Wednesday, February 15, 2017

"as WE see It", Show #43, "Read The Constitution Larry" - 6/2/2012

The following programs a .
Presentation a base net internet television for you topics in the way mainstream media won't pasted internet television percent as we see.
With Red Bull has and brings in Los Angeles on g1 the now to our studios in beloved thank you gene and the whole again everyone and welcome to another exciting adventure I as we see it.
Show number forty charade being recorded on.
Sunday May 27th 2012.
It's Memorial Day weekend but the gang is all here.
-1 how years away visiting some relatives for the holiday weekend show we are how lash but I guess it's not quite time for mistletoe and holly at Honeywell.
Thank you say that polish Howley less.
Yeah it's how we left we're it we are Holly less.
But you missed my punchline it's not time for mistletoe and holly yet anyway so we could do it after this week.
Are high but howie was around for this week's crashing last podcast show any %uh view that can call your week without listening to Holly.
Just listen to the latest up a showdown crashing last podcast which.
Ironically enough with their Memorial Day show.
We hear on as we see are not really doing a mourner Memorial Day show but the ladies are crashing glass did and it's called navy check their guests this week was actually a former Navy.
Person and %uh they had quite a good discussion with harsh I'll for your fell all this week old Holly Ann.
Jail mission to navy check and the crashing last podcast anyway from Boston Massachusetts I'm a Jew pen has usual.
An out there in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania we have fred ball as.
Holly Hurley is on vacation out here in.
Brookline mass we have Larry the lobster handout.
Way out there as we determined before we went on the air about 3200 miles away.
In Los Angeles California Jean white could happy Memorial Day everybody.
Irish they do you Act two boys club tonight the boys club everybody going out to dinner see their parade this weekend know I gotta work the opry watch them on TV.
What are you now I don't even out I don't even of Brooklyn has a Memorial Day Parade if they do it might be tomorrow.
Well yes it would be like program Harold I.
We had %ah the casino by me had fireworks.
Way into ligase night last night camp how so much fun.
A decade like dogs in the bathroom shelf yeah I guess the dog probably didn't like it right.
Act show how about a Memorial Day additional lobster tail what you have for us Larry the lobster ok K.
Number one is donald duck was banned from.
Film and because he didn't wear pants a similar.
Incident occurred in the Finnish town of kami.
A few years earlier the international press said gleefully exaggerated destroy with headlines such as Finland pants Donald.
And Donald venice is from libraries but it was.
Really do to his lack of pants and questions about his marital status number.
To you do not need a license to fish on your own land but a hunting license.
Is required to hunt on your own land number three.
You may not see in a bathtub number four.
Dynamite may not be used to catch fish whoa whoa whoa number three you may not think in the bathtub.
Now where where r however what's this all about.
Two three and four are only valid in.
Pennsylvania why you should come into in pennsylvania you cannot hang in the bathtub.
Number two is very true pennsylvania you don't need a fishing lodge.
Talk on your own lawn and watched restricted you don't do you do your hunting license so I church row as far as not seen the bathtub at the current time our top checked out how to use dynamite catch fish anywhere so now I i think thats pretty much.
Nationwide if not worldwide you know I've saw those last one added.
Right away maybe a good job was Morocco.
And be a debate didn't they do that and a half feet at dynamite or something.
Yeah well they do all that with some I was there was actually a are.
Oxygen canister the balance right now actually no it wasn't an oxygen canister actually it was more near the end of the movie and what.
Share of brody took full scuba tank stuck to the shark's mouth and then with his rifle he fired at the school attack and of course the shot watched I special left near there well handled pistol whatever and that's not a very accurate portray 11 anyway because scuba tanks just like Scott air packs up fire departments use his not oxygen obviously it's just compete just air and air wouldn't explode even by firing a projectile at it and puncturing the scuba tank it and I can explode because it's not oxygen affair it's not flammable.
Show that that was just for trade for hollywood anywhere scuba tanks close.
Loan courses Hollywood post be spectacular p.m..
Exactly yeah and now it was what's I remember right after he had to scuba tank the whole show just blew up.
Okay larry woods hoover's fan for self-contained underwater breathing apparatus.
Know who invented it I don't know invented it mister scuba jock pushed on medical school attacks there's another little-known fact requiring ago shown by herself read your do your homework and you're gonna find out if it illegal was thinking about.
