a truth yeah I think I think it's kinda annoying.
Spending twice told to think they're not a rabbi within 5km gone.
%ah got my.
It was a little bit %uh politicians on something sigh I think so I'm coming back to go to NHS today.
Got onto say is the thing about that the voices that we're hearing.
And to the question about whether fundamentalism is undermining faith.
And I think to have a point to view the question is how it comes out into action one of my concerns about the.
Rides that professor linda talked about a.
In fundamentalism he and a different broads is that it is impacting on how people to treating for instance women and the gender separation when I know what's happening is changing.
And it concerns me is this a reaction do you think this fundamentalism against the much a feminism.
In some sense absolutely I don't you think that absolutely uniform across fundamentalism it's patriarchal.
It of what hung on for some believe that men and women are not just different but they're on a call.
On that men should have control I'd say domination.
Another very strong.
Anti-homosexuality drive in what very much about to cam model of Afghan it but purification up your masculinity a very much at the heart a fundamental home %ah don't know how much does but what about today to try to struggle with.
All old or church is no movement which were accepted.
Women bishops with rabbis including my and the right now for the iPhone but many blown out for.
Orthodox today women rabbis it's a start what is a very a very recent.
You as is it is it.
Discrimination %uh the Orthodox Jewish.
Religion being discriminated against women day with a what's that aren't any I think they they're looking at.
They're looking at building their tradition from.
Centuries-old Jewish law so it's an intellectual struggle between those who.
Shut down its lender said and the attempt to a powerful day women and there have been attempts the past and now presidents.
Buses those perhaps like me who are looking at ways to promoting women into.
Into leadership and recognize women in leadership oh and the reform movement.
Room for movement only being ordained rabbi since 1972 okay with that don't know why I Harrison County will be it will be with Islam in a minute arianna some %uh view is that quite from its summer this is quite familiar to you guys I know that level or come out I just want to use I.
You that the women have been ordained been privately owned ames.
They do nothing in public and there isn't deep.
And deepening concerned and the offer though and the orthodox back in just a bit but not only in judaism hang on fall no women against women speaking out in public.
So there is a move to stop women speaking in public where young lady will see nothing as an insult incapacity what's happening I don't have to my least let me try to there are women speaking out in public there are the women who have been ordained.
Have rose with rubin et growth with no leadership roles or the spiritual age with a less cynical i Carl at like i dont wanna be wit.
Whether be wit not you know the in with the dow they are united shareholders are are.
United Jetix exotic by me how much I don't think it I we come from different denominations.
And I i as a result I recognize you from that nomination an issue with record three from not drive from my aunt Irma nomination we are struggling with the issue.
And promoting women Italy a legal right roles but when the house respect back to me a with my open opposition I think in some circles in fundamentalist judaism women all being stopped to sing in public women are not allowed to go into saying zones in public as men and that is that that is really the concern is here and he would not affect it has happened in montana often on an issue what are your plans if my eye on you know I think now that I shot looks like this I'm gonna I'm gonna have shuttle onto another great monotheistic religion Ahafo for.
I just got a large Scott I know you guys wanna cum by you'll have a translator.
College and how is this the car this.
Is this some other stuff quite familiar to you yeah that's just what exactly what I was thinking that you know.
Has gone I'm I'm hearing the same sort of debate going on within the Muslim community yeah we we have the same sort of issues with attacking the same sort of FAM.
Problems and its for me really its.
A soon as we speak make religion into just rituals.
And it to document that we wish to impose on others that's where the problem starts.
And I think we would remain on you can't really need to be able to have space.
And and space within our communities in space in the public sphere.
To be able to discuss openly to be able to understand to be able to challenge our scholars I'm so that we can we can progress as a community and as as as a faith and I if I make great.
A deference and sometimes unquestioning deference to what scholars oh I we have to ask scholars about the scholars say this the scholars setup why the scholars necessarily right yeah absolutely i mean we understand the scholars have studied.
Quite a lot but being a scholar is not just for a min from a must in perspective not just about understanding Islamic law.


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