Have been the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania yeah I will I'm gonna find out right five much like at about that we don't like I like to see how it what what they want them to have some iraqi.
Hi my father saying that backed up by a ticket that.
That very well could be one of those ridiculous all from laws like that one that we went over on an older episode a show about how in New Jersey.
If you're going under 25 miles an hour your response to have somebody a friend who's running a red lantern.
You know someone who does kinda archaic and applause.
Fighters yeah it probably is a maybe shop pets are of two books will have an answer my butt next show will find out action alright so that was our Memorial Day issue love.
Lobster tails and I don't know what it had to do with memorial day but a champ.
Matter so our next story does kinda have something to do with memorial day contrasted with fans.
And everybody thinks about ban for Memorial Day while Florida A&M University.
And the way ahead a hazing case for drum majors beaten to death but drumsticks mallets they were banned from band practice football games over a year because it s.
At buncha guys you going up gonna be tried.
For murderer actually manslaughter and your defenses have the guy I want that the band member walt would do if he could fit in with his bandmates as part of a hazing ritual anybody got any opinions on that one.
About I don't buy it why would anybody volunteer for that I don't care if it's gonna help you fit in that stupid you know you know they I got to say about that are you wanna be par the in crowd and I mean the guy obviously.
I really wanted to be apart that bay and.
And I guess the decide to endure whatever they're gonna put him through but.
And pointless led to his death the same time I get the latest witnesses.
They're suspending the band programmer something for lease for next year something much larger.
Yeah also a good luck a lot of band members are facing felony hazing charges.
On champion November 9 da ninety dat November.
And 10 told investigators that pic champion water cannon champion want to be hazed and according to the article a quarter when I'm ready to skate kept on gimme more gimme more gimme more gimme more now the question comes up it's just that way there is what what is common sense kick I want this post kicking.
Hey disguise had nuffin born of I mean the guy maybe she can give me more by.
If I tell you push me on a third-floor window and you'd do with.
10 states said your comments attached to kick in with this I mean that you know what do you remember about high school band I remember and high school band I vaguely remember.
May be some kinda like freshman initiation going on.
When I was also in drum corps there was man i've that because Trump or.
You know a lot more militaristic and a lot more structured trance a high school bands are marked I.
What do you remember back i kinda remember some kinda freshman.
Hang on for locker room exact and remember the exact do nothing sure at Allegro well you're more like practical jokes are sometimes not exactly it was just a.
Gentle not militias type yeah do something like embarrassed the cat that's about it.
Ackley yeah exactly but this is gone no overboard man it really needs to be stopped who you know jurors.
This is an animal house where you get down on alright was at a say matters you may have another the additional movies act like exactly is your life well that day you know they could have been thinking that too thanking Allah it happens in movies well real life is a movie you know all these guys that could the hazing they should just thought about.
The repercussions are doing what they did.
Show where is this now fred they're waiting for trial juror dip and a headband right now to wait for trial on national not sure apparently we're going to go with because there's a the implication to keep did ask for and what I got charged with having a trial match or just peach.
Stupid right now the band is back after your sis back after suspension for over a year shall watch what we're trying to follow she would happen to me it's just clinched open and County catch you can't just say while the kid Waukesha don't know each gotta get what you sayin of giving up giving up of I gathered there's anybody I remember those the movie drumline yeah did they ever do anything like that and I was trying to think back there dating like that during that movie now not.
Not to that extreme I've never heard a very ominous extreme yeah me neither show who uploads pictures on their cell phone fun or smart phone whether it's to a social media sky or and Instagram iran-iraq Hannahan.
Not fieldwork and a couple times brown our trade.
Actually could save yourself some time.
There's a one-man that lost her lost her had her.
IPhone stolen and and the people that stole the phone.
Apparently they went on a cruise and while they're on a cruise they're taking pictures on a cruise ship and the phone because for the way she had it set up in.
My phone is shut up that way I'm matter fact one whenever I take a picture i.
Then get a text message or an email saying from did a plus factor.
Your pictures just can upload it to Google Plus and not polish steadiest a lot to say go ahead and post their.
But it just automatically put on your Google+ account.
These people much taller phone go on a cruise to taken pictures lo and behold unbeknownst to them all these pictures are getting.
Not only uploaded to various services but she apparently had a.
The default setting to wear it automatically posted.
All these pictures in our getting posted online and also I have your their ego they got.
The kids name croatia the one guy was work and then taggers something.
And for now their pictures names and everything a big plush of a fall calabash partisan issue with that record NPR Holly Lodge on one wall in left him a mccaffrey.
Hatter stole fall show while she was taking parked at the cruise line vacation.
The pictures by: baccalaureate from iphone appear to show a Disney Cruise Line employee named notion.
In various poses with the phone's camera according to dentist the.
Is display less than pleased with the performance.
The employee has been suspended pending firing.
Part of the 35 take about half way out on a cruise dump the water in a life raft.
What Coach guy come get them paid back story comes on the heels of another.
Michigan iPhone story when it was revealed that the best and Brett Berkeley Calif Chief of Police.
How to shine an official a fish on missing iPhone same idea she show all his people are so concerned about big brother and these automatic postings and everything.
In this case ASM when the story was reported by NPR.
She had actually got her iPhone back but.
For all intents and purposes even if she never actually gets her phone back.
They virtually in a really like fragile under investigation they were able to catch the perpetrators.
Show I don't know you know it how bad everything could it be for these pictures to automatically get uploaded and in this case take what about gosh.
LoJack bone to the cruise line has completed their.
Investigation they better return her iPhone if not for sure lol state they don't.
They walk in the back while there's a complete investigation going on obviously.
Now learnt or not the case at all battle to please always return and lateral.
In a murder case which it says in the police will always return the recovered property back to their rightful owner.
Role social gonna back in order they recovered a now they may not have recovered the phone they could cut it off but overboard eventually.
Show the phone might be gone but if the phone was actually recovered.
Show gonna pack while New York baggage report said.
Disney has confiscated the allegedly stolen iPhone and aircraft placed notion of we while they investigate the Insignia short handed out in their possession.
Got education they got the guy dead to rights to you just fired a kid which.
Okay and hopefully I hopefully beyond.
Some way shape or whoever jurisdiction all ball on four sumbody years 48 coach karl appeared.
The audio to police department wanna Township leave sharma goes to.
Hope we'll charge is cute after the whole bit like that prompts you so much is going on and speaking of getting charged with theft and all I believe we have a story about a prison in Norway.
All larry tisch one brother this one ish for you know.
XTR world nicest pression where r.
Prisoners have their own row never own keys nobody is uniforms.
They pilot they've created a holiday camp for criminals here and the chief fortunately not a pretty governor said show what we should reduce the risk of reoffending because if we don't it what 2.2 of punishment except the have the.
Leaning toward deeper shot of humanity should go away by the way.
And the Sprint don't have a lower level.
I'll love recidivism returning back sixteen percent.
Russian any other present the country and much lower not the United States was about 43 percent.
Show may be shocked to respond not happy about I read this article.
Well I'm not happy he is a man effect I think did the best type prisoner day should have is one that is pattern.
After military boot camp date drag you outta bed at five o'clock in the morning and a project with a paces pushups.
But what was done to richard gere in an officer and a gentleman on the August a verbal helpful held the water hose and sprayed which gear.
While he was running in place stuff like dat replied him play devil's advocate that might be considered cruel and unusual punishment.
Know what they are now you might call it has to be locked away but not be put for Acronis out what actually after what happened on that's not cool and unusual punishment.
You break the law that's what you deserve my life but showed that but.
The Constitution as in so short a constitution protects you against.
Cruel and unusual punishment tough year in prison you break the law.
Well known all larry is not tough now you live in this country your fall under laws and the Constitution.
Not in prison yeah in prison prisoners' have rights I respect that would shut up 4 percent RH.
Jada that you that you couldn't tell you can be beaten impression that you couldn't be flogged prison after all this is about.
The Middle Ages pressures unfortunately or forty case might be.
To have rights to certain thanks now if you go alcatraz you go visit the appeal colony at the people is to shut out the treasure course.
Now closed they have a rule that you buy t-shirts is wrong number five.
York titled of food shelter and medical care everything else you got is a privilege that's what stops but you cannot just sit there and say that you may get a water board these people.
Or you're gonna know pothole job that is cruel and unusual punishment and violates for or even make him get up in the morning and run 10 miles NR you just can't do.
I help on how optic and right but you can make 'em get up at 5am.
And an I'm sure in almost all prisons for.
Around they do do that you know you get up at 5am have to clean your salary man.
And by six o'clock you're eating breakfast you have the right you have the right cable TV you have the right to cell phones you're right sure well cave-like great they do have cable TV I don't believe they have solved firms but cable TV though most prisons.
Don't have cell phones there is a fault.
The prisoners can use it to make collect calls.
But is monitored Korea Cordish should be.
Sure just like all incoming and outgoing mail was monitored as well not just big they owe yet before the males delivered to the individual.
Prisoners day open it and they weeded they open a check for contraband they cannot read decade after another one emotional right another yacht I got.
Hold on all postal regulations that supersede yeah but this is a prison.
Doesn't matter you have right always wriggling call the United States Constitution.
All this falls under that Larry okay how about this one a couple weeks ago to Larry and when it went.
You ft is a couple years ago and I remember this like it happened yesterday because this prisoner had a lot in there I don't know what they serve prisoners for breakfast.
This prisoner whatever they were serving in.
His prison was not what he wanted so he just demanded what I want for breakfast is a preference for all the trimmings you know what you in prison you get you get what everybody else is your.
Get what they serve you well if you don't like it and then he was so.
Kicked off that he couldn't get a breakfast with all the trimmings.
Jimmy all she went court so he talk with his court-appointed lawyer and he was ready to and I believe he may have taken that state's department corrections to court.
Over the breakfast I hope you lost.
Are I'm sorry did because any prison institution.
Is required by law to have licensed nutritionist farmhand an hour.
Everything on staff and you know there's got to be a certain amount of calories in all that stuff license nutritionists are familiar with shown whatever they're getting fared is more than enough to sustain them.
So I don't think he had a snowball's chance in hell winning a lawsuit my power but not offer.
But also you'll remember his or her dietary constraints well so you have are you could and have and repair vegetarian bank comment for you.
Don't want to give you a vegetarian meal if you're a vegetarian.
Honey I have a problem with that but what I have a problem with and Larry side dish panel are pretty going on there expectantly Molly coddle and now you have a Vishwa practices today.
You have a choice is ish or less and you don't like that don't forget yeah if I'm exactly if I'm giving you.
Egg McMuffin kinda sandwich and 29.
100 other inmates are getting an Egg McMuffin sandwich you're getting African agriculture and damage I would have Nash run.
Well we've all been should choice we want to just bitch slap shot little bratty kid well guy apparently did just that and he went above and beyond that her.
He went above and beyond just pet shopping this weekend apparently.
Hot how he had dick and what be article about noise you can reside a movie theater ocean it by a man wash watching Titanic apparently.
We pray he hit a scared but the guy.
Strive to be defensible baptist I mean he told the police she thought.
The partially he hit was a grown man while watching Titanic of that makes a diff -r that that makes that right air right I mean.
I got home and share happened Haryana.
On cam 21 told police she went to rest tonight.
April 11th Aki a.m. she kept station and kept Washington it 10-year-old kid lost toast have bloody nose in the car and the confrontation I hope this guy goes to jail partial could make the origami if you have a proper term making noise you get up.
Gonna manager you talk to a manager to manage ready to talk back to require a most by I mean or you get your money back but you don't virtually don't want you don't shock somebody.
The noise in a movie theater I clicked attack.
Been a grown person and a guy it hit him back eyler.
I loved I didn't know was a kid I told him as an adult joke you cannot really mention right a kid as friends where the bag over the row behind him and they were making all sides and noise.
They were laughing at the guy when the guy told them to to settle down.
And then he also complained that they were drawn popcorn Adam hey there are kids would you expect they're having fun yeah no I tried said you know worse case scenario.
And then a movie theater I've ever worked in customer comes out with a situation like that whether you ask the person a quiet down settle down to remove them or not.
You're always gonna give the complaining customer passes or their money back or something as well.
Show you go out you complain your anger powerful your money back.
But ya clobbering I night scarce than usual.
Me and this comes all from a Act two.
Now that you can't yell my kid I remember.
And when you I used to hang out at your parents house or a a father's house in Pennsylvania or.
You got my pic you know but you would know better to cut my father's house.
Say shop sheepish flap your heart be without thinking twice about it.
That's the way we will rate you didn't disrespect the gulch 1.0 to be quite a few you're quite the fear is that shuttle and now a decade they left this guy wanted Thomas shuttle well you know something.
Not I they want to hit the skids well but you don't do you go after him Angela the magic who have two kids.
Easy enough well we're still on entertainment hand hand hand chain it's all yours this week how about.
Our who care segment happening on American Idol or Dancing with the Stars whole lot haha cashback you.
Thank you and of course I guess it's gonna be one-sided conversation.
But want to bring a follow-up today okay well as far as Dancing with the Stars it looks like.
Market please tell me that American Idol and Dancing with the Stars are all over for the year.
And you and how we won't be needing to talk about this every week anymore.
Dancing with the Stars is over for the season will be is in you're a your I'll American I love.
But their numbers keep dropping in the ratings they are a bit overcooked for good in a I mean okay let me hope and rightly so because there's so many.
Shows on right now like American Idol there is armed American 11 years or something anyway trust out how I'm of got new called duets.
With Kelly Clarkson and non I am in is a no no you and how you're going to be talking about yeah I do Wed saw Robin takers on it along with Kelly Clarkson with the other one 0 are John Mayer they're all on their and what they actually do is a pic people from mountain the out in the states or whatever and they have that person come in and do a duet with them and then the other rock stars.
In the are the judges and you get to judge that person in the whole.
Performance is not too bad overcharge I got a chance to see the.
Are sure you have to go but as determined as ever.
I'm not saying at the best unfortunately it goes in with everything else American alumax Got Talent.
Is and what happened which church what happened richer Dancing with the Stars stirred howie's.
Person when now it was driver i cant.
To give his first name right now the the football star he he won the competition follows gonna be Katherine Jenkins.
Because she got some great scores at the end but it and %uh Donald Robert Donald Driver ended up winning.
The competition with the mirror ball trophy so I'm.
Next year will see the mirror ball trophy did not obey same here now to named trophy from this phone.
Yes there are man so I get this cleared just.
Is both with a disco ball happen in the nation.
Swatted so hurry I guess this means that he's in the driver's seat.
All I'll my.
Are wall.
All anyway I say we move on or close a door.
Defender can add flag memoranda all after collapses bring in a shallow high now.
Welsh lol all over fiction apt Larry the lobster.
Are originally from the New York area truck and our next story we remember way back 33 years ago or whatever when it first happened.
Try to launch bring us up to date assuming you have from facture figures in from you about heat a little more at the time right.
8 hot 8 eight-years-old when he disappeared.
Air six-year-old a talk page district 33 years ago of New York City.
In 1979 came for use in new york city convenience store have mistreated spinoffs all-black 33 plot suspect small a New Jersey man accused more him into a shitstorm.
Surgeries I've confessed to killing a announcing the arrest layout week Authority police Commissioner Raymond Kelly Cole Porter said the police had recieved information from an individual.
Which led them to identify Joan by name Hernandez.
Pedro Hernandez 51 year old a debate on and as.
As personal interest now the tape look Hernandez before among other people are trying to figure out this guy actually get she had not let them yet what body really can't give them a lot alar per and information well I have he has been charged in the crime.
Are you and and his story is that he can taken to a body fat he'd let 'em into the basement Obispo de agua a buyer offering I'm showing candy and a 6-year-old went down with from.
And he strangled I'm put the body.
Strangled body into a garbage bag and trusted into a dumpster show you know obviously nobody is guy.
33 years modern long on they help problem with it but missionary out here right now take on remember when went missing on may twenty-fifth nineteen seventy I must be headed for a school project for school bus stop for first-time animated adjust color block home in New York City show whole nine neighborhood.
It disappear sparked a movement to portray aphasia missing children on.
North Clark Street yeah he was the first to know no and take on wood beast.
With 39 or 40 years old this year had had he lived really don't they don't I get it on a body so they don't know what's going on a date to kick kidnapped and just walk away somewhere as well nope I no I haven't foul play they don't really have any event really.
If they're stopped on this one and hopefully to find shop but this guy has been charged they're looking for direction little closure.
Which day sure I'd case received renewed attention.
April wanna beige was excavated near were a ton disappeared however jeweled no obvious human remains in.
The left to help solve the case I'll and his his parents never running.
And they never changed her phone number just with the hopes that one day he will come later homered I calling um.
So they they refuse to move or change your phone number assists part about that won't happen well all hoping to share your ideas I do know you know I I mean I remember not sure if 33 years ago obviously too and I think it's interesting this guy ends up in Bellevue Hospital because he's crazy yeah I don't think so.
I an hour well am enough good yeah he has to be evaluated you're shy psychiatric evaluation after be.
That that that's a given that's going to be know it without doctor no way that a lawyer's your defense go out psychiatric evaluation and stop awesome Patterson.
Alright so just a little bit south of New York we're gonna head on down to.
Kansas Kansas downloaddownload wish to Mazatlan I wanna give a shoutout to Kansas shot lawmakers out there to governor because Sharia law.
They've patched a ban on Sharia law and Kansas.
And the United Nations upper arms the Arab communities upper arms and you know something I shake.
Good friend governor I supported law one hundred percent and it comes a day after state lawmakers accused the United Nations trying to infiltrate local governments.
The republican-controlled can't Shana top bill.
Panning far too long not too sure a law farm law.
From being used its court and i actually actually Sharia law or islam is not mentioned in it all by name.
Head it's just generally like you just said foreign law generally speaking II am going to have Tony man who call on our next viewpoint discuss this in more detail.
Shiny by and I want to get tony is unique opinion on.
Sharia law in Howard a fax you know this can have a situation I look for that in the future but Fred.
Just as long lead-up to whatever Tony will talk about.
In the future on viewpoint for people on our neighbor familiar with what Sharia law is maybe you could just bring a little bit up today wallach talking a lot happening in Kentucky continuing to back a lot of votes for two French banks 33.
23 shad approved show called Sharia law ban.
And check to the governors of fish he opened the law would prohibit.
Launch of our cars should be used to the site Kansas Court cases now.
It did not specifically name islamic moral cold of Sharia law know what this is.
That according to shortened aspects Sharia law I hodgman can't beat his wife.
He could stall her even haha Sharia law under sharp condition now you don't know the conditions are you have to go Karan.
But what happened that as many many people are.
Much afraid to say it they want to be able you suree law in dealing with to what happened Family Guy peaches wife he cannot be charged with was a short because under Sharia law I'd love to do that we can have to shuttle launch governing one country shawl you know you came to this country have to go bye laws are in the country Sharia law also I'll.
Requires my many many Muslim women to wear parkas work and not required to do in this country.
It's a a law that's based on Islamic religious law rather be gone are based on arcsec along with what we have choate out sure Tony can explain a lot better like and their beverage who we are and we'll get into the details on that show.
But it is who in this country than that is afraid that Sharia law.
Not take over but will become more prevalent here.
Is it telephones is that the government and who is it that even.
Worried about Sharia law taking a foothold here well one vision well i think is that a lot of people are afraid to take take if fact and non-muslim community what happened that because if you allow Sharia law and particular sure are you mean to yeah I did actually gonna be a law then I feel I can call my Christmas tree oh Christmas tree because I'm gonna a family in a lot of Paragon surely borchgrave save that.
Under Sharia law I'm much like an example there too cold and tried to hack it take hold it's hard to explain but I am there's a a walk today a one-man isn't sure what the man dodges okay.
21 can't ish sure you're gonna go there a man I.
Charger the woman dole and build a woman like if less than two children.
Right what you watchin computer he compiled a riot out he can do with you 85-year-old woman which don't understand real law and watery.
Muslim countries and a five-year-old because ragle shore ready for Rob but somebody think that that would actually take a foothold in the good old USA but if it I am compelled.
It may not people are afraid it will be it not even at doj any kind of our law because you know you have short laws and other countries are contrary to what we may have.
We forget that people forget that you wash law not automatically follow you when you leave did I shave across the occasion fact in that jacket that was became five or six years ago.
For create card shark I remember that people or objects that she has right.
I kept up know he got yes US right you got one happy fall into shape or US National are just a couple of.
Just like you were talking the other week about about slamming doors and a inch which on our card or.
If you go to switch unusual in that car electric lock up when a cop right you take you can't claim on the US citizen it doesn't work that way we talked about that we talk about the Roman Polanski I K shell shows on last year's show aback fact switched let him go because I because he not stage would not provide court documents.
That the Swiss quartz needed I should we will talk about what God.
Out you washed watered day with the world or did not affect United States near.
Are there wasa affect us or talk fan we if you will hear any country bitch watch on French charming any the Muslim countries japan to.
Matter you come here you live by the laws that we have shot under the Constitution don't change the constitution to fit a group of people.
That cop people had every right to the you're injured Jewish sects that will not work on Saturdays.
They alter Bridge on Saturday well ok and I can't go to Delaware on Saturday gone the next day.
Or i'ma freak replace that works on Saturday but that.
They are right but you can check your tell me I can't have been open.
Been active how if I'm not Jewish if began.
At the POW camp and back on a law yet mileage.
Bruh watch so do you know of Candace's.
A first with her Act legislation for 90 ish it's hard hard hard to be actually signed into a fact that for law.
Will not affect the Court's very interesting any comments from my religion before.
Wrapping up laws other countries just have no affect here in other words they'd its laws in other countries don't exist here.
Right at Herefordshire just as well if you if we go to another country we can expect US for a polished fairy.
It's just like as an example I don't know in a few remember this but you might.
What Fred mentioned earlier about the citizen of the United States who.
With assistive Singapore they went around scratching the paint jobs on parked cars and they were both caught and of course the penalty in Singapore is caning.
Thats lie in Singapore and nothin that the US can do about it.
But president clinton tried to intervene.
And he tried to convince them not to subject.
Is citizen of the united states that punishment which of course they just ignored his request.
Well then ignored a reduced to five 15 stop.
They shouldn't have reduced to that all because their law stay and are I agree I agree with you larry is rather back.
Should be wherever you are that law should govern.
What you experienced not you're going to each other as far as you know US law goes into Islamic countries or whatever specific to their country and that that punishment should be for their country not any other country that we don't carry should.
Ship ID cards problem is dead andando Miranda versus Arizona when the persons arrested you are advisory constitutional rights now the problem I have with that.
And I'll again it's important but always right Shawnee County to US Census.
Janish where the problem comes in when your restaurant not a citizen.
We allow them to partake of those rights as a privilege and people have to make that distinction now holly was on this program should be go off the wall right now.
By the ideas we don't carry ID card we have to make a shop partnerships and therefore the same guarantees.
But they're not automatically guaranteed those counties you know I am a proponent for the ID card think everybody should carry one of your voter registration your voter you already have known johnnie should just convo.
Blight that come breed on another issue when you yell when you go to another country reparation you are US National in another country and my daughter is my comp my card short.
I am american shamisen in the short run in a foreign country traveling on a visa.
I am shocked to log back on now any civilized culture treats with the same accord that we do normally.
If you if they've read your writing on your rush they worried you're right genovise you love your.
If you're right they do that motion allies countries because they do the same thing we did a four people.
Shame privileged but they don't have to sounds good.
Well another another thing that kinda sounds good I think it's time for our.
Third installment because we have a one to one Collier up to lobster stumps the announcer almost a week come on larry should get up I'm hoping I can because this is a one hit wonder.
Lingo love one hit wonders well I've changed to get this 1i ya know you're quiet one maybe not but I'll give it a try why I don't know why eight came here tonight.
I got to fill not something I right I'm so scared in case a fall out of my chair.
And I'm wondering how we'll get down the stairs clowns to the left to me jokers to the right yeah shop best that's the clue that's a line from the song yeah I know the song sunlight we did that.
5 for turney.
Term and the last minute castles an okay national Irish stuck in the middle with you.
Dealers wheelchair after Hills will that's right.
All call Larry take hollywood online.
Okay so everybody's gonna have to tune in again next week fear jean katt hi.
Fear is back up so there we are for Memorial Day.
Had episode have as we say a and other than talking about crashing last podcast which didn't Memorial Day show we were really much Memorial Day shown.
But go out and watch a Memorial Day Parade if you get the chance have your barbecue and happy Memorial Day everybody from Boston Massachusetts I'm a Jew from.
Pocono Mountains pennsylvanian Pro Bowl last.
Somebody wake up to lobster I'm here and from brookline massachusetts on the lobster am Los Angeles California ING white not be happy we hope you having fun.
NC Memorial Day and tune in next time.
For as we see it right here on based network television %uh.
The new.


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